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/lit/ - Literature

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11460647 No.11460647 [Reply] [Original]

>gives irl people shit for reading young adult fiction past 18, instead of "real" literature
>listens to indie and dad rock instead of jazz and classical

>> No.11460661


>being a dog

>> No.11460662


>> No.11460666

Jazz is the DFW of music

>> No.11460671

>listening to jazz

>> No.11460672

Pompous ramblings with a devoted following of men with their heads up their own asses? I agree

>> No.11460899


>> No.11460905
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>> No.11460927

brainlets baka

>> No.11460932

>not Gregorian chants and 1930s shoegaze
Get a load of this chump

>> No.11461028

You've been duped into thinking it's high art.

>> No.11461050

>1930’s shoegaze

Did someone out Yo La Tengo Yo La Tengo?

>> No.11461072

You literally just don't get it. Do you know any music theory? Can you recognize melodic and harmonic intervals when you hear them? Have you ever tried improvising over changes?

>> No.11461093
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Is my music taste /lit/?

>> No.11461105
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>tfw live in a city with a high-quality classical music station

>> No.11461107

this isn't bad ngl

>> No.11461116

Jazz is still shit.

>> No.11461156

Thank you. /mu/ never gives me any (you)'s, even when I effort-post.

I think they're intimidated because my taste is essentially the best albums of every non-pozzed genre, so they can't recommend an album from a different artist that isn't somewhat of a downgrade. Always looking for jazz recs though

>> No.11461163

This isn't good, sorry. If you listen to music made by Africans, you're already lost.

>> No.11461168

What does /lit think of Tom Misch? I just like the fact that I can finally enjoy new music. Seemed like there was a period of time between 2000 and 2015 when there was nothing but shit coming out.

>> No.11461172

>tfw enjoy jazz much more than classical but still hate niggers and love classical lit
why do I do this?

>> No.11461175

Music and cinema are the young adult fiction of art.

>> No.11461184
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When jazz first was a thing it was an embarrassment to any white person who listened and danced to it. All classicists looked down upon it and the enlightened few recognized it for what it is- demonic music made by Africans designed to induce evil trances and weaken man's natural connection to sound. It did just that and now you're praising it as "real" music. You've utterly embarrassed yourself and this board. There is nothing good about jazz. You're brainwashed. Jazz is evil and all of its natural offshoots are degenerate, viz. funk, hip-hop, soul, etc.

Enjoy a non-denegerate song and stop listening to music made by the negro and his demonic spirit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMZW0eqts4E

>> No.11461185

This is a solid post

>> No.11461189
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>> No.11461192

jazz just replicates the intonation of human conversation. Classical seems autistic in comparison. If there is anything black people can do better than whites, it's have a smooth conversation, and you can see this in jazz.

>> No.11461222

Too much rock

>> No.11461227

I only listen to the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack

>> No.11461249

>shits on jazz
>posts some generic pop-folk

Why are trances evil, though?

>> No.11461251
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Sorry, I hate /pol/ and cannot properly be grouped in with them.

Even if what you said were true (which I don't think it is), why should music's goal be to replicate the intonation of speech? That's a silly and lowly goal. One may as well listen to actual speech. Music has a higher function and is beautiful precisely because of its non-human element and because it elevates the spirit of a man (when done right) to greater regions. If jazz imitates the intonation of human speech, then classical music imitates the intonation of the soul; thereby, elevating mankind above the merely human and allowing him to walk with the gods. Case in point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja4ELOmNpOo&frags=pl%2Cwn

That said, I listen mostly to old folk songs from old, dying cultures and marching songs. Sometimes some hymns as well. It depends on how I feel.

>> No.11461299

>If there is anything black people can do better than whites, it's have a smooth conversation, and you can see this in jazz.
t. has never heard a black person speak to another black person

The following is a word for word conversation I heard between two black people yesterday while waiting in line at Walgreens

>black guy number 1: [about the music playing (Fly by Lenny Kravitiz)] "This Lenny Kravitz?"
>black guy number 2: "Who Lenny Kravitz?"
>black guy number 1: "You know, he had that song..."
>black guy number 2: "What?"
>loudspeaker: "Oh I want to get away/I want to FLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY away/Yeah yeah yeah"
>black guy number 1: "I'm tryin to think"
>black guy number 2: "what song?"
>loudspeaker: "I want to get away/I want to FLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY away/Yeah yeah yeah"
>black guy number 1: "I can't remember"
>black guy number 2 (derisively): "Lenny Kravitz..."
>they stand silently until the song ends and Don't Worry Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin starts playing
>black guy number 2: "Now Bob Marley I know"
>black guy number 1: "Everybody knows Bob Marley"

>> No.11461315

>not understanding that this was a performance art interpretation of Eric Dolphy's Out to Lunch

>> No.11461324

I can't deny that niggers are good at music. They used to be anyways, before their culture went to shit.

>> No.11461351

/lit/ has convinced me that only pseuds listen to classical.

>> No.11461355

lit has convinced me than anyone who uses the word pseud is a fucking dumbass. never seen even one good post that used it

>> No.11461401

Because you're a sheltered racist with limited exposure to people of a different color/background to you other than what you see on 4chan and the media. Get out and meet people or travel, every race/culture has their good and bad.

>> No.11461412

False equivalence. Pop music sounds good to everyone while literature relies on literary merit

>> No.11461416

>that 24 year old boomer who exclusively listens to classical

>> No.11461420

Yeah I know music theory. I prefer pop music because it sounds better.

>> No.11461421

>that 19 year old boomer who still hasn’t grown out of music

>> No.11461430

>every race/culture has their good and bad
That doesn't mean all races are equally good/bad. You can certainly prefer a group of people over another group. In fact this is considered part of being a normal functional person.
But I do think that if someone "hates niggers" he probably has some issues.

>> No.11461451
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/lit/ is only place I know in the internet that posts more dog pictures than cat pictures. are dogs the pet of literary person?

>> No.11461455

what is a tritone substitution and why does it work when intuitively a tritone seems about as far as you can go tonally?

>> No.11461460

I don't have to know trivial stuff to know what sounds good dude.

>> No.11461500
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That's it? That's fucking it?

I tried listening to this jazz shit finally because some fucks on this board act like it's the greatest genre of art period. You know what?!








fuck you and fuck this board.

>> No.11461506

Backpedalling like a game of bike polo

>> No.11461510

>he can't explain what he is hearing without resorting to having to compare it to popular culture

pathetic desu

>> No.11461519

perception of music can change depending on what you know and what you are paying attention to. for example, I thought bach was boring until I studied counterpoint and the fugal form. When I understood what to listen for--what listeners of the time would have listened for--I enjoyed it a lot more.

>> No.11461534

I never made the claim that you need to know every trite detail of specific genres of music theory to be able to enjoy the music. Do you have to know cooking down to a chemical level to enjoy food?

But its not necessary to enjoy music. You could notice counterpoint without knowing the word for it.

>> No.11461536

Jazz is okay but there's no reason for anyone to think they're hot shit for listening to it (or any more "cultured" than people who listen to Beethoven). People who shit on classical are usually doing so from a position of ignorance or because of ideology and a need to appear hip and relevant (hence the endless exaggerations every time a hip-hop record comes out that isn't bad)

>> No.11461540


Jazz was instrumental in the development of the based black man

>> No.11461542

t. Butthurt pseud

>> No.11461543

>implying your God DFW didn't compare things with popular culture

>> No.11461546

Not him and I don't really disagree with you, but you did claim to "know theory"

>> No.11461551

>Pop music sounds good to everyone
yeah if you suck

>> No.11461560
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Is this the boomer thread?

>> No.11461563

Music theory is a big umbrella term. You could study it for years and still not know every trivial bit of information.

>> No.11461564

This. I've heard so much generic EDM and Taylor Swift from living with roommates that I'm almost baffled by the average person's taste in music and how awfully boring it is

>> No.11461571

Go jerk off to rap on /mu/. Leave real music to us adults.

Pop music is for infants

>> No.11461573

imagine equating an entire genre of artists to a single dude. it's not even that hard to into jazz lol people just bite off more than they can chew by jumping straight for the pretentious shit.

>> No.11461589


>> No.11461598

a rap album just took a fucking Pulitzer for a music--I think they know more about artistic merit than a fucking 4chan poster.

>> No.11461605
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Stop listening to post African repetitions
Start appreciating 9/11 as the greatest work of art

>> No.11461607

kendrick lamar sucks so bad tho faux woke shit for brainlets

>> No.11461611

>Rap is one letter off from crap

Like pottery.

>> No.11461616

>boomer memes
you played yourself

>> No.11461619

Lmao art can be judged objectively when authorities like hip-hop (or say they do) but it's definitely all relative when someone argues that pop music is trite shit

>> No.11461621

I know that in some way pop music is simple and repetitive, but at the same time its trance inducing effect is catchy and I can't really justify calling it degenerate (except for something like rap, the lyrics there are obviously degenerate).

Although, I have to admit that learning some music theory made me appreciate pop less.

>> No.11461623


>> No.11461633
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>> No.11461643

What was Adorno's idea of good music?

>> No.11461647 [DELETED] 

traditional yiddish music probably

>> No.11461651

Bullshit. If listening to this doesn't make you feel any emotions, then I'm just going to assume you're tone deaf.


>> No.11461658

I live in literally the most diverse county in the US

>> No.11461659

hungarian schmaltzy songs

>> No.11461670

Love seeing all these /lit/ plebs who don't understand jazz.
>Yo La Tengo
YLT weren't making shoegazey stuff until like 9 years after Psychocandy came out.

>> No.11461677

wut county u live in my county diverse af and i mean really diverse, not 80% mexican fake diverse like some cali suburb, like we got dudes from all over the fuckin planet, where u at?

>> No.11461679
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>degree in experimental music
>inspired by adorno, old European music, 20th century experimental
>ends up turning to pop music

why did he do it?

>> No.11461682

what the fuck? Is this jazz? This is literally not jazz, or am I retarded?

>> No.11461687

>why did he do it?
Ever heard of the dialectic of enlightment? Noones save.

>> No.11461694

There is a bit off jazz influence but I don't think the genre would just be "jazz"

>> No.11461695

Jazz isn't that hard to "get," and someone not caring for it as much as they do other music does not mean they just don't "understand" (though this is a common notion used to paint dissenting voices as ignorant plebs)

>> No.11461696

not gonna dox myself, but we have a 25/25/25/25 mix of white, black, asian, and hispanic. literally could not get more diverse. And yet I am still a "racist"

>> No.11461704

Dogs are very dependant that way their own nature covers perfectly our loniness, wich is at the time the product of our social insecurities.
The same reason we read books, we want to know stuff, live great adventures and enjoy limitless beauty, but we are too afraid of actually living so we look about it in books.
Its pretty cool right? Thats why chads doesnt read lol

>> No.11461705
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Same with John Cale and I'm sure a bunch of other examples. He was trained in classical and experimental music and then ended up making pop music.

>> No.11461709

Jazz is OK tier, it's not shameful in the same way that reading a YA novel as a person older than 15 is legitimately shameful. That said, there is an argument to be made that Jazz was part of a suite of irreverent and niggerized artistic and cultural forms that have ruined literally everything

>> No.11461714

i hope you don´t mean the velvet underground

>> No.11461723

>not gonna dox myself

i feel u, me either, but i think the people that worship minorities as some magical culture fairies haven't lived in diverse areas at all

>> No.11461725

Yeah, what he is most famous for.

>> No.11461731

maybe. but their first to albums don´t fall into the category "pop"

>> No.11461733

He probably means Cale's solo music, but what is TVU if not pop/rock? Sure, it's more on the experimental side and I like them in a "I used to take amphetamine and listen to them really loud" kind of way, but they're not that far ahead that they're too good for the "rock music" label

>> No.11461738

yeah, jazz is basically just a fucking loosely structured jam session by people who couldn't be bothered to really learn the songs, i mean it sounds cool, but lets not get carried away, being able to spam semi-improvised jazz licks over standard chord changes is not that great

>> No.11461741

posted on an american imageboard using my macbook wearing my blue jeans at starbucks)

>> No.11461742

garbled chromatic trash, wow such feels

>> No.11461749

>listening to music at all

The most shallow and accessible of all mediums

>> No.11461752
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>> No.11461754

It follows a verse-chorus format. Would you consider it Jazz or Classical?

>> No.11461760

The Pulitzer prize for music is a joke. The winners are all flavor of the month classical recordings and the ones that arent classical are all consolation prizes for artists who are second rate in their respective genre. This is a reminder that Wynton Fucking Marsalis won a prize and Coltrane or Miles Davis never did. Ornette Coleman did win the prize, but what for? Not The Shape Of Jazz To Come. Not for Change Of The Century. Not for Free Jazz. He won it for Sound Grammar. Not a bad live album, but certainly nothing Coleman and other jazz artists hadn't been doing 40 years prior to its release.

>> No.11461764

>verse-chorus format
just listen to European-Son then

>> No.11461767

Okay anons, give me your opinions on this:


>> No.11461768

music in the form you're familiar with is the desiccated husk of actual music. When a piece of live music played on an analog instrument gets recorded all of the resplendent harmonic resonance disappears, the effect is lost and all that is left is the shadow of the original. Before the age of recording technology music was the highest artform by far and even most serious writers would likely have agreed with you

>> No.11461779


>> No.11461790


Fido btfo'd

>> No.11461791

Not bad, would grab a beer with.

>> No.11461793

More experimental but the band still was generally pop music.

>> No.11461796

Yeah jazz definitely isn't hard to get. You can dislike jazz for good reasons but it's a pretty big red flag for music illiteracy if someone says they don't like jazz. There is a LOT of jazz music out there with loads of different styles and goals and it just seems highly unlikely that someone who has a good knowledge of music would dislike all of it, or not be able to articulate why they don't like it beyond "hurrr nigger music" like a lot of the people here are doing.
>paint dissenting voices as ignorant plebs
This is exactly what I was going for :^)

>> No.11461800


>> No.11461804

Good taste but listen to some newer music.

>> No.11461812

Lmao imagine thinking this

>> No.11461816
File: 60 KB, 360x450, Hildegard+von+Bingen+wf_fasten_hildegard_g1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my Hildegard boys at?


>> No.11461820

check out Les McCann - Burnin' Coal

>> No.11461828

>choral music through speakers
brainlet detected

>> No.11461832


I'm imagining what it's like to recognize an approaching appreciation being consciously repressed in the name of pretentiousness.

Hit me with what you consider good music so that I may too dismiss it instantly.

>> No.11461841

I'm sure you go to daily monastic chant concerts.

>> No.11461854
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>wasted years of your life writing before you realized that music is actually the only true form of art

>> No.11461856


>> No.11461866

>Hit me with what you consider good music so that I may too dismiss it instantly.

>> No.11461867
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Real patricians realize they are one in the same.

>> No.11461872


>> No.11461876

t. plen

>> No.11461883

Trips of truth

I will pay heed

>> No.11461891
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But the true form of art is video games

>> No.11461899

Ed, Edd, and Eddy is patrician.

>> No.11461901

Zizek is such a meme, holy shit.

>> No.11461905


>> No.11461908
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>quotes Gothic DVD

>> No.11461918

>the beach boys

didn't know my grandmother browsed /lit/

>> No.11461923

Lmao this cant be real

>> No.11461926


It's catchy but I don't appreciate it on its own merits. I'd probably need to know the context of the album or have this be my first exposure to punk. Then again, grading music based on its historical connotations feels dangerously close to what's depicted in the poetry lesson in DPS (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjHORRHXtyI)) while the latter is well, even more subjective than a usual discussion.



>> No.11461936

>he hasnt taken the youtube house pill yet

>> No.11461953

DPS Is boomer propaganda.

>> No.11461970
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>implying i consume post-19th century media

>> No.11461973


I like this, feel free to disagree

>> No.11461979

Produced music is gay as fuck and takes away from reading time and life will; even when you faggots get your own containment board you still must post about this emo shit on other boards. It happens everywhere. The worst is when they write lyrics or musical moods in books. Toni Morrison is more capable at it than Thomas Pynchon and that's hilarious to me. Live music is fair but has nothing to do with /lit/. Kindly fade away, thread.

>> No.11462001

wow this is the worst fucking shit ever, still unlistenable garbage at 2x speed

>> No.11462004

>judging people’s intelligence based on quickly written responses on the internet

You seem like a very confident person.

>> No.11462006

>still unlistenable garbage at 2x speed
Why would that make it better

>> No.11462013

I only listen to field recordings.

>> No.11462014

too many niggers

>> No.11462020
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Seems like we're at opposite ends of the musical spectrum as far as our tastes go. Not literally, but still.

>> No.11462027

Maybe if you were talking to a stutterer

>> No.11462028

>jazz and classical
>not post bob and math rock, the white mans free jazz
>not reading pointless adventure novels like don quixote and the idliad

>> No.11462040

because at first I was just bored by how slow and legitimately empty it was, for a second I thought listening at 2x speed would be better but it was still shit

>> No.11462041

Math rock is hot garbage

>> No.11462050
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>"Yes, I love jazz and classical."

Who am I quoting? You

>> No.11462052 [DELETED] 

Have you finished high school?

>> No.11462059

Didn’t mean to say that they invented shoegaze, just that if I imagine shoegaze in the 1930’s it would sound like them. I really don’t think it would sound like TJMC tho.

>> No.11462103

its weird that no matter what you do its bad

>> No.11462116

>film and music threads getting more replies than literature threads

Based /lit/ board

>> No.11462122

>/lit/ jazz thread hasn't descended into mingus posting
i miss old /lit/

>> No.11462155

>listens to jazz and classical instead of youth crew and straight edge hardcore

>> No.11462255

your being on 4chan negates whatever non-point you had.

>> No.11462269

There is nothing more to say on literature.

>> No.11462290

Literature is a completed art form. Film and music are always evolving.

>> No.11462303

This thread is cringey as fuck. Who actually listens to classical music

>> No.11462315
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>Literature is a completed art form. Film and music are always evolving.

>> No.11462386
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>listens to jazz and classical
>not industrial techno and any other forms of electronics

>> No.11462391

I don't give irl people shit for reading young adult fiction past 18, instead of "real" literature. I also don't listen to indie and dad rock instead of jazz and classical. Do I get a prize now?

>> No.11462407

>are dogs the pet of literary person?
Read Lovecraft's "Cats and Dogs".

>> No.11462410

>listening to jazz past 18

>> No.11462414

>there are people on this board right now who listen to rock music
fucking sad really

>> No.11462426

I listen to anime music and marching songs

>> No.11462441

>dedicate this much time to unproductive and edonist entretaiment.
Your life is a joke

>> No.11462546

niggerman was based

>> No.11462678
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the true form of art is ravishing thought

>> No.11462683
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I do both

>> No.11462764

No, care to explain?

>> No.11463692
File: 60 KB, 449x453, 1531284510527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has never tried to create music before

when you play music with one or more person you are essentially participating in a conversation. When you listen to music the right way you're going to be looking for melody, and then the phrasing, and then lastly maybe the texture. All these things to an experienced musician would reveal parts and pieces of something someone is attempting to communicate -- a statement a feeling an effort to impress, whatever it is. because our minds like to attach to meaning to common bits of information we get things like "the lick" and common melodies "mary had a little lamb" . then maybe we have a habit of narrative or whatever it is to decipher these abstract noises following each other in succession. After so many minds go over so many things it doesn't exactly become "codified" but you get things like the Fakebook, essentially the music is a bit of a language and a conversation going on. This is maybe one interpretation of a sort horizontal harmony, which comes then... does it follow that we can have abstract intellectual or spiritual transcendent kinds of conversations? Go listen to John Coltrane, Albert Ayler, or Pharoah Sanders and tell me what the case is.

>> No.11463710


>> No.11464410

patrician music taste coming through

>> No.11464422

>listening to music past 18

>> No.11464445

nigga I aint clicking that shit

>> No.11464494
File: 981 KB, 320x240, BFZD3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only listen to hip hop

>> No.11464544
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What I'm listening to atm. Really like the first and last track.

Give me your opinions.

>> No.11464875

got some bad news for you anon

>> No.11464881


>> No.11464914

blessed image, good laff, saved

>> No.11465309

why dis thread still alive

>> No.11465372

because it's important for /lit/ to recognize the hypocrisy of people who actually think fucking "books" constitute a legitimate art form

>> No.11466719

I agree

>> No.11466740
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>the frankfurt school

>> No.11466746

I listen classical and noise/ambient

>> No.11466776
File: 181 KB, 474x548, 1412982120402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh, Neil Young

>> No.11466878
File: 148 KB, 1157x1600, thunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, this is epic

>> No.11466908

no, 4chan is the least degenerate place on the internet

>> No.11467000
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>> No.11467081

how do we make tommy stop posting?

>> No.11468416

>t. Ctesippus

>> No.11468430

Epic is the young adult of Literature.

>> No.11468459

>using your ears past 18

>> No.11468471


>> No.11468480


>> No.11468483
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oh nice I got doubles

>> No.11468526


>> No.11468606
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>> No.11468624

Terminator 2 : Judgement Dog XDD xDDD xDDD LMFAO!!

>> No.11468642
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Are you fucking kidding me?
He did it because he met Ariel then made a career of copying the Doldrums LP. Although I'm glad he's branched out a bit more with his sound the past few years despite his constant recycling of """""medieval"""""" chord progressions.
Wow I can be dense too: Just listen to Sunday Morning, Femme Fatale, Run Run Run, Waiting for the Man, I'll Be Your Mirror and Heroin then.

This thread is cringier than /mu/.

>> No.11468649

I quite literally only listen to Bob Dylan and John Coltrane.

>> No.11468666
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>> No.11469357

Literally who? whotf knows what musicians look like

>> No.11469624


The aim of jazz is the mechanical reproduction of a regressive moment, a castration symbolism. 'Give up your masculinity, let yourself be castrated,' the eunuchlike sound of the jazz band both mocks and proclaims, 'and you will be rewarded, accepted into a fraternity which shares the mystery of impotence with you, a mystery revealed at the moment of the initiation rite.'

>> No.11469863

Pärson Sound is incredible!
You might want to check out Laddio Bolocko and the Psychic Paramount

>> No.11470075

getting into some really weird shit

>> No.11470126

The people who elevate their appreciation and understanding of a medium far enough will inevitably cause them to become elitist and to actively reject the people who are playing with metaphorical Mcdonalds toys

t. someone who has only experienced this with videogames, Im not particularly well versed in music, literature, movies or comics but its easy enough to see the same happen in all of them. Its the sorry clown who equally divides his attention between everything and becomes the clown master of none, rejected by all except the plebs of each medium

>> No.11470146


>> No.11470160


>> No.11470178

who wagner here?

>> No.11470192
File: 546 KB, 1616x2889, Francisco_de_Goya,_Saturno_devorando_a_su_hijo_(1819-1823).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I listen to opera, classical, and experimental electronic music. Standard, dumb hiphop when I feel like it. Used to give people shit for reading YA genre fiction when they're over 18, and also for 'still' listening to entry level bands past a certain age. Then I met my current girlfriend, who is a doctor, about to start a doctorate, specializing in oncology. One of the smartest people I know but she listens to heavy metal bands I was into when I was 14, and reads Twilight and Game of Thrones. It made me realize some people get their fulfillment from things in life other than appreciation for art, and when you're busy all day literally saving lives and doing cancer research, sometimes you want to just read some dumbed down fiction or listen to some easy music.