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/lit/ - Literature

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11352205 No.11352205 [Reply] [Original]

How to find /lit/ friends irl that are not:

>a really old person
>a fifty shades, GoT, or Harry Potter fags

> And inb4 join a book club

>> No.11352208




>> No.11352215

Start a meet up thread.

>> No.11352225

You have to basically get lucky and cultivate friendships for years, sharing books with your pals, getting drunk together and discussing what you've read amd you want to read - litfriends don't just happen to come at you randomly.

Other than that, you can usually find people with somewhat agreeable reading ethics and tastes at universities and/or decent cultural associations. They won't compare, still.

>> No.11352246

If anybody shows up, they would more than likely be in one those categories. Life's hard boys.

>> No.11352270

you probably won't
most people who advertise themselves at /lit/ are pseud hipsters who own an unopened copy of infinite jest and say that gr martin is an incredibly innovative author. the real /lit/ people probably avoid the coffee shops and crappy book stores where you find the pseuds.
if you're in college try and talk to majors in english or philosophy maybe. there's probably going to be pseuds and hipsters there but maybe one of them will have their own opinions about literature.
and don't be afraid of being friends with old people, they're chill and probably will give you books.

>> No.11352283

put yourself out there
read good books in public

>> No.11352294

I once had lunch with a somewhat famous poet because i commented on a Wittgenstein sweater he was wearing. He was very old and wise. My point is just talk to people. Take risks

>> No.11352298

>a really old person
Guess I'm out.
t. 31 year old Boomer.

>> No.11352302

This, also go to used bookstores.

>> No.11352310

32 year old boomer here. My only friends are my wife and son. I tried to have a friend last year but i ultimately decided other people's problems were not worth my time. Plus he and his wife were "polyamorous" so the whole thing was disgusting.

>> No.11352333
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Thoughtful answers guys, but being hisp here in the US around other spics I'm already at a disadvantage. Kids in my community never pick up books. Would probably need to befriend some of you white kiddos or be somewhere in south America.

>> No.11352351

act out scenes from your fave books at your uni library

>> No.11352421

Argentine here, I had a friend that was kind of /lit/ but he went to study to the states. Although now he is even more /lit/ than before, we can't really talk. It's really frustrating to try to find someone to talk about literature here. I tried with one of my friends and the conversation felt so shallow and insipid it was pointless. It's even more annoying when talking to girls that supposedly "love" literature and only read a book or two a year, and what's even worse, it's always something from Murakami/Cohelo.

It's as if the soul needed a natural balance between the pleasure of reading and the solitude it brings, otherwise it'd be too unfair and life would be perfect.

>> No.11352435

Join the lit discord.

>> No.11352455

Does that girl really count as a jezebel?

Do you just mean wellread, beautiful girlfriends? Because I also enjoy hunting unicorns.

>> No.11352457
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You guys had a one of the most mindfucking good authors, thought there might more like minded fellows around.
But to be fair pic related was kinda of a loner. I wonder if he ever tapped that assistant ass.

>> No.11352493

>go on goodreads threads
>add autists on goodreads
>they'll never post reviews
>they'll occasionally like your updates


>> No.11352513

Jorgito nunca cogió; Jorgito era puro REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.11352540
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One of his short stories was about him being this brothel hanging navajero. Maybe he got some puss there, but prob fic. Hope he at least got a handy from Kodama on his death bed. Our boy joooorgito.

>> No.11352566


>> No.11352597

based boomer

>> No.11352712

Try improv or theatre clubs. Ham actors aren't especially bright but at least they'll usually have a sense of an existential attitude

>> No.11352725

I can't find anyone who's /lit/. In my college people fall into a few camps: those who don't read, those who exclusively read nonfiction such as Freakonomics and The Signal and the Noise, and those who read all the above plus Murakami, and that's all. Even in my college English classes there are those who SparkNotes their way through. Depressing as fuck. And this is at an Ivy too.

>> No.11352740

Feel bad for you and your super intellect. Why are you asking the very people you assume to read faggy books on advice on how to find people that don't read faggy books? Unless you made this point to boast your "superiority"?

>> No.11352749


>> No.11352785

In 5 years of uni I have found 1 friend that reads actual literature. Anyone live in the Metro Detroit area?

>> No.11352790
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>a really old person
What is wrong with that?

>> No.11352863


>> No.11353126
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To be honest, this is the kind of problem a social networking site is supposed to solve. Something like Goodreads meets Tinder, which lets you search for nearby readers who have taste similar to yours.
>no old people
>easy to filter out plebs
>leaving the house not required
I'm actually considering putting something like this together, would any anons be interested?

Also, see: >>11352294 and >>11352790. Nothing wrong with befriending a senior or two — they have open schedules and are eager to tell stories, so it's easy to be open with them.

>> No.11353349

does this actually work?
i know once someone approached me because I was reading, but I'm pretty sure the chances of that happening are like 0.001%

>> No.11353354

go to university

>> No.11353829
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Thanks God thot patrol never sleeps.

>> No.11353871

kek, i'll have to start making some reviews after i'm done with school work

>> No.11353887

i need to know who these traps are

>> No.11353888
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Wear subtle lit-related clothes

>> No.11353988
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Go to conferences for writing fiction, non fiction, or poetry.

>> No.11354002

what a hottie

>> No.11354019

Right? It's a trip girls can look this good and make my pee-pee strong. Unfortunately I'll never have aryans with her slightly sad, soft, perfect skin.

>> No.11354410
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w2c a /lit/ bf?

>> No.11354423

Not here

>> No.11354454
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I wanna know this too
speak for yourself, but /lit/ is at minimum bi but only cute ones
(this is partly to weed out the /pol/ migration weeds)

>> No.11354490

Who was the most incel writer in history?

>> No.11354494

Does reading make you gay?

>> No.11354503

actually based

>> No.11354521

Should've fucked his wife.

>> No.11354527
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>> No.11354583

All polyamorous married couples are gross and have personality disorders. Fact!

>> No.11354590
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I've met about 5 people from /lit/, they were all bi or gay. I myself am bi. Does it have anything to do with reading books?

>> No.11354594

Many such cases!

>> No.11354597

Book dealers that specialise in older material or specific periods and countries tend to be quite learned. Anyone who sells early printed stuff needs to know Greek and Latin.

>> No.11354600

Do you actually make friends over goodreads? I thought it was just a place to list the books you've read

>> No.11354601
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Get lost, kid

>> No.11354607
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Yes, reading is for gay nerds, like you, hahaha.

(and me)

>> No.11354621

Retards that say "IM 100% STRAIGHT IVE NEVER EVEN LOOKED AT A DUDE BEFORE" are usually not smart enough to enjoy reading.

>> No.11354659

Nah y'all are just faggots

>> No.11354691

And yet I still get more girls than you

>> No.11354731


>> No.11354801

To y'all who are saying that it doesnt happen, you're wrong, it does. Few and far between yes, but it does happen. These people do exist.

It's a matter of opening yourself up and not being judgemental, which is different from not being discerning of character. Being open and friendly with people opens doors you would have never thought of, people are interested and passionate about things; allowing them to express their passion without judgement brings them closer to you. People also have groups of friends with their own passions and interests, and I can assure you that within three degrees of separation there are the sort of people you are talking about.

Of course there are people not worth keeping in your lives, but without being initially friendly, seeing where it takes you l, how do you know?

The most surefire way to become an open and frieldy individual is therapy. Therapy is not only for the mentaly ill or deeply disturbed. Everyone has walls in their emotional structure that prevent openness, therapy can help you to see these and address why they have been formed.

Barring therapy, the next best thing is deep emotional self-discovery. Investigate why you are feeling the way you are, write down whenever you feel something you don't understand, take some psychedelics (in the right conditions of course - Google 'set and setting'), and allow yourself time without distraction to meditate or deeply reflect on your problems.

There is hope my friends, but only if you are open with yourself, and open with others.

>> No.11354932

Everyone in academia is bi or gay, I'm actually starting to believe sexuality really is fluid and can change, and smart people are just more open-minded.

>> No.11355051


>> No.11355197

>thread becomes half about homo and bi shit
Please try and keep things on topic
>inb4 /pol/fag
Not a /pol/fag, just a fag.

Anyways OP, I have trouble finding people I enjoy spending time with period, much less who are knowledgeable about books, so I cant help much. However I'd imagine that there's some way to find people with similar taste online.

>> No.11355215

I'd like to moisten her cute dry lips with my semen.

>> No.11355286

Right in the ballsack

>> No.11355292

I'll be super interested. Time to find a /lit/ gf

>> No.11355339

I actually found one here on /lit/ who lives in the same city as me, is my age, not a weird Nazi and even has a rich social life. We also share a similar taste in music and film and meet up once or twice a month to go to concerts or the movies. You have to be luck, I guess.

>> No.11355358

the only person that i could talk about books was my high school english teacher, besides him i´ve never found anyone worthy of a /lit/ discussion

>> No.11355734

hey matt :)

>> No.11355750


>> No.11355883

tfw no hapa gf to study icelandic with

>> No.11356643

Move to Grand Rapids

>> No.11356863
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>'ve met about 5 people from /lit/, they were all bi or gay.
blog post please

>> No.11356875

>wanting pretentious /lit/ fags as friends

Wew buddy

>> No.11356926

this. my friends have never read a single piece of literature in their lives and probably never will, yet they're infinitely funnier and more interesting than any of the people I've met that have actually shared my interests in lit.

>> No.11356941

You don't.

>> No.11356945

I'm actually Matt, but I didn't write the post you're replying to, and I have a good idea of who I'm replying to, so now I'm confused as to who >>11355339 is.

>> No.11356974


>> No.11356975
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>> No.11357224

it has something to do with being on 4chan, incessantly swarmed by pictures of chicks with dicks and futa shit

>> No.11358039

A lot of people that read voraciously have shitty social skills. When you can't flirt, your tastes tend to broaden (or your standards get lower, whatever) to accommodate.

>> No.11358152

I'm not gay but i would def love a friend to talk books with. We can sit on my porch and sip ice tea and read together.

>> No.11358162

sounds like you'd love to love yourself. definitely sensing some self-confidence issues, probably from a deep fear that your entire personality sits atop an empty gap of knowledge that can never be filled no matter how many pretty words you learn. misery loves company etc.

>> No.11358172

What if I'm a dirt poor blue collar worker who has a passion for literature and can't go to uni? At this point in my life I've accepted that I'll never get to discuss Soviet literature with anyone in real life and it kills me.

>> No.11358179

>probably from a deep fear that your entire personality sits atop an empty gap of knowledge that can never be filled no matter how many pretty words you learn. misery loves company etc.
Almost there. The gap isn't from lack of knowledge fears but fear or being powerless over my own life. Suffocated by my helplessness.

>> No.11358185

sorry i was just inserting myself into you.

>> No.11358208

It's ok fren I understand. I love you anyway. But you must accept the uncertainty of life and accept that you may never have enough data or knowledge to know the answer.

>> No.11358293

funny how there are countless threads like this posted on every interest board ie /fa/, /mu/, /k/,/car/...every 5 minutes

u know, if u werent complete posers peacocking on the internet ud already be apart of the scene

>> No.11358297

what you have against the goat mkami yo

>> No.11358299

None of you fags are liking my updates anymore fuck you all

>> No.11358468

I had the same idea a month ago. Like you would select your favorite authors/genres and it would show nearby people(depending on your specified range settings or something),and with the ability to arrange meetups/events and create communities etc.

>> No.11358555

How sweet will the ice tea be? Will there be lemon? Will the sweetness coat my tongue like honey dripped over bread? Will the sourness of the lemon sting my mouth like wild blue electricity in a summer night sky? Will there be other snacks?

>> No.11358564

what the fuck is a jezebel?

is it like a stacy but not a whore?

>> No.11358569

join goodreads groups for your specific area and network with people through it. also, if you're looking for qt girls then traditional dating sites or language (pen pal) sites are good as well.

>> No.11358571

>anon doesn’t understand literary reference

>> No.11358578

i'm sorry but a reference with zero context could have a million different interpretations. obviously i could guess that it's a biblical reference because she is heavily photoshopped like the whore in the bible but it could also mean anything else

>[picture of a man is being referred to as john]

>> No.11358588

>she is heavily photoshopped like the whore in the bible

>> No.11358593

ah looks like it's you that didn't understand one of the most obvious references ever made. what's next, do you need me to explain who noah and moses are too?

>> No.11358610

great post. i fucking hate attractive people

>> No.11358779

t. Roman

>> No.11358783

join facebook groups

>> No.11358784


know any good ones?

>> No.11358817

no, only philosophy memery
Join goodreads groups*

>> No.11358832

great post. i hate fucking attractive people

>> No.11358841
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Honestly l never found anyone who read when i went to University. All my bookish friends came from going to local concerts. The indie rockers are usually into beat writers or sci fi, while noise/industrial peeps go a bit deeper, probably because bands like spk reference nietzsche. There's this one autist I know who plays soft cell tier minimal wave and he worships Kierkegaard.

>> No.11358887
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>How to find /lit/ friends irl
How do you find friends of any kind?

>> No.11358970

I'd like to insert myself into you.

>> No.11358991

>i'm sorry but a reference with zero context could have a million different interpretations
Yeah man I mean "Jesus" could be referring to any number of people.

>> No.11358997

great post. i hate attractive fucking people

>> No.11359060

not really possible. you just have to get lucky and meet such a person at a young age. only way otherwise to meet people actually into literature is going to a higher-end college, and desu even there most of those people are pretty dumb and just posing and have no real aesthetic sensibilities.

it's always possible to randomly come across a person with a genuine interest in literature during life, but unlikely.

>> No.11359065
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>tfw no lit gf

>> No.11359069

went on a date a couple weeks ago with a girl who had a legitimate, non-pretentious interest in literature, she was also incredibly beautiful and sort of traditional minded. couldn't get a second date with her. AAAGGGGHHHH it fucking kills me to think about.

>> No.11359085

All those men got mad pussy, Schopenhaur was a player as a young man.
You're making the classic mistake of "critique women as a group = angry virgin". In real life, it's when they deal with women that men begin to resent them.

>> No.11359086
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>and sort of traditional minded
what does that even mean?

>> No.11359097
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>> No.11359104
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you haven't heard about her escapades in college (which she didn't graduate from)?

>> No.11359107

She believed strongly in a feudal system where the majority of the populace should work in an agricultural fiefdom.

>> No.11359108
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she had a series of African American and South Asian boyfriends
She was very flaky and unreliable and drama creating
People who knew her in college believe her current politics are a response to being dumped

>> No.11359111
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lolwut that bitch is crazy run away

>> No.11359120

Join a creative writing workshop in your city brah

>> No.11359122

I'll leave this here.

>> No.11359123

i want those qts playing on their SPs

>> No.11359156

Which goodreader are you?

>> No.11359170

You did the right thing. Could you imagine exposing your child to that?

>> No.11359185
File: 149 KB, 725x803, tumblr_meh11vdv5Y1qzrk5xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets just stay home and read today anon :3

>> No.11359201

People need to quit posting hot women to bait people in to posting, if I wanted to beat off I would just go to OP's mother's grave

>> No.11359202
File: 224 KB, 912x1368, tumblr_n2yd7rLPjK1qgtzruo1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just post cute girls instead

>> No.11359205

you first

>> No.11359207
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>> No.11359233

There is nothing wrong with posting women.

You guys can be very gay sometimes, my main gf has DDs and a skinny waist

>> No.11359280
File: 490 KB, 1280x1706, tumblr_n5d5ltzypi1qgtzruo1_r1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my main gf
>implying you have more than one
get out
>skinny and DDs
post milkies

>> No.11359291

Why do you call them ‘milkies’? No, I don’t have pictures of my girlfriends tits saved you fucking nerd and even if I did I wouldn’t post them for your satisfaction.

>> No.11359299
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/tv/ joke

>> No.11360192

Read Jude the Obscure and kill yourself.

>> No.11360247

How do I go about increasing my level of social interest so I can be healthier through my association with other people