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/lit/ - Literature

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11317173 No.11317173 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you drop novels you cba to finish? Is it a bad habit or is it better not to waste time trudging through shit you don't like out of principle?

>> No.11317182

all the time, i barely pay attention to what im reading in the first place, i skip chapters, etc.

>> No.11317198
File: 1.61 MB, 480x270, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I read in no particular order. I mostly read to plagiarise in my diary.

>> No.11317204

What's the point?

>> No.11317207

that matchy-matchy is absolutely disgusting
would not touch with a ten foot pole

>> No.11317225

>is it better not to waste time trudging through shit you don't like out of principle?

This. If you're not a literary critic or columnist in some book review publication, then there's no point in wasting time reading something you are not enjoying. Yes, yes, it takes finishing the entire work to fully appreciate its value and structure, but sometimes you know a hundred pages in whether or not a novel is even worth fully appreciating.

>> No.11317227

my man, the inumerable bits of paper coating the floors of my apartment create a massively comfy environment, as i get drunk i roll around and pick up pieces seeing poems and little essays from the previous years of getting drunk and rolling around, sometimes i almost forget what period of time im in and what sort of preson i am supposed to be, it is all a mess of interrelated associations that exist in my drunken dreamlike state outside of the actual real narrative of my apalling existence

>> No.11317230
File: 170 KB, 620x1021, David_Godlis_021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the point
Have fun in college, sweet.

>> No.11317244
File: 11 KB, 640x640, 1519654822177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this mad
How does it feel to be low iq?

>> No.11317259

i was honestly expressing what 'my diary desu' consists of, an amalgamation of bits of other writers and personal experience that is not listed chronologically but in a giant web of relations, physically scattered all over my floors. i also go back to previous efforst and write other things in the margins so some pieces of paper have things which were written years apart

i dont see how you interpreted my post as being mad at all

>> No.11317274

What the fuck? Seriously- what's the point of plagiarizing just for yourself.

>> No.11317278
File: 116 KB, 545x362, 1528819872857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to hear more from you but had to troll because i have lost sight of my humanity.

>> No.11317285
File: 121 KB, 745x1024, 1524988805416m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey sorry your self deception is stuck on amateur level

>> No.11317299

That pic is amazing, any idea who painted it?

>> No.11317333

I don't drop novels because I don't pick up bad ones. The last book I dropped was Dune Messiah, like three years ago. Now I avoid genre fiction, so I'm unlikely to come across any downright bad writing.

>> No.11317345

no idea, i just tell myself that i painted it

>> No.11317461

>I don't drop novels because I don't pick up bad ones
Either you have no individual taste or you're a sightseer.

>> No.11317503

I don't understand why I'd have to have "individual taste" and what "individual taste" is supposed to be in the first place. I'm also not sure if I understand what a sightseer is in the context of literature. Could you clear this up for me please?

>> No.11317553

It's been a long time since I've dropped a novel, but I have nothing against it. Why waste time on a shit book you're not interested when you could be reading something else?

>> No.11317566

The signature looks like it says Thomas Cain.

>> No.11317596

i want to tickle the tatar

>> No.11317633

ESL, I assumed sightseer was something like seer and didn't bother looking it up.

What I meant was that as an individual you'd inevitably come across something you don't like, except if you could tell the future and know ahead of time whether you'd like a book or not.

>> No.11317691

>as an individual you'd inevitably come across something you don't like
Well, I do, but such books are usually not irredeemable and I can find something interesting or valuable even in an overall flawed work.
I'm not a seer, but I know more or less what sort of stuff I enjoy and what I don't enjoy (genre fiction).

>> No.11317703


>> No.11317723

>such books are usually not irredeemable and I can find something interesting or valuable even in an overall flawed work.
Where is your rampant anger and juvenility my friend

>> No.11317740
File: 53 KB, 1600x900, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll finish them some day, I swear

>> No.11317841

Who is this girl? Man, i'm in love.

>> No.11318278

She is like 13 pedo

>> No.11318290

t. aging feminist

>> No.11318304

lol. roastie btfo'd

>> No.11318358

Damn, are you me?

>> No.11318623

Wholesome. You're genuinely enjoying writing for the sake of writing, and that makes me feel good.

>> No.11318652

That pic is at least 5 years old

>> No.11318663

Doesn't matter. All he has to go on is the pic. He's not enjoying a version of her 5 years later. He's enjoying 13 year old her. He is a pedo and you're trying to justify it. I'm literally reporting your post to the feds.

>> No.11318706

Good luck, bucko :^)