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/lit/ - Literature

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11360785 No.11360785 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many Brazilians on /lit/? Also, who are the best Brazilian writers?

>> No.11360804

Do I see a bulge?

>> No.11360819

No. That's Gina Valentina and you can easily find her on Pornhub. Pretty hot thot.

Brazilians are very /lit/ when you think of an educated middle-class. The best """contemporaries""" would have to be Ariano Suassuna, Milton Hatoum and Daniel Galera. From three different generations, three radically different subjects and three radically different regions. All three of them share the property of being BASED.

>> No.11360821
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not in your pants

>> No.11360969

what have you read by Galera? I have seen some mentions of him here by /br/os talking very well about his works. Is there any other writer his style is similar to?

>> No.11360983
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It's the world cup and they get bored after a long day of being autistic on /sp/

>> No.11361389

I wish

>> No.11362005

>Brazilians are very /lit/ when you think of an educated middle-class
true, the regular middle-class Brazilian knows four to six languages fluently and reads 60-110 books per year. Quite a lot if you compare with Americans and Canadians, I've heard that the French tend to read much more though.

>> No.11362047
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Unironically, Marcola is the best and it's not even close.

>> No.11362208
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>romanticizing criminals

>> No.11362286

Machado de asses and lispector.

>> No.11362358

>who are the best Brazilian writers
some criteria to judge:
>already dead
>not an ideological pamphleteer
>not shilled by people who post on int
so you can ignore more than half of brazilian writers

>Ariano Suassuna
actually good
>Milton Hatoum
boring and pretentious
>Daniel Galera
le new super cool normie author only hipsters like

Read some actual classics like Machado de Assis or Euclides da Cunha or Graciliano Ramos, or if you like biography and history read Joaquim Nabuco or José de Alencar

If you want shit that looks exotic and that you can show off to your pretentious friends, read cordel literature

>> No.11362375

and for the cool schoolkids' experience read old portuguese shit like Auto da Barca do Inferno which they force kids to read even tho they cant understand a word of it

on brazil you also have old stuff like father antonio vieira's works and gregório de mattos

>> No.11362387

she cute. shame she whore

>> No.11362395

just read the letter of pero vaz de caminha to the king of portugal

literature in brazil has been going downhill since it

>> No.11362431

Carlos drummond de Andrade.

>> No.11362576

>Why are there so many Brazilians on /lit/?
Most of the southern part of the country is white, and there's nothing more culturally white than literature.

>> No.11362767
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>TFW Jose Aldo will never be champion again
Plz no Brazil posting, it makes my heart weep tears of great sadness.

>> No.11362873

are there many Brazilians on /lit/? i always assumed I was speaking to Americans and Europeans, with the odd asian/near-easterner thrown in.

>> No.11364299

I think there is a reasonable number not only of brazilians but south americans in general, and I think its natural the way you think, most people I see here assumes that if the person is not american, can only be european

>> No.11364318

OP, te right answer is Guimarães Rosa.

Machado de Assis and Clarice Lispector are contenders, but Guimarães Rosa is simply on another level.

His masterpiece, Grande Sertão: Veredas (The Devil to pay in the backlands) is probably only fully understood in portuguese because it's a continuous oral narrative with emphasis on spoken discourse, with a lot of corrputed or made up words.

>> No.11364325

But that's portuguese literature.

>> No.11364635

>Grande Sertão: Veredas
>The Devil to pay in the backlands

the translation is already shit before even having to open the book

>> No.11365028

I agree. The book itself is untranslatable.

>> No.11366776

Any books on how to get a hot Brazilian gf with a sunny personality and lust for life who will teach me how to come out of my shell by exposing me to new experiences?

>> No.11366777

Whatever book helps you be a rich white guy

>> No.11366791

bullshit, fuck off

>> No.11366799

>the regular middle-class Brazilian knows four to six languages fluently and reads 60-110 books per year
LMFAO source for these claims?

>> No.11366820

Source: 4chan.

>> No.11366861

>Guimarães Rosa

Cool. Guess I don't read the masterpiece then, but I'm also into Lispector, so I can go for that. Other Rosa recommendations?

>> No.11366940

fuck off you jungle monkey heathen

>> No.11367813


>> No.11367938

>taking this retarded bait

>> No.11367991

Middle-class brazilians usually speak portuguese, spanish, english and are usually of german and /or italian descent and have some working knowledge of those languages. And they study french in school quite a bit.

>> No.11368173
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so funny, just started reading a book by a Brazilian author.

Really great book, very entertaining, funny and the mystery is engaging. Have not finished it yet but it is a promising read. It is the first book in a series I am told.

>> No.11368181

it was once revealed to me in a dream

>> No.11368485

>Guimarães Rosa
How about Diadorim or Sagarana ? You read them by any chance ? Would recommend?

>> No.11368498

algum fag de floripa aqui? nao aguento mais ser obrigado a falar de young adult fiction com as pessoas

>> No.11368523

I read this strabge little book last week, Le centaure dans le jardin, by Moacyr Scliar, which I think is from Brazil. It’s on the lighter side but still serve as a touching (and funny) parabole on racial/religious exclusion. Would recommend, although I read it in french.

>> No.11368527

How do you know there are a lot of Brazilians on /lit/? Is there a way to see where every poster is from?

>> No.11368535

Is that an actual cover? I just threw up in my mouth a little

>> No.11368547

>judging a book by its cover.
Almost as trite as not reading a book because the author is not physically appealing.

I guess you only read stuff with buff dude's on the cover LOL

>> No.11368703

Are you fat? You sound fat

>> No.11368725


>> No.11368766

Did you mean to post that to your grindr "date"?

This is /lit/, how embarrassing for you.

>> No.11368971

This was a serious question guys. If there is a way to see where everyone is from, I want to know it.

>> No.11369217
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>> No.11369232
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>fag de floripa
Only fags in Floripa, kid.

>> No.11369234

when i see a chick it just makes me realize that even if a did manage to fuck her somehow i'd probably just come in like 10 seconds or less, after i fucked a 8/10 or so and lasted maybe five thrusts i just no longer want to have sex with women, it's not worth the hours of rapport and relationship building, of course i suppose even if the sex only lasts seconds the bragging rights last a lifetime, but not really because its hard to brag about instanutting in a 10, idk man, all my fantasies about fucking hot chicks are just sort of aborted

>> No.11371061

Vire meu correspondente e seus problemas acabaram.