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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 376x391, 437B13E3-C3EB-4E37-9D29-68F62BB19A35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11321467 No.11321467 [Reply] [Original]

i just came into roughly $15m US. i want to buy a big warehouse somewhere where we can all live, run a bar on the first floor for money, publish a periodical, make movies, discuss literature , edit each other’s works, etc. all youd have to do would be to show up, though if the community doesnt like you youll have to go back. but non resident litizens will always have a place to crash if they make pilgrimage.
so what is a good country/city/neighborhood to establish this thing? im south american but happy to consider places in the states, europe, asia, etc.

ps the novalis pasta will be the entry requirements

>> No.11321475

stay in south america.
everywhere else is going to shit

>> No.11321480

>ps the novalis pasta will be the entry requirements
Lmao you're going to be alone. It'll be pretty comfy.

>> No.11321485

anywhere you pls but i will def visit!

>> No.11321501

i used to daydream about having a warehouse i could make 100m paintings in

>> No.11321504

One thing to consider is legality. I know in some US cities there is a cap on # of people who can be in a house based on zoning; apparently the laws are holdovers when prostitution houses were a bigger problem. But I’m down and pass novalis and am bored with my wife and kid. I vote some south american capital in uruguay or something.

>> No.11321526

Come to New Zealand if you want. Or Somerset in the UK. Or Dublin.

>> No.11321533

Come to Brazil!

>> No.11321535

there was just a thread about how shit dublin is

>> No.11321547

Why Somerset?

>> No.11321605

i would do berlin
people could feasibly get there, the city has a lot of cultural activities, and its very cheap in the right areas still

>> No.11321614

Oh shit that must mean it's a bad city... err not really. Maybe if you're poor.
Because of the history (e.g. saints, royalty, wars, etc.), the beautiful architecture, and the nice people.

>> No.11321663

Do it in south america and I will come visit I am not a fucking larper, I mean I read the books I talk about on this board so I'm serious about this.

>> No.11321665
File: 150 KB, 900x595, reno-nevada-sunrise-scott-mcguire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reno, NV. It's going to be the site of a cultural renaissance within the next 5-10 years. Gotta surf the wave. Warehouse space is all dirt cheap right now, which is why Tesla, Google, Apple, Panasonic, etc, are all moving there. There's gambling, prostitution, skiing, an incredibly alcoholic culture, legal marijuana... It's the perfect place for a degenerate literati mafia to form.

>> No.11321671

Not USA as it's impossible to get a visa and the CIA will probably poison our water tank anyways.

>> No.11321710

>which is why tesla, google—

>> No.11321716

It's impossible to have a thriving arts community without people with more disposable income than sense to throw their cash at it so they can be cool kids too

>> No.11321721


>> No.11321723

>thriving arts community

>> No.11321776

Lol that’s why the bay area is such a good place to be an artist right now!!

>> No.11321788

Any country outside the US is going to fuck the whole plan over because we'd all have to immigrate.

>> No.11321795

Ireland is on its way to become the next Germany

>> No.11321815
File: 32 KB, 260x255, C9DD3270-7B90-4685-9DD1-08B3C6D4FEF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Square footage is inexpensive, there’s more barrels of bourbon than people and forests as far as the eye can see 30 minutes outside of metropolitan Lexington where there’s traps galore

>> No.11321820

The Bay Area lacks other basic things necessary for artists to thrive (affordable housing, decent cost of living).

Better examples are Seattle, Portland, Austin, even New York City

>> No.11321825

in what way, you mean its about to become the economic engine of Europe? seems unlikely with a population of 5 million and zero exports

>> No.11321830

you cant be serious globohomo

>> No.11321834

this is probably Paris, but that's a brussels as fuck looking street

>> No.11321853

Hey! We export contact lenses, thank you!

>> No.11321861


>> No.11321880

Why don't you just found it in a decently nice town in South America? What country are you from?

>> No.11321892

Why not South-East Asia where you could buy your own whole beach resort and staff it with hot Asian girls/"girls"?

>> No.11321915

Why not buy a massive tract of fertile land and create a self-sustaining "monaestary" except instead of achieving holyness, the monks there are trying to achieve literary excellence.
Do that, and I'll come.

>> No.11321984

i unironically meet all of those guidelines

>> No.11322066

I live in Cleveland, Ohio and all I can say is that you can find space very cheaply and the area is on an upswing so it's a good investment too. If you are serious, I will help you buy a building out here and organize everything if you choose it.

Just imagine saving Gas-kun from his current situation.

>> No.11322114

this but a desolate city in china sporadically attacking their mainframe

>> No.11322123

will london frog be there?

>> No.11322145

Let's spend one million traveling around the world and writing about what we see. Then after five years we can decide where to settle down

>> No.11322147

No, he will always choose unhappiness.

>> No.11322160

What is this?

>> No.11322163

one of scotlands tiny islands with like 300 people on it

>> No.11322167

traveling around the world for a year is like $35k if youre not staying at the ritz, though op might want to

>> No.11322168


Buy a house in Cleveland for $1

>> No.11322172

What's the novelist pasta?

>> No.11322178

Yeah pretend to be retarded while EU countries sacrifice their national heritage to become incubators for the new builders of the Caliphate.

>> No.11322183


Don't worry, you don't qualify :^)

>> No.11322195

I know a dude in North America that owns a large expanse of land. There is a real possibility to purchase surrounding land and create a small country.

He is looking to create a colony but prefers to limit said territory into a productive section and a more artsy section for intellectuals to develop ideas, projects and the like.

I am already a member of said community. I have provided a decade of work to make his land into a productive farm that can sustain a large community.

If you were to purchase adjacent land, you must be expected to put in hard labor (farm work) to access the more entrepreneurial aspects of the community.

>> No.11322202


So... a literal cult?

>> No.11322206

So for 200k a year we not just travel the world, we have enough money to experience the pleasures and luxuries of all the cities we visit.
With money to spare we don't just travel, we have an adventure

>> No.11322208

HAHAHAHAH no, not religious based, work ethics is the only requirement.

>> No.11322209

Obviously. Still curious though.

>> No.11322222

Not who you were replying to but it sounds more like a regular private community than a cult to me.

>> No.11322228

Why the fuck is everything a cult to some people?

>> No.11322231

the individual in question owns a very large piece of land, they are a farming family that is looking to create something more meaningful. Annexed land is welcome, brilliant people are selected for their abilities when it comes to everything from labor to engineering.

The cut is tough as fuck but it is well worth it. If an individual with the means is looking to acquire the adjacent land, a cooperative of sorts would be set up.

>> No.11322233

in the least edgy way possible, isnt all of society just competing cults, or do cults have some difference to other power structures

>> No.11322237

people think that everything that is "exclusive" is a cult.

>> No.11322242

why would he want to do that? faggot

>> No.11322256

Cults by definition have to be authoritarian and encourage a closed mind. Thus, if you are part of a community or group that respects your rights to your own decisions or encourages you to learn competing points if views they are technically not a cult at all.

>> No.11322264

but doesnt literally every society ask you to have a closed mind about its sacred topics as well as having a small amount of people with a huge amount of power? Isnt that just the story of people

>> No.11322271

Yes, stay in South America. South America is nice.
Don’t do your project in any kind of "hip" city. It will only serve to attract idiots.
Berlin is the absolute worst. It’s a joke of a city.

>> No.11322276


>> No.11322284

If you want to be creative in your definition of cult then, yeah, you can define it like that. The problem now is that you have no word to describe those things that are actually cults.

>> No.11322294

No, some people have more societal power than others, but that does not make it especially authoritarian, and as far as sacred topics, you can be socially but not physically outcast in most developed societies for pushing too hard in the wrong direction. Their lenience towards personal freedom and respect of the individual marks them as a community rather than a cult.

>> No.11322297

he had a well established farm. Been going on for more than 4 generations, it is quite a wonderful place but the family wants to push the boundaries of what the land can become.

Their story was the backbone of my series of novels. It is pure fiction, all bullshit but their bond as a family and their commitment to those that have helped the place thrive gave me impetus to write something lovely.
I spent most of my teen life helping them take a small lot in a glorious setting and watched them expand it into something extraordinary.

My friend and I would spend hours writing a log of our activities on said lot, we actually predicted the future as we set ourselves out to create a majestic haven where education is the key to growth.

We got to the point where "fresh input" is a must if the land is to continue into the future. At this point they have so much fucking land and resources that the selective process has become grueling.

Although it is set in North America there are some serious characters involved at this point.
I watched it go from a dream to reality

>> No.11322307


>> No.11322323

holocaust denial is illegal in a lot of developed countries, and plaecs like China have ridiculous amounts of repression.

It is really just the US that lets people truly believe anything and shout about their views

>> No.11322333
File: 288 KB, 1172x1600, 5DAF8D7C5309477C81A2BAB36C16AB9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Atlanta has the most successful and consistent /lit/ meetups, so I suggest here. Fairly cheap to buy space, growing city, lots of art hoes that will hear about the weird commune and come see it out if curiosity. Plus I Iive here and I am the coolest person on this board.

>> No.11322356

Well then I guess by definition the US is the only country that does not practice cult-like behavior?

I would say that there are few enough things outlawed that these countries are still on the lighter side of the gray area, but that is just my opinion.

>> No.11322357

check out irish tax laws for artists. there is a reason everyone famous has a house there and it's not because their greatgrandparents came over from there on a boat. up to 50k a year of every artist's income is tax exempt

>> No.11322366

yeah i guess you are correct. i just cant help that feel that a cult is basically just a group of people naturally forming the sort of structure that has formed for all of history

like would the Puritan colonies of 17th century New England qualify as cults?

>> No.11322377

they had to leave england because everyone thought they were a cult, so yeah probs

>> No.11322384

Ahem, we export cows and the stuff inside malteasers

>> No.11322385

If you say so.
Dude has 6 kids with the same wife. His sister has 5, his other sister has 4

that is a lot of hetero fucking

>> No.11322388

>we export cows
we should keep the cows to be fair, we'll just put on the form we sent them

>> No.11322389

There is a difference between people following traditions because they have always worked and because they are explicitly enforced, though. The line is what marks the definition of cult, although there is always societal barriers marking certain behavior as unfit, sometimes wrongfully.

As far as the Puritans, it is actually rather likely, as there were instances of them literally running people out of town because of differing beliefs, even people who had come there with them. I cannot remember the story off of the top of my head, but I read about one guy like this. Went and lived with the natives for a while because the alternative was bassically dying in the wilderness.

>> No.11322403

Let's build a warehouse in Northern Alaska and live there, that would be the /lit/ thing to do

>> No.11322417

>zero exports
we export as many students on gap year as we can get out of the place, tyvm, just everyone else keeps sending an unfair balance of trade the other way. maybe if people liked your country more, they'd send you more japanese princesses in their student years? work on that.

>> No.11322424

Oh hey I had the same idea! Not on the same scale tho.

Probably the best move would be to buy a place that has privacy but also has a lot of places where people are forced to bump into and meet each other.

So you could buy a place that's in a big cultural nexus in the US, like Portland, or you could go really big with it. You could repurpose a school, a church, etc.

I don't have much talent writing but I love being surrounded by talent. Maybe I could cook?

>> No.11322450

Seriously, though. What's the novalis pasta?

>> No.11322455

Leave this board and never return if any one of these apply to you:

>you read any form of genre fiction
>you barely know your classics
>you tend to believe that if you like a given work, it is justified on an artistic level
>you think everyone's opinion should be accepted and respected
>you speak a single language
>you read contemporary versions of Shakespeare or Milton
>you read for the plot
>you read for entertainment
>you rarely read nonfiction
>you don't have a solid grounding in philosophy
>you don't have at least have some understanding of the Three Tragedians and Homer
>you have little to no understanding of literature outside of your cultural horizon
>you have little to no understanding of literature within your own cultural horizon
>you mostly read contemporary literature
>you believe 'the author is dead'
>you make your literary analysis proceed from ideology
>you think intricate prose is 'pretentious' and that the author 'should just get to the point'
>your rarely read poetry
>you think Rhythm and Rhyme is just useless rules and laws restricting creativity
>you have a hard time explaining why you like a given work
>you have a hard time forming structured and relevant literary criticism
>you tend to refuse to judge works for yourself, rather relying on the opinions of literary authorities
>you rarely read for more than one or two hours straight

>> No.11322471

You create a stylistic rendition of your life as a starving writer...put it in green text and hope some other starving writer tell you that he jerked off to it in his bathtub whilst smearing his body with expensive BBQ sauce he purchased off of amazon.com (lingerie is optional)...stinky perfume mentions are a plus

>> No.11322489


>> No.11322564

the only thing floppy about /lit/ is how no one on this board can maintain a hard erection

>> No.11322570

>tfw old enough to remember floppy disks
get off my board i have notebook files from windows 95

>> No.11322572

NZ is where all the elites are buying property and preparing to jump after Western civilization crashes

>> No.11322606

Didn't they just pass a law about foreigners being unable to buy real estate there?

>> No.11322624

I own a few NZ properties. The place I'm at at the moment has 4 spare bedrooms. I'm all for starting a cult. Err, commune. Or whatever. Let's do it.

>> No.11322655

lets use one of your properties and south american anon can use the money to help people get flights

>> No.11322658

His current situation? I haven't seen him around here in ages. How is the dude doing? What's wrong?

>> No.11322689

Guinness Jameson’s, those fishermen’s sweaters, that crystal, tweed

>> No.11322718

we got the japs to convince millennials they'll get cancer or FOMO without seaweed based dishes so we can export as much as they feel they need

>> No.11322724

The Warehouse district in downtown LA. Also the problems with homelessness, traffic and liberalism is so bad that is fucking inspirational desu. Also there are so many chicks here interested in fucking the most autistic 'artists' you've ever seen that it would surely elevate many anons here to volcel status.

>> No.11322741


>> No.11322783

South American anon's money has to go towards starting a brewery, library, etc. within the building. NZ anon can do the administration work for our cult

>> No.11322789

cult is short for culture: there is a single predominant normal culture, everything different than that, is a different cult

>> No.11322796

OP was obviously memeing because they never replied to anyone

>> No.11322809

It actually stems from the Latin "colere" and later "Cultus", meaning "inhabited, cultivated, worshipped", and "worshipped" respectively.

Google, and not being a gullible lil bitch

>> No.11322818

don't ever come to bridgwater lmao

>> No.11322830

>tfw spent my whole life in Somerset
nice to see some recognition for the place

>> No.11322837

no im still here, monitoring.

>> No.11322855

Oh shit! I believed you anon. Can I get some cash?

>> No.11322867

>Culture: from Middle French culture (“cultivation; culture”), from Latin cultūra (“cultivation; culture”), from cultus, perfect passive participle of colō (“till, cultivate, worship”)

>> No.11322869

Uruguay, Montevideo or any other city really. The old world is intellectually dead, the US is tearing itself apart. As shitty as some places are, only in Latin America is true creation still possible.

>> No.11322871

I should have clearified: they have the same root, but cult is not directly short for culture as the earlier anon had stated.

>> No.11322914

There is popular culture, and there is highbrow culture, and there are countercultures, and many little cultures here and there, and some of them are called cults. Cults are communities with harsher maybe trickier power dynamics than normal that could potentially do weird things.

What would be the minimal necessary things about the OP scenario that would classify it as a cult? If the OP demanded that all members of the household, every night, kneeled in the living room in front of him and chanted while bowing and praising him?

>> No.11322941

As stated earlier a cult by definition has to be authoritarian and encourage closed-mindedness. So, if he encouraged the worship of him as you described, and discouraged contact with the outside world, thus eliminating the chances of anyone learning better, he has made a cult. What he is doing is not a cult as described, though.

>> No.11322962

The bay area has lost its sexiness in my eyes. Its a dangerous place for most. Not going to dive into politics but the specific decisions that city has made in recent years has all but fucked its former appeal and glory.

>> No.11322963

what is this pasta.
>t. newfag to /lit/

>> No.11322975

You better update us on this, OP. I will be happy to live off of your inheritance money once I finish college.

>> No.11322984

You shouldn't do it anywhere "hip". No New York, no Berlin, no Paris, no London, etc.

Have it somewhere where the /lit/ commune would be THE attraction so only people who are serious would show up. I'm sure there are plenty of great spaces in South America. I'd come visit in 2019 if you actually get this set up.

>> No.11323010

>As stated earlier a cult by definition has to be authoritarian and encourage closed-mindedness
so pop culture is a cult?

>> No.11323020

OP here, consensus seems to be settling on south america, which is perfect with me, though would prefer to do it outside of where im from (venezuela)

>> No.11323041

that tiny building is really overcompensating with that massive door

>> No.11323064

find something in the middle of nowhere. Burgers have cars and gas is affordable.

>> No.11323088

Buy this shit.

I have enough for the property itself but not any improvements. It's like 90 minutes from LA but in an area few people stop by.
There's even a nearby historic monument for home inspo

>> No.11323090


Mexico senpai, heard ciudad juarez is /lit/, as well as Mexico City.

(Technically NA, but worth considering)

>> No.11323129

oh that would be oh so truly joyful for me when i would sit there in the bar and i would smile then i would smile at you with your money and your hands waving it and say: I earned this much money just by beeing myself or peeing myself it was hard to understand because you had a speach defect but nobody judged. Me and my friend cal noddded at each other and he created a globe with his hands that consisted ot of dollar sings and nodded at me. "yeah he's pretty rich" said one of the other dudes who was drinking the official version of scotch and nodded and well we all nodded at the fact of this. He got so rich that he oppened his own baar and we com here to look at him and there he stands pasting his hair and setting dollar bills on fire with disdain for africans in his heart. I bet he reads only classic literature, says a woman from far behind and we all run towards her and walk in circles and make quizzical faces and ask what did she mean by this till she disappears simply because her feminine mind was too weak to persist. It's win or persih, it's climb or fall and if you can't reach the top of the mountain then jesus, stop playing you miserable thing. You can't even climb the moutain of yourself, but wish to have land and sons, said some indian ghure and we all walked in circles and asked what did he mean by this. The mountain of myself, it echoed in our minds and we moved closer together till our organic walls collapsed and we turned into a super organism but the dude who owned the bar was so rich that he simply ate us and then paid himself a big tip and laughed. We got ejected somewhat later and each of us returned to our original forms but 70 years later. Finally i can live in weimar during the 20's said an not insignificant amount of people and walked through empty ball rooms that were inhabited by ghosts that had not found their reist because they had been killed by evil nazis and the ghosts shouted revenge but noboudy could hear the ghosts shut becuase they were ghost bodies and had no longs. Theyre screams were reduced to the world of ghosts but atleast they could dance eternally to the singing voice and echoes of the music of pasts in the ball rooms, and the clacker clicker of the vinyl players music from long ago and we sat down nad watched the sad ghosts and some of us were crying with tears becuasit was so sad that so many of them had died without ther families inthe war the second world war and had never been given graves but were killed through bombs or just burned or died by bombs or shot in the head and never could say good bye. It was really sad but we had to move on because if you raise your head life becomes ok again and bearable i was taught and knew it very well that it was true so i left the ball room and said good bye twenties i hope you find place in heaven and went on my own way down the streets till i reached the end of the roads in the country sides. A good friend of mine had awaited me there and we both observed the fal

>> No.11323143

Although you could easily make the argument that pop culture encourages closed-mindedness, it is not actively authoritarian, as it can in no way explicitly demand the participation if the followers are unwilling.

>> No.11323157

I also live in cleveland Ohio and just got done looking for a new lease. Can confirm that space is ridiculously cheap downtown, you can get an old factory for the price of a house

>> No.11323174

>you can get an old factory for the price of a house
Make a Lit factory: we all sit on an assembly line, and the first person writes some words, and then it goes down on the conveyor belt, then next person writes some and edits, the next person writes some and edits, and so on and so on, have like 10 books in circulation at once

>> No.11323189

My glasses are pretty misty but i hope that doesn't disqualify me from entering this bourgeois cult of artistic lifestyle-simulation because in all ways but my glasses i definitely do do qualify do do do qualify for the proposed LI>ViNG HOUSE in the center of kentucky massashootings. i have a variety of upleved skills that i can contribute and all of them were taught to me by my goood gooood gooood friend my goooooood friend the old man with the hat on top of the man who would sit in the shadows and be quiet all day and night but never without his yelow rotten teeth showing surrounded by his frozen smiles and he taught me a lot of things like the value of kindness. Evers ince my dad died i have been on the edge of no control oh my god why am i telling you this i'm being way too personal for others gain and have not heeded the teachings of my master who always aid that people want distance, at least 2 metaphorical metres between themself and yourself and that there may be a specifically pronounced desire to merge with them within you but never trust that desire because it always subtly insinsts on a merging primed by your own being and so in it's rawest and most fundamental element represented a violent appropriation of the other into yourself which is not good but rather nasty and deplorable and as such you do not have to hate yourself but you must under no circumstances melt with all the other and oh he was nice because he didn't even tell me the most important thing and that is that noboy would even want to melt with me but all would create pantomimes deflection walls thrugh which i could under NO CIRCUMSTANCES penetrate but had to stay outside and knock on the glass and shout le tme in bro let me in but my bro said nah man, your'e just tryin to appropriate me so you better stop and withdraw till you have learned your lessonn but i said no bro you gt that wrong i don't even want to melt with you and tricked him so when he lowered his defenses i absorbed him and laughed maniacally because finally i had realized my true nature and then all of a sudden my master grew out of the earth but was clearly madeo ut of voxels and thus had a very virtual vibe to him and also looked glitchy which made me question the integrity of this appearance because perhaps whatever and he looked at me and smiled with those yellow teeth but they were no longer rotten but he had gotten some repais on his holes and so it didnt look tasteful but atleast was as revolting as it had been before and my master said that good boy job you truly got it, yu did it! atlast you have become urself and i asked what did he mean by this and he nodded and said i was trying to discourage u from becoming who u rly are as to test whether you had the strength and will to bee ur self anyway and you did it, your instinct lies in appropriation and absorption and you have once more shown to the world that all instinct and desire can not be defeated from outside but only from within but you won an

>> No.11323204

Just turn it into an industrial-themed coffee house where /lit/ can gather to write their magna opera.

>> No.11323223

>you tend to believe that if you like a given work, it is justified on an artistic level
>you make your literary analysis proceed from ideology

These seem sort of contradictory. How are you to analyse literature at all if you don't believe in an objective literary quality (proceeding from a book serving utility to communist ideals, or a notion of objective truth stemming from platonism or something) or your own personal taste?

>> No.11323234

I think the ideology one is basically like "don't just read books you agree with", like there should be some artistic merit to the work as well, regardless of whether or not they fit into your particular ideology.

>> No.11323241

>i used to daydream about having a warehouse i could make 100m paintings in

Do you have MDD

>> No.11323247

hey guys what about we just kill ourselves and let all things rest. You really think you will find more joy with a bunch of idiots like us than you generally do in live? hey dude, news flash, you're a fucking loser and everyone knows it bro. Hey dude have you ever considered that if you could have achieved your plans even without those imaginary 15 million dollars but you didn't and as such your plan or dream represents nothing but a fluid and compromised temporary impulse but you wouldn't listen would you and drew us all into your fantasy world. I find words springing to life from within me and being gorged by the big grand maw of your dream and i wonder why did you have to propose such a thing when we all know that you can not deliver and do not even want to deliver because you clearly lack the balls and the willpower to make that dream of yours manifest? hey bro, ever thought about how only STRONG people become napoleon? Well there you go, oh yeah, i'm of course not talking of size of muscles you dofus, yeah yeah "sure" you got that by yourself, no i'm talking of true dreamers who will never give up their dreams and save the world like Naruto Uzumaki when he defeated pain and Madara through the power of his dream which overwhelmed a NEGATIVE SYMBOLIC SPHERE with his POSITIVE SIGNIFYING SPEER you see ten that hope and dreams is not a structure but rather a weapon that gets thrusted at an imaginary negatively-defined structure or just the world it self like other people when you want to shoot them for bullying you or depriving you of sex.

Hey bro, ever considered how all the smart people don't live in literary coffee houses but write blogs and vote democrat? well yeah, there you go, i bet you hadn't figured that one out because you were too busy "reading" "books" like Mobdy Dick in which the wahel kills the main character for no reason at all. It is fucking pointless and you know it very well, what exactly are you wasting your time on when the JOY is so little that it does not sustain an eternity in itself when it is not carried by a dream or wow did you think that it was youR DREAM THAT LED YOU HERE WHELL WHAT kIND OF DREma IS T you couldn't figure that one out, but hey it's ok. Generally people like you like taking it up the ass, and that is absolutely fine in my books, y'know instead of i don't know going snowboarding and killing it with your sick moves your have sick thoughts while choking your snoke, well cogratulations you got your snoke caught, what is the next part of your masterstroke?

Just kidding bro, talking with sincerity now i think you should open up the hotel inside your mom's ass since we are all staying there throughout the whole week anyway nand some increased comfort would make it more comfortable for everyon except for yourself and your mothers husband who'd sleep on the floor of the bed room like the literally rp'ing dog he is while we take our turns. If you want you can recite some of that "exciting" poetry of yours t

>> No.11323249

You live in Reno?

>> No.11323278

Fair enough, but believing in an objective literary quality is an ideology too imo.

Say you acknowledge that a certain book has literary merit despite going against your beliefs (e.g. a conservative admires the film bicycle thieves despite it's sympathetic view of crime when caused by poverty). Doesn't this also imply that the conservative believes in an objective quality to the film outside of his own capacity to properly appreciate it? Like say a pleb reads Romeo and Julliet, he only partially appreciates the beauty of the work, yet still acknowledges that it possess a power to inspire people others who have a more refined taste than him. Isn't this belief kind of ideological or religious?

>> No.11323283

i'm wasting my time by having a discussion with you. you are a brainlet.

>> No.11323296
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>> No.11323305

Perhaps, but not as explicitly ideological as something like a political bias. That is to say our "ideology", or our personal way of viewing the world should not be dismissive of all art that does not directly condone it, nor should it actively advicate for art simply because it is ideologically aligned with us in this sense. All that being said, the grand ideology that you speak of, that there is inherit value to art, perhaps even beyond the individual appreciation, is the correct mode of viewing it, so do not judge it by YOUR ideology.

Also >>11323283
Was not me.

>> No.11323330

OP please don't go somewhere like America, it's such a waste of money. With internet these days it's possible to supply writing all over the world while having the benefit of living somewhere cheap. Anon who said New Zealand is probably smart but even parts of Aus are good, though South America sounds like a good place to stay if you have all that money

>> No.11323337

>believing in an objective literary quality
depends what you mean by objective, the value is always subject to the particularities of the human mind, but there are works that are obectively better by these standards

>> No.11323345

Thanks for the exchange. I think I see things more clearly now

>> No.11323361

Yeah no problem mate

>> No.11323394

I suspect this is LARP but I'm going to pretend it's not because it's a comfy idea.

>> No.11323408

t. future homeless schizophrenic

>> No.11323445

>if the community doesnt like you youll have to go back.
What creativity-directed Habermasian mob-rule nonsense is this? How far would Beefheart have gone if he'd been at the mercy of the band he was physically and emotionally abusing? You're a fucking plebe, bud. I for one will be boycotting your faggoty glorified performance art installation

>> No.11323450

>hes worried about failing the novalis exam
you really shouldnt be posting here, but i wont tell

>> No.11323479

It's categorically vulgar to base tenure on amiability.

>> No.11323531

This isn't a meritocracy, it's more like a commune. If you're an asshole you get kicked out, it's that simple.

>> No.11323553

Like I said, enjoy your ill-conceived living homage to abortive and fatuous ideas of collective creativity. I look forward to seeing OP crying on national television when it burns down with you all in it.

>> No.11323845

Seconded for Chicago.

>> No.11323849

south america is already shit

>> No.11323852

i went to reno once like 8 years ago and it was depressing as all fuck
good choice

>> No.11323853


For real.

>> No.11323911


>> No.11323946

you're fucking joking right? NV is gonna be out of water in 10 yrs. nothing in the SW will have any kind of renaissance ever again until we figure out how to refill the aquifers

>> No.11324106

>until we figure out how to refill the aquifers
Which is literally never going to happen. Even if we dropped usage to the replacement rate (a monumental task because boomers REEEEEE when told they shouldn't have a fucking lawn in the middle of the god damn desert), a lot of the aquifers aren't be replenished at all, they're artifacts from millions of years ago. It's exactly the same as fossil fuels.
t. someone with family in environmental science

>> No.11324117
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Reno has changed a ton in the past two years, let alone eight. But yes it is still depressing in an extremely (and surprisingly) /lit/ kind of way. Really, in 10 years you're going to be hearing about Reno the way you used to hear about Portland.

You must not know much about Reno geographically. We have reservoirs, flood every few years from the Truckee, receive plenty of Sierra Nevada snowmelt, etc. It is nothing like Vegas or the majority of Nevada, or even California, that will die of thirst long before us. While California was burning, we had just finished flooding. And do you think that water all just evaporates? No. It goes to Pyramid Lake.

>> No.11324125

Sounds comfy desu. Might swing by in a few months when I have some time off.

>> No.11324174

It actually is pretty alright, especially if you are a degenerate like me. 24 hour everything, cheap gourmet food, live music every night of the week, every other wall you pass is covered in murals, a different festival or citywide event pretty much every week for 3/4ths the year, huge selection of bars, decent local breweries and distilleries, lots of legal marijuana dispensaries, pretty decent cocaine that no one seems too arsed about, gambling with lots of locals perks, high quality strippers, legal brothels just outside the town, all you can eat sushi...

You know what? I changed my mind. Y'all stay where you are. Imma keep this one for me.

>> No.11324178

First we need to create the largest literary library in the west which contains all of the western canon.
The seats on the library must be exquisite leather that is comfortable to seat in for hours on end.
In order to join the commune proper you must read all of western canon.

>> No.11324194

what do you do for work?

>> No.11324221
File: 109 KB, 990x660, p-emerald-bay-winter_54_990x660_201406020159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I perform and teach music, write some pretty *yawn* articles on a freelance basis, and work at a resort three days a week. Mostly jobs around here (aside from the basic service jobs you see anywhere) are in casinos/hospitality, warehousing, engineering, mining, geology, and things like that. Lots of artistic types I know work either as bartenders, baristas, or tattoo artists. That's probably the same as anywhere I imagine. I know a few who are casino dealers (or strippers desu).

Lots of people I know work only seasonally at ski resorts in the winter (mostly near Lake Tahoe, 35-45 mins out of town, pictured), or as BLM wildfire fighters (mostly in California) in the summer, and basically fuck off the rest of the year.

>> No.11324413

thanks, nice, sounds sweet

>> No.11324622

buy like 10,000 acres in australia and fill it with cows

>> No.11324693

Don't listen to him, anon, I liked it.

>> No.11324696

You sound like an enormous pseud

>> No.11324719

Andorra maybe

>> No.11324721

Can I borrow 100$?

>> No.11324765

You're welcome.

You caught me.

>> No.11324835
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It will look like this.

>> No.11324846

I can't imagine how bad that room will smell when it's full of dirty dickcheese NEETs.

>> No.11324859

big window (open), fans, air freshners, candles

>> No.11325069

>You caught me

You're alright, pseud.

>> No.11325309

comfy af

>> No.11325329

We've already had threads like this that never panned out, post bank account statement.

>> No.11325453

This honestly. Donate $100 to a charity under 4chan's name or something just to show you aren't a troll.

>> No.11325456

If people knew this was legitimately happening you'd get a lot more interest.

>> No.11325461


>> No.11325463

Hey I actually meet most of them lol. I'm a fucking pleb tho

>> No.11325473

Okay cool, when can I move in?

>> No.11325530

NZ would be sick, land here pretty cheap too, 15m would get you fuckin heaps

>> No.11325552


If you visit a city that is required for you to be rich to enjoy, it's probably just a cheap tourist trap.

>> No.11325583

Oh, I lived there for a few months.

>> No.11325586

Me too.

>> No.11325599

P R O V I D E N C E, R I
>hot art hoes everywhere
>scholarly atmosphere
>lots of old practically free warehouses
>easy to get to
>perfect size for creating a new literary movement
>good italian food

>> No.11325692

By a few thousand acres in South Missouri

>> No.11325778

don`t put all your eggs into the same basket. buy several properties
1 small one in a cultural hub city like Rome where few people can meet, but many people can pass through in time, so as to check out what you are about
2 medium sized one in the north of Italy/Switzerland because it`s picturesque(+food), and in the middle of Europe, where you have the greatest concentration of intellectuals
3 large sized one in New Zealand as a getaway for long-term members, contributors, also as a safe place to preserve stuff, as an archive.

you can use 2 and 3 to farm sustainably and independently
you can use 1 to make money, as a conference room, a gallery, hosting events, partial office space for /lit related/based businesses etc, etc.
1 could also be a bookshop cafe, e.g. 4chan Lit cafe "The first 4chan cafe in the world.", a little image board user initiated advertising coupled with the huge influx of tourists would mean you would
a. popularize 4chan and especially /lit
b. have the potential to recruit people into the community and communicate with them directly
c. have the chance for this thing to grow organically depending on success/marketing(maybe into other cities like Paris, Berlin, Barcelona, Tokyo)

aside from that:
a. don't invest all of your money at one time
b. retain at least some part of your savings as gold
c. don't give your money away
d. don't do charity(what you are already considering seems by far more charitable and useful to the world than e.g. the Clinton Foundation...)
e. the warehouse idea is perfect, especially when considering 1 since you don't want to spend on fancy/expensive, you want to spend on a place with potential

in general i can describe the best business model in your case as
A front-end(1)
- popular cafe bookshop, meeting/renting space
B back-end(2 and 3)
- a venue for /lit minds to meet in person exchange and archive ideas, collaborate etc.

everything should be as cost-effective and sustainable as possible since it will take time for people from the community to prove themselves devoted enough to continue to sustain/grow the model. once you begin there will probably be copycats elsewhere which will be perfect since you can collaborate, co-expand.

>> No.11325783

start small,
deal with the easy problems first,
don`t rush,
keep in touch with the community, in time you will come to realize they are the greatest asset you have

>> No.11325795

it doesn't matter if he is a troll,
we can`t and won`t always "only message on the internet", plenty of similar historical examples out there from before the internet with a far smaller human resource base
we have to plan and organize, no one will help us so we must help ourselves

>> No.11325802

also, if you ask around the board for some time, people are bound to appear who will want to donate property.

>> No.11325837

this. we should do this even if op cant help

>> No.11325928

Sick digits

>> No.11327238

wait..for real?