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/lit/ - Literature

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11348380 No.11348380 [Reply] [Original]

preferably .mobi

>> No.11348393

Sure thing, goyim. It's an epub though. http://libgen.io/search.php?req=Protocols+of+the+Learned+Elders+of+Zion&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def

>> No.11348460


>> No.11348532

It's a confirmed hoax lmao

>> No.11348561

Negative, it's not.

>> No.11348569

>literally plagiarized from a French satirical novel from 1864
>it's not a hoax I swear!!!

>> No.11348581

Leave this board. Jews are not allowed.

>> No.11348590

>get btfo
>y-you're a Jew!
Hey Claude, you realize you're letting Jews live in your head rent free, right?

>> No.11348883


>> No.11348898

ding dong diddly based

>> No.11348922


>> No.11349103


>> No.11349108

See >>11348532, which literally quotes from the book it plagiarized from

>> No.11349126
File: 47 KB, 216x296, Baron Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Constitutes maybe less than 1% of the actual text of the Protocols. Where did the rest 99% come from?

>. Regarding the authenticity of the Protocols a rabid and complex debate has erupted, which can be dismissed, however, by Guénon's correct observation that a truly occult organization, no matter what its nature, never leaves behind written documents or "protocols." Thus, in the most favorable hypothesis, the Protocols could have been the work of someone who had contacts with some representatives of this alleged organization. However, we cannot agree either with those who wish to dismiss this document as a vulgar mystification, forgery, and work of plagiarism. The main argument adduced by the latter is that the Protocols reproduce and paraphrase in many parts the ideas found in a short book written by a certain Maurice Joly during the period of Napoleon's Second Empire.
> This argument is truly irrelevant: those who decry plagiarism should keep in mind that this is not a matter of a literary work or of copyright. For example, when a general writes a plan, he could employ previous materials and writings as long as they contain ideas fit for his purpose. This would be a case of plagiarism, but it would not affect at all the question of whether or not this plan has really been conceived and carried out

-Julius Evola, The Secret Causes of History
& The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (Men Among The Ruins)

>> No.11349131

so you're saying I should read The International Jew instead

>> No.11349156

Repeated instances of plagiarism means it's a hoax. The fucking Vishnu metaphor is stolen. Citing Julius Evola isn't going to refute this fact.

>> No.11349163

Oh you were a brainlet

>> No.11349167

He's right

>the jews made up their plans by stealing from a french novel

What a terrible threat!

>> No.11349168

Did you even read the article? We now have a good idea of who actually made the hoax - the tsarist secret police, the Okhrana.

>> No.11349175
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>Borrows a metaphor from other book

It must be a hoax!

>> No.11349180

America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.

Time to get replaced, subhuman.

>> No.11349185

>borrows a metaphor
At least read the article proving the hoax.
Anyway, antisemite have been lying about jews since forever, like that english guy in russia who made up commie leader to make them seems more jewishs.

Antisemits are the true jews.

>> No.11349203

You couldn't replace your own tire mudskin, let along run a first world white nation, you're going back.

>> No.11349253

The easiest way is to let arabs and mexicans replace europeans all over the world.

Time to get extinct'd, inferior being.

>> No.11349266

mudslimes and spics come from cultures that have never created or conquered anything, they won't be replacing the people who have created and conquered everything. You're going back.

>> No.11349272

>never created or conquered everything
Holy shit, apparently the countless Muslim empires of the Middle Ages, and the Aztec Empire, never fucking existed.
Please go back to >>>/pol/ you uneducated retard.

>> No.11349283

You don't know anything about those things and shouldn't be on a literature board, shitskin.

>> No.11349288

I bet I know more than you.
Muslims (Moors) literally brought civilization to Spain.

>> No.11349309

False. Stop posting here.

>> No.11349313
File: 47 KB, 314x500, germans.on.welfare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I highly recommend that everyone give Ford's mindset some consideration. Clear, deliberate thought will far outstrip anger and hatred. Pic related is also a good read. The author constantly uses the terms:
>social justice
He tried to write an indictment against Germany. Any fair read of the text does the opposite because the facts of the case are so strong.

>> No.11349392


The guy published the Protocole in his own jpurnal and when it was exposed that it was bullshit he said he didn't give a shit because his feefee told him it was true.

>> No.11349422

danke, bruder

>> No.11349467
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That's the thing about it, it's controlled chaos, it's one of the truest hoaxes ever written. And that's absolutely terrifying.

>> No.11349483

>I know it's fake but my feeling are telling me it's true


>> No.11349511

/pol/ does this more than anyone else. Even more than scientologists and tankies.

>> No.11349514


>> No.11349649

If your argument consist of a youtube video maybe it isn't so great yeah?

>> No.11349705
File: 195 KB, 974x928, notwhiteimjewish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's self-evident, we're past arguments moishe.

>> No.11349722

Ford? Also, what is this book about?

>> No.11349748

Right you're already calling me a kike because you don't have any arguments left.

>> No.11349759

Just how did this happen? Why are we seeing literal nazists all over the internet?
I can't get my mind around it...

>> No.11349766

>literal nazists
How stupid are you? Jews are fucking the west up right now and people smarter than yourself are aware of it and telling you about it and you're acting like a fucking pussy. Hasn't been a national socialist in over 70 years you stooge.

>> No.11349794

Then why is it happening?

Even ford said it's a hoax but it sure looks like it's happening.

And let's be honest wouldn't you use this to destabilise a society? Everyone should read this book in school even if it's a hoax, it's a shame we're not in Hogwarts and don't have a dark arts class.

>> No.11349815

>Muslims (Moors) literally brought civilization to Spain.

Holy shit

>> No.11349816

>but it looks like it's happening

Yeah, in your schyzo mind

If you're serious people have blamed succesful minorities. Just look at the Tutsi history to see how you can become the african jew in a couple of generation.

>> No.11349839

Jews are blamed because of their destructive actions after gaining nepotistic control of other people's institutions and destroying their economies, corrupting their governments, promoting wars for their middle eastern slit state, and using our media outlets to push propaganda. No one buys your scapegoat excuse anymore, now get the fuck off /lit/, moron.

>> No.11349849

Seems like nobody read Prague's cemetery

>> No.11349855

>when mutt do it it's okay
>but when jews do it? NO
>nvm the jews opposed to zionism

>> No.11349934

even if they were hoax, it's not like they don't have any merit to it.

>> No.11350092

Them being a hoax means they're worthless as proof of a conspiracy. The only reason why people should read it is as s curiosity and an example of propaganda used to incite racism.

>> No.11350107

The hoax has never been confirmed and jews deserve any and all "racism" that gets directed their way.

>> No.11350118

nobody cites it as proof either.
everyone i've encountered says they only accurately describe the today's situation.

>> No.11350121

It was confirmed as a hoax in 1921.
See >>11348532

>> No.11350122

Stormfront had a retard Internet defense force that they used to try and groom disaffected teenagers back in the day, this is why moot destroyed /new/. I don't know if it's still around but it wouldn't surprise me given the way /pol/ went without moot to stop them. If you study Claude for a couple of days for example, he has canned responses and the same pictures, he could just be a mega-autist, but the precedent has been set.

>> No.11350135

i like to think claude really is just a megaustist

>> No.11350137

That's not proof, idiot. No one even knows its origins so there can be no proof that it's a hoax.

>> No.11350144

We are relatively certain that the Okhrana, the tsarist secret police in Russia, made it.

>> No.11350150

Who is Claude?

>> No.11350161

>We are relatively certain

Until you are certain stop speaking with certainty.

>> No.11350162

There's still one Stormfront shill I know of that posts on /pol/. Ticks all the boxes.

>> No.11350203

Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh were true Americans.

>> No.11350409

>make up bullshit
>ahah you can't disprove it with enough proof to please me?
>this mean it's true

Based /pol/, the most intellectual board.

>> No.11350682

Hoax or not, it's happening, and it's real.

>> No.11350732


>> No.11350777


>> No.11350891

Direct evidence that Protocols is fake:

>Copied and pasted dialogue from the contemporary work "The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu"
>Copied and pasted passages from Biarritz, a contemporary anti-semitic novel
>Matvei Golovinski, a non-jewish and highly anti-semitic Russian-French activist, was identified as the author of the protocols (not the Learned Elders of Zion) during the Berne Affair in Switzerland in the 1930s. Golovonski was identified as the primary author by Pavel Milyukov, a Russian government official. Other itnesses involved in the creation and distribution of the Protocols admitted to their false and manufactured nature. Note that "hurrr the trial was fixed!" is baseless and non-legitimate to rebutting the results of the legal decision.
>Lingustic analysis such as those conducted by Vadim Skuratovsky demonstrated that the language in Protocols was inauthentic of the period it repertory took place in
>Inconsistencies between editions. The first edition stated that the texts were not part of a zionist organization but rather simply a meeting of rabbis that had existed for centuries. The second editions published around 1917 explicitly stated (with correct textual changes) that the learned elders were the secret leaders of the world zionist congress. The changes were not noted and no new research conducted to justify these changes

Then there's just general things about it that are ridiculous:
>There are no names, dates, specifics to anything despite it being the minutes at a supposed meeting of the Learned Elders of Zion
>There are no specifics for any method employed. Just "take over the media", "undermine traditionalism", etc.. Again, for the minutes of a plan by the Learned Elders this doesn't make much sense
>There is no evidence anywhere else that the Learned Elders of Zion exist in any way, shape, or form

>> No.11350900

Also, the shit that the Protocols were describing was already happening before the protocols were published. Post-facto predictions aren't evidence. Germany has had a central bank since 1876, for example.

>> No.11350902
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>> No.11350920

>Note that "hurrr the trial was fixed!" is baseless and non-legitimate to rebutting the results of the legal decision.

What does this even mean? It's like saying "Note that questioning me is baseless and non-legitimate in questioning me."

>> No.11350926

There was a wealth of evidence presented at the Berne Trial that the Protocols were a hoax. Also, you didn't address the other points.

>> No.11350983

Go to another board, jews. This one is past the point where anyone cares about what you have to say and kikery generally.

>> No.11350991

oy vey

>> No.11351001

this is so stupid
disenfranchised (in the context of western civ it's about low sexual/social/professional value rather than starving/being genocided) people will move towards ethnopolitical mobilization because it establishes a value hierarchy that increases their worth in a multicultural context, as well as giving them a group to orient themselves around. you don't have to proselytize this stuff, it sells itself

>> No.11351019

>presented WITH clear evidence that it's a hoax multiple times
>n-no, you're just a Jew!!!
Never change, Claude.

>> No.11351034

There's a wealth of evidence presented at most phony trials.

You do realize that simply saying
>It's baseless to argue. There was a wealth of evidence.
doesn't magically make your evidence and argument sacrosanct, right? That when someone disputes your whole position from the ground up, you can't..... appeal to "my position is really really good though, as judged by me and people who agree with me" to refute them?

>> No.11351039

read the fucking sticky

>> No.11351064

this site makes me mad

>> No.11351068

>it's a phony trial!

>> No.11351090

My evidence is that I heard it from a guy who is very smart. It's really, really good evidence. It's baseless to argue with it.

>> No.11352201
File: 101 KB, 505x720, 1529484325184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Nazis because they remind me of Jews.
An egotistical race that deems themselves the Ubermensch/Chosen Peoples, using lies and destroying history to gain control of society, genociding races they dislike and enforcing eugenics.
Nazis are the biggest Jews and Jews the biggest Nazis. It's no secret plenty of Jewish Wehrmacht and SS veterans fled to Israel and were kept safe there after the war.
Nazis are particularly annoying as they pretend to hate what they actually are, glorified kikes, whereas kikes are annoying because they're succeeding in their goals.

Anti-Semitism =/= Nazism

>> No.11352321

Except there hasn't been a nazi in 73 years and it's not a race anyway you weebu faggot. What a fail.

>> No.11352356

well half the claims come from Richard Lynn who cites them from random people whose works are out of print and some of them contradict each other or are irrelevant if whites are measured alongside them. its just a racial hitpiece
there are nazis on /pol/ and twitter nigger i follow a bunch of them and talk to them regularly in direct message

>> No.11352418

>there are nazis on /pol/ and twitter
You are mistaken. The National Socialists were Germans and they lost any control 73 years ago. They no longer exist.

>> No.11352456

Protocols are for kids. I once read a 500 page book that mentioned, among other historical facts, that Christ and disciples were Jewish gays who invented Christianity to brainwash people of traditional pagan faith (whatever that may be).

BTW, I can't imagine how assblasted burger coach nazis are about the fact they can't invent some pagan connections to *the native soil* we normal Europeans have at hand.

>> No.11352477

>I once read a 500 page book that mentioned, among other historical facts, that Christ and disciples were Jewish gays who invented Christianity to brainwash people of traditional pagan faith (whatever that may be).

Do you know why the jews were kicked out of Egypt? For doing pretty much exactly that: forcing monotheism on the pagan Egyptians.

>> No.11352521

neo-Nazis are still Nazis and 4chan is an anime website.

>> No.11352590

Richard Lynn outright lied about his data or ignored data that went against his desired result. He literally took IQ scores from a school for retarded children in Spain and claimed that they were IQ scores from Ghana.

>> No.11352598

riddle me this m8, if africans have high IQs why have the Left not paraded around a test showing them having high IQs? because there is no such test

they like to pull out the one showing conservatives are lower iq than progressives from time to time so it's not like theyre averse to the tactic

>> No.11352612

Because no one claims that they have high IQs, just that low IQs are a result of living in a shithole. Your strawman isn't something anyone actually believes.