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File: 526 KB, 1720x1290, HarlanEllisonTA-514787175[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11387067 No.11387067 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11387077

lol nice try

>> No.11387144



Looks like it might be true.

>> No.11387147

Best thing he ever said, "Pay the writer."

>> No.11387150

Before we mourn.
Was he /our/ guy?

>> No.11387194

Oh fuck it's true.

>> No.11387201



>> No.11387211

Just picked up Dangerous Visions a month ago and have it on top of a pile of books stacked next to me. He must have been an interesting person.

>> No.11387219


>> No.11387229

"I don't take a piss without get paid for it!"

New personal hero.

>> No.11387236

Rest in peace. I guess it's time for me to buy the I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream short story collection. I wanted to read it months ago but none of the libraries in my state had it and I didn't spend money on something I haven't read.

>> No.11387261


>> No.11387374


>> No.11387460

I know he lived to be 84 but it still feels too soon for this.

>> No.11387501

where do I start with him

>> No.11387505

anywhere, it's all short stories. Might as well start with I Have no Mouth

>> No.11387513

I know Harlan Ellison wrote a lot of stuff, but the primary thing I remember him for is his voice acting on AM, the HATE line has stuck with me for years

>> No.11387525


Harlan was a real ass nigga

>> No.11387565


>> No.11387571

I have no eyes, and I must cry

>> No.11387587

It's amazing how little writing is valued, especially today. Internet 2.0 devalued it to the point that you can only make money if you're a bestselling author. No way otherwise.

>> No.11387592

Does anyone have the link to that nonfiction story where he goes to the movies in a bad part of town and sees a guy get murdered?

Mass literacy was a mistake.

>> No.11387598


Alone Against Tomorrow

>> No.11387609

No, people still can't write for shit, it's just that no one reads anything, especially if you want to write online. Images and 'media' content is far more valuable. For example on Upwork writing is by far the most devalued section. People can shit some logo on paper for 400 bucks, and you get offered a dollar per 1000 words. Worst thing is, many people accept those rates.

Anyway, I've been learning to doodle.

>> No.11387627

Fucking based

>> No.11387634

If you post anything he wrote here, there's a good chance he will sue you from beyond the grave.

>> No.11387653

Lenny Bruce had nothing on Harlan.

>> No.11387664

Look at that fucking picture. What a worthless boomer.

>> No.11387682

Go with Deathbird Stories instead

>> No.11387685


>> No.11387686

Okay, everyone around to Harlan's place! We're gonna dig up the box with all the stories he collected for publication in "The Last Dangerous Visions" - a book he'd been SITTING ON since 1974.

many of the contributing authors died of old age waiting for that book to come out.

>> No.11387690


you have no idea.


>> No.11387696
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Another good author bites the dust

>> No.11387699


Didn't get a sticky:
>Michael Cimino
>Seijun Suzuki
>Jacques Rivette
>Andrzej Wajda
>Andrzej Zulawski
>Vilmos Szigmond
>Etore Scola
>Abbas Kiarostami
>Tobe Hooper
>Dennis Hopper
>Jeanne Moreau
>Lauren Bacall
>Bud Spencer
>Sam Shepard
>Martin Landau
>Anne Wiazemsky
>Juraj Herz
>Milos Forman
>Vittorio Taviani
>Nelson Pereira dos Santos
>Ermanno Olmi
>Anthony Bourdain

Got a sticky:
>Gay nigger from HBO's vampire soap opera
>Mom from some old American sitcom
>Dad from some 80's kid comedy
>Junkie retard only known for shoving a toy car up his ass
>Washed up old fart only famous for a 5 minutes meme role in Kubrick's worst movie
>Midget from Austin Powers
>Old Jew from the Battletoads show

>> No.11387705

mods are fagggots
ban me
RIP Harlan Ellison

>> No.11387709

Ermanno Olmi is dead? Fuck. Etore Scola too?
Anon, you're breaking my heart

>> No.11387719

they sticky some memes and really famous people
For example Billy Herrington got a sticky as well as stephen hawking

>> No.11387723

>no sticky yet
are you fucking kidding me? are the mods busy watching a livestream of the inside of xxxtentacion's dead rectum or something?

>> No.11387725

Don't forget Kate Spade, the mod on /fa/ must have been trolling with that one

>> No.11387727

Having met so many people like the one he talks about, it's great to see it put this way.
Damn, he didn't mess around.

>> No.11387745

Short story collections, any really

>> No.11387769

>>Junkie retard only known for shoving a toy car up his ass
>>Washed up old fart only famous for a 5 minutes meme role in Kubrick's worst movie

>> No.11387776

Not sure about the first but I think the second is R. Lee Ermey.

>> No.11387785

ryan dunn

>> No.11387817

now Harlan can have more conversations with Robin Williams about L Ron Hubbard, with LRH right next to them


>> No.11387841

Are you implying lrh went to heaven or are you saying they're all in hell?

>> No.11387862

reminder that his new book "Blood's A Rover" comes out this Saturday...

>> No.11387887


If he were a good writer most of his short stories could be all memorable like I Have no Mouth. Not that I would do better, but I hope they don't hype him above his level just because he is dead. What is the probability that they will make an adaptation of I Have no Mouth now that he is dead?

>> No.11387932

Of course.

>> No.11387938

not really a fan of his work but his personality was amazing

>> No.11388000

What stories do you guys recommend? Only read IHNMAIMS and The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World

>> No.11388008


Come back daddy

>> No.11388020

Never read any of his work but his rants are legendary and he was an absolute madman.
>... a dust jacket from one of his books described him as "possibly the most contentious person on Earth." Ellison filed numerous grievances and attempted lawsuits; as part of a dispute about fulfillment of a contract, he once sent 213 bricks to a publisher postage due, followed by a dead gopher via fourth-class mail.

>> No.11388067

No /lit/ sticky for Tom Wolfe

>> No.11388095

> In 1969, Ellison was Guest of Honor at Texas A&M University's first science fiction convention, Aggiecon, where he reportedly[36] referred to the university's Corps of Cadets as "... America's next generation of Nazis ...", inspired in part by the continuing Vietnam War. Although the university was no longer solely a military school (from 1965), the student body was predominantly made up of cadet members. Between Ellison's anti-military remarks and a food fight that broke out in the ballroom of the hotel where the gathering was held (although according to Ellison in 2000, the food fight actually started in a Denny's because the staff disappeared and they could not get their check), the school's administration almost refused to approve the science fiction convention the next year, and no guest of honor was invited for the next two Aggiecons
Absolute madman. Though I have proof that Ellison had his facts wrong about the location

>> No.11388206

He got paid for this, right?

>> No.11388223

Likely they didn't use his footage after demanding, rightfully so, to be paid.

>> No.11388253

he said he doesn't take a piss without getting paid, so i assume so

>> No.11388262

all hell, obviously, all three were degenerates on some level

>> No.11388278

>>Washed up old fart only famous for a 5 minutes meme role in Kubrick's worst movie
Hey, Full Metal Jacket is excellent. It isn't Kubrick's best but it's far better than Fear and Desire, Killer's Kiss, and Spartacus.

>> No.11388289
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>he would've been a shitposter if he grew up in our time

>> No.11388290

still no sticky

>> No.11388427

>no sticky

Post your favorite Ellison story, or top 3 or whatever the fuck

I re-read Lonelyache once every month or so. It's damn solid.

>> No.11388439

Deathbird, Boy and His Dog, and a story from Mind Fields I can't remember the name of.

>> No.11388444

Leave now reddit

>> No.11388452

How can one man be so based?

>> No.11388457

Repent Harlequin

>> No.11388460
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>lol based youtube rant xd

>> No.11388625

I enjoyed Uncle Harlan's YouTube channel a couple of years ago. IIRC he did a video inside his comic book collection room

>> No.11388641



>> No.11388713

>Internet 2.0 devalued it to the point that you can only make money if you're a bestselling author. No way otherwise.
There are web serial writers living off donations. AFAIK none of them are getting rich, but considering the massive oversupply of writing they're doing well.

>> No.11388780


>Tobe Hooper and Dennis Hopper didn't get a sticky

On /lit/? Two actors didn't get a sticky on the literature board? The indignity!

>> No.11388786


I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Paingod, and The Whimper of Whipped Dogs

>> No.11388792

Probably one of his tall tales. He told a lot of them. I met him in 75, through Joe Haldeman.

>> No.11388806

Dostoyevski and Hold the Relish is one of the best short stories ever written you fuckin plen

>> No.11388807

Man, what a based guy.


>> No.11388936

I always laugh at this.

>> No.11388940

top kek

>> No.11389028
File: 130 KB, 1222x914, 1513260746504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism ahead.
The conference was held at the Ramada Inn, located at the northwest corner of University Drive and Texas Avenue. It was the only hotel with conference room features in College Station, Texas at the time. (The hotel was expanded in the 1980s and lost the Ramada Inn name by 1989, with the hotel being torn down in 2012). Newspapers.com confirms this though the OCR is garbage [https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/43411902/], with "author Ilailan Kllison" at the "Kamafla" Inn. There was a Denny's nearby to this intersection in the year 2000, in front of a La Quinta (corner of Live Oak and Texas Avenue, said Denny's and La Quinta are still there); however, this didn't exist in 1969, the building was built in the mid-1970s and the Denny's was only there since the early 1990s replacing a restaurant known as the Bombay Bicycle Club. The only Denny's in town was nearly two miles north in Bryan, Texas, which is now a Kettle restaurant.

>> No.11389036
File: 36 KB, 641x530, 1523915965314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I sell my soul, but at the highest rates
So much truth in the span of three minutes

>> No.11389044

Based mods

>> No.11389150


Teddy Crazy Show, The Cheese Stands Alone, and anything from Angry Candy.

>> No.11389151

Repent Harlequin

>> No.11389189

Man this really sucks.

He really did help bring sci-fi to a much more literary quality. Dangerous Visions almost had stories by Pynchon and Burroughs. But he still respected the old masters like Asimov and Bradbury.

>> No.11389212


Thanks for the chills, laughs, and conversation fodder based Harlan.

>> No.11389240
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His /lit/ works never grabbed my intrest, but he was my (speculative fiction/science fiction) /lit/ father's most favorite author in the world and I am well acquainted with his works. His personality was and will be always good value. Dad actually got close to him in 1978 when he attended IguanaCon II /WorldCon in Phoenix, AZ when he set up a plastic pyramid in the lobby to write a short story during the Con.

I kek to remember the story of the time when he pissed on a dudes shoes.

I use Harlan as a pleb filter when it comes to Speculative/Science fiction fans.

I ask if they know Harlan Elision

If no = Star Trek/Star Wars/Dr WHO normies.

If yes = actually are a Sci/fy fan with basic author knowledge.

Like him or not he does have like 9 personal Hugo awards.

>> No.11389401

He really is a pleb filter.

His name hasn’t appeared on reddit’s front page since he passed.

>> No.11389419
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>> No.11389423


>> No.11389568

>I kek to remember the story of the time when he pissed on a dudes shoes.

He used to clean his gun during studio script readings.

>> No.11389593

>If no = Star Trek/Star Wars/Dr WHO normies.
He wrote one of the most famous episodes of Star Trek.

>> No.11389610

God damn, I just admire this man more with every clip I watch.

>> No.11389617



>> No.11389619

He also wrote one of the most important episodes of The Flying Nun.

>> No.11389641

we call him uncle harlan for a reason

>> No.11389759

I’ve been crying on and off today since I learned of his passing. He’ll always have a place in my heart.

>> No.11389774

Just paying respects.


>> No.11389795


for Dilettante

>> No.11389805

The Joe Pesci of Vonnegut imitators.

>> No.11389815

>He’ll always have a place in my heart.
Did you pay him for that place?

>> No.11389820

Harlan would pay you for the rent but sell his books to you goyim at higher than retail price, bless his dark soul

>> No.11389822

I have no idea what that means but I like it.

>> No.11389878

So is his widow going to release those DV3 stories now or what?

>> No.11390249
File: 9 KB, 225x225, wojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11390394

He was a manlet.

>> No.11390560

He was manlet, you're still a midget

>> No.11390575


Is Starship Troopers still worth the read if you're not a /pol/tard and best girl isn't a girl in it?

>> No.11390583

heinlein died 30 years ago..

>> No.11390588

dude looks like pseud bon jovi

>> No.11390590

>dropping lyrical bombs like Hiroshima in '73

>> No.11390591

Reminds me of the incident where Harlan and Philip Dick got into an argument in a bookstore and Phil just pick up Harlan and carried him outside.

>> No.11390601


>> No.11390639


>> No.11390665

>getting paid for talking
Fucking peak boomer right there. Anyone who expects to get paid at all these days has to first accept that they'll work for free for at least a decade.

>> No.11391736

>still no sticky

>> No.11391743

I'm gonna do both. I bought a copy of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream from amazon and I grabbed a copy of Deathbird Stories from my local library. Thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.11392560

>That fucking anthology that never got released
I dont understand why he sat on it. Almost all of the contributing authors are also dead now.

>> No.11392569

i wouldn't be shocked if he did it on purpose to piss people off

>> No.11392577

I'm sure that was part of it. Hopefully get has something in his will to just release it.

>> No.11392618

He was the only person I know that professionally reviewed films that actually not just liked, but loved Dune.

>> No.11392635

Frank Herbert always was enjoying himself when on-set of the movie being made. I don't know if he thought it was a good movie, but I know he was excited and loved the fact that his book was being made into a movie.

>> No.11392652

David Ansen (does movie reviews for Newsweek) who is the other guy in that video also gave it a good review at the time. I mean he practically invoked "you just don't GET it" in his review

>> No.11392685

Philip K Dick isn't even a big dude. He was 5'10'', that's as tall as me, and I'm under no illusions that it's not particularly big in the modern age. Which really shows how small Harlan was.