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11511042 No.11511042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Im thinking of reading this book, its a national best seller. Have you read it yet /lit/?

>> No.11511045
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It's liberal trash larping as being edgy. Anti-fascism was a mistake.

>> No.11511052

no politics on this board plz
fascism was a mistake

>> No.11511055

>the left-com position belongs to pol
I'm not even a marxist and I can tell you it's trash.

>> No.11511085

It could be an interesting read, but it's likely nothing more than a sad reminder that the left has total social immunity.

>> No.11511171
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>attempting to shill your shitty book on 4chan
Go ahead, call me /pol/

>> No.11511200
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quicky summary

>sell out antifascists in spain in 1939
>ally with hitler and help him divide poland
>do same exploitation of workers as monarcho-capitalists once you get in power
>collapse after 45 years of retarded economic policies

Yeah, I'll take fascism instead. At least it doesn't lie.

>> No.11511394

>at least it doesn't lie

>> No.11511459

Nah, antifa may be the latest trend in the US but we've had to deal with them for decades in Europe, and we know their shitck backwards. You don't even have to be super right wing for them be a pain in the ass. They're a bunch of tools and druggies.

>> No.11511507

/pol/ tard

>> No.11511513


>> No.11511527
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This, how did we get to this point, I'm not even politically aligned, and I've literally seen far-left hangout bars in European capitals with posters about beheading policemen, forcing Christians to have gay sex, and murdering European new-right politicians.

Far-right bars are illegal, it's illegal to run a far-right party, it's illegal to fly far-right symbols, it's illegal to have far-right gatherings, it's even illegal for certain far-right literature to be distributed.

>> No.11511556

what did bordiga even write? people keep recommending this cunt but i cant find a single book by him.

>> No.11511605

Bars in my city (Oakland, CA) are signing a thing where they wont allow 'fascist' meetups. 'Fascism' obviously being very loosely defined.

There were just protests because a homeless guy stabbed a young girl. Guy was white and girl was black so they're calling racism

Mayor had this to say:
>the fact that his victims were both young African American women stirs deep pain and palpable fear in all of us who acknowledge the reality that our country still suffers from a tragic and deeply racist history.”

Also the people posting #goodnightwhitepride are the same types that support black pride

>> No.11511611

Fascism is built on a lie that can never become truth; an oppressed race is needed for national unity, when that race is gone so is national unity.

The psychoanalytics of Fascism is a very interesting field I'd recommend you look into

>> No.11511629

But that's not even central to fascism

I suggest you view Fascism not only from the vantatge point of recent leftist theory, you might get a more accurate picrture

>> No.11511639 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11511645
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In Europe we had this university trying to open a talk about whether or not our statues were racist, but it ended in acts of desecration and deliberate disturbances during days of remembrance and whatnot.
The people that got to talk publicly were endlessly spouting pan-African and Afro-centric nonsense and the whole debate was laughed away by the general public, except for the fucking government who kept the debate alive and actually gave these people a say about the statutes, but then had to get back at it because their demands were to remove every single statue and replace them with African-Europeans.

Imagine if people started to question the role of the romantics under Hitler and you invite a bunch of ethnonationalists with undercuts and have them ramble about the importance of racial purity, that's about the same level of dialogue.

>> No.11511656
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Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. - Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.11511658

Except that's factually wrong you pseud. Fascism in Italy and Japan didn't depend on that narrative.

>> No.11511661

He was talking about Bruce Wayne dude

>> No.11511663



>> No.11511667

Japanese was domination of the Chinese; Japanese Supremacy was a key part of the invasion of China
Italy also wanted African Colonies and subjugation of Ethiopia; Italy became closer to Germany and adopted more Racial policies, originally it was always against Slavs but with laws passed in 1938 Jews found themselves targeted too

>> No.11511669

Meant to post
>"Although investigators currently have no evidence to conclude that this tragedy was racially motivated or that the suspect was affiliated with any hate groups, the fact that his victims were both young African American women stirs deep pain and palpable fear in all of us who acknowledge the reality that our country still suffers from a tragic and deeply racist history,"

>no reason to believe racial motivation for the crime but this crime stirs up racial fear...despite the fact that more blacks kill whites than the other way around even though they make up 12% of the population.

>replace statues of whites with statues of blacks just because
What the fuck?
What's disgusting is now many white people probably supported that

>> No.11511670

Imagine a more poorly cited Wikipedia page full of anti trump memes. The book is essentially a useless cash grab with a nice art style nothing good on organization or tactics just oh heres a rough history of the group.

>> No.11511680

Felt physically ill seeing this in Dymocks OP

>> No.11511692
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Fascism had garbage economies and nazis incredible growth was incredibly dependant on the war industry. If the governemeng had stopped pumping money into its army and its plane factories, nazis germany would have collapsed like a castle of cards.

>> No.11511697

the universal definition of the fascism is undetermined even in right now. it has very view case to the historians, has been many consequences of stigma effect.
However, although It sure has quite different narrative, japanese historian had make a theory called "top-down fascism" to correspond the situation of the early 19c.
related : https://books.google.co.kr/books?id=d__1ryAnmFkC&pg=PT46

To summarize, maybe he is a pseud, but he might be not that pseud, as a greater probability making a ruler strictly define the word and theory "fascism" is more pseud.

>> No.11511700

I'm pro American, but the best technological innovation and the best military equipment came from Nazi Germany during the war.

Some of the arguments that gave rise to Nazy Germany was how Germany was economically fucked after WW1 and all in all it seems more likely that a unified society that empowered it citizens would be more likely to succeed

>> No.11511701

Were not a bunch of junky losers with no redeemable traits or qualities. Look at this book! We are on the right side of history!

>> No.11511708
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>War industry

What about the theft of Jewish assets, deliberate famines in places like Greece, the theft of art, and the centralization of much of Europe's economy back into Germany?

I wonder what the Greater German Reich would have been like if Hitler had won, what the economy would have been like considering the type of economics the Nazis practices was unsustainable in the long rong.

>> No.11511732

>technological advancement

Which one? Rocket ? Oven technology? It certainly isn't their planes, tanks or their anti-air defense.

Economically speaking, the german were already about to get ride of the inflation. Hitler just took what was already in place and made the economy kick into overdrive by making massive investement, controlling foreign trade more tightly, taking on massive debts and running severals scams like the MEFO bills.

It couldn't last long which is part of the reason they started invading other countries.

Those were ways to fuel the regime autistic need for a war. If they had won we would probably live in some kind of african/arab dictatorship with corrupt officials and poorly instructed people all over the place.

>> No.11511740

I wonder (((why)))

>> No.11511753
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>> No.11511772
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Yes and no, and there is a reason for it.

The Nazis and Allies were relatively matched in arms, the Mauser 98K was matched with the the M1 Garand, had similar machine gun strength, and Germany only had a small edge in the submachine gun department.

Where the Nazis destroyed the Allies were their aassault rifles, secondary gear such as night scopes and plankalkül, better chemical weapons, tanks, aircraft.

The Nazis were incredibly inferior when it came to naval combat, but this was largely to avoid opposing Britain with which they hoped to ally themselves with in the future, couldn't divide their resources and prefered to focus on tanks and arms, and because Hitler had lost its training areas in the USSR which meant that everyone could immediately respond to Germany's naval construction.

Nazi Germany was as advanced as it was due to the nature of the European industrial machine, while America had largely focused on agrarianism (lots of great agricultural novels from this time) the German cities were crowded industrial complexes and had largely gone beyond America who was suffering economic setbacks and shortages.
After Germany had lost WW1, German leaders started to drive up funding for research into things like arms, while the rest of Europe went back to how things were, Germany was sort of a semi-war economy already, and the Germans were more than fine with that and considered it to be a necessity.
The USSR was working together with Germany around this time, and the USSR was essentially already a war economy with more than half its entire spending going to military efforts.
The USSR started to drag behind, France was still recovering from the massive depopulation from a lot of battles taking place on French soil, and had spend so much time building up their war efforts that it took until 1950 to completely dismantle and caused a severe anti-war milieu.
Britain was somewhat isolated and preferred to look at the USA for their ideal model, before and during WW1 had suffered massive setbacks from not being able to catch up with France and Germany during the rapid changes in the European market economy which annihilated the British economic dominance entirely.

So here's Germany being the only country in which everyone is completely fine with driving up war efforts for a war that is already over, testing and pumping out tanks, artillery, and arms that weren't really necessary, and eventually falling in the hands of Hitler who immediately blitzkrieged a Europe massively unprepared for such an attack.
This is why Poland, France, and the Benelux were essentially a shooting gallery, because these countries had not done anything that can be considered a modernization of their war efforts, they basically faced their enemies with peashooters.

One of the reasons Germany lost was because eventually the German industry was running out of steam, while the rest of the world had caught up to Germany with their own industries.

>> No.11511773



>> No.11511791


Except I'm pretty sure the US had quite an industrial machine. Ford (who's anti international Jew book is worth a read) at least popularized the factory line. More vehicles and was able to make more tanks than the germans.

>> No.11511809

Yeah I'm sure someone who believe in the protocol of the elder of zion has something worthwhile to say about the jews

>> No.11511812

Here it is resumed

>> No.11511825

It was incredibly advanced for its time, roads, the internet, automatic rifles, cars, tanks, programming languages, jet engines, rockets, etc.
Hitler basically inherited the strongest country in the world when he was asigned chancellor.

>> No.11511832

Bud, the ally were quickly catching up to germany at the end of the war and even surpassed them at some point. You also had the fact that the allies tanks were much more easy to produce, allowing for a constant swarm of machines. Of course this may be because the germans were losing steams.

>> No.11511859

Another argument which I have heard for the incredible German superiority is that the treaty of Versailles ironically gave the Germans an edge over French.
The Germans past Versailles were only allowed a relatively small army, which obviously was made up out of the most competent people they could possibly find who proceeded to engage in some serious tactical investigation over the next couple of decades, additionally Germany didn't need to constantly modernize their Arsenal, because they were only allowed to have so little.

All thatresulted in the Allies being convinced that the upcoming war would be close to WW1 (after all, the tactics in WW1 were the result of an enormous increase in fire power, which made quick attacks like the France practiced them into the beginning of WW1 suicidal) and it was assumed that the technological advanced would only make these tactics more viable.

The Allies were pretty much prepared and knew exactly what the Germans would want to do, although they mistook the main and diversion attack of the Germans.
Ironically the best the French fought was after they lost their main force and ditched their entire doctrine and plans.
They started to focused on localized defenses which at least somewhat slowed the Germans down.

>> No.11511880
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>> No.11511912
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>the protocol of Zion contains a brillant recipe for western subjugation

It's so fucking vague people used it to blame at least three differents factions by slightly editing the dialogue.

>most bankers are jews
Even if it was true there's still plenty of non-jews

>> No.11511975

Really interesting, I never heard of this, any sources?

>> No.11512059

>I never heard of this, any sources?
Sources for what exactly?
This is basically just a retelling of what was leading up to WW2 and a bit on the battle of France.

The wikipdia articles on the Battle of France: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_France
And Fall Rot: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_Rot
Should cover all the facts I mentioned (and many more that I didn't).