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11439990 No.11439990 [Reply] [Original]

Hi people.
Me and my friend challenged each other to defend unexpected ideologies, I have to defend anarcho-primitivism. In the beginning I thought it was just a meme but I digged a bit into it to prepare myself and found it has some good points. I am here to ask you for some book suggestion to complete this chart. I'll do a prettier chart with all the books. I was thinking about some good analysis of hunter gatherers society or something spiritual but I'll google\read anything you suggest. Thanks

>> No.11439993

The Search for Society by Robin Fox

>> No.11439994

Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.11440022

Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.11440029

Read Pentti Linkola's Can life prevail. Fuck civilization, honestly.

>> No.11440034

None of these are anarchist, anarchism implies the internalization of egalitarian humanist principles. Linkola in particular doesn't even advocate decentralization or deregulation but an ecological type of command economy, due to a belief that atomized, self-governing peoples are necessarily wasteful and lack ecological consciousness.

>> No.11440036

They will at least help you argue against civilisation, don't dismiss them.

>> No.11440037

Ok Op here the list is getting bigger and better, thanks guys

>> No.11440047

No it fucking doesn't retard.
>belief in the abolition of all government and the organization of society on a voluntary, cooperative basis
Linkola makes excellent arguments against civilization and it's perverted affection to human values and other modernist retarded shit.
If you're gonna be a primitivist you should take an enviromentalist stance and vice versa.

>> No.11440055

None of them can be used to argue for an-prim, as there are elements of prim (in all but Linkola really) but absolutely no elements of an besides Kaczynski's refutations of it*

* "Letters to a Turkish anarchist", "Answer to some comments made in Green Anarchist", "Comments on the communiques from Individualists Tending toward the Wild" and "The Truth About Primitive Life: A Critique of Anarchoprimitivism "
>voluntary, cooperative basis
Those are humanist fantasies, all three of the authors cited do not disparage coercion and violence. As for Linkola, his critique is of liberal-agrarian civilization, but sets forth a vision of an eco-authoritarian organization (if only transitory) himself. I do somewhat agree with your comment regarding primitivism and environmentalism though.

>> No.11440061

Guys It's ok even if it's not anarchist but strongly critisize civilisation

>> No.11440062

Morgan's Houses and House-Life of the American Aborigines covers the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.

>> No.11440069

They happen to be humanist fantasies. However the outcome of such co-operation in a primitive setting is not humanist at all. Tribal societies in the past and present are a great example of this. Not to forget packs of wild animals, anarcho-primitivism in it's natural habitat. I don't know what kind of thing modern anarcho-primitivist snowflakes are imagining in their heads but survival without civilization can be pretty gruesome business, which in my opinion is a good thing.

>> No.11440073

I should say it's not necessarily anarcho-primitvism, but it's an influential reading of their cultural on a lot of the ideas found in communal works.

>> No.11440082

while true, you need fuel for the primitivist part of the equation, just because theyre tangentially related doesnt mean they wont be helpful. Even something like The Way of Men, or War Before Civilization, will be extremely useful, because if you only argue for an idealized "primitive" youre going to get smacked down by techno-accelerationists.

>> No.11440096

Ok guys the list has doubled

>> No.11440148

That is a pretty narrow definition of anarchism that only came to be with early socialists like the young hegelians and some branches of classic liberalism - the word already existed before and was used usually as a slur against groups that were perceived to be disruptive of peace and order, to lack legitimacy, and to be immoral. At one point, constitutional monarchists were called anarchists by the absolutists of England.

>> No.11440180

>Bronze Age

>> No.11440193

Reading a book about anacho-primitivism makes as much sense as fucking whores to learn about celibacy.

>> No.11440234

Go outside, start growing your own food, live a bare life, throw rocks at people who walk up and question why you're covered in your own shit, and then think deeply about it all.

>> No.11440236

are you guys really this fucking mindfucked, he's prim, you can find the an elsewhere, its not complicated

>> No.11440246

the thing people don't get about anarchism is its much broader than just the revolutionary left in the 1800s, you can always tell pseud from real when it comes to this

>> No.11440689

Kind felt the same thing, not sure why a guy would title an anprim book "The Bronze Age Mindset" when that mindset was deep interdependent economies, unless he meant the Sea People.

>> No.11440697

alright, fair, but "primitive" isn't a good word either from a societal standpoint, only a relative technological one.

>> No.11440703

Bronze age in this context refers to steppe niggery

>> No.11440710

Fuck off BAP

>> No.11440715

The big thing about them was the murdering, thats what you need to really channel, the pitiless and incessant violence

>> No.11441342

Anymore books?

>> No.11441380

Many anprivs are explicitly anti-humanist as much as they are anti-civ. The anon who thinks anarchism = humanism is stuck in the first part of the 20th century

>> No.11441391

What if the first mars colony was all anarcho primitivists. What would they do?

>> No.11441395


>> No.11442040


>> No.11442256


>> No.11442344

how about you read some bark chips you fuckin retard lmao

>> No.11442375

Just talk about how shitty people and hot showers are and that culling them by 99% is somehow moral.

>> No.11442494
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>anarchism implies the internalization of egalitarian humanist principle

>> No.11442516

Theory of Religion - Bataille
Symbolic Exchange and Death - Baudrillard

>> No.11443297
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How in the fuck do you have Bookchin on an anprim list? Bookchin was starkly against primitivism and constantly criticized it. Putting Bookchin on that list shows either that you haven't actually bothered to read any of what he wrote or you misread it so horribly that you're essentially retarded. Bookchin has always been ecologically minded, and in the middle of his life he was an anarchist (well more so ancom, but let's not get bogged down in that sort of shit) but being ecologically minded and an anarchist =/= anprim.
I find it more insulting because you included The Ecology of Freedom which he wrote when he was firmly in the middle of creating Communalism which is diametrically opposed to anprim theory.

>> No.11443768

Read Zerzan.

>> No.11443797

Hurts your fuckin head don't it?

>> No.11443926

Have you read the post? I said I didnt read the book and why I am making this chart.

>> No.11443983

Nowhere in your original post does it state that you haven't read the books. You only said you dug a bit into it and found that anprim theory had some good points to it. Along with the statement:
>I am here to ask you for some book suggestion to complete this chart.
it infers that you feel that the Bookchin books belong on the chart. You do not say "suggestions to change and add to the chart." only "complete the chart." Showing that you feel that they fit.
I am simply telling you that they absolutely do not. You were completely right in having the likes of Zerzan on the chart though, they are pinnacle anprim.

>> No.11443992

goddammit linked the wrong post

>> No.11445020

Based Bookchin poster!

>> No.11445968

just dont

>> No.11446069

>the organization of society on a voluntary, cooperative basis
yes, that's part of the same creature as
>the internalization of egalitarian humanist principles

They both stem from the same ideology, pervasive liberalism/humanism. Almost all leftists ideologies (in practice) amount to kneejerk liberalism/humanism. Even if, in the theory, this isn't how it's supposed to be. Everyone holds this ideology at the core of their mentality, so anything else is merely a consumeristic (unhealthy capitalism-derived values are part of the core mentality, too) skin to feel special.

>> No.11446858

just do

>> No.11447018
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>anarchism implies the internalization of egalitarian humanist principles
Only for the narrow, soft, social justice oriented wing of modern weak anarchists who are actually all libs anyway. That definition is irrelevant to anprims because they want to return to pre-agricultural days when the state wasn't able to be constructed yet, thereby circumventing politics prior to its source.


1. a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems. "he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy" synonyms: lawlessness, absence of government, nihilism, mobocracy, revolution, insurrection, riot, rebellion, mutiny, disorder, disorganization, misrule, chaos, tumult, turmoil, mayhem, pandemonium "the country is threatened with anarchy" antonyms:government, order

2. absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.

mid 16th century: via medieval Latin from Greek anarkhia, from anarkhos, from an- ‘without’ + arkhos ‘chief, ruler’.

>> No.11447400
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>anarchism implies the internalization of egalitarian humanist principles

You made me actually Laugh Out Loud. How could you be so wrong?

>> No.11447414
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GOOD list!

I'd add:
Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How - the Unabomber
The Technological Society - Jacques Ellul
Anything by John Zerzan
Repent to the Primitive - John Jacobi

>> No.11448185


>> No.11448216
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>anarchism implies the internalization of egalitarian humanist principles
what in the fuck

>> No.11448667

Make sure and get me in the screencap!

>> No.11448894

Daily reminder that the Unabomber was actually just a repressed tranny, and if he could get over the shame and embarrassment he felt seeking out a sex change operation, then he probably wouldn't have gone full retard and start bombing people and writing insane rants about feminists.

>> No.11448975

>anarchism is actually a set of hierarchies, just no goberment!
Look I'm smart

>> No.11449020

If this isn't bait, the justice system was desperate to see him a mentally unstable nutjob so they can discredit his actions. Last thing they want is an intellectual martyr and renegade. If it happened today he'd be found to be a white supremacist psychotic, a raper and an opioid abuser

>> No.11449597

Not bait and it had been corroborated. As a grad student he went to a psychiatrist and everything seeking a sex change, but when he left the appointment he felt so ashamed and embarrassed he couldn't go further. If it were nowadays he probably would've went to an informed consent clinic, got on mones, and just stuck to shit posting on /tttt/.

>> No.11449816

reading books IS civilization. to become an anarcho primitivist you must abandon all traces of civilization: your job, your house, your fridge, your 4chan, books, your bank account, etc.
just go into a national park or a wilderness and never come out

>> No.11449851

How did the anarchoprimitivist publish his book?
From his mansion, suckers!

>> No.11449928

i like my modern medicine thanks

>> No.11449949
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I really wish you retards would stop pushing this. You are dilluting the whole movement from the essence of what it is (For nature and the natural order and its natural inequalities) into some utopian Marxist drivel. Fuck you.

>> No.11449957

You do know the only reason Ted railed against modern technology was because Autism made airplanes give him headaches.

>> No.11450011

>anarchism implies the internalization of egalitarian humanist principles
God, I love leftist autism, it is truly beautiful.

>> No.11450446

Socialised roads.
Guess you better drink that roundup to escape, ancap.

>> No.11450455

This, instead of debating his opponent OP should try to kill him with his bare hands.

>> No.11450470

Armed Joy
Not particularly anprim, but definitely connected.
Been a long time since I read any of that, but I remember some being good.
There are some anarchist anthropologists with some good books as well.

>> No.11450477
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>> No.11450491

Why do you put mouths in my word?

With his act OP could prove that a being with neglects civilization can still win over civilisations, the bare fist is stronger then the pen, upon which civilisation is founded.
But I guess intelligent thought is a civ concept.

>> No.11450498

Ted was an mkultra subject.
That's well documented.
They would purposely radicalize intelligent people in order to keep their ideas dangerous.
Fucking disgusting

>> No.11450533
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>dood prims wood never git muh post-irony lmao
>dood good wins because civs are reasonable lmao

>> No.11450542

>>dood prims wood never git muh post-irony lmao
>>dood good wins because civs are reasonable lmao
Yeah, now you convinced me that intelligent speech is a civ concept.

>> No.11450575
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>> No.11450611

I didn't argue that intelligent speech is a positive thing.

>> No.11451565

Guys if you dont want to understand AnPrims nobody care, stay out of the thread