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/lit/ - Literature

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11568982 No.11568982[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11568986
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>> No.11568992
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I didn't think these were their actual faces at first

>> No.11568999

What's a bugman?

>> No.11569000

Dose anyone else think he looks like a plastic wrap up uncanny urchin. Authentic; his entire facial structure subtly hints at a minor mock up of humanity.

i cant articulate this well; but it had to be posted.

>> No.11569006

i think that is too many semicolons anon, it is time we had a talk about your using habits

>> No.11569011

Materialists driven only by pleasure, also known as last men.

>> No.11569021

I don't say this as a personal insult, it's just true: he looks like Adam Sandler if his mom was an AIDS monkey.

>> No.11569024
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A consumerist urbanite nu-male.

>> No.11569063

Wind up skinnerian insect.

>> No.11569087

how is that different from just a nu-male?

>> No.11569099
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>He looked round the canteen again. Nearly everyone was ugly, and would still have been ugly even if dressed otherwise than in the uniform blue overalls. On the far side of the room, sitting at a table alone, a small, curiously beetle-like man was drinking a cup of coffee, his little eyes darting suspicious glances from side to side. How easy it was, thought Winston, if you did not look about you, to believe that the physical type set up by the Party as an ideal-tall muscular youths and deep-bosomed maidens, blond-haired, vital, sunburnt, carefree -- existed and even predominated. Actually, so far as he could judge, the majority of people in Airstrip One were small, dark, and ill-favoured. It was curious how that beetle-like type proliferated in the Ministries: little dumpy men, growing stout very early in life, with short legs, swift scuttling movements, and fat inscrutable faces with very small eyes. It was the type that seemed to flourish best under the dominion of the Party.

>> No.11569105

how was Orwell so fucking on point. the amount of lasting concepts he invented or popularized is unreal

>> No.11569123

it came first

>> No.11569170

nu-male brings associations of feminism and general leftiness. Small-souled bugmen transcend politics. Small-souled bugmen buy FitBits and Alexas. The buy expensive water bottles with nifty features. They like to find that nice blend of comfort and blandness in their shoes and clothes. They may end their days by watching a nice episode of John Oliver. It may be Ben Shapiro. It may be Bill Maher.
Small-souled bugmen love economics! They have a copy of Freakonomics by the bedside. Their opinion on immigration completely revolves around their belief of if it's good or bad for the economy. This is how they determine a good portion of their political beliefs.
Bugmen do not care about heritage or bloodline or family honor. They are content with being an atomized individual with a nice high-tech fridge and electric car and a wife or husband who will put their shoes by the door every morning. They are content with their 80K-110K salaries. They are content with going to sleep and waking up. Bugmen do not need to consider much beyond that.

>> No.11569181

What the fuck does ben Stiller have to do with literature you fag?

>> No.11569247

He writes books

>> No.11569252

fucking thank you, I was looking for this passage

>> No.11569290

so a neo-lib techno-capitalist nu-male?

>> No.11569301

>driven only by pleasure
I'm pretty sure that the last man is driven by revenge

>> No.11569334

The last men are hedonists

>> No.11569521

Literally me desu

>> No.11569935

I have been compiling /lit/ rants on bugman. I plan on publishing it somewhere online (taking no credit).

>> No.11570027
File: 32 KB, 300x300, 5C38F2F0-F2E4-46BE-8485-7D54B9475E8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this be social “analysis,” how come its sole targets are ordinary citizens whose weirdnesses happen to diverge from those of the retentive gent at the control board? Or are we to read this new fixation on buggery as an indication of approval? Makes you wonder whether the primo quantification in their essays and the as-unique-as-it-used-to-be slang and is as arid spiritually as the posters themselves are. As if there were any question after all these years.

>> No.11570146

it's like a shitlib satire

>> No.11570148

This may be true to some extent but I can personally recognize buggish qualities in myself despite my use of the term. I'm not particularly aware of my heritage. I actually bought one of those google home puck things. I'm alright with being atomized to some extent

>> No.11570163

I thought 'bugmen' was just a term for normalfag proles with no intellectual activity. What's all this shit about moneyed urban nu-libs?

>> No.11570176

Urbanization is a crucial factor in the small-soulness. They have to be moneyed because buying stupid pointless technology and artofmaniless.com beard oil is a staple of the image.
They don't have to be libs. There are plenty of buggish libertarians, centrists, and conservatives

>> No.11570193

Orwell was in with the Fabien Society jews.

>> No.11570203

I see, it's a soul thing. I was thinking more an intellectual and degree of culture thing.

>> No.11570208 [DELETED] 


>> No.11570212

excellent post

>> No.11570251

based poop oster

>> No.11570260


>> No.11570524

from another anon:

Bugmen are literally moulded by the zeigeist. They're walking archetypes of whatever fad or cultural trend they identify with. They're mindless consumer drones, much like Redditors.

small-souled bugman implies that the person has been cut off from their cultural roots, and totally subsumed into consumerist neoliberal hive. they are totally lack any sort of sympathy for their ancestors folkways, higher spirituality, or passion. if they do engage in activities that are somewhat human, they still are heavily tinged by global capitalism. if they are a sportsfan, they will participate heavily in fantasy sports(which is obsessed with statistics, 'scientific' analysis of performance). if they exercise, it will be all cardio, and tracked by fitbit and then uploaded to faceberg. tastes in food, art, music, movies are predetermined by review aggregator sites like yelp, metacritic or rotten tomatoes. political views only appeal to them if they seem 'rational,' and derived from the sort of conventional wisdom, economics influenced worldview seen in works like 'moneyball', nate silver's 538 blog, and 'freakonomics.'

the small-souled bugman promotes awareness about climate change and praises exponential, omnidirectional growth. he stands up for the rights of oppressed women and "sex workers" and torrents HD POV ultra-close-up pornography. he corners VCs at TED Talks to tell them about his drone delivery app and doesn't know how to talk to a mechanic.

he tweets safe opinions under his full name. he vapes artisinal medicinal cannabis, gazes at jpegs of nebulas and ponders the wonders of the universe.

he scoffs at miracles and strives to be the most rational, the most right, the most ahead. he never watches things grow and never watches things die.


>> No.11570530

post some in this thread.

>> No.11570581

Unironically why do they look like this? Did their small soul shape their appearance or did their appearance and mentality shrink their soul?
Doesn't it suggest a certain level of determinism? That could just as easily have been one of us up there.

>> No.11571127

Say what you will, but I have always thought that there is some element of truth to physiognomy. Beautiful people are obviously not naturally more inclined to be brilliant or virtuous, but the combination of their features and their bearing tells you a lot about someone and their personality. People are frequently molded in some way by their physical appearance--at least enough to make some sort of correlation. Thinking about it more, I think it's more that rarely does someone who seems to me to have the face of an idiot rarely proves that impression wrong. Maybe it's possible to intuitively glean whether or not someone has some element of nobility or high-mindedness by the way that they appear.

In those two pictures you can feel out that those people might be educated, and intelligent along certain lines, but I would be hard pressed to call them men in a deeper or more meaningful sense. The men in the last picture are incapable, probably, of understanding that they are ironically mocking the idea of taking a picture, but invalidate that mockery by it being a selfie, and having no decorum while doing it. You get the impression that they have meticulously kept a digital photoalbum, and not one picture has a sincere trace of human interaction. There's a real sadness that you or I would feel, I think, looking through the pictures on their social media, but they probably lack the self-awareness to understand what the impression they give off really is. Fundamentally, I think they have a defect in their sense of body language. That instinct became too dull, and this is the outcome.
Then there's the chapo trap house guys: slovenly, lacking physical signs of high testosterone besides mediocre beards--especially that fat retarded-looking guy in the middle. Their eyes seem soft. They look incapable of having a serious demeanor, and wouldn't be able to harm you other than hysterically calling for a social mob in their place to enforce their desire to enact violence. It's natural in either case to see these pictures and feel disgust. These are not men. They aren't even really fully-grown boys--because when I was a kid it seemed like boys still respected and wanted to be men. They just look like living NPCs.

Sorry for the blog post.

>> No.11571136

What makes you superior to these people?

>> No.11571190

among the bugmen the greatest determiner of their appearance is personal choice. most people arent good looking but they have a peasants dignity to them. the onions present themselves in a way that makes them look as nonthreatening as possible. the first guy looks like old anglo stock but hes groomed in a way that rounds of the edges of his head like a lego figure, he doesnt have to though

>> No.11571246

the pale tan, black eyes, and large canines is just a brazillian (soon to be american) phenotype

>> No.11571256

In these pics it's just clothes and facial expressions, although both are a result of specific mental habits. A few months of training/brainwashing could easily turn them into manly men.

>> No.11571306

They appear to be numale a bit I wouldn’t call them bugmen. Bugmen are small souled because they aren’t individuals. All of their tastes and interests are heavily tinged by global capitalism. These guys at least have their own unique thoughts, interests, tastes in arts, etc. Chapo is based.

>> No.11571319

Bug men aren’t people. Be an individual; be original, don’t be the same soulless drone who is completely devoid of personality.

>> No.11571322

>These guys at least have their own unique thoughts, interests, tastes in arts, etc

No they fucking don't

>> No.11571411

its not a matter of individual vs collective its that their entire thought world and material world dwell with in the realm of simulacra

>> No.11571413
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>> No.11571426

The entire point of human beauty is that you can already make judgments about health and character from one's appearance. In that regard, physiognomy is justified. It's also hard-wired into our DNA.

>> No.11571455

What a load of putin alt right nazi double think rubbish.

>> No.11571471

Gone a day without the jewish cock in your mouth?

>> No.11571860

Nice clip.

>> No.11572014

Delete this

>> No.11572195

>here's a list of things I don't like

>> No.11572245

I have a beard. I wear glasses. I live in a rural area. I am an anarchist. I am manlier than all of you. I hope this /pol/ retardation stops. It's getting old.

>> No.11572311

To bring this topic towards literature: Billy Budd the Sailor is a good investigation of the bugman. Master of Arms Claggart is the first time bugman. His power is not derived from within, instead it comes from the abstract forms of law. He does not possess the natural goodness so evident in Billy Budd. Claggart (and bugman generally) can only exert power in death, because they were never really alive to begin with.

>> No.11572430

I am not going to post my photo.

>> No.11572452

Why are white male socialists always such a pathetic looking bunch.

>> No.11573496

No testosterone

>> No.11573846

Turgid paranoid crap.

>> No.11573870

Why does a generalized term like "bugman" threaten you more than a term like "bohemian" or "hippy" or "jock" or "redneck" which all refer to loosely defined societal archetypes?

>> No.11573878

Sounds like someone feels attacked.

>> No.11573924

Every time.

>> No.11573931

Why didn't you respond to the reply will the point that was more fully formed, anon? Did you accidentally read over it?

>> No.11573932

damn, *with

>> No.11573934

You are fucking dense.

>> No.11573938

Because people I dont like use it.

>> No.11573940

It's okay if you aren't feeling up to responding :( hope you feel better soon, anon
Take it easy and get some soup on the stove

>> No.11573943

Creative. I'll keep going. You?

>> No.11573946
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>> No.11573947

You who?

>> No.11573967

Is CGP Grey king bugman?

>> No.11573969

Avoid Fitbits and items of clothing unless if you want to be seen as a man with no soul. Do not watch left-leaning talkshows, please consider that those men have no non-material aspirations. Self-Help books are vampiric. Skepticism of racial pseudoscience implies a complete emptiness in an individual.

>> No.11573972

I hate metropolitans.

>> No.11573985

Now why would you go and make it seem like I said things that I did not, anon?
Here is my description of bugmen>>11569170
And here I am identifying the buggish features I can recognize in myself>>11570148

>> No.11573993

Why internalize negative shit on yourself based on mostly arbitrary impressions?

>> No.11573997

>arbitrary impressions
Fancy way of saying "i don't care that i'm ugly"

>> No.11574001

Internalizing negative shit? I'd sell my Home puck and read up on my Norwegian heritage if it really bothered me that much. It'd simply be dishonest of me not to fairly address the fact that I myself carry some of the features of this category I am so fascinated by

>> No.11574002

If you're not going to try to understand what I'm saying, then I can't really help you.

>> No.11574005

What is the point of the category other than to just put people in a box and discredit opinion?

>> No.11574015

I can't help but Sam Harris even though he's obviously a philosophy n00b, he's just too cute and goofy.

>> No.11574029

Love Sam*
I love him

>> No.11574039

that's because he's a bit of a dummy and autistic. smart people can't be cute, they can be either evil or weird.

>> No.11574043

I've never once dismissed someone's opinion by simply calling them a bugman. The point of the category is to measure whatever the zeitgeist of the day is. Keep in mind that "bugman" is a very old term dating back to the 19th century. The cultural influences that inflate the bugman in place of soul shift over time but the bugmen stay the same. They are vessels that assume the form of their content

>> No.11574045

>smart people can't be cute, they can be either evil or weird
this is why i pretend to be dumb in all social situations

>> No.11574047

I think he's very smart actually, why would you suggest he's dumb? He's just a naive naturalist who isn't interested enough in philosophy to not say wrong things about it, other than that I think he's pretty smart.

I think it's his mild Asperger's and agreeableness that is cute.

>> No.11574366

Fuck you slavboy.

>> No.11574461


>> No.11574467

this board is infested by /pol/ too now?

>> No.11574476

>Chapo is based.
No, stupid. No.

>> No.11574478


>> No.11574482

i haven't been here in awhile, guess i missed it

>> No.11574483

are you debating the fact that this describes a group of individuals, and that some other individuals have called this group "bugmen"?

>> No.11574496

based bugman

>> No.11574516

Chapo are quintessentially anti-bugmen

>> No.11574587

No they aren't. They look like bugmen and act like bugmen

>> No.11574600

>torrents HD POV ultra-close-up pornography
>gazes at jpegs of nebulas and ponders the wonders of the universe
Spoken like the teen girl I am: I feel attacked.

>> No.11574636

>like the teen girl I am
Post something proving this information.

>> No.11574645
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Yep. Found the bugmen

>> No.11574658

>implying he doesn't like them because they're bugmen traits

>> No.11574700

what makes someone not a bugman? being pro-trump, pro-infowars?

>> No.11574733

anti-materialism (not just consumerism, the entire ideology of materialism), willingness to say the following words (not necessarily racist or sexist or antisemetic, just free from the linguistic brainwashing) "faggot" "nigger" "niggerfaggot" "jew" "kike". Finally and most importantly, hair must be unstyled. Anyone no matter their politics with styled hair as a male is a bugman. This includes the "SS" cut

>> No.11574766

I really cant fathom why the hitler youth cut is fashionable. I think it looks bad and will be the mullet of the 10s. Not to mention the origins of it.

As to bugmen, I think it is noble to classify this kind of social parasite, but I also think 4chan has taken it to the extreme as it always does.

>> No.11574775

Billy Budd was about homosexuality

>> No.11575471

A guy that doesn't lurk enough.