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11355451 No.11355451 [Reply] [Original]

read it as an intro to philosophy/lit what should I read now?

>> No.11355492


>> No.11355532

Aristotle's Organon
(Or a more modern book on formal logic)

>> No.11355558

I want to read the minimum of Greek as possible, assuming the Republic was everything important about Plato what else do I need?

>> No.11355646

Your goals are a little unclear. What is your interest in philosophy? Ethics, metaphysics, political philosophy? Just follow the train of philosophy through history. But pretty much no matter which area, you gonna read Aristotle next.

>> No.11355651

why would I listen to these idiots on logic? give me something interesting about philosophy worth reading

>> No.11355652

You want to read the romans right?

>> No.11355675

It is amazing that it basically took 2000 years for mathematics to advance to the point that Aristotle's work in the field of logic could be improved upon. Kant thought logic was basically done with Aristotle.

>> No.11355897

The Republic isn't Plato's only important work... Although you seem kinda grumpy, maybe you'd enjoy a different hobby?

See >>11355675 I guess. Although the stoics also developed logic.

>> No.11356012

Tao Te Ching
Art of War
Completed Works of Plato
Completed Works of Aristotle
Pelopennisian War
The Bible
Marcus Auerilieus Meditations
Augustine Confessions
Plutarch- Parallel Lives
Aquinas- Summa Theologica
Essays Montaigne
The Prince
The Praise of Folly
Pensees Pascal
Discourse on the Method and Meditations- Descartes
Ethics- de Spinoza
Locke- Two Treatisies on Government
Confessions- Rousseau
Federalist Papers
Wealth of Nations- Adam Smith
Hume- Human Understanding
Paine- Rights of Man and Common Sense
Voltaire- Correspondence
Wollstonecraft- Rights of Woman
Critique of Pure Reason
Social Contract
Freud- Interpretation of Dreams
Thoreau- Walden
Origin of Species
Democracy in America
Manifesto and Das Kapital
BGAE, Geneolagys of Morals, and Zarathustra
Principles of Psychology
On Liberty
Fear and Trembling
then you're in the 1900's and there's a lot from here

>> No.11356193

ok I'll read the Aristotle, what else is important from the Greeks? just so I have a list to buy

>> No.11356238

>not buying the complete works and going through all of the dialogues
one of the greatest minds in history, and you can't spend a thousand and 700 pages on him?

>> No.11356251
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>> No.11356255

It’s not even worth it anon. You get the gist of the most important ideas by reading The Republic, The Laws, Timaeus/Critias, and MAYBE Parmenides

Death of Socrates’ dialogues and most others are just New Testament version of Plato.

>> No.11356502

>trying to turn aristotle into atheist jesus

You people disgrace an exceptional man with your fanwank faggotry

>> No.11356561

>You get the gist of the most important ideas by reading The Republic, The Laws, Timaeus/Critias, and MAYBE Parmenides
Imagine actually being this much of a brainlet

>> No.11356608
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>Imagine actually being this much of a brainlet
I wish I could. Unfortunately my humongous intellect cannot stoop to such miniscule brainletism, any more than Jupiter can become a maggot

>> No.11357561
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Based T. Swizzle.

>> No.11357568

if you read it backwards it makes more sense.