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11478287 No.11478287 [Reply] [Original]

You ever feel that anime as a whole is just a hyperbolization of adolescence, a fantasy-depiction of normal childhood specifically of the japanese people? I know this isn't true of all anime, but it's very probably true for most of them... this thought actually scares me, the idea that the majority of anime out there is depicting something concrete, geographically concerned, and that my commitment towards it is misplaced, that I attribute something to it which it doesn't actually have, that by viewing it through the lens of such anime-based communities as 4chan I have mentally exaggerated its nicheness and made it into a more serious thing than it would otherwise be to me. This drives me MAD... that there are japanese spongebob enthusiasts and that I might be their equivalent of such people.

>> No.11478295

I don't think Akagi, Kaiji, or One Outs were made for children, so I'm fine.

>> No.11478297
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No fucking shit sherlock.
Why are you wasting your deductive skills with us? Go! there are so much mysteries in this world to let your talent waste.

You absolute retard.

>> No.11478300


>> No.11478326

>that there are japanese spongebob enthusiasts and that I might be their equivalent of such people
a better analogy would probably be that there are Japanese Rick and Morty fans out there that you might be equivalent to.

>> No.11478345
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Well except that like 5% percent of anime, the rest is juvenile garbage that does not age with you like harem shows where the male lead is a blacked hair beta with no fucking personality.

>> No.11478347
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eva is literally GR, you don't hate GR, right?

>> No.11478349

anime is particular depictions of particular idealities for particular people of earth to attempt to live in escaping the non idealities of their lives as all man media is an addition to nature

>> No.11478361

The best way to go about anime is to not pigeonhole yourself into only liking anime, because then you start watching shitty anime because you already watched everything of note. Then your an anime fan. Watch only what interests you. Read only what interests you. Listen to only which interests you.

>> No.11478365

Not really. Rick and Morty is for more sophisticated adults. Spongebob, like anime, is for children.

>> No.11478384

children of all ages :)

>> No.11478392

>Rick and Morty is for more sophisticated adults

>> No.11478395



>> No.11478397

evangelion and sponge-bob are not at all similar, anon

anime is an art form

>> No.11478405


I will never understand the love this anime receives to this day.

>> No.11478414

Well yeah, of course. That this would distress you is kind of ridiculous. One could argue Tolstoy and Dostoevsky concretely concerned with intellectual upper class-men in the 18th century geographically located in Russia. Doesn't mean a universal can't be received in the particular.
Just stick to good anime and post your irrelevant blogshit on the right board next time.

>> No.11478419
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and battle for bikini bottom isn't?

>> No.11478424

You are right.
Spongebob is superior to that weeb trash.

>> No.11478426

*19th century

>> No.11478431
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This desu

>> No.11478435


>> No.11478442

nothing to gain from posting my thoughts to a board full of suburbanite losers I want real insight :)

>> No.11478447

The last time I watched was 15 years ago, what makes it so great anon?

>> No.11478452
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the plot and artstyle and acting

>> No.11478456


>> No.11478462

In a medium known for garbage and garbage taste something artistically decent is amazing.

>> No.11478477
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and don't forget the music

>> No.11478479


>> No.11478483

What's a great anime then?

>> No.11478485


Yeah, that's the point of it. High school is when a Japanese person can feel like a bit of an adult but hasn't been gobbled up by the horrific, soul-crushing work society yet. It all looks so sweet once you're past it.

>> No.11478497

my pico

>> No.11478500

What is the point of me giving you an answer you are going to trash. Any anime that is contender for best anime is better anime than EVA with it many flaws.

>> No.11478501

Boku No Pico

>> No.11478502

I’ve always found anime strangely inspirational. It makes you wanna bring some of the good you fell when you watch into the your real life (like psychedelics). It’s the opposite approach of something like Dostoevsky or Tarkovsky that makes you want to change your life by making you feel bad.

>> No.11478506

Core in the House

>> No.11478507

To prove you know what you're talking about. Don't be a pussy.

>> No.11478511

I would do filthy things to Asuka

>> No.11478515

Space Dandy

>> No.11478518

anime is a higher art form than film or television, as it can do anything it can do and more

>> No.11478525
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>> No.11478537

Anime is a much broader form of media with a wider a range of audiences than western cartoons. Of course there are tons of shitty highschool anime, but there are also tons of shitty young adult novels. Neither of these make either medium inherently less serious or valuable, just watch or read the actual good parts of them

>> No.11478570
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you mean like you already just did?


>> No.11478684

Just always be a child, it's a brilliant solution to the problem of life, fuck

>> No.11478695

I watch anime; but if you think this crap isn't for children or pedos you're wrong.

>> No.11478706
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you're a sanctimonious moron lol

>> No.11478708
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are you that same kid who dismisses splatoon because it's pedoshit? The heck are you doing on lit?

>> No.11478710

I'm not really being sarcastic

>> No.11478711

>You ever feel that anime as a whole is just a hyperbolization of adolescence, a fantasy-depiction of normal childhood specifically of the japanese people?
Evangelion specifically was pretty anti-power fantasy, so there are obvious exceptions.
0079 Gundam is better btw.

>> No.11478713

yeah just dense

>> No.11478725

> that there are japanese spongebob enthusiasts and that I might be their equivalent of such people.
I don't think that is the case SpongeBob is not made to appeal to "autistic" people who seek to relive their lost years in highschool vicariously.

Don't pretend you aren't falling into the exact consumerist niche the producer are aiming towards.

>> No.11478729

Think about it anon, if you just adopt the perpetual innocent of childhood and dgaf, life is no longer a problem

Can you think of a better solution?

>> No.11478733

oops, sorry, I had this confused with another thread, you have a point, but the question is, how do you get there?

>> No.11478749
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Daily reminder that Evangelion is the best anime ever made.


>> No.11478751
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>> No.11478752
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okay but it's still derivative of Pynchon

>> No.11478781
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Even random comments on youtube acknowledge the beauty of Evangelion

>> No.11478851

Reminder that Monogatari second season is objectively the best anime ever made

>> No.11479105

give me some recs. i need some shitty power fantasy anime to inspire me again.

>> No.11479191

Knight and Magic.

I'm a comp sci /m/an so I may be completly biased.

Cross Ange for the only good feminist anime.

G-reco for high Tomino kino

>> No.11479201

Rei is best girl

>> No.11479207

>Gendo is an evil old man, so are SEELE
His plan was bit different than SEELE's though, and he was only pretending to go with it. Unlike SEELE, Gendo had a real motive to his work.

>> No.11479209

Yuruyuri has enlightened me greatly

>> No.11479211

>Knight and Magic.
watched and liked that
i'll check out your other recs

>> No.11479219
File: 17 KB, 250x298, 47523542654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One can never watch too little of bad, or too much of good anime: bad animes are intellectual poison; they destroy the mind. In order to watch what is good one must make it a condition never to watch what is bad; for life is short, and both time and strength limited.

>> No.11479573

give me something like youjo senki - with main character a fedora-tipping sociopath

>> No.11479708

Space Dandy

>> No.11479711

factually incorrect

>> No.11480589

First hellsing anime.
Watch with english dubs to fully appreciate the schyzo quality