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File: 167 KB, 980x768, petersonspacerunabomber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11430258 No.11430258 [Reply] [Original]

Is Ted right?

>> No.11430275

Peterson really doesn't fit the "lame academic" archetype

This picture is reaching desu

>> No.11430287

Jordan Peterson would call him a post modern neomarxist

>> No.11430293

Ted is always right

>> No.11430296
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> "[Anders Breivik plagiarized] almost a dozen key passages from [Kaczynski's] manifesto, only [replacing] particular words such as 'leftist' with 'cultural Marxist.'"

>> No.11430300

Ted is unironically never wrong about anything ever

>> No.11430312

>A boomer peddling 60's new age boomerism with conservative values isn't a "lame academic"

He's the walking embodiment of it.

>> No.11430322


>> No.11430323

What are these conservative values that Peterson is peddling?

>> No.11430331

His entire schtick is that western civilisation is great and that we shouldn't upset the neoliberal status quo because 100 trillion people will die if we do

>> No.11430332

Peterson panders to incels, losers, those that do not even have the basic sense to keep their own god damned sleeping space free of trash. He has been denounced by his colleagues and is deathly afraid of engaging with any academics, this is why he sticks with muck like Harris and Rogan. He is a drug addict with multiple self admitted mental illnesses. If that isn’t lame, I don’t know what is.

>> No.11430334

that there is no need for a revolution against the technological industrial system and that if we go back to some strange hodgepodge libertarian mixture of 2010 economics, 1950's social values (excluding racial equality b/c racists are icky) then everything will be okay

>> No.11430337


>> No.11430342

Oh boy you don't see guy. These post modern neo feminist Marxism they they seek only chaos. It's like like if you've ever read Cain and Able they're Cain they're jeaouls of Able, Able in this senario being western civilization. And oh man and that's not even the worst of it. That attitude is in all of us and if you think you're imune to it bucko you're in for a rude awakening.

>> No.11430348

calling everything from liberal to revolutionary anarchism "post modern neo-marxist"

>> No.11430351

Well, ok, sure, you could describe all that as "lame"

The academic in Ted's quote however seems more to be referring to a stuffy, senile academic that exists off tenure and only give lipservice to radical ideas, despite supposedly being full of these revolutionary social innovations

Peterson is kind of the opposite, he deliberate wants to uphold the status quo and is willing to put his name on the line to defend this. Not even saying this is good or bad, I actually think Peterson is somewhat of a hack, but he's clearly not just a dusty old scholar

>> No.11430352

These types of books are great if you want to stay in your bubble. Weininger, Katzinski, Hegel, entire post-Descartes French philosophy...

>> No.11430355

>Well, ok, sure,
hello jordan

>> No.11430364

> he's clearly not just a dusty old scholar
exactly, that's why he's a pseud. He has done nothing but bastardize Jung for his own neoliberal worldview.

>> No.11430367

Peterson is a voice of reason for young Americans and especially these incels places like the 4chan, Reddit and Ebaums are infested.

Peterson offers you the essential steps to sort your life out and starts with the very Basics
Clean up your room, eat your vegetables and get good night sleep.

What does Ted Kaczynski has to offer? Resign your career to work at some shitty gas station only later to isolate yourself to some cuckshed sending toy bombs you deem your enemies?

Peterson is a high achiever and for us without parents: a father figure.

>> No.11430372

Ted was a good man that deserved much better. He just wanted to live alone in the woods but these assholes wouldn't even let him alone. Very sad.

>> No.11430378

>Clean up your room, eat your vegetables and get good night sleep. Also heres my political and religious beliefs and if you don't agree you are an evil marxist and you will have disappointed daddy

>> No.11430380

how much pussy do you think teddy would get if they ever let him out of jail? Compare that to the amount of pussy JBP would get if his wife divorced him. It's pretty much as close a ratio to infinite as you can get.

>> No.11430381
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Isn’t it funny how Trumptards moved from embracing Trump as a daddy figure to Peterson now? I wonder if they will still be looking for the daddy into their 30s.

>> No.11430388

Ted wasn't wrong. Lol. That's the thing.

>> No.11430390

>What does Ted Kaczynski has to offer? Resign your career to work at some shitty gas station only later to isolate yourself to some cuckshed sending toy bombs you deem your enemies?

How exactly is that a bad thing?

>> No.11430391

enforced monogamy lol

>> No.11430399

Only partially. He's a pseud.

>> No.11430403
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wow, is this bait?

>> No.11430405

he killed a bunch of people lol

>> No.11430410

Peterson caters to the same people that think Ayn Rand is brilliant.

>> No.11430412

Sounds like Marx. He called for a revolution, but he sold his manifesto like the typical capitalist shill. And his ideology was based on prehistorical man, so really Marx was conservative and nothing new.

>> No.11430420

Well they shouldn't have destroyed the land around his shack

>> No.11430426

This is one of the best baits I have read in some time

>> No.11430430

wow, true

>> No.11430433

Ted denounces Anprim garbage if you read his book. Pseuds like Marx created their own idealised ideologically pure version of prehistoric man which is utter bullshit.

Also, Ted obviously can't receive any of the proceeds of his book sales and he hates his family big time, so it's not like there is anyone he could give it to.

>> No.11430434


>> No.11430439

Soooo apparently /lit/ has absolutely no clue who are what Jordan Peterson is trying to represent. He is a classical liberal whose societal norms revolve around what was normal in the 1990's.

/lit/ has daddy issues though and apparently anything else but polytheistic secularism is some kind of nazism

>> No.11430441

>Pseuds like Marx created their own idealised ideologically pure version of prehistoric man which is utter bullshit
top kek it’s so painfully obvious when someone hasn’t read Marx (or Hegel for that matter)

>> No.11430443
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>> No.11430444

My father figure has been Steve McQueen since I was 5. Pick better role models

>> No.11430454

Why do liberals project so hard lol, first they bring up how much they hate the idea of the ""1950's nuclear family" (which itself is a stereotypical myth supported by nostalgic consumerism, it's just monogamy and light ascetecism which has existed far longer than the 50's) now they are saying that *other* people have father issues while they hate on basic family structure lol

>> No.11430461

Diiiiid he say enforced via the state of socially enforced? Because classical liberals typically believe in the latter and none of that is controversial.

Hmm, it's pathetic how a centre right classical liberal is pissing people off so much. Really reveals how much of a bubble exist in when him saying the same old arguments he's probably been saying for a decade is suddenly so controversial

>> No.11430489
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This. Jordan "Bugman" Peterson is about as bad as it gets.

>> No.11430490

It's obvious when people haven't read Ted or they wouldn't even raise these objections.

>> No.11430491

He killed only three people and they were assholes that were contributing to the destruction of society. Also, what >>11430405 said.

>> No.11430494

People on the far right think JBP is shit too. You don't have to be a leftist to dismiss his garbage.

>> No.11430495

>Cardio is soi
So this meme was made by a self hating soiboy... interesting

>> No.11430496

When people don't realize that he is making the postmodernists the enemy because every story need one and he is the hero in his own imagination

>> No.11430499

>Resign your career to work at some shitty gas station only later to isolate yourself to some cuckshed sending toy bombs you deem your enemies?
Alpha as fuck Tbh
This, Kaczynski is an absolute slayer

>> No.11430508

Jordan Peterson is a 1960's Democrat. A socialist without the completely retarded social policy of today.

>> No.11430512

I think peterson would do alright. I don't know if Ted would get any. I don't see your point. But all of this is irrelevant: it's far too speculative to be compelling.

Did I just bite the hook?

>> No.11430515

>The right doesn't like him
Yeah but they do not represent the majority of the outrage. It's like Duginists protesting Putin for not being right wing enough.

>> No.11430520

retarded serial killers get mad pussy in jail. ted is a chad

>> No.11430521

So do /lit/ has actual critic against Peterson or are they just going to strawman him?

Given then incredibly comments he's getting here, I believe he isn't the pseud.

>> No.11430528
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Cardio IS söy, marathons, iron man etc. are the sports of choice for all urban white collar bugmen, it's a surrogate activity to make them feel like a real man for a moment (as they deplete themselves and damage their bodies) without having to engage in any icky meathead violent physicality like you find in contact sports. Anyone that is really into cardio is a guaranteed cuck or a homosexual.

>> No.11430531
File: 38 KB, 400x400, hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11430532

He almost killed David Gerlertner, who was not shitty, and which Ted later realized.

>> No.11430536

>accuses others of being small-souled bugmen
>feels compelled to take out unresolved psychological conflict on an arbitrary group of people to reassure himself of his spiritual dominance

I say this with sincerity that that is a truly awful picture

>> No.11430545

t. triggered bugman

>> No.11430550

You're only hurting yourself by holding such a perspective.

>> No.11430552

what about swimming? It's much more enjoyable to me than weight lifting.

>> No.11430554

>hating on cardio
>some about contact sports

ok my soi friend u have clearly never competed in any combat sports since the training involves insane amount of cardio, also go to any $250 a month mma gym in manhattan it will be filled with bankers and lawyers who are so competitive they can't get enough at work and need to fight people on the weekends too

>> No.11430567

God she is hot

>> No.11430572

That's not what the image is about, cardio as part of a sports training plan is different from having cardio as your main form of exercise or even worse competing in some kind of cardio event. And lads, it is a basic fact that fast-twitch dominant explosive Chad > cuckold endurancecels
>le who hurt you
Back to plebbit

>> No.11430574

i know right

>> No.11430579

He strawmans the shit out of post-modernism, "neo-Marxism", and so on. Plus, he willingly overlooks the multitude of actual causes for the West's current malaise and downplays just how bad young people actually have it compared to previous generations.

>> No.11430588

That’s pretty rich considering Peterson makes a living strawmanning postmodernists.

>> No.11430597

I honestly just don't like him because he's a moderate. It's very confusing for me to explain to my liberal bugmen friends in conversation that yeah I hate him as well, but from the exact opposite direction.

>> No.11430610

Fuck off Resetera

Yeah but that's no arguments, you tranny pseud, it's just your feeling

Fuck off /pol/

>> No.11430615

>fuck off /pol/
How about you fuck off to /pol. /lit is for bugmen and the extreme far right. Cuck lolbertarian right is more of /pol's forte

>> No.11430627

Strawmanning is a very real logical fallacy and has nothing to do with feelings

>> No.11430628


I'm a radical centrist you sex demon. I go where I please.

>> No.11430629

>West's current malaise and downplays just how bad young people actually have it compared to previous generations.
It's unrelated to this thread anon, but you've made me wonder. Who are the writers that do talkabout that?

>> No.11430645

Broad accusation so no.

>> No.11430647

There everywhere, dude. Most people realise the West is in a rather bad situation. Go to virtually any news wesbite and you'll be sure to come across at the very least an opinion piece discussing one of the major negative trends.

There's also a lot of people in denial about it, however, which is where Peterson's popularity stems from. It feels nicer to think that if we just get young men to clean their rooms and sort their lives out all our problems will be mitigated, instead of having to actually undertake the mass-scale action that is needed to effectively combat these growing problems.

>> No.11430650
File: 627 KB, 721x1596, 41A5C756-5C46-4380-9CE8-68C4C47440D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is a Marxist board

>> No.11430659

I agree but you're only telling me your feelings toward him.

>> No.11430664

I legitimately didn't but whatever.

>> No.11430677

Leftypol literally never comes up with it's own memes. Not a single one.

>> No.11430682

Telling me that some dude is x and y isn't an argument, woman.

>> No.11430684
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>b-b-but what about the memes!!

>> No.11430690

Classical liberalism is an economic theory and isn't concerned at all with individual actions. Individual rights are a pretty central theme within liberalism and I fail to see how enforcing someone to do something based on societal expectations is part of liberalism.

>> No.11430694

Re-read my post and respond to any of the claims I made about him. Otherwise, you are just wasting my time.

>> No.11430695

>Classical liberalism is an economic theory
No it isn’t.

>> No.11430700

>Is Ted right?

>> No.11430703

>dude i'm just going to make wild claim without backing them up, and now you're the one who must argument against them ahah

I think holocaust denial is right up your alley, my boy.

>> No.11430717

Of course Ted is right. Notice the billions of kaczynski threads we have without a single argument made to tackle his ideas. Not one. The truth doesn't require the mindless hordes of domesticated urbanite plebs to adhere to it.

>> No.11430730

I think you're legitimately retarded, dude. You asked for reasons why people disagree with Peterson, and when people give you actual reasons, you reject their ideas and call them "women" and "trannies" instead. If you're actually interested in seeing why Peterson is wrong on a number of issues you'd engage with the posts responding to you (besides throwing childish insults at them), but it's clear you aren't, so you should probably cease posting until you are.

>> No.11430733

>Classical liberalism is an economic theory and isn't concerned at all with individual actions.
Yeah... No

>Individual rights are important in classical liberal
Doesn't mean under classical liberalism that there is then no nomos to follow. Liberalism is not libertinism , it's about minimizing the state not deleting it. Nor is liberalism founded on ad infinitum freedom from society.

>> No.11430742

I mean don't make me go through the whole "I post a wikipedia definition and you disagree" but please tell me what classical liberalism is if not "free market and individual rights" and how socially enforced marriages aren't a violation of said individual rights.

>> No.11430754

>It feels nicer to think that if we just get young men to clean their rooms and sort their lives out all our problems will be mitigated
What's highly ironic about this idea is that is really comes down to blaming men for all of Western civilisation's problems. Exactly the criticism that Peterson levels against the left. Quite amusing when you think about it.

>> No.11430763

It's not that classical liberals don't believe in individual rights it's just that you're extending the parameters of how far individual rights ought to go. There isn't a comoletw deletion of societal mores under classical liberalism.

>> No.11430764

I'm not asking for your feelings about him, I'm asking for critics. You're giving me broad assertions.

I guess that's a bit too simple for your mighty intellect.

>> No.11430766
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What the hell?

>> No.11430770

Tell me where classical liberalism draws the line and provide me with theorists which defend an arbitrary line where individual rights become muh fee fees.

>> No.11430771

Well, fine, for a specific example, he downplays the role of the need for political action to solve climate change as being one of the main causes of young people's anxiety. He basically says "why worry about climate change when you haven't even gotten a job?", as if the two are mutually exclusive.

>> No.11430776

Humans cannot perpetuate as individuals. Pre-civ was tribal (genetically related) and familial. THAT should be the foundation of society because it's actually built on something real and it's how hominids have existed for hundreds of thousands of years.

The "individual" as the basis for state only exists now because of the atomisation and destruction of culture and family, following the industrial revolution. Even Greece and Rome were based on families.

>> No.11430780

He doesn't blame everything on young men tho, that's a huge exageration.
But it's easier to think the guy you don't link only have a handful of arguments.
What's higly ironic about this idea is that it out you as a pseud.

>> No.11430785

Peterson wants us to try and "fix" a dying civilisation, so we can all drown on the sinking ship with him. We didn't fuck it up, fuck him and fuck boomers.

>> No.11430789

He was right about everything, the only thing he got wrong was the targets and the bombs.

>> No.11430791

I already told you, classical liberals just seek to minimize the role of the state in deciding a person's outcome and provide liberties from the state for people to follow their own path, that does not mean society as a whole can do whatever it feels like doing. .

There is still a moral system to be upheld , the state still exists, and there are still laws. As such, people can socially enforce mores because it's their right to do so.

>> No.11430800
File: 146 KB, 493x498, 908CE86B-0E39-46F0-8B1B-F2A412B101DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moron. The state exists solely to enforce property rights. That’s it. Whatever smarmy nonsense you have concocted about personal liberties and morality is pure drivel.

>> No.11430804

I'd probably agree, but we're talking about Peterson's beliefs not me

>> No.11430809

>I am silly
>You're wrong because you're wrong

>> No.11430814

>The state exists solely to enforce property rights. That’s it.
Marxists.org calles, it wants it's 150yr old ideology back

>> No.11430820

>climate change is one of the main cause of anxiety of young people

I mean maybe I got that wrong but that's bullshit, at least among the young people I know.

And what do you mean political action? Science is what's gonna get us out of here, there's no way the majority are going to accept to lower their standard of living for a problem as abstract right now as climate change. If you want to fix it, become a scientist. If you're some no name loser without a job, what the hell do you want to do against such an enormous problem.

Please, don't take your mental illness for reality.

>> No.11430822
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Good to see someone on the same page. Well now that's settled, we can get back to bashing JBP and based individualism!

>> No.11430839
File: 142 KB, 600x842, 6E8CCF11-B73C-459B-BA2C-2EB13F68EEB8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a naive childlike understanding of the nature of the state
>I inform myself on sociopolitical theories through 10 minutes YouTube videos and Sargon exposees
Stop embarrassing yourself. You obviously have not even read your own classical liberal hero Locke.

>> No.11430859

We live in a liberal society and a bunch of social mores became extinct, like enforced marriage or homosexuality. Do you think it's liberalism's roles to socially enforce said mores, curbing individual rights in the process? If liberal society decided it's ok for gays to marry or women to remain single, why are you against it?

>> No.11430867

As a young man I see very little reason to engage in work that will be meaningless to me, will grant me absolutely no stability in life and has the immense downside of probably killing the planet I live in itself.

Climate change is a fucking atrocious problem and I have to doubt anyone who refuses to believe in it, given how easy it is to see all these bizarre phenomenons (i live in a tropical country and we had fucking negative temperatures in my city this year)

>> No.11430869

>Peterson really doesn't fit the "lame academic" archetype
He really does

>> No.11430875

Right? He's just trying to avoid saying "cultural Marxism" because he knows it's retarded but believes it anyway.

>> No.11430881

Lol I'm not a classical liberal. Just because I try to inform myself what classical liberals believe does not mean I am one. I also know a lot about fascism, Marxism, and anarchism and I am none of those things

>Locke is the God of classical liberalism
Lol no

>> No.11430892

>Everyone who disagrees with me is naive and uninformed because I am a perfected and enlightened philosopher
>All of this projection about watching YouTube videos for your ideology
>Muh Locke

Yeah. So... Youngfag confirmed? This is a blue board but still you should probably lurkmoar

>> No.11430895

>curbing individual rights in the process?
How? There is no violation of one's individual rights by spreading and following your own thoughts

>> No.11430909


>> No.11430919

>If I could just find a way to stereotype him then I don't need to confront his ideas
Please don't do this, when he is talking about post modern neo marxism it's not a synonym for cultural Marxism, he is talking about how many post modernists were former Marxist and a lot of their thought, while a reaction against perceived failures against Marxism, still exists within a marxian dialogue.

Its not an accusation of some secret organization of Marxists hijacking school systems

>> No.11430921

Jordan peterson really is a conformist, I once heard him say that "if the like/dislike ratio of your video is less than 9:1 you're doing something wrong" and i was baffled

>> No.11430922

>I have to doubt anyone who refuses to believe in it
Sorry but I have to doubt an establishment that has repeatedly lied about pretty much everything to secure its power base and extorts the people for tax money their entire lives, permitting them only to live in little boxes, go shopping in nice safe spaces and have safe television so they cannot possibly have any thought of rebellion.

If ((( they ))) want it, it's bad news.

>> No.11430933

If your like/dislike ratio is more than 9:1, you're doing something wrong by wasting every viewer's time with "safe" topics and drivel.

>> No.11430939

JP is fine

>> No.11430946

>work that will be meaningless

Jesus I get why you hate JP. You want to do something about climate change? Then get a job, win moneys and donate to organisations that will do something. Or better, study hard gor years and try to find a solution yourself.

That beat playing the internet intellectual and wanking at home.

I'm pretty sure JP answer would be something like that.

As for the effect of climate change, no one really care in my entourage so it's not too bad where I live.

>> No.11430951

It's easy to dismiss everything JP says just because he uses the term "post modern neo marxism" inappropriately. But it is clearly just a rethorical device and he has valid points.

>> No.11430957

Should I watch this

>> No.11430960

There are many, many other ways to easily dismiss him. As far as I'm concerned he's good food for pigs, I wouldn't wipe my ass with his books but I'm glad people are listening to him and not the HuffPost

>> No.11430961

Yeah, apart from those shady documents he authored for the UN where he actually endorses their agenda of globalisation and multi-culturalism. He's a shill and he's full of shit.

Also, muh "ebil nazis". Muh "all extremes are bad". These are classic indicators of being part of the establishment (Especially controlled opposition).

>> No.11430965

They are lying about Co2 and other irrelevant shit like that. But that is just to distract you from soil depletion, nutrient collapse, ocean depletion etc. etc. as that does not gel with the neoliberal jewish capitalist agenda like perpetual growth through immigration funded by over-exploitation of natural resources leading to imports etc. etc.

Environmentalism is important, but Co2, "meat-free" initiatives and literally every single """""""""""eco"""""""""" NGO is part of the judeo-capitalist ponzi scheme.

>> No.11430966
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Brau1589 from Pluto must have been based on him.

>> No.11430969

>donate to organisations
This is the wrong answer. Never donate to these bullshit scam organisations.

If you want to make a difference, start a business, create a green product and make it damn better than the planet killing alternatives.

>> No.11430974

>Donate to organizations
So, just trying to placate my moral outrage while the world remains the same?
Also, how the fuck work being meaningless has anything to do with JBP? Do you really think JBP is the first nigger to touch upon contemporary ennui and worker's alienation?
So, every scientist claiming global warming is real is the establishment, while every fucking venture capitalist completely disregarding it so more iPhones and sports cars can be produced are the surrounded minority?
Are you really willing to distrust empirical evidence if it makes you agree with these libtards?

>> No.11430982

He seems passionate and genuine. But i agree that he naively accepts mainstream narratives, the neoliberal establishment and "can't do it" in relation to some (controversial) topics

>> No.11430984

I agree with pretty much everything you said. The environment is important to me and I do really care. But I don't want to just hand over more money and power for them to "solve" the problem with their cancerous "solutions".

Plastic in the ocean and what they are doing to food and crops is what upsets me the most.

Yeah, the vegetarian meme is literally emasculating our people when they are already being attacked in so many other ways...

>> No.11430988

I don't want the corporations to fuck up the environment either. I just have no reason to trust the politicians when they fuck things up EVEN WORSE than the corporations who at least still have to save some face and sell a product.

And no, why would I trust ((( scientists ))) who just create studies to please their funders so they can keep that revenue coming in? You think science is free? lmfao

>> No.11430991

The key issue with vegetarianism is that it requires massive large-scale grain agriculture which is absolutely terrible for the diversity of the biosphere and again soil quality. The only reason anyone advocates it is because it really is the only way to sustain this already limping unsustainable system of perpetual growth and mass movements of people and resources.

>> No.11430994

Well then
can do just that, maybe witht the money he got from his previous jobs. And maybe by choosing his jobs smartly he'll be able to get knowledge that wilm help him for his meaningful project.

You can't just refuse to get a job because it's meaningless to you before expecting the governement to solve what you see as a major problem.

Watch what? Peterson? The guys have a bunch of interesting stuff to say, watch some of his old videos.

>trying to placate my morale outrage
Then come up with your own solution you outraged tranny. But chance is, you'll need m9neys and experience for that and unless you're better than the average, pulling it off right away is going to be impossible.

>how the fuck work being meaningless has anything to do with JBP.

You're the one who bring it up. As far as I understand it you refuse to work because it's meaningless to you. Maybe you're right. Maybe you're just using this as an excuse to remain lazy. But in every case you should find something you'd like to do and work toward it, even if it mean working useless jobs.

>> No.11430998

Memes are literally everything

>> No.11431005

>reddit spacing
>wagecuck advocate
>watches petersöy
Head on back

>> No.11431007

Here's what pisses me off the most. Liberals cry about animal farming and how unnatural and terrible it is (And I agree, it is) but then they turn around and say hunting is savage, cruel and unncessary. They just want to bitch about conservatives and virtue signal. That's about it. Real right wingers care more about the animals and environment than any of those pretentious tossers.

>> No.11431009

No, Ted is just a egomaniacal loon trying to justify his own values. By proffering an argument which renders the arguments of those most qualified to annihilate his rhetoric he predispositions the audience to scoff at his interlocutors. It is actually the tactic of a coward - masking his fear in arrogance.

>> No.11431013

why the fuck is this shit on /lit/ could u get more fucking pseud holy shit

>> No.11431014

>/lit/ hates Peterson but loves a serial murderer who spent most of his life in a shed being mad at civilization

Doesn't surprise me that most people here are edgy 19 year olds.

>> No.11431020

>save face and sell a product
nigger apple literally has sweatshops everyone knows about and the iphone is still seem as some sort of messianic object by most of the population. I really don't understand how the argument "at least corporations need good PR!" has any weight when other corporations are who's in charge of telling you why corporation A did something wrong. Nestlé is trying to privatize fucking water reserves in Bolivia, do we really have any reason whatsoever to think corporations aren't just a even more evil government other than american goodwill towards corporations?

>> No.11431021

>work is meaningless but you need to work otherwise you are "lazy"
Time to man up, tidy your room and get a job. The replacement of your people and culture ain't gonna pay for itself boy. Get paying those taxes!

Gee, where have I heard this before?

>> No.11431023

>Yeah, apart from those shady documents he authored for the UN where he actually endorses their agenda of globalisation and multi-culturalism. He's a shill and he's full of shit.

Do you have a source for that? I've never heard anything about such a document before.

>> No.11431031

Government isn't always evil. Of course we need the state to protect us from shitty corporations. But the current govs are owned by the same shitty corporations.

I'm not ancap

>> No.11431038


(from /pol/)

>> No.11431051

>iphone is made with slave labor!

nice buzfeed tier shitlib meme, people line up for jobs working for honai, the wages are competitive for the region, also hating on the iphone? could u get more pseud? u think your shitty samsung shit isn't made in probably made in a factory down the block with half the same components?

>> No.11431053

>work is meaninglless bot you need to work

You strawmaning fuck. Work being meaningless IS a problem, but you can fix this by,
1) finding a good job
2)working for some kind of higer goal

But yeah, better fight degeneracy by staying in your room licking the cumstain on your wall.

>> No.11431054


Work is meaningless because it's completely separated and abstracted from real achievments. I don't refuse to work, I refuse to work for other people. I don't want to give half my life away to some cuck in a yacht when I could be tending the garden with my dogs, woodcutting, reading or whatever other infinitely more productive activity I can come up with. What fucking solution do you think we still need to come up with other than dismantling capitalism? We have the means to generate clean energy, we've known about subsistence agriculture since the literal beginning of history, we clearly have the means for at least some degree of responsible living with nature and ending up basic needs scarcity, and yet they still exist, and JBPs argument is "just keep on doing what we've done for the past 100 years what the FUCK could go wrong".
The retard praises western enlightenment society while also being against totalitarianism, which was born and fed in the womb of western society. I don't see how a board which memes Pynchon so much can STILL fail to recognize this, considering how much time he devotes to it in his books.

>> No.11431059

the fact that people are willing to work fucking sweatshops is an argument much more against than pro capitalism, you retard.
I don't know where you live, I'll assume you're some amerilard neet in a cul de sac, but if you had any idea about the levels of degradation and humiliation people are willing to withstand to pay the rent in my country you'd see what I'm talking about.
Capitalism comes at a cost, and this cost is rising exponentially.

>> No.11431060


Do you realize combat sports are intense cardio

>> No.11431074

>i refuse to work for some cuck in a yacht
>other people should work to provide me with shit i want like dog food and books

nice logic tard

>> No.11431081

Where did I say other people should do anything? As i've said, I'm perfectly content taking care of my plants, chilling with my dogs and reading, This involves no one else (or rather, it does at the moment since I can't recycle my water yet but this is somewhat solvable too).

>> No.11431082

Who's the biggest cancer?
/leftypol/ or /pol/

>> No.11431083

people are going to work in iphone factory from towns where people are still living on subsistence agriculture u dumb fuckhead, you think standing hunched over in feces infested water up to your shins doing wet rice agriculture is some kind of "meaningful" shit? fucking kys my dude

>> No.11431088


>> No.11431091

Unironically a fantastic post.

Fucking idiot. As if you couldn't buy things before the industrialcuckalution.

Also, he said woodcutting. You can't cut down trees in my country because it's illegal.

You do realise the entire point of Ted's work is that doing the REAL work of surviving is fulfilling and meaningful but we are trapped doing meaningless surrogate activities because the system has barred all other ways to survive.

>> No.11431094

>still living on subsistence agriculture
more like still living under feudalism and having to rely on subsistence agriculture because their wages and shit are the same.
Wet rice agriculture is hardly subsistence agriculture as well, since it's monocultural and usually controlled or influenced by some sort of governamental body.
I'm not asian but the exact same shit happens in latin-american countries and has been happening for the past 500 years with delicious coups and assassinations by the England or the US whenever the people manage to come up with something by themselves.

>> No.11431095
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>> No.11431097

haha ok have fun going back 5000 years to subsistence agriculture, just try not to starve to death like that "into the wild" moron, and you think a fuckin garden is going to support you for a year? do you know _anything_ about agriculture? if you go "off the grid" you're going to have to plant a years worth of food, thats not "tending to a garden" its slaving away in a field for months doing work that a fucking gas powered tractor could do in a couple days

>> No.11431106

have you moved out of your mom's basement yet, fag? anyone who lives on their own realizes the work they do to put food on the table and pay rent is "the REAL work of surviving"

>> No.11431107

/pol/ is 90% shills so it's hard to tell.
The problem with the left is they are just so inconsistent. We could agree on so much but they make sweeping contradictions at every turn. Yeah, capitalism is dehumanising but obviously chopping off your penis and taking pills is fine and not at all an indication of a deeply poisoned society.

>> No.11431112

>has no work ethic
>complains home country is shit

hmmm, might be related, dumbfuck

>> No.11431114

I own a house and I've been working for 15 years. Not all of us are so weak to give up on all hope of living to just become a meaningless cog. What the fuck is wrong with you and why are you shilling for the system? Hi CIA

>> No.11431118

chopping off your dick and taking pills is freedom, capitalism and private property makes people free, fuck off faggot

>> No.11431123

so then why the fuck are you so immature? i mean really man, grow the fuck up

>> No.11431131

I don't thin you realize how big my garden is, I don't think you understand I'm not arguing for "going back 5000 years", I really don't think you've ever had to do shit.
I'm not even slaving away, I have a small vegetable garden which only gave me any trouble in the beginning, a bunch of fruit trees that have been here since god knows when and some more delicate shit which I have to take care of but my mom's a botanist and she helps me with a lot of said delicate work. I sometimes eat meat or some kind of candy and while I do have to buy rice, beans and some other grain every once in a while, I just buy a 5kg pack and it lasts for what, 3, 4 months. i'm not even saying YOU have to do any of this shit, mind you, I'm just saying that's what I want to do but can't.

>> No.11431132


Great argument there you pseud.

>work is meaningless because it's completely separated from real achievement

What the fuck? Not all jobs, no. Maybe you believe you will only have access to shit jobs like that all your life but then that's your fault. If you see the world that way it's pretty simple why you hate people telling you to try hard.

>tending my garden

And how the hell are you able to do all that? Because cucks took on jobs, meaningless and meaningful, that allow you easy and safe access to food, moneys, lands and books. Nothing you do will be productive beyond your own little world.

You're asking people to come up with a mean to generate infinte energy and food so that you can stay a sad little loner. If it was that simple, western country would already be complete heaven.

JBP arguments isn't that we have to keep going on the same path, he said severals time today is better than what was before and that was the results of severals generations of blind guess. He say we have to keep what work if we have no good alternative. Your proposing to replace a time-proved system by a simple, delusional paradise.


>> No.11431135

I have no idea what you are trying to say.

I'm not a leftist. I'm just saying, they complain about capitalism for being degenerate and unnatural, then proceed to just engage in all manner of degenerate and unnatural behaviour.

It's almost like they are only interested in holding positions for social brownie points and don't have any genuine convictions. Almost.

>> No.11431137


Been lurkin
Funny thing is, you're both kinda right on different things.
Good that there is a medium, even though it is kinda shitty, like 4chan in order to communicate.

>> No.11431141

He was probably referring to the piece of shit The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State that Engels published after Marx's death.

>> No.11431157

The system hasn't broken me yet and one more yoked and broken man telling me to "grow up" to join him in slavery isn't going to convince me. I don't know how your life can be so empty that you would shill for the people exploiting you and stealing your life away for profit. Very sad case indeed.

>> No.11431160

what if the thing that I consider a "higher goal" don't produce money?

>> No.11431177

Well then do that. Money isn't the end all of happiness anyway, once your base need are covered, moneys isn't that good at making people happy.

>> No.11431182

>You're asking people to come up with a mean to generate infinte energy and food
Not the same anon but... I don't want this at all. Happiness comes from the fruits of your own labour. Having everything provided for me sounds like hell. In fact, that is my exact objection to this system. It's too easy and everything is handed to us.

>> No.11431186

Soi doesn't even feminize you, dumbfucks.

>> No.11431187

>You're asking people to come up with a mean to generate infinte energy and food so that you can stay a sad little loner.
I'm neither a loner nor am I asking this. Infinite energy is impossible and infinite food is unneeded.
Also, what kind of easy access to land, money, food and books do I have if 10 our of 24 hours of my day are spent with work? Once again, I have to think you're some neet in a cul de sac, none of those things are easy access, as I've said in a few posts before people are willing to part their dignity for access to food and housing.

Also, we do have a bunch of alternatives, but JBP discredits them because they are not exactly what we have. He might claim he doesn't want to keep doing things the same way but at the same time he thinks marriages should be socially enforced. If anything, he's the one arguing that we should go back 5000 years.
I have work ethic when working for something I deem meaningful or necessary, as do most people.
Also, once again, stop being a sheltered cuckboy, how the fuck do you expect people to have "work ethic" when theirs is a story of being defeated whenver you are right or wrong? They have their spirits broken from an early age, dealing with nothing but misery, oligarchy, crime and corruption, and yet you think they should rise up from bed at 6 AM everyday and go to work with a jolly face?

>> No.11431205

Money isn't the end all of happiness except the state will send thugs to beat my ass and throw me in jail if I don't earn enough to pay the slave taxes.

I don't think you understand that the objection is, we aren't ALLOWED to live in a way that isn't considered "profitable enough" to keep the banks happy. All the options have been forbidden. Believe me, I have been trying my hardest to explore every possibility.

Even buying your own land involves decades of servitude for heavily inflated prices and then there are tons of restrictions on what you are even allowed to do with it. In my country, I wouldn't even be able to build on 99% of the land that might even be remotely affordable.

>> No.11431206

>Do that
>end up working a shit job anyway and not pursuing your higher goal because it's kinda hard to do it when you're crunching those excel bad boys 9 to 5

>> No.11431213

This. Even if everyone on the planet went vegetarian or vegan, the human population would expand and use up the extra capacity freed up from meat production.

>> No.11431217

then u might want to consider how much value it really adds to civilization, i mean having the highest gear score in wow is certainly a goal that doesnt involve money or work, and its certainly unpaid, but that doesnt make it good, meanwhile doing deep learning research at google or engineering work at space x is well remunerated and also, or one might say, because, it creates value for humanity, so if you "really care" about humanity shouldnt you be doing something that creates value rather than pissing away your life farming dirt in your mom's backyard?

>> No.11431222

Not that we would ever get to that point as the large scale grain agriculture would absolutely decimate what remains of our poor, already cucked biosphere in a short amount of time.

>> No.11431225
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> They have their spirits broken from an early age, dealing with nothing but misery, oligarchy, crime and corruption, and yet you think they should rise up from bed at 6 AM everyday and go to work with a jolly face?

>> No.11431224

Except that you can literally grow vegetables in your kitchen. The problem lies within the mode of production, not the consumption.

>> No.11431227

oh shit malthus not so stupid afterall!

>> No.11431232

Find patrons. If what you consider a higher goal isn't valued by anyone then what the fuck do you expect other than to be on your own

>> No.11431236

you realize that your post only makes sense in a society in which people don't even NEED the highest gear in WOW, just kinda screaming at the right time at a shitty webcam to become millionaires, don't you? Stop pretending capitalism is some sort of virtuous renaissance men opening the doors to the future, it's the opposite of that, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk would strip you away of your consciousness if there was another million in it for them.

>> No.11431246

By that logic, being a tiddy streamer is more vallorous to society than writing a book, considering the first has much more patrons than the latter.

>> No.11431249

do you realize how many vegetables you would have to grow to feed yourself for a year? do you realize how fucking incredibly wasteful and destructive it would be to throw away economies of scale and have every retard super heating their house to be a hydroponic lab? these new leftist whiners are so fucking stupid it almost makes me miss the neonazis, blaming capital or blaming the jews is an idiotic grand narrative which got btfo generations ago

>> No.11431250

Well yeah it literally is by the logic of the people handing that money away

>> No.11431257

>a product that sells many units is therefore good quality or adds to society in a healthy way
Ancap logic

>> No.11431260

I think you are severly underestimating the amount people eat (or need to). As I've said before itt, the only thing I can't produce for myself (efficiently at least, given the size of my land) is grain.

>> No.11431267

>hating on youtube e-celebs

well now you're just being resentful, if millions of people are willing to sit through a 15 second advertisement to watch some gamer play halo or something, then he has created value in the those people's lives, moreover he has created value for youtube because advertisers can buy ad time on his show, and it has create value for entrepreneurs who can now raise awareness and find markets for their new products

>> No.11431268

So, you think something's worth is determined by the amount of people paying for it? Is Beyoncé better than Mozart?

>> No.11431269

Man, massive food waste is a reality.
I mean, when people create a nightmarish or utopian vision of the future, there usually is a problem to be tackled.

>> No.11431271

I have to work for a lot of time fo those "basics"
This is spooky
the only value is that what produce money?

>> No.11431273

Why are you on a literature board? Because John Green has much more value than Cervantes or Pynchon, on your logic. Are you gonna start to defend John Green now?

>> No.11431275

Not enough to subsist on, though. You need grains and legumes for that, lots of them, and more space than a kitchen.

>> No.11431277

All right, maybe you got this guy but you still can't refute mine. My "higher goal" is to live as my ancestors. I don't want to become a fucking entertainer, I want the freedom to roam the wild. The ways of life that served humanity for most of our existence have been made ILLEGAL in most first world countries. What do you have to say to that?

>> No.11431279

>So, you think something's worth is determined by the amount of people paying for it?

No you fucking retard, I'm saying its how society views it worth. What its actual worth is, is a completely different question

>> No.11431284

how many potatoes and carrots do you need to survive while you wait for the next crop to mature? have you thought this through at all...?

>> No.11431285
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This thread is a circlejerk of room cleaners and binary thinkers.

>> No.11431286

Your ancestors lived in an economy and culture which valued the way they lived. Its true things are absolutely fucking garbo now but all you can do is either go it completely alone somehow or work with what the situation offers you

>> No.11431289

>eat ur vegetables there are people starving in china!

the left has bee reduced to being a nagging suburban mom! way to go!

>> No.11431290

>the only value is that what produce money?
No, it is what produces willingness on others to give you their money. Also, money and hapiness have a pretty big positive correlation.

>> No.11431294
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>binary thinkers.

>> No.11431296

>if millions of people are willing to sit through a 15 second advertisement to watch some gamer play halo or something, then he has created value in the those people's lives
If someone buys fast food or meth then it created value in those people's lives because they paid for it.

Ancaps are fucking idiots. I'm so glad I grew out of this phase.

>> No.11431302

how has it been made "ILLEGAL" i used to live in a college town surrounded by farms, get your money up (by creating value) then go buy some land and farm the shit, absolutely no one is stopping you, but you're not going to do it because guess what working on a farm fucking sucks ass and you are a literal "dude" who doesn't know shit!

>> No.11431303
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>I'm so glad I grew out of this phase.

>> No.11431309

I never tried growing legumes indoors but I have two tomato plants and I'm literally giving it away before it goes rotten, the green bean has become kind of a plague in itself, my bell pepper supply is OK, so are my carrotts. If anything, the ONE thing I think it's difficult to grow by myself are spices, but once again, I never grew them indoors.
So, you're saying the guy should follow his higher goal only so far as society lets him.

>> No.11431322

Have you ever fucking tried to raise money to buy land you fucking nigger? Do you really think this is is feasible "lol brah just buy land so you can raise money to buy land brah"?

>> No.11431324

Perhaps your mom is right.
Not really leftist btw, but I guess you guys are so out-of-balance that you see ghosts behind every post.

>> No.11431328

>culture which valued the way they lived
This can be changed. That's why I'm here debating these ideas. If we change enough peoples minds, there can be a critical mass who DO care about how we live and we can fucking do something about it.

It's true, all I can really do is put up with it and suffer. But I can suffer loudly and try to influence minds.

>> No.11431329

>Also, what kind of easy access to land, money, food and books do I have if 10 our of 24 hours of my day are spent with work?

That's easy access because most people in western societies don't need to do hard physical labor, don't have to hunt their own food, don't suffer from poverty, generally aren't attacked by thugs and can buy shit from the other side of the world and get it delivered at their doorstep in about a month.

>a few posts before people are willing to part their dignity for access to food and housing.

Some do, some don't, some don't agree they part with their dignity despite doing a relatively shitty job. Don't project your victimization on everyone. Of course people are willing to part for their dignity for food and housing, that's because most people value those kind of thing above their feeling. What's wrong with that? Not everyone is going to have a perfect golden job either, but having a dream job isn't vital.

>Also, we do have a bunch of alternatives,

Like what? Destroying capitalism and going back to our own gardens?

>he thinks marriages should be socially enforced

Yes, because he believe this is for the best of the society. He doesn't like polygamous relations and believe sex isn't casual. You could look up why he believe that and then comes up with counterargument for that, but I don't see the problem with what he's proposing.

I think you can find happiness in doing your own unproductive thing like playing videogame or pissing on the floor. But if you're a bitter fuck because you can't do only that and want to destroy everything in favor of some delusional heavenly system then you can go fuck yourself.

>> No.11431332

wow man two tomato plants i'm that will last you all winter!

>> No.11431335

>So, you're saying the guy should follow his higher goal only so far as society lets him.

As far as the Universe lets him. What the fuck else do you expect to be the case, a Genie magically makes everything perfect for you?

>> No.11431348

you do realize both tomatoes and potatoes are evergreen right? I just did what I did when I grew my first fucking pot plant, just space the seedings so that you have a constant production.

>> No.11431353

Yes, this is the way

>> No.11431354
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You're proving my point, boy.

>> No.11431358

Alright, you get off for posting based Willem

>> No.11431360

>go buy some land and farm the shit, absolutely no one is stopping you
Farms with residential buildings are extremely expensive here and the government cockblocks anyone trying to build a house on their land. Even so much as erecting a simple tool shed can often require permission.

Land is cheap. But permission is almost impossible unless you are a massive developer, ready to build a hundred houses and you can just bribe the local government.

Also, before you just tell me to move to another country like the US, it's actually extremely hard if you are white. Most of the visas go to cheap foreign workers like pajeets. Furthermore, why should I give up the country that my ancestors fought and died to hand down?

>> No.11431362

The universe isn't stopping anyone from droping off the grid, but society sure is.
>most people value those kind of thing above their feeling
that the very own means for continued existence and integrity of a given individual should have to be weighted and so on is in itself a crime
>Yes, because he believe this is for the best of the society. He doesn't like polygamous relations and believe sex isn't casual. You could look up why he believe that and then comes up with counterargument for that, but I don't see the problem with what he's proposing.

I get it he doesn't respect individual rights.

>> No.11431365

This honestly sound like a fucking garbage higer goal.

What do you mean by an ancestral way of life? Fucking Varg can live alone in France with his autistic wife, you can do it too since you live in your mom's garden.

>> No.11431368

dude do you realize how shitty living on potatoes would be? i don't want to have to get a job so instead i will give myself a vitamin deficiency by eating like a 19th century irish peasant, grow. the. fuck. up.

>> No.11431372

Just grow shit other than potatoes then, an option irish peasants didn't have btw.

>> No.11431374
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Society is part of the Universe.

>> No.11431378
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>grow. the. fuck. up.

Don't post like this, it's faggy

>> No.11431380

>my government blocks me from living how i want
>the answer is more government!

dude, you've become a living meme, reconsider your life

>> No.11431381


>> No.11431390
File: 40 KB, 221x228, 7F1EF284-5DC0-47B7-866D-2501CCE04ACA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He say we have to keep what work if we have no good alternative. Your proposing to replace a time-proved system by a simple, delusional paradise.
Kek this is the exact “argument” Hillary Clinton made in 2016. There is something hilariously broken in the minds of right wingers that seemingly prevents them from having any sense of self-awareness at all.

>> No.11431392

the answer is regulation to nullify the damage done, not a network of business logic inflating land and property prices

>> No.11431393

don't you care about the planet? do you realize how environmentally irresponsible and inefficient this kind of agriculture is? just read fucking adam smith or something, if your whole country is full of people as retarded as you i can see why your economy has failed

>> No.11431401

>hurr dur i grew a tomato in my mom's backyard therefor civilization is a waste!

if you wanna know whats faggy just read your own bullshit my dude

>> No.11431405

Oh shit, you showed him

>> No.11431409

So, is our current monocultural model for agriculture which depletes the soil, fucks over local economies, destroys habitats and concentrates power in the hands of few is the smart one? Why is subsistence agriculture inefficient? Why is it enviromentally irrespnsible?/

>> No.11431417

I forgot to mention that after the employer pays a pittance for my labour that made them a ton of money, the government takes half of it in taxes, whilst also inviting in lots of cheap third world labour to undercut my wages and give them free housing.

We live in a farce and the few that aren't asleep are too afraid of being called names because even being associated with the idea of such accusations can mean losing your job and being cut off financially and socially.

>> No.11431420

>that the very own means for continued existence and integrity of a given individual should have to be weighted and so on is in itself a crime
>that people should do something of worth to live is a crime

You know thatliving off the land isn't some kind of magical lifestyle where you'll never have to make hard choice right? Fuck up a crop or get unlucky and you'll have to wait until food grow again. Meanwhile, what will you do? Read a book?

>I get it he doesn't respect individual rights.

What? he believe one of the reason western society are so good is because people aren't very individual. They're ready to play the game of society and so you can predict what they'll do. You know you can go outside with money and not get clubbed to death, for exemple. You can know that when you flip the switch in your bedroom, light will show up because some "cuck" got up at 06 AM to maintain the electric central in exchange for a bunch of increased number in the notebook of his bank.

>> No.11431424

>dfw reaction poster should be responded to with seriousness


>> No.11431426

I didn't ask for more government. I'm for a tribal pre-civ life with limited technology. The government has no place in such arrangements.

>> No.11431427

>Why is subsistence agriculture inefficient?

Because it produces significantly less output per square hectre, simple as that
Whether we should care in a world where we spend tons on absolutely useless shit and therefore are in an abundance of food is another question however

>> No.11431428

nigger i very much doubt any choice given in subsistence farming, since you seem so hellbent on focusing on it as the sole possibility of living in a post-capitalist world instead of one example I came up with, I very much doubt any of them involve choosing between letting someone take 14 hours out of the 16 you're awake because they need to send their kids to a private school or something
>he believe one of the reason western society are so good is because people aren't very individual
then he's not a liberal, classic or otherwise

>> No.11431433

are you trolling? are you really this stupid?

>> No.11431440

I'm neither right wing nor americain. Clinton was right when she said this. IF she said it.

>after the employer pays a pittance for my labour that made them a ton of money

Well then, tell him to pay you more if your job is so useful to him. If he don't get the fuck out. You obviously make him so much money, surely you won't have trouble finding a better offer, yes?

>> No.11431448

It also depletes the soil in the process turning it useless for any future production.
I suggest you look up what cacao and sugar kane plantation has done in south america, for example.
Also, you are completely disregarding capitalism as a mode of production, the people who grow said food so it can be thrown away are starving themselves sometimes.
Responsible monoculture is PROBABLY possible, I'm not sure, but this is not what happens today, what happens today is "completely deplete the soil and move on to the next acre".

>> No.11431452

Nice argument my dude still doesn't answer any of my questions.

>> No.11431456

>It's another "/lit/ shits on Peterson despite the fact that they've never read him and are jealous of his success and anti-academic platform" thread

>> No.11431457

>You know thatliving off the land isn't some kind of magical lifestyle where you'll never have to make hard choice right?
This fucking strawman again. How many times have we address this "argument" in this thread now? 4? 5?

We are not asking for an easy life or a work free life but an authentic and REAL life. And I don't consider the bullshit excuse for existence in modernity to be authentic, no matter how many colourful distractions I'm able to purchase.

Give me a life with ten times the hardship and suffering, and I will take that with freedom, over 9-5 mind numbing drudgery in the office for the rest of my life.

>> No.11431466

If only there were some sort of institution or person that would be willing to lend money to productive people in return for interest. A boy can dream, I guess.

>> No.11431467

>Well then, tell him to pay you more if your job is so useful to him. If he don't get the fuck out. You obviously make him so much money, surely you won't have trouble finding a better offer, yes?

of course we live in a perfect universe where everything operates through cold computer logic


>> No.11431469

nigger i very much doubt any choice given in subsistence farming, since you seem so hellbent on focusing on it as the sole possibility of living in a post-capitalist world instead of one example I came up with, I very much doubt any of them involve choosing between letting someone take 14 hours out of the 16 you're awake because they need to send their kids to a private school or something

And what are those better alternatives ?

>then he's not a liberal, classic or otherwise

Liberal don't believe we have to follow the laws?

>> No.11431471

>I want to live off my own production and leave society behind
>You see this is very easy all you gotta do is entangle yourself with society even more and create what might as well amount to a life relationship with your bank

w o a h

>> No.11431472
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It has become something else entirely. Two guys having an "argument". It's beautiful.

>> No.11431475

>Well then, tell him to pay you more if your job is so useful to him. If he don't get the fuck out.
You don't understand how badly employees are getting ripped off or you wouldn't make such retarded suggestions. A 10-15% raise is possibly negotiable but the value provided vastly exceeds that.

Also, you don't seem to comprehend that every business is structured with a bunch of leeches in middle-management and up to the top, who do precisely fuck all but sit in meetings and jerk each other off all day. Going to another companies with different jerk offs isn't going to change that.

>> No.11431478

>credit score not high enough
>sorry faggot should have spent your last 10 years buying everything on credit lmao lmao *dab* nigga finna boutta get dabbed on *dab* *dab* *dab* bitch nigga dabbed on epic style *dab* bernanke style *dab* yeet yeeet <o/

>> No.11431479

This isn't Se7en.

>> No.11431480

Peterson doesn't think liberals have to follow the laws given his place in the spotlight was given after he explicitly said he didn't want to follow that canadian tranny law.
You don't want to discuss any alternative either, you just want to tell how I'm not human because I'm a commie or whatever.
Probably not with you but I've been through this dance before, it's rather grating.

>> No.11431481

Credit scores are memes. If you have a good plan somebody will give you money.

>> No.11431485

even without a bank you still going to have to pay taxes, or did you think you could gobble up the productive land and keep its output all to yourself? not very socialist of you, faggot

>> No.11431486

>It is actually the tactic of a coward - masking his fear in arrogance.
A common trait of psychopaths.

>> No.11431491

this is precisely the other lad's point you retard

>> No.11431494

Buddy, if you have a skillset that will bring someone a lot of money, there's going to be other that will want your help. And they'll be ready to pay you well for that, if your job REALLY is that worthile. Which I doubt

>> No.11431500

While a brilliant mathematician, only parts of his quote make sense. The premise is flawed, as he didn't define who the "intellectuals" he referred to are supposed to be. Other parts read like anti-NWO Infowars propaganda.

>> No.11431504

exactly, its like get some fucking skills you absolutely worthless little shits, even a barista with some experience might be able to job hop for a raise in a cosmopolitan city

>> No.11431506

Mate I don't think you ever applied for a job in your life. It's definitely about skills, it's about knowing people more than anything, I got into every job I've ever had because I knew someone and those people were there because they also knew someone.

>> No.11431510

Who would've thought a quote taken out of context doesn't make much sense?

>> No.11431517

>"the capital 'S' System"

stopped reading right there

>> No.11431527


I'm trying to start my own business now (To try and get some escape from this hell) but I have decades of experience working in offices and I know exactly how this shit works. What you are saying is not realistic at all.

Let's put this in perspective, I've worked on some website projects which had funding into the tens of millions and were developed mostly by 5-10 developers. How much of that money do you think the developers got paid? Yeah, fuck all in comparison.

Anyway, this is irrelevant. The current system is completely exploitative and we have a long way to go.

>> No.11431532

>he doesnt constantly get spammed by recruiters trying to poach him

like we said, get some skills

>> No.11431537

Yes because you can find another compagny that will be ready to pay more than your current one. Then you can play their offer against your current one and maybe get something better. And if all else fail, you can work on your skills and become more valuable.

Anyway we're talking about some commie living in his mom's basement so I doubt he is that good.

Yes, because that was a bad law. Again, he believe the western civilisations are good because they have better rules than the other and people are ready to follow those rules. If we had bad rules, or remove good rules why shouldn't he complains ?

>You don't want to discuss any alternative either,

Well, for now your alternative are

>Let's get infinte ressource
>Let's destroy the governement because they won't let me live with my mom in her garden.

So yeah, it's pretty shitty.

>you just want to tell how I'm not human
What? You're pretty human, all right.

>> No.11431547

>old companies are filled with inefficient cruft that adds no value

well then its a good thing venture capitalists are willing to risk their wealth to try to start newer more efficient companies! wow, it's capitalism!

>> No.11431549

Can anyone find the full context?

>> No.11431554

As I've said before, we don't need infinite resources, we have more resources than we need as it is. I've said this before and you've ignore it.
Also, "that's a bad law", why is that?

>> No.11431562

>thinking a serial killer's crazy manifesto will make sense if only someone will put it "in context"


>> No.11431567


>> No.11431578

My last role was at the top (Actually around 10k above) of the salary range ever advertised in my field (In my country). It's still garbage pay and would take 30 years to buy agricultural land with a house. And I'm getting all of my earnings, even bonuses and overtime, almost halved by the government.

Can you stop making excuses for the system you bootlicker

>> No.11431581

I'm a computer scientist who got a society ready to pay two years of formation for me all while giving me a job. I knew no one inside before applying, I'm a sperg and I had diseased red skin for my interview. Fuck off.

>How much of that money do you think the developers got paid? Yeah, fuck all in comparison.

Well, shit buddy. What else did you have on your site? Tens of millions for a simple website is a complete ripoff so surely it wasn't only the website.

>> No.11431590

Everyone elses anedoctes are just anedoctes but yours is proof the system works, right? Not to mention how weird it is that your major only took 2 years despite the fact that literally anywhere else in the world it would be at least 4.

>> No.11431598

>government takes half his pay
>blames capitalism for the absolute state of his country

why the fuck im i wasting my time arguing with europoors so cucked by socialism they have stockholm syndrome

>> No.11431601
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>not real capitalism

>> No.11431608

>Let's put this in perspective, I've worked on some website projects which had funding into the tens of millions and were developed mostly by 5-10 developers. How much of that money do you think the developers got paid? Yeah, fuck all in comparison.

you should have demanded equity dumbass, oh but then when the company goes belly it up cuz its staffed by commies with no work ethic all those stock options wont be worth shit, uh oh, maybe it was better to stick with wages

>> No.11431616

>Demand equity because I worked
>get fired
oh boy i love capitalism

>> No.11431617

>i'll never be able to buy private property when the government takes half my wages

yeah but but free healthcare!

>> No.11431619

>hurr durr just reskill and do something else
I just looked it up and my salary would put me in the top 10% of all workers. Yeah I guess capitalism is working fine. Fuck those 90% below me who can afford even less than me.

Developing a website isn't just limited to some fancy marketing piece. People run huge businesses online like platforms for managing investment portfolios. And that is all I am willing to disclose.

>> No.11431621

>goverment and capitalism are not totally in bed lol

>> No.11431626

wow man ur so caring, thinking about all the lazy uneducated shits who make less than you, aww shucks u sure are virtuous

>> No.11431629

I'm not a leftist. I said this already a bunch of times but this thread is a shit show, so I understand it's hard to follow.

Both are to blame for the atrocious conditions of modern "living".

>> No.11431630

He won't engage with anyone who isn't inside of his small intellectual dark web group.

>> No.11431636

>we don't need infinite resources, we have more resources than we need as it is

Then find a way for ressources to be better distributed if that's all we're missing for a worldy utopia. Come on, man, you don't want to miss on becoming the next Jesus?

>"that's a bad law", why is that?

Peterson explained it, there's no reason why I should go ahead with the delusion of somebody who want to be called a "they" or a "xhir". On top of that the law is just going to bring undue attention to trans and they are going to become more hated because people will feel forced to buy into something they don't believe.

>My last role was at the top (Actually around 10k above) of the salary range ever advertised in my field (In my country). It's still garbage pay and would take 30 years to buy agricultural land with a house.

Wait are you the one who want to become Varg? Go live somewhere cheaper, then. Africa needs farmer.

>almost halved by the government.

Yeah but that offer you stuff you don't need to pay for, like road and garbage collecting.

>Can you stop making excuses for the system you bootlicker

No because you don't have a better alternative.

>> No.11431642

>thinking a serial killer's crazy manifesto will make sense if only someone will put it "in context"
I'm not implying that, although his brilliance in mathematics isn't negated by him being a serial killer. Breivik for example knew what would happen to his country and who would immigrate into it.

>> No.11431645

It was sarcasm. I wish no one had to deal with this shit. I don't know how anyone can survive on the average "income" here (It's almost a third of mine). I guess it's impossible without government handouts.

>> No.11431646

dude what is it about peterson that triggers u fags so bad? did u even read his book? there is absolutely nothing controversial in it, do you realize he's inadvertently using you to market his products by make a big stink about his utterly middle of the road self-help book?

>> No.11431651

>Find a way for these resources to be better distributed
People have in the past, people have been ignored in the past.
>there's no reason why I should go ahead with the delusion of somebody who want to be called a "they" or a "xhir"
why not, literally doesn't change shit in your lie
I'm not gonna bother answering to the other hal because you clearly weren't talking to me.

>> No.11431653

>Responsible monoculture is PROBABLY possible
Basically no, there's a reason the fertile crescent is not so fertile anymore. Basically anything besides pasture is bad for the planet (and thus ourselves).

>> No.11431655


if he was brilliant in math he wouldnt have had to rage quit and hide in the woods, he was a "child prodigy" who failed to produce as a grown man

>> No.11431656

>small intellectual dark web group
>other controlled opposition characters created to contain the narrative just like JBP

>> No.11431658

>implying amerishits don't get taxed out the ass too
i know home ownership isn't exactly in dire straits in flyover states the same way it is in neoliberal metropolises but the nature of metropolization is absolute centralization, meaning your affordable rural flyover paradises will become more and more disenfranchised and left in the dirt as time goes on and "MUH FIF BIGGEST ECONOMY IN THE WORLD" continues to grow.

your idealized version of perfect reciprocal capitalism is not reality.

>> No.11431660

woke af

>> No.11431663

I'm assuming crying THE JOOS! is the way to rebel and have original thoughts?

>> No.11431665


>> No.11431666

All of my buddy got a similar offer the same way. You're absolutly delusional if you believe society don't care about skills.

>Not to mention how weird it is that your major only took 2 years

I've already 3 years of study under my belt you unskilled fuck.

Developing a website isn't just limited to some fancy marketing piece. People run huge businesses online like platforms for managing investment portfolios. And that is all I am willing to disclose.

Ok so you had a bunch of shit your web devs didn't touch. And you find it unfair they didn't get most of the 10 millions?

>woow I can't buy huge swath of agricultural lands, woe is me and everyone else

>> No.11431669

Top kek

>> No.11431671

the highest property taxes in america are like 3% most are half that, unless you have million dollar mansion even a minimum wager can pay it, and if you can't then you get to sell it for a million bucks, i mean do u fucks ever not whine and complain?

>> No.11431672

You have to be CIA. I can't imagine anyone would have the patience to troll us for this long to defend the status quo.

So I'll just say that everything I post here is satirical and fictional in nature and any similarities to real life are purely coincidental. Also, I love democracy and of course Israel, our greatest ally in the middle east.

>> No.11431678

Yeah it's almost like the tax rates in the metropolitan areas, combined with rent-seeking economic behaviors, damages home ownership prospects and legitimate market transactions or something.

>> No.11431681
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reminder that if Ted was alive now, he would´ve utterly destroy this social neo-marxism nonsense

>> No.11431682

american indigenous people have had healthier terraforming practices which as far as I've cared to look up are much less damaging to the ecosystem
Society really doesn't care about skill my man. You're gonna be offended by this, of course, but the swathes of codemonkeys being hired on the daily are nothing but the new proletariat, except this time around they seem content, even willing to become cogs in a dadaist machine.

>> No.11431693

he is alive based retard

>> No.11431694

he's still alive

>> No.11431697

oh....wait a minute...youre the insane anti-semite arencha? did they start banning your for the insane jooz shit? so now you're larping as a naive communist? haha wow man u had me going, i thought bob avakian was sending a bunch of teen maoists to raid our shit or something

>> No.11431698

>people have

Who? You're always talking about those amazing alternative, but you offer me no particuliar exemple.

>why not

>why not accepting the unhealthy delusion of some self-centered schyzoid, surely this isn't going to make the world a worse place

>> No.11431699

>still not real capitalism

>> No.11431708

doesn´t change the fact that the new left is narcissism in disguise

>> No.11431709

Any of the countless authors that ever criticzed capitalism in the past 300 years. I'm not picking a particular one because I know how the discussion goes after I do it and it's genuinely more interesting to see you try to justify a mode of production that is literally killing planet earth.

>> No.11431711

>>What does Ted Kaczynski has to offer? Resign your career to work at some shitty gas station only later to isolate yourself to some cuckshed sending toy bombs you deem your enemies?
Imagine if millions of people did this. Ted leads by example. Your disdain is just evidence of how domesticated you are.

>> No.11431716

>woe is me
>top 10% earners
>can't even afford to live as freely and humbly as the poorest peasants of the middleages
>can only live in a box with fuck all land and poisoned air and poisoned water and poisoned food
>have to grow up in a society of brainwashed idiots who are plugged into ((( television ))) and distractions to accept their servitude to billionaires
>this is fine

>> No.11431724

>imagine if millions of people lived in the woods and were angry at society

you mean like trump voters? wow man imagine it

>> No.11431725

first day here huh

>> No.11431727

>Society really doesn't care about skill my man

Then explain how groups of immigrants in america like africans manage to have better salary than the average americans?

>> No.11431733

Why can't he engage with anyone who disagrees with him?

>> No.11431739

>your perspective is less valuable than mine and there is no need to reconcile our ideas to form an evolved perspective because everything is permanent and not subject to change

>> No.11431748

Alright, I guess you win.

>top 10% earners
>can't even afford to live as freely and humbly as the poorest peasants of the middleages

Alright you're absolutly delusional.

>have to grow up in a society of brainwashed idiots who are plugged into ((( television )))

Oh you're an antisemit. Don't forget, fellow aryan brother, check under your bed every night to see if the foreskin ghost isn't there.

>> No.11431756

He did, severals times. Hell, his two most famous videos are from him talking with crazy trans students and some leftist journo.

>> No.11431763

If the average american wasn't a bootlicking retard who gave all his rights away because corporations are people too maybe the situation would be different. Not to mention how fucking unbeliavable this scenario is on a large scale. Maybe you know one middle class lad from Nigeria who managed to go study aborad or some other shit but I can guarantee you this isn't the standard. This isn't even a fucking anedocte.

>> No.11431776

>Alright you're absolutly delusional.
You haven't even tried or you would know.

>check under your bed
Why would you make these horribly accusations when I love our greatest ally in the middle east?

Also, based broadcasters are televising shows with mixed couples in every family and gay stuff to children. What's to hate? Soon racism and bigotry will be eliminated forever and we will all become one race, the human race.

>> No.11431781

Diversity hiring quotas

>> No.11431783

I still proved that people got recruited and became sucessful in life thanks to, in part, their skills.

You may be bitter that your life is shit, and you may think that everyone else is getting ahead only thanks to their relations but that doesn't make it the truth.

>> No.11431786

And I give half my wage to a fuckin government that won’t stop importing poos and mudslides, the Chinese have bought up over half our largest cities.

But what should I do? Not work you fucking degenerate

>> No.11431792

>I proved
you didn't prove shit, you could have posted whatever african you're talking about's paycheck and it would still be anedotic evidence when it's easily verifiable that the majority of workers aren't immigrants winning more than native populations.

>> No.11431809
File: 71 KB, 700x426, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop working

start having lots of huwhite children

>> No.11431821
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Sorry folks, had a shower. Did I miss anything good?

>> No.11431822

>I still proved that people got recruited
Oh gee, I don't know. Imagine if there were international organisations intentionally, maliciously trying to flood first world countries with foreign workers to destroy their cultural identity and undercut wages.

Imagine if such organisations hired some of these workers into prestigious positions to uh, increase "tolerance" and "diversity". Imagine if there were even government programs to ensure that every company was taking part.

Oh gee. Imagine if that was a thing for just a second.

>> No.11431828

>You haven't even tried or you would know.

Tried what? living like a peasant? why the fuck would I want to do that? It would put me in a worse situation than today.

The main reason why you can't live like a medieval peasant in today western society is because it's a worthless mode of life for the society. Why the hell should your country give you lands and taxe you in potatoes and carrot? And are you serously telling me that peasants were "free"? Their lands wasn't their own and they had to pay taxes. Get diseased? Better hope it's not fatal and doesn't last too long.
Nothing stopping you from not buying shit.

You are insane.

>da jooos
If it was only kike pushing this shit, it would be unoticeable. Or are you telling me the master race is so weak, a bunch of desert dweller can influence them with no problem? Are you that lacking in confidence?

Wrong they are also overrepresented in schools with no diversity quota.

>> No.11431836

When he engages Zizek then he will have.

>> No.11431864

>the majority of workers aren't immigrants
>the majority of workers aren't a minority

Thanks genius.

I'm white.

>Imagine if such organisations hired some of these workers into prestigious positions
>all blacks are incompetents

What about asians too?

>> No.11431875

>I proved it by mentioning an example I know myself to be the minority
i'm the retard alright'

>> No.11431889


>> No.11431927

>worthless mode of life for the society.
Worthless for ((( banks )))

>Why the hell should your country give you lands
I never asked to be "given" anything. But the government has done nothing but take from me.

>And are you serously telling me that peasants were "free"?
Literally better than working in an office. Even the slaves in America were treated better than a 9-5 wagecuck.

>Nothing stopping you from not buying shit
I budget very seriously and spend less on food than most poor families even. That doesn't mean the government didn't steal half my money and half of what's left wasn't necessary to pay for rent and utilities.

>they are also overrepresented in schools
Schools have quotas too, if not more so than work places.

I don't harbor any ill will towards any other races. I just want a right for me people to exist and have their own land. Unfortunately that's not on the cards for the globalists, who are hell bent on destroying us.

>> No.11432047

Too tired to type properly now but thanks guys, it was fun. Good night.

tl;dr Yes, Ted was right

>> No.11432191

Wash your penis, Bucko.

>> No.11432342

I disagree.

I’m sure a lot of what Kaczynski says is completely accurate, but ideally, good academic research can give regular people a sense of what is going on. Sounds simple, but there are huge social, economic, political and institutional impediments to this. First, the academics who carry water for the ruling ideology tend to be promoted. This is especially true for desciples that directly buttress the ruling class (e.g. economics or foreign policy or political science). But when academics do work in areas that are relevant to ordinary people or challenge the ruling ideology, it is easy to marginalize such voices. What is crucial for getting their work to the wider public is people who can popularize their findings, especially journalists. This is already taking place in smaller, independent media organizations. So for instance, on the Real News Network, Michael Hudson was given a platform to discuss his important books, “Killing the Host” and “J is for Junk Economics”, and Norman Finkelstein was given a platform to discuss his book, “Gaza: an Inquest into Its Martyrdom.” On the local Pacifica station, John Merriman was invited to discuss his important book on the Paris Commune. But these are marginal media organizations. Unfortunately, ownership of the press is heavily concentrated in the hands of corporations, who have a vested interest in ignoring dissident voices.

Tl;dr—Kaczynski is oversimplifying. Good, independent scholarship that is relevant to the lives of ordinary people is being done, but such scholars tend to be marginalized, first by their own academic institutions and then by the press, which plays a crucial role in popularizing or ignoring their scholarship. In extreme cases, more innovative thinkers like Norman Finkelstein are blacklisted, or even forced into exile, like David Graeber.

>> No.11432545

>Norman Finkelstein or David Graeber.
Two Jews. How mundane. Ted was right about Peterson.

>> No.11432565

I could have added Palestinian professor Steven Salaita.

And many heterodox economists find it hard to find employment

>> No.11432578

Ted is right, Peterson attempted to pull his appeal to authority bullshit on Joe Rogan by saying he drank some cider one day and it kept him awake for 25 days. You could see at that moment Joe realizing he is a bullshit artist.
