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/lit/ - Literature

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11426655 No.11426655 [Reply] [Original]

What books evoke the same/similar feeling?

>> No.11426661

o she's lovely; she's grand; she's my workout theme on afternoon sunny days; she's grand; florid, descriptive;

and emily i saw thee laughing
down by the river
and the meteorite is what we see; and the meteoroid; and the meteor

i see the blossoms broke; and wet; after the rain
tiny nooses, safe from everyone

o, she's lovely; read the romantics; read shakespeare; she's shakespearean; she's romantic; particular shelley; go on, go on; she's got really golden locks of hair; i dream of her; go on

>> No.11426679

fuck he's out of his containment thread; the beast is wandering loose on the board; he's flinging semicolons around everywhere; we can't control him anymore; he's /lit/'s own literary phenom; he's fantastic; incredible; he's seriously syntactical; best have a care

>> No.11426705

ha ha!; i know, i know it; the beast of caliban; roaming around, prowling around; slinking around the streets, the warrens, the flats, the canals, the alleyways of the board; ho ho!; prithee, anon, you make me crack up; a good show; a grand imitation; i love it, i love it; mimicry feeds me; it really feeds me; it's like i'm gorging up semicolons; a beast with semicolons in my maw; i love the adulation, the praise; i love it; i love it; and i've got some syntax, i've got that packed; let's go; let's have at it

>> No.11426709

Pop music is equivalent to genre trash or fanficiton. I always thought that at least lit has some idea what music has always been about. One measure of Wagner has more music in it than her entire oeuvre

>> No.11426716

wagner is the beginning of pop music by elevating the moment of sound above the development of the themes

in this sense it is accurate to say that Taylor Swift is a better artist than Wagner because she has prettier moments of sound

>> No.11426717

I wouldn't call Ys pop music but whatever.

>> No.11426724

Let me be your manager, with your star quality and my business acumen there'll be no stopping us; you'll be on late night; wyou'll be on daytime; you'll be in shopping malls; book stores; on amazon; you'll do Ellen; the world is ours; you'll be bigger than bitcoin

>> No.11426732

yes; yes; my menagerer... (he looks at him in amber yashmak; with jewelled toerings on a bobbing howdah; amber eyes and raven hair); yes, yes; you silly thing; let's do so; let's give them abstract; let's give them surreal; let's give them modernism (in high lilting warbling voice); let's really show them; i want my face plastered on walls; shaped on screens; felt on books; seen on pages; heard on radio; o, o, o (in increasingly higher triumphant range, baritone to tenor) i do; i do; i do; yes

>> No.11426742

Hamsun, Steinback, Virgil.

>> No.11426755

Typical middlebrow opinion

>> No.11426757

Someone take his Nabokov novels away before it gets too hairy...

>> No.11426765

have you read Evan Dara my guy

>> No.11426766

again; have never read a line of nabokov; have never read a line, a hair, a horse, a hit, a hank of him; never imbibed a drink of his lines; never drank a word of his books; never heard a sound of his thoughts; what is this? this is the second nabokov comparison; i'll never read the man; he's infested; he's too much; he's yik, he's yak, he's icky wack; come on, be smart

>> No.11426770

who? and what? and how? let's go; give me a slice; a dice; a pickled pipe; give me a taste, a palate; a fickle fillet; a cumbrous doux billet; let's go, let's try this evan dara; dara dara; derogate, ho

>> No.11426813


>> No.11426839

o; he's grand; he's enormous; magnificent; i might adapt his style, i might copy it; morph it into my own; i've never read a line of him in my life; i've never read a word of him in my existence; that's grand, that's good; i like it; that'll work, that'll work; ho hum, let's try it; that is to say; o yes, it felt good to say that; that is, to say, the house was ordinary; o good, good; that, that is to say; it was a continuity; no displacement; o yes.........i could use this.....thank you very much...

>> No.11426900

who are your favorite writers then? you should read nabokov tho he's great

>> No.11426907

o; a droplet of shakespeare; a patter of keats; some phials of yeats; some large containers of melville; a whole package of joyce; and a little rosemary of donne

>> No.11426919

why are you doing this here omg

>> No.11426931

He has to hone is his craft for his upcoming world tour. "Semicolanon: Syntactical Terrorist"

>> No.11426944

it makes my laugh how i instantly recognized his shitty style ahaha retard anon strikes again

>> No.11426988


>> No.11426995


>> No.11427002
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>> No.11427003

books of pre raphaelite art

>> No.11427004

Newsom is utter fucking garbage I knew she was quintessential pseud the moment I heard her open her mouth absolute trash do not come near me pleb

>> No.11427016
File: 30 KB, 700x606, l-32757-nope-even-i-dont-want-this-one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11427026

THIS. Finally a refined ear on 4chan. The amount of things that /mu/ calls "music" is embarrassing.

>> No.11427054

I don't get it. Why not just use commas? Or the emm dash if you want to be patrician.

>> No.11427067

You mean boredom and irritation? How about Ender's Game.

>> No.11427073

why not just use commas he asks; o heavens above; gods above; all you lovers and livers on mount olympus; my god; guide me; guide me out of this abyss; this abyss of ignorance and wonder; why not commas, he asks; i know, i know; why not soda for water; why not chocolate for sustenance; why not carbon dioxide for oxygen; why not substitute a distant star for our sun; why not substitute the largest star for our sun at the same distance; why not, why not, why not; he asks why not commas; and why not anarchy; why not anarchy, and lawlessness; why not books without bindings; papers without writing; keyboards without keys; lamps without bulbs

>> No.11427088

did that answer your question

>> No.11427101

OMG I've been living life so misguided; but now I see the light; alas

>> No.11427120

o it's wonderful; now that's something; go for it; just go for it; take it away, la belle dame sans merci; take it away; take it away; my god; you wear that livery so goodly; it looks so fetching and hot on thee; i'd love to make you mine; and whip out your semicolons; see their hinds; o, i want to squeeze your semicolons, mi demimondaine; come here, let me toss that tush

>> No.11427158

Pynchon, is that you again?

>> No.11427160

Proust except Proust is boring and Ys is great

>> No.11427203

Typical plebeian opinion, elevating "muh classics" over other kinds of music because it's supposed to be "more complex" and "muh themes dude"
Art is emotionality faggot

>> No.11427225


>> No.11427235

Odyssey: Emily Wilson's Translation Sketchbook: The Book Now A Popular Album Book

>> No.11427291

Yeah, everybody is a fucking musician today. God forbid someone points out that once upon a time music meant craft

>> No.11427753

You're thinking of Have One On Me, which is an adaptation of Ulysses from Molly's perspective.

>> No.11427966

Music never meant craft you idiot people have been making simple folk music since before meme classical was an idea

>> No.11428027
File: 18 KB, 220x220, 2E655BEA-E915-4DEB-ABE3-55AAB0AAF105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the literary equivalent of this?

The mixture of the sacred and sublime with the profane and material? Where the highs of the work are some of the artists greatest, and his lowest are some of his greatest lows?

>> No.11428038

>Where the highs of the work are some of the artists greatest, and his lowest are some of his greatest lows?
Finnegans Wake

>> No.11428132

Shitting in your own hand.

>> No.11428145


>> No.11428566

I've never noticed this about the album. What makes you think that?