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11323901 No.11323901 [Reply] [Original]

Is The Merchant of Venice Anti-Semitic? Do I have to give up this Shakespeare guy now for being a racist piece of shit????

>> No.11323906

No, retard. I'm sure you thought you were very clever when you started this great ironic thread though.

>> No.11323925

Why do people think it’s racist?

>> No.11323940 [DELETED] 

If every people from every period of time disliked jews, is it their fault for being anti semitic, or might the problem be the jews themselves and their behavior?

>> No.11323947

God made it’s so everyone always ends up hating them for no reason, they are the chosen people

>> No.11323966

Its set in the renaissance, and they had a penchant for jew hating back then, but hey they came a long way from what they used to do back in the 11th century which could be described as "tolerate until plague starts then rape, pillage, burn, maim, kill and rape again", see rhineland massacres so you can understand how much progress they had made to that point

>> No.11323988

people were retards for a long time, no modern society has been anti-semitic outside of retard societies (e.g. iran, turkey, germany)

>> No.11324020

I think their bad behaviour was mostly not being christian.

And considering how psychotically christian europe was back then, this was more likely more than enough to rustle a few jimmies

>> No.11324024 [DELETED] 

Germans are the most honest, hardworking, and tolerant people on the planet. The truth is its the jews who are the problem here and always have been.

>> No.11324034

you work hard at being a retard

>> No.11324036

Do you really believe this? If you got kicked out of 109 bars and kept blaming the bartenders, would you expect me to believe you? This 'it's everyone else's fault but the jews' narrative fails the simple logic test.

>> No.11324039

If you are black and it's the south in the 1960's then yeah

>> No.11324049

*hebraic screeching*

>> No.11324053

is this the thread we're having? is this how far /lit/ has fallen?

>> No.11324074

There's one guy that has been posting nonstop since summer started.

>> No.11324081

? Nobody likes niggers either but for different reasons, because they're violent and retarded.

>> No.11324217

This style of thinking is not very thorough. The racist right really has a point here, as much as that frightens me. Prejudices do not appear without cause. You are using step 2 to refute step 3 while ignoring step 1, the genesis of the problem.

>> No.11324220

Ok, let me address Step 1: for racism, it is that people have different skin colors, for antisemitism, it's christian autism about the death of christ

>> No.11324230

Jewish behavior was noted before Christianity and they were kicked out of Egypt before that, it's the basis for Exodus.

>> No.11324231

You are mistaken. Use your own mind as model rather than a caricature or your enemy. You and yours dislike bad behavior and you notice the pattern that most of the bad behavior is coming from the green people. You don't have today's tech or level of development of the individual, only arbitrary sense data. You would dislike green people too.

>> No.11324237

*of your enemy

>> No.11324246

can you read ity first?

>> No.11324254

Literally 0 evidence

>> No.11324259

"Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute—and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction."

Shylock might be caricatural in some respects, but passages like this clearly don't come off as antisemitic. He's saying that despite being an excluded and alienated minority in Christendom, he as a Jew still plays by the same rules and has the same emotional reactivity as anyone else.

>> No.11324261

I do believe that in some cases the jewish communities may have had a hand on their downfall but to say that such was always the case is retarded and gay, much like ur mom

>> No.11324281

wow man, way to ruin the metaphor ya spastic twat

>> No.11324289

>may have had a hand
Bud, it's happened to them hundreds of times. Look at what they were doing then and what they're doing now. It's what they've always done. Being a small group they've adapted to attack and conquer from the inside. People do not have the same interests and behaviors.

>> No.11324296

"Anyone could've shaved those coins! Why do you suspect us, goyim?"

>> No.11324300

They lived in muslim and pre-muslim lands for centuries with no problems. The root cause of conflict was with christians.

>> No.11324301

Germans are scum and the reason Europe is declining

>> No.11324309

>no problems
They seem to like opening the gates to invaders who promise to let them collect taxes ...at least 8 times lmao

>> No.11324310

Arabs and jews are related, both are semitic peoples. Jews helped them into Spain too, just as they're helping them into the west now, which is why both jews and arabs were kicked out in 1492.

>> No.11324314

>tfw prussia wasn't destroyed in 1759 when they had the chance
greatest tragedy in all of history

>> No.11324319

Yeah except they let those who converted to stay so it wasn't a race autism thing no matter how much you want it to be.

>> No.11324327

Big Germany might have been our last chance at the good ending. Based Hapsburgs

>> No.11324328

And that was a mistake, because the nature of the converso jews didn't change, of course.

>> No.11324431

You have to understand that any concept of modern day anti-semitism would be alien and illogical to Shakespeare or anyone of his time. It is simply not a concern.

Merchant is ultimately a comedy where Bassanio comes out on top and Christian morality wins the day. Shylock is a clear villian that has a large part to do with him being Jewish. Shylock is covetous to the point of absurdity and so blind with hate that he continually fucks up and loses any ounce of sympathy from those around him. His daughter, Jessica, is a great lens to see this from: she has every reason to be on her father's side, them both being jewish in a christian-controlled Venice, but she hates him regardless, because he's a huge prick.

Shylock's "hath not a Jew eyes?" speech exemplifies this because he would kill the fuck out of Antonio and Bassanio without a second of hesitation. The entire speech is powerful, but it's a vehicle for Shylock to justify being a completely horrible prick over and over again, to the extent where it ends up with him fucking himself because he is so unwilling to compromise on his hatred for Christians and, more specifically, Antonio and Bassanio.

Is the play anti-Semitic? Well no, that's a dumb, shallow understanding of both the play and the time period it's set in.

Is Shylock a tragic figure? Only if you like someone whose motivating ethics are greed and hatred, to the point of ostracizing family and demanding the slaughter of an innocent man who's only crime was being a Christian.

>"b...b...but jew hatred twisted him!!!"

Even if this is the case, it's by no means expounded upon by the play itself. Shylock is a dick from his first line onwards:

"I hate him [Antonio] for he is a Christian,
But more for that in low simplicity
He lends out money gratis and brings down
The rate of usance here with us in Venice."

So the first true reveal of his personality is that he hates Antonio, by all accounts a good guy, simply because he's A) Christian and B) because he's so charitable he drives down the interest rates.

What a great guy!

>> No.11324451

Shakespeare is notoriously ambiguous.

>> No.11324452
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Why do you insist that it is about race? It seems apparent to me that the expulsions are often so violent and abrupt because the systemic influence they wield is so pervasive that, when the base population finally discovers that the Jews are the root cause of disrupting pluralism, the reaction is total. It really has very little to do with race, particularly because they have gone through periods of proselytizing and interbreeding. The Jews of Europe and the US today, though very much the same culturally as yesteryear, are very different racially. Often they are primarily genetically rooted within the base population.

>> No.11324466
File: 36 KB, 564x589, das.geht.nicht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be oldfag
>commenting on something I read decades ago but do not really remember
>read solid post
>decide to read this piece of writing again
Thanks, anon.

>> No.11324472

Plausible deniability.

>> No.11324503

Jews bunker down in urban centers and use them as hubs to centralize power and bribe elites to advance the interests of jews. This often involves propagandizing the population in the periphery, who doesn't come into contact with jews, to think jews are good and share their interests. This is the function christianity served before mass media, and jews are in reality extremely hostile towards those people.

>> No.11324534

Anyone who says merchant of venice is antisemitic have neither read or seen it

>> No.11324585

>Jews bunker down in urban centers and use them as hubs to centralize power
Pew Research shows that, of the 30 Jewish members of Congress, 27 are Democrats - one of the three others being Bernie. (I would call that 28 - you make the call.) The notion that considering Jews to be a monolithic block is based in paranoia is patently foolish. The numbers do not bear denial of a general trend of political bent. I speculate that they had similar party affiliation concentrations in The Weimar Republic. They possess no special innate innocence. If they act against the base population of a country then it is perfectly reasonable for the base population to thwart them. We have no obligation to bend to their will.

>> No.11324610 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 660x562, germans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally no difference between a german and a kike.

>> No.11324620

>The notion that considering Jews to be a monolithic block is based in paranoia is patently foolish
Woke niggers don't argue that and know Jews are malleable and will adopt any position to bend it in favor of Jews, like the neocons. They took over the right wing in order to transform into a right wing that promoted Jewish interests, which is why the right has been largely incoherent and ineffective since the 60s.

>> No.11324652

I hate Jews if only for the reason that they run the banks, the media, the courts, the land values, the tax structure, the NGOs, colleges, think tanks, etc, despite being a tiny minority. I would unironically prefer the blacks had it, at least they don’t hate Christ

>> No.11324838

No problem. I like Merchant in that it's a unique play that causes a lot of concern in contemporary audiences. It's literally the definition of a piece of art that says more about us than it does about the art itself.

Also, it fully showcases the poisonous afterbirth of profound negative emotion. Everyone has felt as hate-filled as Shylock at some point and this is how he's such an effective villain. Shakespeare's genius is not simply showing us a well-written angry jew stereotype (for his time), but allowing himself the space to play with that stereotype and give him a horrible yet relatable humanity. We should never sympathize with Shylock, but we all goddamn empathize with him on some level. Sometimes you just fuckin hate a bitch.

>> No.11325010

agree but their leadership is shit

>> No.11325381

is The Jew of Malta anti-semitic?

>> No.11325433

Even the tiny Jewish communities in India and China were hated by the non Christian locals. Even the Islamic world was only marginally more tolerant of Jews.

>> No.11325440

They were protected by Muslim rulers that would use them for their bureaucracy as they couldn't be a threat to their power. Whenever Muslim rulers were weak or if there was civil unrest the Muslim population would attack Jews.

>> No.11325467

No it's biography

>> No.11325485

They are right, you literally are just one person hahahahaha
Try not making the same post word-for-word every day

>> No.11326096

>"Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute—and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction."

What is pilpul for 100 shekels, Alex?

>> No.11326689

He was a product of his time. Judge it by the standards of the 1500s not by today

t.literally a Jew

>> No.11326865

You used to hear about how things were like "the cancer that is killing 4chan." People don't say that anymore because 4chan is dead and we're sitting here, beating it's corpse with a stick

>> No.11326877

Good boast

>> No.11326884

good point

>> No.11326910

Stormfags are ruining everything

>> No.11326920

Do you have a sister?

>> No.11326947

If you're looking for Jewesses I am one
But I'm a convert

>> No.11326996

You were supposed to give him up when it turned out he was white!

>> No.11327016

>converting to slave cult
is it because of jewish marital law that states a woman can divorce husband if he doesn’t make her cum regularly?

>> No.11327043

It's not a slave cult tho you retard

>> No.11327055

German Mittelklasse was and still is comprised of the most hateful, bitter and proudly anti-intellectual people in all of Europe.

>> No.11327258

>and proudly anti-intellectual people in all of Europe.
based germans

>> No.11327679

There's a lot of jew hate in old books. I think it's great. Cat has my tongue but I've noticed so many jew references, and always to the negative, in so many works. Didn't matter what country of origin. Dorian Gray had a stereotypical greasy, greedy jew as the troupe owner for example. Gatsby had a jew who committed fraud (or was it embezzlement?) and then jewed his way out of helping Gatsby as he lay dying. Whether it's antisemitic or not, they certainly called a jew a jew back then.

>> No.11328063
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Judaism is a slave cult in every way. Its teachings revolve around the celebration of genocide and instructing its members that the evil goyim are the subhuman slaves of jews.

Jews themselves have also been made into the slaves of their elders, the rabbinical class that has molded them into the brainwashed cult they are. For instance, the reason jews are so binary in their thinking (classifying people as holocaust believers or deniers, erecting totalitarian social orders like under jewish communism in Russia, perceiving zero nuance in so-called "anti-semitism" but ebil goyim hating jews for no reason, going full speed ahead with lies like the jewish media does, whom everyone knows is lying now, etc., etc.), is because the very concept of "truth" in judaism is what the priest class says it is.

The zombie jew slaves know that a fake reality must be erected to protect jews from goyim, and they know how to obey orders from the top, run with a lie told to the goyim, and ruthlessly attack any non-believers, because that is how they have been enculturated to behave. It's all top down.

Jews thus lack the scientific European mindset where truth is put to the test and mutually agreed upon, and reality is understood through evidence, not merely authoritarian pressure.

>> No.11328086

Complete nonsense. That's not what we teach at all.

>> No.11328098

Yes, it is. And btw you shouldn't be posting here if you're a jew.

>> No.11328105

Firstly, gatekeeping
Secondly, it really isn't what we teach at all

>> No.11328110

Yes, it is. And again you should not be posting on /lit/. Jews are not welcome here anymore so you need to leave.

>> No.11328134

>/pol/ thinks it can take over /lit/

>> No.11328139

>Jews are not welcome here
Jews literally post on pol all the time you autist.

>> No.11328148

Never posted there. Now leave.

I don't care if they post there. Where they shouldn't be posting is here.

>> No.11328157

you really think that some random Jewish anon posting here is a problem similar to your issue with the Federal Reserve or whatever it is?

like even granting you are correct about Judaism and what some Jews get up to, what the fuck does it have to do with some guy posting his opinion here. Should we ban Catholics because the Pope is a dumbass?

>> No.11328170

We are speaking on a matter of principle. Literature is an arm of western/European culture. Jews are not a part of that and have caused enormous damage to it. Thus they are and should continue to be encouraged to leave whenever they make their presence publicly known on /lit/.

>> No.11328175

>Literature is exclusive to the West
Oh no, it's retarded
Anyone who seriously thinks that the Holocaust didn't happen is a fucking retard

>> No.11328188

You were asked to leave. So why are you still posting in this thread?

>> No.11328191

Jews might be a distinct thing but they have definitely contributed to European culture, it is literally delusional to deny this. Im not even a big fan of most Jewish art, but like Mendelssohn or whoever are real people that had an impact. Spinoza was a big deal

>> No.11328192

Because you're not the boss of me. You have no power to make me leave. I refuse.

>> No.11328214

Subverting does not equal contributing. I'm well aware you take jews like Spinoza and others at face value and thus fail to understand what they were actually engaged in, but what I want you to understand is that your limited grasp of such things stems from your lack of knowledge about the jewish problem. Let's change that, shall we? Learning is a long process.

You must go now.

>> No.11328223

or m8, they were genuinely contributing, I've read what Wagner had to say about mendelssohn and it is ridiculous

>> No.11328238

You'll get over your irrational hatred of Jews when you're older.

>> No.11328243

I repeat, you have a limited understanding of the jew. "Contribute" implies a positive addition to that which already exists, and that's not what the jew does: the jew subverts and destroys that which already exists. It is a purely negative force. I know you don't believe me when I say that, but I want it to sink in because it likely will later on in your life.

>> No.11328250

>irrational hatred of Jews
The jews hate non-jews like myself, that's the issue here.

>> No.11328271

>provides no evidence for this assertion

>> No.11328288

I have books of it. Crack open the talmud to just about any page, brother.

>> No.11328304

Yeah, those quotes floating around on the Internet are fake. Maybe read it yourself instead of trusting what some image on the Internet claims is in the Talmud.

>> No.11328325

I have read much of the talmud, which is why I'm encouraging all whites to do so. The mental sickness of the jew exists primarily because the jew has been forced to memorize passages from books like this for centuries.

>> No.11328333

The Talmud does not say that Jews are superior, so clearly you haven't read it.

>> No.11328386

That's not true, and a simple search will prove it to anyone who doesn't know about the talmud/jewish problem. The talmud states that non-jews are the slaves of jews who are destined to rule over world, and memorizing such statements for centuries is why jews from their warped perspective to this day very much believe that.

>> No.11328396

It never fucking says that.

>> No.11328433

Yes, it does, you lying jew. The talmud is the most demonic text ever produced in the history of man, which is why it embodies perfectly the demonic nature of the jew.

>> No.11328441

have you actaully read the talmud, is there like a pdf of t somewhere

>> No.11328459


i ctrl f'd 'gentile' and am going through each example and it's all random shit relating to their autistic sabbath laws and etc. nothing like what you implied

>> No.11328494

That's because stormfags love to make up fake Talmud quotes

>> No.11328526

Yes, I have read quite a bit of it.

Well, keep reading. I don't know what you expect doing five minutes of ctrl+f'ing then reporting in like this research of yours was in any way definitive.

>> No.11328568

Cite some of these alleged quotes

>> No.11328594

You can joogle talmud quotes as easy as I can. But if you ask nicely I will do so between sets here and post them itt.

>> No.11328609

And I will debunk them

>> No.11328615
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>Do I have to give up this Shakespeare guy now for being a racist piece of shit????

>> No.11328624

You'll debunk a quote from a book?

>> No.11328630

I'll debunk the claim that the quote is from the Talmud

>> No.11328647

Oh, fuck you. /lit/ people, most of all, should understand this shit.

>> No.11328651

Okay, here are two from a quick joogle search. Now let's see some jewing, hasbara boy.

>“The Jews are human beings, but the goyim (Gentiles) are not human beings; they are only beasts.”—Baba Mezia 114a-114b

>“The non-Jew is an animal in human form, and is condemned to serve the Jew day and night.”—Midrash Talpiah 225

>> No.11328665

And yet, these are fake quotes.

>> No.11328714

LOL. You have not debunked anything. You can't even copy the moon runes on your kike PR site.

>> No.11328723

>Is The Merchant of Venice Anti-Semitic?
>Do I have to give up this Shakespeare guy now for being a racist piece of shit????

>> No.11328724

>explains the context for the quote
>continues to take it out of context anyway

>> No.11328738

You can't even copy the hebrew text to check it. Post it here, jew.

>> No.11328750

Bismarck is the greatest con artist in the history of Europe, at least, if not humanity.

>> No.11328784

Yeah nobody ever had a reason for not wanting black people into their establishment

>Stands on top of table twerking and emitting loud noises while a pack of bastard niglets (but I repeat myself) knocks glasses off shelves just to watch them break.
>No tip
>Successfully sues owner because he told her he "wouldn't accept uncivilized behavior".

>> No.11328841
File: 1.97 MB, 1500x1114, 6e600616c4afadfd2f3e8422ff3c217fa47c09ce9178a315772204e01514c981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you have not responded or posted the moon runes, you are now officially declared to have: a) failed in the debunking claim, and b) engaged in transparent jewing that confirms further non-jewish claims about jews being liars.

>> No.11328879
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>> No.11328913

You must be a retarded mizrahi. I can't copy and paste and thus cross-reference that, and I must conclude that is intentional, but I don't have any more time to waste on this tonight.

>> No.11328925
File: 59 KB, 500x354, artworks-000026425532-2dgf87-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but it's only because the frontal lobe is racist. trepanation will solve it tho

>> No.11328937

It's an image in the website as well, blame the site owner

>> No.11328995
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No joke. Look at the (((names))).

>> No.11328998


I don't think so brah. There were only a handful of Jews to begin with and they were living in a corner of the country. Nobody cared about them

>> No.11329000

fucking christ imagine writing that and not thinking you are some sort of fictional villain

>> No.11329043

That's how jews think: they are an anti-human and anti-nature force that attacks humans and nature.

>> No.11329067

oy vey, I can't believe this schmuck. Are you telling me that there's something wrong with an alien culture that refuses to integrate, while monopolizing positions of power by way of nepotism and disregard for all of its host cultures moral values?

>> No.11329070

>refuses to integrate
Legally barred from integrating.

>> No.11329074

Physics or chem would be villain tier, this is just sad larping. Medicine and life sciences in general are joke fields for brainlets who couldn't into math, aka jews.

>> No.11329081

not if they converted and followed the religion of their host country like they should have.

>> No.11329102

>jew calling christians autists
>the talmud is hundreds of pages of arcane financial planning advice
kikes are kikes, all that can be said

>> No.11329115

Portraying a jew negatively is what the nazis did. You aren't a nazi are you? Did u forget the six billion¿

>> No.11329125
File: 278 KB, 1440x960, t-Steve-Reich-08-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are unironic anti-semites on /lit/ larping as intellectuals

>> No.11329143

The fact ((they)) wont allow modern studies, even those out to counter the deniers raises a bit of a red flag.

>> No.11329150

They literally do
You can question, just not deny
Try again

>> No.11329159

>there are bad goys on lit
Alert the ADL.

>> No.11329166

Illegal in 16 Euro countries and Israel. Questioning is construed as denial. Read more.

>> No.11329183

>You can question, just not deny.
Of course you can investigate! Only as long as the results favor the existing notion though...

>> No.11329186

We call you guys gentiles. "goy" is a /pol/ meme

>> No.11329191

One cannot be an intellectual in the current year without a basic understanding of the jewish problem, it's just not possible for anyone even semi-intelligent to ignore.

>> No.11329192

I don't like any jew . Is that racist?
I remember trying to enjoy Kafka but realized his intentionally incoherent writing is what postmodern abstract art is to trad art, total garbage. With no discernible talent. He was correct to want to burn his little scribbles.

>> No.11329196

nah i am not a holocaust denier but the outlawing of it raises immense red flags to me. I believe it's just a case of them sperging out about it, but it's still huge ammo for the revisionists. The only thing that has ever made me doubt the official story is that the unofficial story is illegal.

>> No.11329200

Name 5 of your favourite authors and I can garuntee 4 of them are Jewish and you just didn't know it.

>> No.11329203

>investigations consistently yield the same result
Beginning in 1990, when Holocaust denial had a surge. It was to shut up retards like Irving. Why wait 45 years to suppress dissent?
And no, questioning is not construed as denial. Otherwise schoolchildren would go to prison for asking about the Holocaust.

>> No.11329207

The JQ goes back to the Greeks and Romans. Reading their quotes on the Hebrews is eye opening. No wonder 70AD happened. God bless the romans

>> No.11329216

The laws started in 1990, and they're because walking up to an old Jew and accusing them of lying about surviving a genocide is very hateful. It's even more asinine walking up to Buzz Aldrin and accusing him of lying about walking on the moon.
I dislike the laws, but there's a reason for their existence.

>> No.11329221

Being a philo-semite: brainlet tier
Being an anti-semite: pseud tier
Realizing that jews are just the rats to our modern moral plague due to their cultural predilections and therefore not truly responsible for the havoc they wreak: A-OK tier

>> No.11329222


>> No.11329223

And we're telling you to leave our countries and online spaces (like this one) before we start firing up the ovens (but for real this time)?

>> No.11329229

Gene Wolfe

>> No.11329233
File: 41 KB, 1080x289, IMG_20180615_233143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swing and a miss, Schlomo.

>> No.11329236

Why isn't it illegal to walk up to a chink and accuse him of lying about surviving nanking? Or literally any one of the thousands of groups who have experienced things worse than the comparatively minor event that was the holocaust over the course of history.

>> No.11329237

Given the compassion with which he portrays Shylock, I'd say no.

>> No.11329240

wait a minute...
What do you think the word "questioning" means?

>> No.11329242

See your pyschoanalysist anon. We are worried.

>> No.11329247

It's illegal to deny the Holodomor in the Ukraine, or to deny the Armenian Genocide in several countries. Most of Eastern Europe has laws banning denial of both Nazi AND communist crimes.

>> No.11329248

All had jewish ancestory and are by /pol/s definition jewish.

>> No.11329253

And how do we know you're jewish lol, stop projecting, shekelstein...

>> No.11329257

jews are really funny in that legalistic terminology is to them what concrete reality is to us. I'm not sure if maybe they actually see things like "affadavit" or "lien" as qualitative objects that appear to them much as the color red or the feeling of soft does to us. It would dam sure be interesting to be a jew for a day to find out. Would explain how they can find beauty in law vs whites who usually can only find it in art or science.

>> No.11329259

That's not a proof that's an empty assertion. Try again.

>> No.11329261

>illegal to deny the armenian genocide

u sure about that bro? in the united states is basically illegal to believe the armenian genocide actually happened, not sure why the government is so scared to make the turks angry, probably because we need to park our missiles and drones and shit their to use for killing arabs and threatening russia

>> No.11329267

i dont really have a strong argument one way or the other, but the laws make it seem very Orwellian

>> No.11329268

honestly, I think the Holocaust did happen, that the jews used it to to reach argumentative unassailablity and now use it to their own ends.

>> No.11329271

Yeah, so are 90% of /pol/s claims

>> No.11329276

Why does /pol/ keep saying that its being shoved down our throughts. I haven't heard anything about the holocaust since high school history class over a decade ago

>> No.11329278

agreed. Although I'm pretty sure more jews died of typhus and starvation aggravated by allied bombing than by direct murder.

>> No.11329279 [DELETED] 

i was thinking about this today actually, i was reading about some corruption in africa, and it seemed to me that blacks are incapable of thinking about abstract governmental institutions, with them it always comes down to personalities, everything is organized against all powerful strongmen, its like africa is a continent of machiavellian princes, they don't separation of powers or that there is any idea of "powers" other than the big man at the top, even the so called "successful" african countries, which is to say ones that the us government and cia approve of, are run by cults of personality

>> No.11329284

It's implied in our language, where "Hitler" = "modern satan"

>> No.11329287

None of the Christian characters are sympathetic, either. They are to a man grubby, spiteful, conniving defrauders. Perfect mock foils for a mock villainous Jew.

>> No.11329301

Is there a better example than Hitler that is still within recent memory of history we can use?

>> No.11329302
File: 318 KB, 800x552, serveimage(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The holocaust is literally the anti-religion of the west/white people. Since the 70s (when the narrative really started cropping up (yes, that long after)), the jews have been using it as a way to morally blackmail whites, deter us from organizing racially or expressing racial solidarity, and thwart any anti-immigration rhetoric.

Jews are very twisted people.

>> No.11329305

Wow like 30 museums. Grow up

>> No.11329310

More. But why is a foreign minority group of 2% of the population allowed to build even one "museum" to their victimhood on our territory?

>> No.11329311

how many museums are there for crimes that actually happened in the united states like oh idk slavery or the ethnic cleansing of indigenous people? can probably count them on your fingers

>> No.11329329

>provides no evidence for the alleged blackmail

>> No.11329332

Literally hundreds you retard

>> No.11329335

Turn on the TV to any channel right now and you'll see a jew talking about Hitler. You kidding?

>> No.11329336

america was always anti-german even from before ww1, the holocaust just finally gave them the excuse they were looking for

>> No.11329338

example of what? Leaders who killed people? Yeah, pol pot, mao, roosevelt, churchill, LBJ/Nixon, Saddam, Bush I + Bush II

>> No.11329342

post us a list bro if there are hundreds there must be a couple in every state but somehow i missed my local indigenous people's genocide museum

>> No.11329344

False. And even by that time there were more Germanic people in the US than Anglos.

>> No.11329347

That's not the point that anon is making. The point is that we're being strangled by a tiny minority who have a hold on the power structure b/c of their verbal dexterity (not intelligence, just verbal manipulative skill backed by nothing of substance). The acceptability of any statement in polite society today is measured by how favorable it is to jews.

>> No.11329358

dude please american hatred of germans is well documented, fuck, this pol dipshit hadnt been active for a while, now i have to quit lit again

>> No.11329361

I don't notice this "being strangled". Sounds like you are letting your pathological tendancies to get to your brain.

>> No.11329366

Again false. That's fiction on the level of "Irish and Italians weren't considered white." It's simply not true or way overblown by jews in the postwar era.

>> No.11329370

Try saying that investment is usury and inherently immoral in any "high society" type group. That would've been common knowledge even 200 years ago in continental Europe. Now it gets you labeled an autist b/c it is unfavorable to the particular pathways that jews use to gain power through abstract istruments

>> No.11329376

as usual you have no clue, the worst lynching in american history was not of black but italians, americans fucking hated italians even more than germans because italians were catholic and america was anticatholic from day one, after new england got flooded with irish after the famine the north got a little more accepting but the south had always hated catholics which includes irish and italians

>> No.11329382

Unsympathetic to you, maybe. Remember the context.

Additionally, Antonio's main characteristic is that he's charitable and has a deep love for his friend Bassanio, who he stakes his entire fortune on and loses. Antonio is far and away the most moral person in the play.

Of course, if you were a Christian in 1500s Venice (or London) you'd consider Bassanio's treatment of Shylock just and proper. You'd consider Portia's conniving and cockblocking ultimately being the correct and comedic way to bring about proper Christian morality. You'd consider Jessica leaving Shylock morally correct, because she ends up converting to Christianity.

You are unfortunately using a contemporary lens on material that can't coexist with it in order to make contemporary sense of it.

>> No.11329385

also please define "pathological tendancies". Pathological to what exactly? I'm pretty damn happy as is so certainly not to myself.

>> No.11329396

The fuck are you on about? I said it was a lie that Irish and Italians weren't considered white. They wouldn't have been in the US to begin with then if that was true, just as the German population wouldn't have exceeded the Anglo population then if the Anglos letting them in had such an intense hatred of them. You're repeating jewish lies. Stop.

>> No.11329399

gotta quit lit again, the sadsack neets are lame, but not that annoying, its the stupid pol trolls that are so fucking retarded

>> No.11329405

>failing wasps now trying to make nice with catholics after centuries of discrimination and hatred

nah im good, faggot

>> No.11329407

Also Shylock isn't a mock villainous jew. He's literally a villainous jew.

Imagine Nazi ideology wins out in the year 2200. Would they look back on the plethora of Nazi content in our media and suggest that it was mock depictions? I mean yeah, probably, but that doesn't mean historians in 2200 wouldn't say, "wait, hold on a minute."

Final tangent: this doesn't mean Shakespeare is bad or """""problematic""""" and if anyone shits on Shakespeare because of it they're the pinnacle of psued.

>> No.11329410

I'm sure we'll get on without some 19yo freshman spouting retarded interpretations of Nietzsche

>> No.11329414

Philosemites, along with semites, are expected to do so.

Adios, amigo.

>> No.11329433

yeah, this is one of the things that's wrong with "anti-semetism" as an ideology. It's not just jews. Jews are just the most susceptible to this kind of sociopathic (in the wider sense) behavior and are the most prevalent carriers. Anglos and germans have historically caused the most harm from the actual infection. A jew is a jew, an anglo exposed to jewish thought is worse.

>> No.11329434

>the same post word-for-word
No. I had to update because they got two new members. You are not as sharp as you think you are. Besides, I'll stop posting it as soon as you refute it successfully.

>> No.11329462


>like they should have
suck my ass

>> No.11329466

>we are not the chosen ones
Complete nonsense.

>> No.11329487

>Complete nonsense. That's not what we teach at all.
Do you really think that a low quality post like this is worth defending? Do you ever wonder why they make so many low quality posts? Did you consider that it is because they do not want to leave their falsehoods exposed to criticism?

>> No.11329489

>is a fucking retard
Not an argument.

>> No.11329506

How about me? I was a believer in the greatest ally meme until my mid 40s. It was the consumption of information and witnessing of their behavior towards me that turned me against them.

>> No.11329524

Literature and free speech require that if things (which include concepts and opinions, to include wrong opinions) exist, then people can write about them, period. This idea is unique to Western culture and is a major part of civilized politics. In other parts of the world it's downright stupid to criticize power, which might be a holy man, might be a dictator, or might be a tribe. This includes saying things that are known to be true -- and in this way, by making them share the same prison cell, lends credibility to things that are false.
The Al Pacino version managed to be massively uglier than the original because, in the name of totalitarianism and eliminating thoughtcrime, its makers decided it would be a smart thing to do to make the whole Jewish community look like sociopathic filth. They definitely should have made Shylock a whole man and explored his motivations. Then they should have stopped.
And OP, this is a play brilliant, beloved, and quoted across centuries, and not by any means because of one character. There's a scene where a woman confronts her lover, analyzes his loyalty, and rescues him -- in a courtroom -- in drag!
You can have great literature or you can have a bowdlerized text cleaned up by William Appleman Williams's flatulent commitee of joyless, brainless destruction. Can't have both.

>> No.11329547
File: 72 KB, 399x512, backtopol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking thread again

In all frankness though, OP, we can't judge a man like Shakespeare, who lived in a time where what we would conceive of as "anti-Semitic" was relatively common knowledge and belief, by our own standards of what is and is not moral or socially acceptable. Context and history matter immensely when discussing issues like this.

>> No.11329549

>this guy is past his mid-40s

kevin mcdonalds really is fucking shilling on here! gtfo

>> No.11329572

>[for some reason the suggestion that they are super-human is never offered]

>> No.11329584

Shakespeare probably disliked Venetian jews because they funded Cromwell in the civil war.

>> No.11329590

>Remember the context.
The context is a play by Shakespeare--and not a tragedy; comedy. In his comedic mode, Shakespeare is a high ironist. Nothing within the play can be taken at face value, and everyone's motives and character is suspect.
Antonio is 'charitable' (really, just generous) to his friends, he is not charitable in the Christian sense. This is true of any apparent virtue of any of the characters, e.g. Portia with her 'mercy'.
Further context: Marlowe's immensely popular Jew of Malta, a classic jew-baiting piece. Compared to the truly villainous actions of Barabas, what do we make of Shylock's deeds? What does he actually do? He lends Antonio a large sum of money with only a joke held as collateral. Then his daughter and an accomplice, a friend of Antonio, rob him, while Antonio defaults on his loan due to the 'loss' of his ships. In rage and despair, Shylock sues his case in an act of revenge.
Such villainy. Almost exactly the same as poisoning wells and excising children from their mothers' wombs for blood sacrifices.

>> No.11329624

>Most of Eastern Europe has laws banning denial of both Nazi AND communist crimes
What is your take on Katyn Wood? It was decades of questioning that caused the original narrative to collapse.

>> No.11329627

Listen to your elders, white men! It's getting harder and harder to deny these truths.

>> No.11329643

Documents weren't even released until 1991 lmao

>> No.11329652

There is so much evidence for the Holocaust that denial is on par with Flat Earther bullshit

>> No.11329660

Nope. There are a lot of very obvious lies though.

>> No.11329663

There isn't.

>> No.11329666

It will happen to you, too.

>> No.11329671

>Documents weren't even released until 1991
How does that justify the false accusations?

>> No.11329675


>> No.11329676

ya but i wont be a nazi troll on 4chan

>> No.11329679
File: 117 KB, 809x1080, 1468452920393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orlly. You got some soap and human roller coasters to sell me too?

>> No.11329680

Americans and the British always believed that the Soviets did it
Only the Soviets denied it
Not so much revisionism as the commies refusing to own up to it

>> No.11329683

Is there any trace of cyanide in the gas chamber at Auschwitz? Do the curators admit that the Russians modified the facility to prove their accusations?

>> No.11329687

Soap was made in small quantities from ETHNIC POLISH prisoners who died in one camp. The rollercoaster claim comes from one dubious source.

>> No.11329691

Then why was I taught that the incident was indicative of the lying nature of the Germans when we studied the topic in school?

>> No.11329695

Yes, indeed there are traces.

>> No.11329697

Jews built up a narrative that has been unraveling more and more as time passes and the so called facts spread. There's no denying this. Jews are incredibly dishonest people so this shouldn't be surprising.

>> No.11329705

>presents no evidence that there's a conspiracy, just insists there is one, as opposed to hundreds of documents, countless witnesses, and countless photographs proving that the Holocaust happened

>> No.11329711

The biggest holocaust last century was committed BY jews. These people are liars, anon. And they lied about this too.

>> No.11329712

Mass failure. That was the crematorium where the Germans were destroying typhus infected people/articles. They also used cyanide for the purpose of killing parasites. Of course the crematorium got cross-contaminated. Why is there no residue where it was supposedly used in massive quantities to gas people? Surely if it survived the crematorium it should have survived in the gas chamber.

>> No.11329714

>still no evidence

>> No.11329719

The evidence abounds. People don't exist to do research for you to make you less retarded and brainwashed.

>> No.11329722


>> No.11329727

Take a look at the UPI article. The title says "gas chamber" but the text of the article says "crematorium". It is a classic foot in mouth moment.

>> No.11329731

65 pages and you won't point to the item you want me to see?

>> No.11329734

LOL. There are many of those.

>> No.11329739

There are traces of cyanide left in the gas chambers.

>> No.11329747

You gave me 65 pages with no pointer. You are acting like a lawyer during discovery.

>> No.11329752

Yes, but that was the most blatant one that was ever stuck in my face as a gotcha.

>> No.11329754

Starting on page 14.

>> No.11329756

Your harshness on the characters is unwarranted: being charitable to Christians is literally enough to be a good and moral Christian in the 16th century. Going purely on motivations, Antonio is the only truly selfless person, which is why I say he's the plays moral core. The motivations of the other characters are perverted, no doubt, Shylock especially.

The Jew of Malta wasn't Jew-baiting, it was a deadpan take of real Jews. Is Schindler's List Nazi-baiting? Same here with Merchant, although Shakespeare being, as you say, a brilliant ironist, definitely gives Shylock enough truly human qualities that let him rise above the babydrowning stereotype that Marlowe played with. This doesn't mean he was sympathetic to Jews, nor does it mean that Shylock is a sympathetic character. If we write a Nazi character who is a deep and complex character, do we necessarily sympathize with Nazis?

I keep using the Nazi example for a reason: they are our cultural boogeyman, just as Jews were to Christians in the 16th century.

Lorenzo is Bassanio's friend, not Antonio's, and either way it doesn't matter because Jessica hates the fact she's her father's daughter:

"Alack, what heinous sin is it in me
To be ashamed to be my father's child?
But though I am a daughter to his blood,
I am not to his manners."

Even if there is some sort of plot by Lorenzo to fuck Shylock over (which is not explicit in the text), Jessica is so willing to leave Shylock and convert that she's chomping at the bit.

Merchant is full of assholes but Antonio is specifically not one of them. Your quotes around loss suggests you don't believe that his ships are truly gone, but again, the text doesn't support this.

I also disagree with the idea that Shylock suggested the pound of flesh as a joke. Shylock hates Christians and knows that Antonio is not only good for the loan, but will probably pay him back very quickly and therefore cut into his profits. He offers the stipulation of a pound of flesh because it's ridiculous and he doesn't want to go into business with him. To Shylock's dismay (delight?), Bassanio and Antonio actually take him up on it anyway because they see the investment as solid.

Would Shylock have pressed the issue as hard as he did if he wasn't swindled by his daughter? Probably not, but instead of taking his daughter's theft and desertion as any kind of clue, he just uses it as further fuel for his tribalistic fire.

Shylock isn't sympathetic. At best he's a man ruled by money and anger who makes even more questionable decisions as the plot progresses. Antonio on the other hand was basically willing to die for his friend. Clear difference here.

>> No.11329802

It's a big mistake trusting a jew about anything. The truth to jews is whatever is good for jews, and they've been working this "we're the poor victims" scam for literally thousands of years, to the point where even they believe their own lies.

>> No.11329829

>no argument

>> No.11329830

Well unless you count the Dhimmi systen which treated Jews like scum. But you go ahead and be retarded.

>> No.11329854

We learn at the very end of the play that Antonio's ships were not sunk:
"...Antonio, you are welcome,
And I have better news in store for you
Than you expect: unseal this letter soon,
There you shall find three of your argosies
Are richly come to harbor suddenly."
In addition to all they have gained off Shylock, this is almost an embarrassment of riches. Quite a return on what was essentially a gamble on Antonio's life.
There's a lot to parse in your post, much more than I have time to do. So I will only say that, I agree that Shylock is at least partially responsible for his own undoing, that he is a victim of his own character as much as he is the manipulations of his enemies. I do not think he is wholly sympathetic, but neither is he a pure villain.
The idea of Antonio as the 'moral core' is laughable, and I think Shakespeare intended it to be so. He's a fool, and a buffoon, and love-drunk off Bassanio; but he's no angel. I say again, Antonio is not charitable in the christian sense. Christian charity is love of mankind, for mankind's sake. The practice of this real people, rather than by Christ himself, will of course fall short of the ideal. But the paralleling of Antonio with Christ only serves to highlight the disparity between not only Antonio's but all the other characters' actual behavior, and what Christian virtue actually demands of them.
This line is the core of the play, I believe:
"...Mark you this, Bassanio,
The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose,--
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O what a goodly outside falsehood hath!"
With these words ringing in the back of your mind as you take in the words and deeds of Antonio and his friends--as well as Shylock--you will find the heart of this play, which is hypocrisy in its most devilish form.

>> No.11329937
File: 164 KB, 1058x1535, Flaubert-Giraud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine my satisfaction coming back to this thread w/ 200+ replies

>> No.11329971

You even drew out like five stormfags at least

>> No.11329983

It's not so much that The Merchant of Venice is antisemitic, so much that the Jews of the time were really fucking assholes and Shakespeare was portraying them as sympathetically as he could.

It's just that when SJWs now look back on it they go "OY YEY DATS ANTISEMITISM!" because Jews are never allowed to be portrayed as the bad guys ever.

>> No.11329989

>Germans honest

We haven't forgotten WWII you peace treaty breaking faggots.

>> No.11330034
File: 308 KB, 1113x711, 1f4e656095a9883d04ce923278c7bb41479181dfed734c18ba455c8377d1b93f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, the scam is up and you're going to have to be moving on again soon. Unfortunately for you, with the way information spreads via the internet now, it's going to be a lot harder from now on knocking on doors and whipping out the victim card and expecting anyone to believe you.

>> No.11330077

Alright, I must admit this is a compelling reading. You've brushed up against the limits of my memory of the play, so if nothing else I got some reading to do. I will say though that there is no reason for Antonio to put himself at mortal risk not knowing the outcome of the trial or even Shylock's depth of hatred. If he was trying to fuck Shylock over, he'd have made his collateral something other than his life. In fact, Antonio's hilarious and completely gratuitous gains at the end of the play still come across more as an overt Fuck You to Shylock, which further renders evidence for my reading. Shylock is the bad guy and through an almost blatant case of deus ex machina gets all his money and Shylock's money. Why? Because he's the model Christian. Jews weren't people back then. Muslims weren't people. It didn't matter if you shafted a Jew, even if Jesus himself was one and would help them. Who the fuck cares about disgusting usurers?

The play is ultimately very much its form: it is still a comedy, and Shylock is still the antagonist. Based on this and historical attitudes of the time, it lends credence to the idea that occam's razor is correct; in other words, the audience is intended to identify with Antonio and root against Shylock, contemporary cultural attitudes aside.

Of course, as you're no doubt thinking as you read this, Shakespeare was nothing if not avant-garde. He'd literally be the guy to write a play about a sympathetic Nazi nowadays. It can't be denied, just as Shylock's apparent sympathetic portrayal can't be denied.

If anything this just lends credence to the controversy itself and less to the play. Is Shylock sympathetic and put upon? There is evidence for it. Is he an unrepentant asshole who deserves what he gets? There is evidence for it. My view is that taking everything into account leans more towards "complex" at best and "well maybe it's just a christian-cultural play set in a christian town about christians having a quarrel with a jew" as most probable. Use this thread as reference to see how easy this narrative is to play straightfaced.

So then we look to Shakespeare himself -- did he have the foresight, irony, and shitlordery needed to troll London in the 16th century? Maybe! Seems more likely he decided to lend a complexity and depth to an already existing stereotype in order to make a more effective villain though.

Remember also that this isn't Shakespeare's first Jew: Aaron is much more akin to Marlowe's Barabas, which also lends to the idea that he has no particular progressive view on Jews. Seems to track from a guy who lived 500 years ago or whatever.

>> No.11330080

Ive been on 4chan for years and still cant tell if these anti semites are being ironic or not. No one actually believes these conspiracy theories right?

>> No.11330081

It's somewhat true

>> No.11330083

Are you jewish or nonwhite or low iq or what? It's one of the three.

>> No.11330089

No, they really are that retarded

>> No.11330093

No. Just because some jews are in good positions doesnt mean its a coordinated hivemind effort. At most its nepotism

>> No.11330096

Silence, merchant. You haven't been physically removed hundreds of times because people are just meanies to jews.

>> No.11330099

All three

>> No.11330101


Neck yourselves

>> No.11330106

Case closed then.

>> No.11330211

Jews really can't control the narrative anymore can they. The ship's sinking fast.

>> No.11330641


>> No.11330844

obviously it's not a massive conspiracy, that's /pol talk. It's just the characteristics of their race that emphasize verbal IQ + nepotism. These things also make them hated b/c they form a alien, homogenous part of a host society that does not integrate, does not follow the zeitgeist of the masses, yet has a disproportionate amount of power over society solely b/c of manipulative ability. It would be inhuman not to get mad at that.

>> No.11330849

They sort of overdosed on their own medicine. Secular ashkenazis are the only jews smart enough to manipulate whites, and they're culturally sick to the extreme. Probably won't last as a distinct group for more than a couple generations.

Other jews (sephardic, basically any orthodox) aren't any smarter than arabs, and mean shit in the context of history.

>> No.11330865

Is there any evidence at all that the majority of "murders" weren't actually typhus and starvation deaths. Because in my book that doesn't count as murder. No shit they didn't feed prisoners when their own people were starving.

>> No.11330882

The orthodox are the biggest swindlers of them all and literally seize entire towns, swarm the administrative boards, direct the entire town's resources to their private kike schools, then savagely attack any residents who question them until the nice whites pack up and leave. Per capita they probably fleece the welfare system 10x more than blacks.

>Probably won't last as a distinct group for more than a couple generations.
The Egyptians were probably sitting around saying the same thing 3000 years ago.

>> No.11330906

I don't doubt they can swindle lower tier whites, but they're still just glorified niggers. Ashkenazi are the ones with all the political and social power.

>> No.11330930

90% of all jews in the world are Ashkenazi and 100% of them came from orthodox jews, meaning there's an endless supply. A jew is a jew is a jew and the problem stems from DNA they all share so they're all a problem.

>> No.11330937

I always thought that asnkenazi were like 10% jew + 90% northern italian/other euro? Without the euro DNA they're just semites like any other 90IQ arab, maybe with a bit of extra cunning. It's the ability to act like a European without the moral confines that makes them dangerous.

>> No.11330987

Genetic tests show Ashkenazim are 50% middle eastern and 50% Italian, but jews re-mix for long periods of time to re-homogenize and reprogram the flock, like they did after they destroyed Rome, before getting re-released to take down the next reincarnation of western civilization. And so it goes and will go until we stop allowing them to infiltrate our societies and finally eradicate them as they keep trying to do to us.

>> No.11331818

>Jewish girl

>> No.11331857
File: 73 KB, 640x426, 33533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you literally are just one person
How many people are you?

>> No.11331868

>no argument
No, it was not. That was a friendly sidebar between me and him. He does not need to argue his position with me.

>> No.11331873
File: 9 KB, 132x198, coincidence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it is.

>> No.11332245

This website has numerous documents on the Holocaust, documenting mass shootings, the homicidal gas vans, and the gas chambers.
No one denies that many people died of typhus. But people were gassed to death yoo. A lot of them.
The Nazis exterminated 13 million people in horrific ways. To deny these crimes is an insult to humanity, as they are well-documented.

>> No.11332248


>> No.11332444

>The Nazis exterminated 13 million people in
The German National Socialists never even called themselves 'notsees' and even the Red Cross still says those numbers are fake. It was a scam from the start, jews are serial liars.

>> No.11332527

There were a lot of mass shooting. hundreds of German civilians got killed in Eastern Europe after the war by locals. people were killed, some of them deserved it, some of them didn't. Who is the only group here who both deserved it and uses it for post war propaganda purposes? I ((( wonder )))

>> No.11332544

>Red Cross
Addressed in the link. Those are the number of ethnic GERMANS who died in the camps in the Red Cross data.
Not an argument.

>> No.11332551

It's an argument to the question that matters

>> No.11332565

Are you attempting to claim that every last Jew deserves to be murdered?
Perhaps you should take off the tinfoil hat and read the imgur links, if you consider yourself a skeptic.

>> No.11332570

nope, just disenfranchised and banned from the media or any mass communication platforms

>> No.11332582

That's discrimination.
Again, read the Imgur links or shut the fuck up.

>> No.11332618


>> No.11332621

>it's discrimination
well in that case, shit... I guess I was wrong :) please forgive me for my anti-seem-mite ism

>> No.11332626

proust? kafka?

>> No.11332633

I really wish you would fully read the Imgur galleries I linked. It will change your mind on the Holocaust.

>> No.11332642

lol retard

>> No.11332927

Jews have no right to live in our nations, there can be no "discrimination" against them.

>> No.11332965

Under the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, freedom of movement is assured for all people. So yes, they do have a right to live wherever they want.

>> No.11332991

>they do have a right to live wherever they want.
They absolutely do not, and they've been removed from everywhere they've ever been because they can't live anywhere without causing problems.

>> No.11333017

This plebbit link explains the expulsions - hint: they're scapegoating.
They legally, under the authority of the United Nations, have as much of a right to live wherever they want as anyone else.

>> No.11333026
File: 31 KB, 526x402, 1510698783059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You stupid kike, nobody believes that anymore. Scapegoated 300+ times? Who do you think you're fooling with that? Do us a favor and stay over there on leddit.

>> No.11333033

Maybe read it instead of screaming KIKE! It actually explains each instance. Hint: several of the so-called expulsions literally never happened, as in, stormfags like (You) made them up and they don't appear in historical documents at all.

>> No.11333040

Listen, you're repeating dated jewish propaganda. It doesn't work here and that you're repeating it proves that you don't belong here.

>> No.11333050

>dated Jewish propaganda
Read the fucking link. I'm starting to think you're not a /pol/tard, but that you instead crawled here from Stormfront itself.

>> No.11333460

Stay on reddit and keep your jewish propaganda there, bub, we don't want it here.

>> No.11333522

Still not an argument.

>> No.11333626

>is this the thread we're having?
more faggot rhetoric from a faggot

>> No.11334003

Cromwell didn't come to power till a few decades after Shakespeare's death in 1616, you fucking troglodyte.

>> No.11334525

The only thing worse than an anti-semite, is a jew.

>> No.11334621

Shut up retard

>> No.11334662

Jews tried to genocide my people from 1917 onwards. Thanks to Hitler, they didn't succeed wholly.

>> No.11334676

Take your meds

>> No.11334680

It's true, though. How many Finnish tribes remain?

>> No.11334685

Yes, yes, whenever a jew meets opposition it must be the vile antisemite. Just as whenever a woman files a divorce, the man is a narcissist.

Never any fault or organization among the jews, they aren't even subjects, merely objects the real subjects can project themselves to!

>> No.11334687

The thing is that you are claiming it is consistently the Jew's fault.

>> No.11334688

What is?

>> No.11334694

If a jew approaches truth and honesty, and introspection, they end up killing themselves, like Otto Weininger. What does that tell you? The jews themselves believe all their own bullshit. Hence why they can't create. Jew is a spiritual entity, a child of hell.

>> No.11334912

Hey, it's Al Pacino

>> No.11335444


>> No.11336282
File: 1.28 MB, 1903x927, 1520191868602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, and those jews are very, very rare.

>> No.11336390

i would have replied "fuck off of my land you parasite scum, we open our gates so you can live, get used to all that is coming to you if not fuck off"

>> No.11336445

The freedom of movement of the declaration is limited. It mostly applies to people wishing to go back home.

>> No.11336446

if europeans were as antisemitic as you claim you would have died a long time ago no one was stopping medieval peasants from killing you , the truth is that you always want to feel like a victim

>> No.11336474

>truth is that you always want to feel like a victim

Appearing weak and playing the victim is the jewish strategy in a nutshell.

>> No.11336627

>>11336282 you know fischer was a jew, right?

>> No.11336653

Implied in post string.