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/lit/ - Literature

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11325697 No.11325697 [Reply] [Original]

There is no writer in the history of literature who writes with the same verve and inner passion as the great Carl Schmitt.

>> No.11325702

t. read some second hand english translation

>> No.11326980

Leon Bloy

>> No.11327034

I'm not sure I'd characterize him as passionate.
Don't get me wrong, I'm almost in love with the man, but I find his style to be more correctly described by drier adjectives.
And I don't mean "dry" as in "devoid of something" but more like "so crystal clear that it doesn't need anything more".

>> No.11327471

This. Read Schmitt's literary heroes like Leon Bloy and Ernest Hello.

Endings of his books are always fairly passionate.

>> No.11328152

Agreed. Schmitt general thread now?

>> No.11328693


>> No.11328845


>> No.11328850

the founder of a very popular, if short-lived, nazi-themed fried chicken restaurant chain.

you don't really want to know much else.

>> No.11328870

Schmitt fags need to ease up on the fellatio.

>> No.11328930
File: 34 KB, 853x543, strauss the bauss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? He got BTFO by a Jew.

>> No.11329064

Shalom Rabbi, fancy seeing you here!

>> No.11329073

I really like Strauss, but Schmitt, in many of his works, especially the early ones, does formulate a deeper affirmation of political Catholicism (more in line with Strauss´ defense of Natural law). Also, excellent picture.

>> No.11329826

God I wish that were me.

>> No.11329840
File: 150 KB, 960x638, 1524070924893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schmittian polity when?

>> No.11331169

Schmitt implicitly argued that Strauss was an atheist and a liar and should not be trusted. Political theology vs political philosophy.

>> No.11331563

Based Schmitt

>> No.11331779

Not soon enough.

>> No.11332882

This man, in my country he is everything.

>> No.11333934


>> No.11334501

Rousseau and Kierkegaard do the same as Schmitt. It’s an INFP thing.

>> No.11334505

Extroverted Thinking. Schmitt was a master with it.

>> No.11334544

What makes you say that?

>> No.11334551
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>> No.11334624
File: 75 KB, 186x238, rich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw INTP and I write polemics against secular humanism daily

>> No.11334669
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*Lautreblocks ur path*

>> No.11334890

If you don’t believe in the validity of MBTI you’re probably a normie sensor

>> No.11334899

They probably read a lot differently to Schmitt and Rousseau too. Not doubting you do, but INTP’s use introverted thinking. INFP’s and INTJ’s are usually more emotional, even their reason is rooted in a personal feeling of the matter of you look close enough. However with an INTP that is not the case, it’s all logical deduction, absolutely nothing wrong with that, it’s just a different style of writing that serves its purpose, but is different. An example is comparing Kant and Descartes (INTP) to Schmitt and Rousseau (INFP) when you read them the differences in writing styles is striking

>> No.11334958

Well, he was a Jew, so he wasn't wrong.

>> No.11336004

Literally who?

>> No.11337172

What is Aristotle?

>> No.11337556

A person.

>> No.11338404

is that tom hanks?

>> No.11338408


That's exactly what the historical record said until the 1910s, when the surrealists re-discovered him.

>> No.11339264

Still doesn't tell me anything.

>> No.11339266


>> No.11340721

you failed

>> No.11342065

Imagine Tom Hanks, but a philosophical powerhouse.

>> No.11342117


>> No.11342465

Could you explain what you mean by this extroverted thinking?

>> No.11342473

any philosophic INTJs out there?

>> No.11344154

Which test do you recommend I use?

>> No.11344316


The filename would if you had an Intelligence Quotient north of room temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, which as it happens is the civilized manner of recording temperature.

>> No.11345477

Yeah, his name, but not why I should give a shit about him. More focused on the genius of Schmitt.
I do agree with you on the use of Fahernheit though good sir.

>> No.11345542
File: 48 KB, 492x700, c3ce83bb047fb7306ddbfdd1776041c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how you guys live your lives with so much hatred. I guarantee you'll never be happy if you believe Jews are to blame instead of your own futility. Happiness comes from triumph, not being a victim. 100% would cross the street if I saw this thread in real life.

>> No.11345624

I haven't read Bloy, but I know Borges gave him shout-outs every time he wrote about authors that he followed.
So, anyway, there's that.

>> No.11345729

We've mentioned Strauss twice. The first time as a crypto atheist, who deceitfully denied the theological nature of the political; the second, as a jew, presuming that to be the reason of his crypto atheism. I don't know where you are coming from, when saying people in this thread are "blaming jews".

>> No.11345865

Hilariously obvious that you are a member of "the tribe".

>> No.11345878
File: 90 KB, 238x276, 1517615380299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. never read Schmitt

>> No.11346108

I bet you're a fat incel who thinks Jordan Peterson is "woke af".

>> No.11347457

Shalom Rabbi! Fancy seeing you here!

>> No.11347459
File: 40 KB, 505x431, tumblr_inline_nt0yyzSyqK1sjh0qi_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% would cross the street if I saw this thread in real life

>> No.11348700

This. The /pol/ anti-semite boogeyman is strong here on /lit/.