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11517715 No.11517715 [Reply] [Original]

Post literature that has made you laugh, whether on purpose or accident

Magarshacks translation of Dead Souls is absolutely hilarious, though I'm sure the other translators do a great job as well.

>> No.11517736
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Here's an excerpt. Out of curiosity, does anyone else have a different translation (P&V perhaps) that would show how they translated this text? It's towards the beginning of Chapter 3

>> No.11517894


Funny your OP is Gogol. The Nose is one of the few fictional works that made me laugh out loud. Won't tell you what specific scene for fear of ruining it for you, but I had to put the book down and laugh.

>> No.11517923

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is a funny read

>> No.11517939

>“‘I’m sorry about the clock,’ he said. My own face had now assumed a deep tropical burn. I couldn’t muster up a single commonplace out of the thousand in my head. ‘It’s an old clock,’ I told them idiotically. I think we all believed for a moment that it had smashed into pieces on the floor.

From Gatsby. Takes a lot to make me laugh, it's usually something small like this in an otherwise fairly humourless book.

>> No.11517994

It isn’t all comedy but there are some very funny scenes in that book.

>> No.11518213
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I can't remember anything specifically that made me laugh out loud reading this, but I laughed out loud reading this. Bulgakov's incredible in any case

What part are you referring to? I've read The Nose but I barely remember it

>> No.11518231

i lol'd at the part with when chichikov and the one landlord keep insisting the other go through the door first with great courtesy before just squeezing through together. and then it happens at ever door they come to

>> No.11518242
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i just laughed and laughed. couldn't even tell you any specific jokes but the book as a whole is fucking hilarious

>> No.11518327

Recently at Three men in a boat, and on a hovel.
In a boat is better, did not expect to enjoy it that much and laugh.
On a hovel is just making fun of Germans

>> No.11518355

Great cover anyway

>> No.11518377

Darkness at Noon. Rubashov's coded conversations with the neighboring inmate are pretty funny.

>> No.11518426

Reading through Magic Mountain; it's taken me through a range of emotions but Hans and Director Behrens can be hilarious.

>> No.11518635


>> No.11519121


When he sees the nose escaping in a hansom cab or something.

>> No.11519153

>horse chestnuts
>cute chubby general's nurse
>chocolate cotton

>> No.11519224

Lol The Nose was the first bit of literature I read in Russian. My reading comprehension skills weren’t very good, so I was really fucking confused when reading it, thinking I was making huge mistakes in my understanding. But it turns out I was reading it correctly.

>> No.11519818


>> No.11519848

the sot weed factor

>> No.11519932
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The Confidence Man has some absolutely hilarious conversations. It's probably the funniest book I've read overall. Melville in general is really funny in general actually, feel like he doesn't get enough credit for that.