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File: 98 KB, 300x386, hegelhermes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11357640 No.11357640 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that Hegel was a Hermeticist and the greatest Magus of all time whose dialectical wizardry rules over us to this day.

>> No.11357644

t. Bloom

>> No.11357646


>> No.11357647

zizek explicitly denies a teleological hegel

hermeticism posits a transcendent unknowable god which hegel rejects

>> No.11357655
File: 779 KB, 647x656, 1525656521777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd fucking believe it

>> No.11357954
File: 126 KB, 647x656, 1523248240687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use the better pic

>> No.11357989
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Finally someone else who gets esoteric hegelianism

>> No.11358020

Hegel was a hack

>> No.11358025
File: 34 KB, 545x443, 1518141189616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I see someone justify this, without simply replying with "read Heterodox Hegel / Hegel & the Hermetic Tradition".
There is obvious influence by some mystics like G. Bruno, J. Boehme and so on (he likely read them much closer than Kant), but I fail to see how Hegel was a mystic himself.
For example, in the preface Hegel quite clearly states that mysticism necessarily rejects or "despises" Wissenschaft. In other works he considers this to be Boehme's great failing.
I feel like people are confusing the fact that Hegel thinks mysticism has something valuable to offer with Hegel simply accepting mysticism wholesale.
Again, I don't see how a person who thinks with every bone in his body that everything can be made explicit, discursive and public could ever be considered a mystic in the proper

>> No.11358028

The typed words of a boy in his bedroom on 4chan do not carry much weight.

>> No.11358036

to me they do, and i'm better than you.
so where does that leave us?

>> No.11358055

the mystics believe that god is discovered by his acts in the world, in these acts are clues which can be put together to divine his real identity and the truth to everything (like numbers or shapes- the shapeness of a shape or the numberness of a number is god winking and nodding at them). because they are autistic they never got beyond drawing lines and circles and burning things to see what happens. this is because the catholic church carefully controlled what they allowed people to study when it came to disseminating the mathematics of the ancient greeks. the exact moment when the crusades proved to be a collosal fuckup and arabs and greeks poured into europe you saw the decline of catholicism, the beginning of the early renaissance period and the rediscovery of all the missing pieces (eg. engineering, celestial mechanics, experimentation). sadly it took another few hundred years to shake of the mysticism mumbo jumbo because that's way too much fun to just throw away for the sake of brevity and pragmatism. then again if youre just a pragmatist you end up with a square flat world and never leaving your territory and falling behind for 700 years like the chinese did.

>> No.11358063

All true Christian believe in theurgy and thaumaturgy. The Phenomenology of Spirit is an alchemical opus in the rosicrucian tradition that was conceived as Hegel dissolved the duality between man and woman with his wife via tantric sex. In short, it is a practical, not theoretical, book that describes the experiments and experiences in the coming of age and enlightenment of the transhistoric individual.