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11516784 No.11516784 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Literary hacks

I'll start with the obvious one

>> No.11516797

I'm curious, what did you read by him and what makes him a hack?

>> No.11516818

Guénon reads like well structured encyclopedia and is probably one of the most impersonal writers ever published.

Not a hack.

>> No.11516823
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>> No.11516844

any traditionalistcucks, cuckservatives, christcucks, freudiancucks, jungiancucks, hegeliancucks, and platocucks

>> No.11516853

This, OP is a fag

If you are a materialist, athiest, biological or psychological reductionist etc, than it's perfectly fine to disagree with Guenon on those grounds if you are honest and open about your reasons why but don't expect to be taken seriously if all you do is call him an 'orientalist' or 'hack' without writing even a semi-detailed critique addressing his ideas alone.

>> No.11517335
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>> No.11517341

how the fuck do you lump all those in together? most of them don't like each other lol OP is a fool

>> No.11517346

Why does he look like a stuffed animal?

>> No.11517357

OP is a brainlet faggot

>> No.11517369

>how the fuck do you lump all those in together?

>> No.11517479
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It's 1/2 the angle and 1/2 he is just a big-brained nigga so the rest of his head is big too

>> No.11517482

>it's a "communists shit everything up" episode

>> No.11517484

Why don't you explain what you think is good so we can all mercilessly mock you for it?

>> No.11517545

What is it with Guenon fanboys getting ruffled so easily? OP is obviously baiting you retards in order to expose your unyielding devotion to his supreme godhead Abdul Wahid Yahya. Now kindly fuck off back to /x/.

>> No.11517610

>be triggered by other peoples trad-posting
>post a thread hoping to get a anti-Guenon circle-jerk going
>people call you out for making a dumb post
>lol I was just trolling all along!

>> No.11517617

>people call you out for making a dumb post
You sure these 'people' (you included) aren't the tradposters clogging up this board?

>> No.11517640

more like
>posts a thread to get pro-Geunon zombies flustered

which worked btw

>> No.11517656

Except that past all the shitty traditionalist memes Guenon's works remain untarnished and he still is an exemplary writer. This is proven by the fact "Guenon zombies" are still far more capable than you at pointing out bullshit for what it is in an astute manner.

If you want to rouse some shit up, make fun of Evola. Now there's a hack.

>> No.11517673

The real hack is Evola

>> No.11517678

>n-no please bully Evola instead
jesus christ the state of tradcucks...

>> No.11517685
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I know it goes without saying but just in case

>> No.11517706

I'm not a traditionalist.

Guenon actually knew what he was fucking writing about with regards to bridging the gap between Western and Eastern thought and philosophy. He pretty much had no ego to speak of and only focused on making Eastern metaphysics accessible to the average person. He had no strong controversial beliefs and certainly none as crazy as Evola's. People that actually read Guenon and go past the meme status of LOL TRADITIONALISM are more just curious about Hindu or Muslim philosophy than anything.

Contrast that with Julius Evola, a crippled rapist contrarian lunatic who was edgy for the sake of being edgy, who advocated beating your wife, who believed in ghosts and thought Nazis were doing the right thing for the universe. He often declared himself a superfascist and believed that might makes right despite being a feeble senile old man for almost all of his life.

Gee, I wonder which group would be easier to make fun of.

>> No.11517745

>Contrast that with Julius Evola, a crippled rapist contrarian lunatic who was edgy for the sake of being edgy, who advocated beating your wife, who believed in ghosts

Guénon had also very weird beliefs, about sorcerers injuring him, among other stuff.

In a letter to Evola, Guénon even thinks that Evola was paralyzed because some sorcerers had attacked him, a notion which Evola found quite humorous. Before his death Guénon also instructed people to leave his study as it is, so he can continue his work after his (physical) death.

With all respect, Guénon had also very weird beliefs, maybe even more-so, than Evola.

>> No.11517765

How is Guenon a traditionalist when he believes modernism is inescapable and predestined?

>> No.11517769

Take away the Hegelians and you nailed it.

>> No.11517774

>yea like, he was such a genius beyond all comprehension he is like, so above those brainlet tr*Ditionalists he actually found perennial truths lmao

>> No.11517788
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>tfw you can tell that one completely unhinged tradfag is in the thread, and already freaking the fuck out

hahaha he does this in every thread

>> No.11517799

He regarded it as just one part of a cycle which will eventually give way to a new stage, so its not irreversible and permenent in his view

>> No.11517800

Pseud: The Post

>> No.11517835
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t. a literal cuckold

>> No.11517864

literally go to your father's gun closet, load up the pistol, place the cold barrel on your nape (angled slightly upwards of course) with two hands and calmly pull the trigger please.

>> No.11517875

This may come as a shock to you, but traditionalism does not mean adhering to some (dead) traditions and institutions and nostalgic view of the past.

Traditionalism as a term is a bit misleading. Perennial philosophy or philosophia perennis is what most "traditionalist" authors are about.

>> No.11517898
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Whoa, be careful with that Edge. Might cut someone

>> No.11517905

cutting oneself is the highest form of art though

weirdly you posted a pic of trad guenon reader though. you could have found a much better pic of a stereotypical autistic edgelord than that, come on...

>> No.11517921

>Guenon had also very weird beliefs, about sorcerers injuring him, among other stuff.

Well, belief in that sort of thing is fairly typical for all the eastern societies that he wrote about and only seems unusual from a western perspective. Also, he made a lot of enemies with his books attacking theosophy and spiritualists and there was that one case that he mentions in his letters of that Jewish lawyer who asking all around Paris to see if anyone had a photograph of Guenon. So he had valid reasons to suspect certain people had ill-intentions towards him.

>> No.11517926

If Guenon is a hack, who's not a hack OP? What's the bar here

>> No.11517935

You still sound biased. If Evola would have displayed such behavior you would have called him lunatic, even insane.

Guénon also believed Aleister Crowley was personal adviser to Hitler. (Also in his letters)

>> No.11517941

not OP but aristophanes and carlos abente

>> No.11517971

dude fascism bad XD

>> No.11517996


now if we could get this thread back on topic, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Steinbeck, Woolf are all obvious hacks

>> No.11518006

Guenon and Evola are both good, theyre just wrong

>> No.11518058


>> No.11518080

his poetry bad

>> No.11518084

>You sure these 'people' (you included) aren't the tradposters clogging up this board?

Yes I'm pretty sure. It's not trad-posters invading every philosophy and religion thread trying to shitpost it to death because they disagree with it, the other way around is usually what happens. Guenon's name often pops up in a thread about religion, Jung, mysticism etc but that's no different than anyone else chiming in to say that they think X philosopher got it right. Most people who have read him who post about him here are more than happy to make detailed posts articulating and defending their views. By getting so triggered by him and by making hyperbolic and angry posts about him people just make fools of themselves. There is really no reason why you should treat him different than any other thinker you disagree with instead of making him into some sort of evil boogeyman or pied piper.

>> No.11518254
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i remember when this board used to be about literature

>> No.11518334

>institutionalized because he thought charging interest is bad
tells you all you need to know

>> No.11518342

that's fine, anon, he'd have preferred brainlets lke you despise him

>> No.11518383

I'm a traditionalist, but I've noticed that fans of Evola and Guenon get triggered IMMEDIATELY if you criticize either of them

I think Evola is kind of a fag and I notice that furious fan boys flood into any thread that I criticize him on and will argue about him for an hour straight