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11496884 No.11496884[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>wake up at 9 am
>read a book
>go outside for a long walk on an extremely hot and sunny day in London
>feel demoralised after seeing Chad and Stacey couples everywhere
>feel out of shape because I haven't had worthwhile exercise for a long while due to coffee-ruined sleep (haven't binged for 4 days)
>drank coffee while browsing the internet on my phone
>feel less motivated than ever and want to binge on fast food or junk food
>realise that one of the subconscious reasons for my aimless meanderings, apart from justifying more coffee while browsing the internet, may be to build up the feeling of loserness and bitterness due to my ugliness that then allow me to justify binging
>went walking through Hyde Park and then rich areas
>saw a Rolls Royce, a few Ferraris, many Bentleys, a few GigaStaceys
>am now going back to flat; can't afford to binge but may buy pepsi max as a compromise to the part of my brain that screams for soothing chemicals (in return it will quieten down my everythingstential crisis for today; we make a good team)

I was telling myself that today is the last day of coffee but I don't want to set myself rules. I want to do it through willpower.

It's extremely sunny and hot and London is busy but everything feels more mundane than ever. Sugary or high carb food is all that can sate me. But I can't afford to binge right now.

>> No.11496930

alright, now go kill yourself, you sad sack of pathetic shit

>> No.11496942
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Final update because hopefully you get banned to hell and back.

>> No.11496947

cringe and bluepilled

based but not redpilled

>> No.11496977

Cringe and bluepilled.

>> No.11497194

>want change
>does not change

>> No.11497216

He doesn't want change, though. He's enjoying wallowing in self-pity, because it lets him keep from changing