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/lit/ - Literature

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11331343 No.11331343 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /lit/ such a hostile, arrogant, elitist, self-absorbed, pseud board?

>> No.11332661

Aww, did someone from /lit/ shove a copy of Atlas Shrugged up your butthole or something?

Fuck off

>> No.11332675

to filter out and turn away faggots like you

>> No.11332678

because sin infests every human heart like weeds

>> No.11332681

Isn't all of 4chan like that?

>> No.11332696

That describes every board except a handful of niche ones like /diy/, which are generally pretty friendly and helpful if you don't barge in and aggressively spray your newfag everywhere.
Your punishment for asking stupid questions is 30 minutes browsing /vp/.

>> No.11332699
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You're too dumb to understand.

>> No.11332707

At the very least /lit/'s elitism is towards things generally considered elite. Unlike every other media board.

>> No.11332708

because if we don’t do this >>11332675
we get Peterson, Evola and Pewdiepie threads all day every single day and OP’s with 6th grade syntax and diction by mulatto reddit memestars

>> No.11332710

Fuck off you booklet. We're too busy being more intellectual than you.

>> No.11332712

Yeah it really does describe most of 4chan, but lit is def the worst of the boards I've ever frequented.
Just don't take it personally and learn to weed through all the dumb shit and the bait.

>> No.11332713

if wojak is so smart, why does he smoke a pipe

>> No.11332722

4chan is a bad website and it has bad people and you should not go here for the community or the discussion generally

i think if you ask yourself what you get out of 4chan you could probably find more of it in better quality somewhere else

this is a bad place and you should not be here

god bless

>> No.11332729

/lit/ is actually the best board, unironically.

t.big brained nibba

>> No.11332751
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The pipe is just a ruse to appeal to your sensibilities, all intellectuals actually smoke cigars.

A skilled rider leads his elephant, not the other way around.

>> No.11332753

Where else should one go
>inb4 reddit

>> No.11332754
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The Anischeral essence of /lit/ is not for commoners

>> No.11332763

you're thinking of /tv/

>> No.11332780

>but lit is def the worst of the boards I've ever frequented.
I don't understand how someone could think this. The ratio of real discussion and thought far outweighs any other board, except maybe /his/.

>> No.11332792

>The ratio of real discussion and thought far outweighs any other board, except maybe /his/.
you're forgetting /pol/

>> No.11332795

the key term here is 'real discussion' which can have any meaning you so choose.

>> No.11332796

No, I'm not.

>> No.11332802

/pol/ is the best board on 4chan for free speech and discussion

>> No.11332885

So? The level of discussion is still shit.

>> No.11332894

imagine you consider yourself a very brilliant, cultured person, but the only thing you have to show for it is a handful of “intellectual” novels on your bookshelf. you’d fight tooth and nail to establish whatever dominance you could over other people who read them but didn’t “get” them as “profoundly” as you did

>> No.11332931


>> No.11332933


it's me, i'm doing it

>> No.11332950
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>> No.11332956
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To prevent pic related.

>> No.11333249

Go back to /pol/

>> No.11333254
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It’s not fucking working tho.

>> No.11333256
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Fuck off you nigger-loving faggot

>> No.11333265

your mother

>> No.11333292

this, aside from the obvious benefit of weeding out plebs the narcissism and arrogance of many posters just makes it more rewarding to take people's arguments apart when you know the subject material better than them

>> No.11333312

Honestly Evola has some pretty good stuff, and while Peterson's new self-help book was basically just a new coat of paint in Marcus Aurelius, I've known people it's been helpful to. I think you're probably just a faggot desu.

>> No.11333322
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It's full of leftists. That should answer all your questions.

>> No.11333333

Evola is for people who have not read Nietzsche and get bored by studying religious texts, JBP helps stupid people realize they’re debt-cattle, i could care less what someone’s book does for someone emotionally especially if it is not cathartic nihilist literature like Céline, Houllebecq or Kafka. You ought to take a razor and pass it through your urethra

>> No.11333344

See >>11331343

>> No.11333362

This is just plain wrong.

>> No.11333363

Holy edgy sextuplets

>> No.11333405

Every board is elitist, hostile and self-absorbed.
/a/ is elitist about anime, /v/ is elitist about video games.
It's what makes 4chan 4chan.

>> No.11333413


>> No.11333414

I do prefer Nietzsche over Evola generally speaking, but I feel he is getting at something very real with Revolt Against the Modern World and Men Amongst the Ruins. I don't actually really disagree with you on the literature. I just think you're a pretentious faggot who isn't as intelligent as you'd like people to perceive you. Anyone who thinks that JBP is some sort of radical intellectual of any stripe likely either someone not familiar with his work (most often the case for leftists who find his naïve sort of 'classical'-liberalism so offensive) or is someone who likely is fairly early into reading, or of middling IQ. I can understand tiring of the "wash your dick bucko" memes, but all you look like when you shout about how anyone who doesn't love Satre and De Sade is some untermensch, is a gigantic faggot. I get it, normies and right-wingers are invading upon your hobby, and that frustrates your autism. The easiest solution is to just stop being a faggot. You're not any sort of incredible intellectual, and neither am I. You are at best, some autistic person engaging in a cargo-cult of an average person with a classical liberal-arts education from the past.

>> No.11333424
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me gucci

>> No.11333425

Why are crossposters such a hostile, arrogant, elitist, self-absorbed, pseud group?

>> No.11333427

Small dick syndrome prove me wrong boys pull em out if you under 14 cm hard you might as well make it a vagina

>> No.11333465
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In RAtMW and in his other books Evola demonstrates on a number of occasions that he fundamentally misunderstands important aspects of the eastern doctrines that he purports to speak about with authority. (e.g. he writes that Advaita Vedanta paved the way for nihilistic hedonism when it in fact came up with and presented a systematic explanation of the role lust plays in bondage to samsara and how to transcend it; or he presents Buddhism as aristocratic when in fact it was the anti-traditional revolutionary teaching of its time that upended social hierarchies)

>> No.11333509

I think of the three, Spengler has a much better interpretation of the cycle of civilzational decline than Guenon or Evola, but I still very much so enjoyed and found quite a lot to think about from RAtMW. I get it, if a philosophy or worldview is not perfect, you conclude that anyone who finds merit in it is trash. Also, there have been many periods of Bhuddist development that were fair to describe as aristocratic in nature.

>> No.11333588
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>Why is /lit/ such a hostile, arrogant, elitist, self-absorbed, pseud board?
I was going to say young people but it's really owing to ego problems in general. It's not just a younger person thing. Blaming young people is a cop out. A lot of older people are just as shitty and just as lost to their ego in their own ways. Some never grow out of it. Their problems are always with shit that is external to them. They are too vain to look inward and start there.

But then some do. To see an anon who has been through years of the shit that 4chan does to your psyche and still somehow chooses happiness and harmony after years of projected self-hatred is a beautiful thing to see. This place can ironically make your love of life and sense of empathy incredibly resilient if you are able to survive it. In a sense it magnifies what is dormant within you. It shows you only what you want to see. That is the great secret of 4chan, and life in general: it is as you choose to see it.

>> No.11333608

For fun, obviously, you dumbfuck

>> No.11333741

Have you read Guenon? I find his (and the Hindu etc) description of cosmic cycles and metaphysical principles unfolding themselves throughout a cyclical history more convincing than Spengler's rise and fall of cultures model. The first remains equally valid and true when applied to prehistory and the future whereas Spengler's ideas don't really give any explanations for 100k-5k B.C. other than they hadn't reached 'high civilization' yet.

Certain periods of Buddhism have been more or less hierarchical/aristocratic such as Tibet for much of its history but again simply going by the Buddhas actions and the records of his discourses the anti-traditional and non-aristocratic label is accurate. Claiming Buddhism is uniquely aristocratic by virtue of it advocating that the Bhikkhu take their enlightenment into their own hands and directly seek the highest realization doesn't really hold water when the same thing is more or less described in the pre-Buddhist Upanishads such as the Chandogya and Brihadaranyaka and also among other contemporaries of the Buddha like the Jains.

>> No.11333915

based but this doesn't reflect Evola negatively

>> No.11333917

>neets and pols (same thing)
No further explaining needed. These subhumans think that reading books makes them smart. But reading bullshit from Austrian manlets and slavic incels numbs your mind.

>> No.11333925


>> No.11334038


jordan peterson sounds like kermit the frog

>> No.11334067

/lit/ is one of the few places on 4chan we can have an actual discussion about something. It may devolve into a cycle of contrarian eristics arguments, but it is still fun.

>> No.11334079

All of those things are the reason that /lit/ is one of the only boards that can still be salvaged

>> No.11334082

Dunno. I only come here to shitpost.

>> No.11334284

He's pretty low test.

>> No.11334289

nice digs

>> No.11334502


Because you got called out in some recent thread for not knowing something which you claimed to know, and once you checked, you realized that they were right and you're still butthurt about it.

I forgive you your thread as this is a harmless space and you've done a harmless thing in making this thread. This is how you grow, anon.

>> No.11334515
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mama mia

>> No.11334526
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checked based fuck-Evola poster

>> No.11334553


Nihilism and catharsis are mutually exclusive terms which cannot be used in concert with another another to meaningfully apply to a third grammatical object in an adjectival sense. This, because catharsis implies some sort of grace, or gratification, or humanity, which nihilism negates a priori. Compare: "The two-dimensional euclidian everyday planar figure which is a triangle, and which triangle also has the properties that it is both a square and a circle in similar wise", or "the mentally ill male who has testes and a penis and is in some peculiar sense a woman".

>> No.11334565


>> No.11334583
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>> No.11334587

>/pol/ is the best board on 4chan for free speech and discussion
Truly a patrician fellowship of the highest intellectual standards. Truly.

>> No.11334614

idk but I legitimately consider this board as one of the 3 worst ones on 4chan after /pol/ and /tv/.
The level of discussion might SEEM higher because people aren't yelling "nigger" or "-drone" at each other but in reality the intelligence of the average poster here is VERY low. At least on /sci/ you have people who have a secondary education in the things they're smug about, here it's literally random retards desperately trying and failing to sound educated. This guy is a prime example >>11334502
I'd say this is the board most concerned with appearing smart and usually people who are desperate to seem a certain way have a real deficiency in that exact thing. It's no wonder this board is full of memes about dead writing careers and laziness.

>> No.11334677


>> No.11334704

t. triggered libtard nigger

>> No.11334779

If this board was actually elitist, everyone would follow the copypasta and genreshitters and agendaposters would be bullied off the board. You're right about it being a pseud board, though.

>> No.11335051

People shouldn't be allowed to post here if they were bad at math or physics in school. Just because you read some book as a subhuman /pol/ shit stain, doesn't qualify you to post at all. Even the dumbest neets can move their eyes from left and right while thinking nothing, but later post how great mein kampf was.

>> No.11335290

Spot on, anon. Well said.

>> No.11335321

First off, normal people do not frequent 4chinz, much less /lit. Normal people don't waste time scanning and shitposting on obscure image boards in order to find validation in their lives. We are all NEETS, dwebs, socially maladjusted, autistic, geeky, outcasts, that are unable to fit anywhere else in society. That's why we all come here, it's the only place we fit in. It's the only place that will accept us, sight unseen. It's the only place we can shitpost and vent to our hearts content, because we have no other outlet. We come here, because it's our own personal hell. We made it the way we want it.

>> No.11335368

It’s 2018 you nerd

>> No.11335667

I've read crisis of the modern world. I eventually plan to get to more of his work, but unfortunately there's a nearly never ending list of things I wish to read, and significantly less time than I'd like.

>> No.11336469

This really isn't remotely true, don't project your /r9k/ loser olympics onto the rest of the site. /lit/ especially has a lot of normal adults. The concentration of weird fucks is definitely higher than society as a whole, which is how you end up with shit like the Katie fiasco, but that isn't everyone at all.

>> No.11336494
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/lit/ was way more elitist (and better) pre 2015

>> No.11336501

Sad if this isn’t bait. Normies in my class browze 4chan during lectures and openly talk about how epic it is.