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11531309 No.11531309 [Reply] [Original]

Are there books that will help me to become a person worthy of respect? Can reading actually change your life? Please, don't recommend some old philosophy, I can't read it, I have a short attention span and easily get bored.

>> No.11531349
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>> No.11531362

Actually, reading self-help books can help. But don't become a junky

>> No.11531369


>> No.11531373

what a stupid image

>> No.11531375

If you have a short attention span and easily get bored, that's what you should work on first.

If philosophy is too hard for you at the moment, read fiction. The best fiction can help you understand people, including yourself; it will therefore make you a better person. Some recommendations:

James Joyce - Dubliners
Poetry of Thomas Hardy
Fyodor Dostoevsky - Notes From Underground
Ernest Hemingway - The Sun Also Rises
Carson McCullers - Ballad of the Sad Café

If you ever decide to move on to philosophy, Sartre's "Existentialism is a Humanism" and any of the works of Plato would be a good place to start.

>> No.11531385

Picked up this book today and read that one of the rules was to pet every cat you see. Another is to not let your children do things you dislike. If Peterson is against the 'radical cultural marxist neo-liberal left' telling people how to behave, why did he write a dogmatic life manual?

>> No.11531386

Yo isn't forcing things a way to make it?
Or are you implying that it doesn't matter?

Looking past those questions i agree the image is stupid.

>> No.11531387

reading is for fags

>> No.11531411
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>Just stand up straight and give a firm handshake
t. boomer dad

>> No.11531438

lmao, this passage is unironically kino. What I find funny about modern parents is that while they are correct that hitting your child is bad, it's well studied and there's no mistake in saying that, they forget that if your kid challenges your authority and gets away with it, it's even worse.

>> No.11531542

You are such a smart person

>> No.11531576

dude im so sad lol depression dude weed lmao dude anime dude a e s t h e t i c dude porn lmao im so sad xddd

>> No.11531588

Have you washed your penis today?

>> No.11531616

>pet every cat you see
based and redpilled

>> No.11531633
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based, should have done it to, people are fucking pussies today.

>> No.11531660

>Please, don't recommend some old philosophy, I can't read it, I have a short attention span and easily get bored.

You will never become a person worthy of respect.

>> No.11531706
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What is the school of those philosophers who take their kids to McDonald's and get shaken down for milk money?

>> No.11531733

>dude, become an excellent reader from the get-go!
Fuck off.

>> No.11531793

Reading on its own is useless. Books can sometimes help you to change your life, but you have to actually do stuff with your knowledge if you want your life to improve.
Change doesn't come from what you know, but from what you do.

>> No.11531892

Cult of Degenerate enablers

>> No.11531909

These books are a total meme. You don't need to read a book in order to realize how you can improve your life.

>> No.11531912

You know, I think I need some guidance. The reason is... Well, everybody knows how to become successful. You gotta work hard, you need to have strong discipline etc. But not everybody acts accordingly, yet almost all people crave success. I lack some kind of internal order that I can't achieve all by myself, pal.

>> No.11531915

baltasar gracian

>> No.11532038

Try The Slight Edge.

>> No.11532072

This is great advice. I'd also suggest Christopher Lasch's The Culture of Narcissism as a good account of what to avoid, alongside the readable (but admittedly wonky and unbalanced) blog essays of The Last Psychiatrist.

If you can, work towards reading Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. It's boring, but it'll show you what might be involved in being a real mensch.

>> No.11532247
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nihilism lmao

>> No.11532270
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>become a person worthy of respect
>I have a short attention span and easily get bored

>> No.11533221

literally read the greeks, youll find any sortve of wisdom peterson could muster along with so much more.

Dont fall the self help, sophist, commercial bullshit.

Read and Act.

>> No.11533232

Don't fall for reading = self improvement in the first place

>> No.11533515


>> No.11533676

Most books about ethics, you fucking retard.

>> No.11534294

eh some people need to learn first. If youre a fuck up like OP, more experience wont do shit. Either get a teacher or read.

reading alone is useless thats why I said read and act.

>> No.11534306

How do you know what to do?

>> No.11534326

your problem is that you care about other people finding you worthy of respect

reading doesnt change anything, only action does ultimately.

>> No.11534329

Then read some other shit than the 12 Rules.

>> No.11535540

Great suggestion with Aristotle. I'd go as far to say that it isn't boring, either.

>> No.11536405

OP has stated that he's not currently worthy of respect. If he has this low opinion of himself, that means he recognizes his own flawed actions.
The knowledge of what needs to change, what he needs to do differently, is therefore already within him. And the proof is in his shame.
This what he should do, to start with at least: correct that which he knows to be wrong.

Incidentally this is a major point that Peterson makes.

>> No.11536540

Why didn't he scare the kid?

>> No.11536556

Because parents are cucks nowadays.

>> No.11536564

wow what a stupid post

>> No.11536599

So, I recently read through the Nicomachean Ethics, and I found it really enjoyable.Is there anything else from Aristotle I should read through? I'm more interested in ethics and "how a man should act" in regards to philosophy. I can kinda get interested in metaphysics and epistemology, but that isn't the main reason I read philosophical works.

>> No.11537683
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>up yours Daddy-O

>> No.11537711

I've tried reading multiple self-help books, none have offered any guidance that wasn't already obvious to the able-minded person.

>> No.11537729

Reading won't make people respect you more.
Just make a lot of money.

>> No.11537812


>> No.11537822

>Not doing both

>> No.11539192

From Aristotle, probably the Politics and the Rhetoric. There are other ethical works he wrote/that are ascribed to him, such as the Eudemian Ethics, the Magna Moralia, and Virtues and Vices, but besides being of uncertain authorship, they also, Eudemian Ethics aside, aren't quite the same caliber.

>> No.11539483

I say this unironically: just be yourself. Stop caring about the opinions of others and do what you think. Someone will always disagree and look down on you.

>> No.11539490

He's right.

>> No.11539758

Alright, thanks a million bro. I'll have to remember to finish those sometime!

>> No.11539766

Honestly just read five books a year (not YA/teen fiction or sci-fi unless it's Dune) and you'll do much better than you already do.

>> No.11540244
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>unless it's Dune

>> No.11540266

I got to that point a few years ago and just asked God to take charge of my problems. I understand fully that this seems schizophrenic or intellectually dishonest to many secular thinkers here, but I have to say that it worked.

>> No.11541732

you don't have a short attention span you have a ruined one, start meditating and exercising

>> No.11541752

What if you don't have a short attention span but get easily bored?

I can sit down and read a book i find interesting for hours straight, but any kind of monotonous task bores me to tears.

>> No.11541753

reward centre is probably messed up, do you watch a lot of porn and play a lot of video

>> No.11541758

meant *video games

>> No.11541765

Nah, don't play video games much. They're pretty monotonous and boring. Not stimulating enough.

>> No.11541768

then porn might be causing it, tons of studies on the subject

>> No.11541774

I watch porn but not excessively. I assume as much as any other average guy.

>> No.11541782

it can have different effects on different people

>> No.11541808

I’d say the average guy watches too much porn

>> No.11542286
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