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11542931 No.11542931 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I accidentally memed myself into believing in God

Now what?

>> No.11542937

Go to church

>> No.11542939

uhhh, go to church?

>> No.11542952

Go to a Catholic church and talk to a priest.

>> No.11542957

>go to church (boring)
I think I'm an atheist again

>> No.11542960

turn yourself into a pickle

>> No.11542963

Meme yourself into believing you too are invisible.

>> No.11542969

banana up pooper time

>> No.11542971

This, go interact with actual religious people and realize how ridiculous they are and become an atheist again just like what always happens to me

>> No.11543001

What makes religious people ridiculous to you?

>inb4 they're hypocrites

Everyone's a hypocrite.

>> No.11543024

Not him but they’re always so enthusiastic, always saying the same empty phrases of praise, never having to think about anything. It’s like they’re really serious about it all, but not, at the same time.

>> No.11543039

Basically this, its less looking at them where I lose heart but when they ask me to express things an ernest believer should express and I just feel absolutely nothing
Makes me realize what hallow belief I had in the first place

>> No.11543124

Do you think they never have moments of doubt?

>> No.11543160

I don't care. Its all fucking dumb and made up that's the real lesson

>> No.11543188

What if they do? Also, how do they view the obvious ecstasy of people of other religions? Do they think they’re psychotic or something? Do they ever wonder if they’re also psychotic/ possessed?

>> No.11543209

I was just asking. My cousin is a born-again Christian so we have talks about this occasionally.
He has become much more accepting of other faiths.
That said his church has a cultic atmosphere and he's expressed his misgivings to me.

>> No.11543214

There's thoughtless plebes everywhere sadly

>> No.11543222

Go to church.

Also, start reading CathoLit.

>> No.11543415

Vote Republican.

>> No.11543454

Is seven storey mt good? Is it like confessions? I know he was in touch with the (((cultural milieu))) is it pozzd?

>> No.11543455

>tfw this
I want to meet a single honest man.

>> No.11543459

Talk to a jesuit . Easily the best type of priest to know.

>> No.11543468


Read the bible, read the history of the early church, read the greeks. Go to church. Learn about philosophy, that stuff priests learn about in seminary. Your problem is you feel the call but can't articulate it to yourself, and brainless boomer lay-morons aren't helping. Don't get me wrong, they may have the right beliefs and may even choose right action in their lives but they're not and shouldn't be a source of your faith.

>> No.11543517

why do you say that

>> No.11543528

Not him but they are typically the most learned, and would probably be able to answer any questions of faith with just the right encouragement.

>> No.11543529

Become Amish, that'll teach ya

>> No.11543546

How would talking/emailing a theology professor fare?

>> No.11543549

read Guenon

>> No.11543566

Theology professor? Yeah, cuz that's how you attain spiritual wisom: book learning. Good grief! You just need a simple pastor or rabbi and a strong community of fellow believers around you. Otherwise you're just following the same impulse to seek intellectual hobbies that brought you to /lit/ in the first place. Well, I made use of my one and only post here ever. On back to /ck/ I go.

>> No.11543602

I became religious by reading more about the more technical aspects of spirituality like metaphysics

>> No.11543616

>strong community around you
>muh feels
This applies to almost anything you want to do. Mutual recognition and association with like-minded people, what meaning is there beyond that? I've attended church before, and the gap in knowledge (or language desu) is too much. At what point does one say to irrational irrationality: STOP

>> No.11543639

People that go to church are stupid usually: one thing is for sure though, God is real.

>> No.11543649

How did you come to that conclusion?

>> No.11543657
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>God is real
yeah but that's pretty close to saying that "something" exists

>> No.11543671

Metaphysics. Same way Aquinas did.

He does. God is everything. Everything that happens is an aspect/‘thought’ of God. We are the neurons/synapses in his vast mind, think of it that way.

>> No.11543691

Is God necessarily in potential about the choices available to him? Is he always "emerging" in every way possible? Also does his omnipotence allow him to erase everything, including himself, forever?

>> No.11543728

I consider it this way: God IS good, since good is order, and is requisite for there to be all things, therefore why would he end himself if he is all and he is good.

Do I consider God to be in the form of a man? Yes. Do I consider this form to be physically existing somewhere? No. It’s complicated, not as simple as you think and might be more closely allied with the problems of Platonic forms and ideals in my opinion.

Everything is physically occurring as Aristotle said it was in Metaphysics: growing, destroying, or transforming. Science confirms this, and it’s how reality functions and how motions are made with ends in mind.

>> No.11543761

What would God want to do with his own goodness if he could not have desires, as there is nothing that could be unfulfilled for him? I try to treat God as a composite of the physical universe but also whatever variations of physical ordering is possible, whatever variations of time, of actions and inactions. If he was something akin to an outside spectator how could he be omni-present?

>> No.11543771

Years of being shamed online for being an atheist made me turn back to faith. God works in weird ways

>> No.11543784

why are there always so many threads about religion on this board?

give it a rest already

>> No.11543809

Most of us are Christian.

>> No.11543845

talk to a priest or catechist
what he said

>> No.11543936

He does not desire. It is impossible for God to desire, since he has all he wants within himself. He seeks, just like us, what is good. It could be said through time itself he seeks these things, so that our civilizational history is really a story of him seeking greater good within himself

>> No.11543947

No priest is going to tell you something like this >>11543936 tho

>> No.11543996

Yeah, but he's a complete and utter normie to faith. He needs small steps. He can get a firm standing of the Catholic faith by meeting with a priest, particularly a catechist and watching Catholic answers. That's the baseline. Then, he can go on to read the saints, thomistic philosphy, etc.

>> No.11544002

You'd be surprised. Talk to a Dominican some time.

>> No.11544037

Sounds like Sisyphus or maybe ouroboros. How is seeking good different from desiring good

>> No.11544042

Some of them are poor white people who say things that won't make them money

>> No.11544051
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Thomism and absolute divine simplicity will just lead him back to agnosticism, then atheism. St. Gregory of Palamas warned us all but the pope didn't listen and now he's praying in mosques and hindu temples, etc.

>> No.11544054

This is my problem
I have zero interest in going to church every sunday and listening to some boring ass sermon while I daze off and try not to look at my watch so as not to slow down time

>> No.11544299

Not when you supply scripture. "I AM THAT I AM," "I am the Alpha and the Omega" screams Thomism bud

>> No.11544655


Nah. Divine simplicity entails the highest happiness when combined with the Incarnation. Why make do with the 'energies' of God when you can love God Himself in Christ? Far as natural theology goes, the existence of God is sure because creation without him is metaphysically unstable.

>> No.11544687

Ive tried to meme myself into the church many times but it is so fucking retarded holy shit.
The bible cherry picking is the worst, specialy because they have no historical knowledge of their religion.

Only deism or pantheism makes sense but that is not a useful God.
I've actually tried to make up a religion myself to meme myself into it.
Maybe I'll get followers some day.

>> No.11545460

you probably think you're so cool and counter-culture don't you.

>> No.11545481

>when they ask me to express things an ernest believer should express and I just feel absolutely nothing
I had this when I first became a Christian. The key to fixing this is to actually take "love God with all your heart" seriously. Like actually. Once you become a Christian, Jesus should unironically become the centre of your life, and you should be as excited to go to prayer or church as you would to go see any loved one.

>> No.11545517

Have fun being sodomized by Spinoza in the eternal fires, faggot.

>> No.11545520

>Do I consider God to be in the form of a man? Yes.
Opinions: dismissed.

>> No.11545524

>dude god is perfect and omnipotent
>but at the same he, like, seeks to achieve a certain state of affairs

>> No.11545550

>Now what?
Now, after a completely artificial and superfluous "conversion", which will last as long as fart in a windstorm, you realize that picking a religion like it was an article of clothing is a consequence of market economics permeating even the deepest roots of contemporary human beings, and a clear sign of a dying culture.

>> No.11545555
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>is a consequence of market economics permeating even the deepest roots of contemporary human beings, and a clear sign of a dying culture

>> No.11546995


He got you there

>> No.11547364


>> No.11547606

Come to Islam.

>> No.11547946

LOL! Everybody is dogmatic and ridiculous in some way shape or form, it isn't mutually exclusive to the religous.

>> No.11548385


>> No.11548469


>> No.11548538

How could Thomism lead you back to atheism when the entire foundation of modern atheism/agnosticism is built on denials of Thomism?

>> No.11548664
File: 169 KB, 500x500, A9884949-A04D-47B8-8182-9DC124BF32C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>objectifying God is conducive to faith

>> No.11550013

Merton discussion when?

>> No.11551054

Where do I start getting memed by this man?

>> No.11551581

the seven storey mountain of course

>> No.11551957

Sure, if you turn your brain off.

>> No.11552884

Are Trappist monks gay?

>> No.11552890

Become a priest.

>> No.11552900

Not me I'm a fucking ironic meme man with no ernest opinions on anything

>> No.11552907

No. They kill homosexuals.

>> No.11552919

I'm a non-denominational christian. Nothing's stopping you

>> No.11552950

Are they the ones that make good beer?

>> No.11553086

and get molested

>> No.11553160

A meme.
Literally doesn't happen at statistically higher rates than average. School teachers molest at statistically higher rates than priests. Fags molest at drastically higher rates than either.
This idea that celibacy makes you more to one day snap is absurd and reflects more on the person making the comment than it does on priests. It tells me that person never went more than a few days without release since puberty and cannot conceive of ceasing sex or masturbation. It shows they have a pitiful lack of control over their own sexual urges.

>> No.11553175

Being dogmatic is fine as long as you can back it up.

>> No.11553299

you'd think a bastion of godliness would hold itself to a higher standard than the "statistical average".

>> No.11553525


>> No.11553534

Positions of power attract sickos.

>> No.11554485

Tell me more sweetie

>> No.11554513

Then why even be religious if it doesn't make you a better person? The only difference is that now you have a set of arbitrary rules imposed on you.

>> No.11554522

Except Christ himself?

>> No.11554751

weak willed faggot

>> No.11555621

>muh essence energies
>Thomism leads to atheism

First sign of an Ortholarper who's watched one too many Jay Dyer videos

>> No.11557134

Are you offering dear?

>> No.11558284
File: 91 KB, 734x729, 1491665193698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop masturbating.

>> No.11558287


>> No.11558444

*tips fedora*

>> No.11559370

Is just sitting and listening to a sermon a protestant thing? Or do catholics do it too? I'm orthodox and church is much more interactive than that.

>> No.11559388

This. Go to church and meet a nice Christian girl.

>> No.11559814

Meme yourself into being God.

>> No.11560157

How do I meme myself into believing god anons? I would also like more information on how to do this >>11559388 and this >>11559814

>> No.11560201

>synthetic a priori

>> No.11560237

Do you not feel insincere by forcing yourself to believe something almost entirely out of spite and insecurity?

>> No.11560238
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*tips fedora

>> No.11560244
File: 98 KB, 736x736, 6551fde33670992c74d72309d2c488c0f1f3d8a9aa56253fa5e72c043e1f471c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11560255


>> No.11560259

Step 1: go to church

Step 2: realize you're made in the image of God and that that's more than enough

Step 3: profit

>> No.11561661

Thanks, anyone other brilliant tips.

>> No.11561759

Just read a lot of religious literature, especially Christian mystics like Merton

Eventually it will seep into your brain

>> No.11562656

Is there a good chart or reading list for this?