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11293732 No.11293732 [Reply] [Original]

There is a Portuguese anon in the critique thread that is an honest to god genius. Go look.

>> No.11293748

não voc

>> No.11293750


>t. Portugues anon who thinks he's a genius

>> No.11293754


>> No.11293762



It's actually true. Between this and the "plato was wrong" thread this has been quite a week.

>> No.11293772

Just read it. It arrests the heart. I'm in awe at his verse and also disheartened. I spend a lot of time at uni with shitty writers that it builds up the ego, but this really tore it down.
I will buy whatever he publishes.

>> No.11293783

me too man. I just finished up my semester and actually received an award in recognition for writing the "best" story in my undergad program.

I am shit compared to him.

>> No.11293784

confirmed for portuguese anon. he's not as superlative as you're making out: you're either him stroking his own ego, or else you're too inexperienced to know how overblown your praise is for the content and how you're hobbling him very early on.

>> No.11293786

link to the Plato thread?

>> No.11293793

Perhaps the praise is too heavy. Do you have any critiques of his work?

>> No.11293805

Maybe, but he is good and one of the best poets who has ever posted here

>> No.11293813



>> No.11293815 [DELETED] 
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>Honest to God Genius
You're over eager,
It's good, but they're an overabundance of pretty-but-showy metaphors that reach into overstatement and droll portent.

>> No.11293818

>>11293732 (OP)
>Honest to God Genius
You're over eager,
It's good, but there's an overabundance of pretty-but-showy metaphors that reach into overstatement and droll portent.

>> No.11293819

Your extract didn't get any attention, did it?

A non-native speaker is better at English than you. So what? That's no reason to get so pissy.

And no, I'm not the Portuguese guy, you mong.

>> No.11293823

>If you don't suck its dick it means you're jealous

>> No.11293824

That was my first post in the thread. Sort yourself out.

>> No.11293830

>Your extract didn't get any attention
First post or not, assuming that all dissidence is jealously is slimy as fuck, get off his dick for a bit.

>> No.11293831
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It's aight.
I guess this thread is really a testament to how shitty critique threads are, which is why something like that would stand out.
Hope he makes it, but you all are a bunch of fucking pseuds.

>> No.11293834

>It's good, but there's an overabundance of pretty-but-showy metaphors that reach into overstatement and droll portent.
idk man, he's pretty good. Maybe some of it feels melodramatic but he's definitely writing in a dramatic form that lends itself to metaphor and showy language. I think it would feel odd if it wasn't like that.

>> No.11293838

it's pretty banal and unless you're aiming at an audience who like to use the words "politically relevant" and likes slightly rare words, it's pretty much competence. it sounds harsh, but what he has is good for a fourteen year old, rather than extraordinary. it shows he has an understanding of two languages and meter and form, but it's not groundbreaking: it's competent and not really much else. if he wants crit without the extra praise that mentioning islam and the west or using the word "cur" to make the audience feel shakespearesmarts reside in them for understanding, he'd need to go back to basics and stop making the kind of "intellectual" poem that sells well. he could easily stay at the level of a competent 14 y/o who understands what rustles jimmies and therefore will get labelled as "talent"/"genius"/"smart"/"relevant", and have a career from that, but that sounds utterly depressing like being raised by bentham.
most of the heartstrings his tone vibrates are disgust and anger and easily roused, and are the kind of thing that any rabble rouser can do with 2nd grade english. if he could make a banal moment poetic, instead of making banal poetic moments, it would be impressive. but you guys seem to think competence is genius, and i think that sells even the competent short, because he probably could write a much better poem about flowers than his poem about power would suggest; we just don't have evidence of that.
he is certainly one of the competent poets, but best i think is overselling it, and overreliant on competence of form, which is a skill not a talent. it can be taught, and should be, which is why flaunting it as talent bothers me. anon has clearly worked, and that is not a work which springs forth easily- he knows what he is doing and is doing it competently, but that doesn't require talent so much as practice. a good comparison would be that someone who knows how to play the violin versus someone who is a violin genius- one has learnt the form and put in effort, and the other has little need for form or effort and often improve on them. anon isn't trying to show off talent, i don't think, but rather trying to demonstrate his competence. it's like someone who plays flight of the bumblebee- they are highly skilled, but not necessarily talented.

>> No.11293839

I'm assuming unjustified and overblown hostility toward the writer (who, as far as we know, hasn't posted in this thread) and those who enjoyed his writing, stems from jealousy, sure.

Calm the fuck down.

>> No.11293845

I didn't post anything in the critique thread, and I don't think your critique is helpful to Portuguese anon or anyone else in the thread. I'm not trying to shit on Portuguese anon, I'm trying to stop people from giving him undeserved praise, which could make his poems worse if he takes it at face value. I am in no way saying he's incompetent: I'm saying that his poem is an exercise in competence, and that is not enough to be a genius. If he's aiming for genius, he picked the wrong poem, but I don't think he is, I think his aim was to practice form and competence which he did well.

>> No.11293846

100% this
Technical virtuosity is a cheap talent for the easily impressed

>> No.11293855

>what he has is good for a fourteen year old
this is so obviously not true. I am in a good english department at a top 20 school and no student, no professor, has written anything that good.

If he was an Afghani writing that, people would be creaming themselves even more.

>> No.11293856
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>With their inventions, pollute nature.
>In their metropolises artificial lights
>Their souls are so toxic and empty
>As the spray of an insecticide can.

/lit/ gets impressed with well executed kitsch, nothing new if you've ever had the misfortune to open the occasional visual art threads.

>> No.11293858

I haven't offered critique of le Portuguese guy yet. I merely called out someone, here, with the temperament of a toddler.

>> No.11293867

>I am in a good english department at a top 20 school and no student, no professor, has written anything that good.


>> No.11293869
File: 127 KB, 720x960, 1528464231632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With so much makeup that a digger
Could mire in the ink, which suffocates
Her natural grace,

>> No.11293872

it's pretty standard for a european 14 y/o to be able to tell you the difference between an alexandrine and pentameter. i don't think that 14 year olds might fail to be competent in english when they're in the UK or US is a good standard to hold anon against. there are portuguese 14 year olds he might have to compete with for competence, and that you don't know any of them is no reason he should rest on his laurels.

>> No.11293879


post your stuff

>> No.11293880


>> No.11293881

No, you offered a critique of my critique of him. You're pissed off on his behalf, but you're basically begging me to let him stay at merely competent when I think he could get better. You're not helping him, and you're acting like a toddler in terms of criticism (crying because it's not all nice things and there might be room for improvement). I really don't think you're helpful to writers, because genuine criticism involves knowing the difference between competence and talent and being willing to point out the two, even if passersby cry and wet themselves about it. Get a thicker skin.

>> No.11293884

yep, this could go straight to r/justneckbeardthings

>> No.11293886 [DELETED] 

did this guy get shot in the face or something?

how did he get so ugly? Why are there pics of him everywhere?

>> No.11293888

post your press pass and i'll think about it.

>> No.11293889

Is there an equivalent poem written in blank verse that you would give an example as something above a fourteen year old level?

>> No.11293891

I had wanted to go to the country. I had been to no such place where the roads were frozen and hard as iron. Where the air was cold and clear and dry, and the snow dry and powdery. Where the surface of the snow was unmarred but for hare-tracks long and light over the surface. Where the peasants took off their hats and called you lord, and there was good hunting. I had been to no place but to the smoke of cafés and nights when the room whirled and you had to look at the wall to make it stop. Nights in bed, drunk. The excitement of waking and not knowing who it was with you. The world all unreal in the darkness and then resuming again unknowing and loving, and not caring, knowing that this was all and all and all, and not caring. And then suddenly to care very much, to wake in mourning with the remnants there before you, or all of it gone and never to be found. Sometimes it was still pleasant and fond and soft and breakfast and lunch. I tried to tell about the difference between the night and the day and how the night was greater than the day, unless the day was very fresh and cold, and I could not tell it, as I cannot tell it now.

>> No.11293898

from Portuguese anon, or from canon? I think Portuguese anon was trying to show competence of form (which, for the crybabies again, he does well), and not trying to write blank verse. He's not trying to get critique on his blank verse that I can see (if he writes any) do you have a post of his?

>> No.11293906

I just thought his poem was really good and, if, as they've been saying, it's only at the level of competence, I would like to know what they consider to be at the level of excellence.

>> No.11293908

It's not that great, to be honest. In english, at least. A bit grandiose, too. Not awful though.

>> No.11293910

Post one of your stories

>> No.11293943

He's Brazilian, not Portuguese, and I know this because I can actually read the language.

It's nothing special. A speech in dramatic tone contrasting nature and artifice. I don't get what you find so impressive about it.

>> No.11293950

It's the kind of writing that begs to impress others

>> No.11293956

Personally, I'd say he needs to read a bit more of the late Victorians so he can play around with form a bit more and seem less rigid (Coleridge for example, was a genius in this regard, as Pope was in terms of the alexandrine and heroic couplet- both surpassed the form as it stood to create something new). What he's doing isn't new or talented- he's following the form in much the same way that many people writing after Shakespeare can make a competent Shakespearean sonnet, even if they remain forever ignorant of what a Byronic sonnets form is. It's a work that aims at replicating form, not surpassing it. People who have surpassed forms are pretty easy to find in canon (see: everyone I just name dropped), and I don't think it's fair to compare anon to them because I don't think he's trying to compare in genius so much as in competence. People who write pseudoShakespeare are still very well trained if they pull it off, and anon certainly is well practiced, but he's not groundbreaking. It could be a 14 y/o's homework exercise where I'm from (write a poem in the style of X is a pretty common question here).
That doesn't make it bad, because competence requires knowing all those things (and more when you add in more traditional verse forms which English can't handle) and being able to replicate them. I think you're seeing it as a bad thing. Imagine instead the hours that anon spent working out how Camoes differs from Shakespeare and how to be either of them. His poem does show competence, which is not easily achieved. Usually there's a few years of getting twelve year olds to stiltedly sound out the scansion and mark it before you get to basic competence at 14. Anon's done all that work, and to a lot of people that seems like genius, but it only seems like genius because they've not spent years reading great poets to see why they're great (I feel this is mostly a UK and US problem, maybe?)

>> No.11293983

It seems that there's only so many times you can surpass and redefine form as the people you mentioned did. Are people so limited when they choose to aim for excellence within an already existing form?

>> No.11294007

>It seems that there's only so many times you can surpass and redefine form as the people you mentioned did.
No. Even to take your blank verse example: cummings certainly surpassed Milton's form. There are living poets who have created new forms of poetry, and certainly genius is not restricted by new or old forms alone. I don't think anon was aiming for excellence is my problem: I think he wrote a poem which could be considered competent and topical. I don't think he was writing to be excellent: if he were, he probably would have subverted a form, as it's one of the easiest ways to excel, just as mentioning east v west is one of the easiest ways to be topical. He doesn't seem to be aiming to excell at all, and I'd think it's mostly low standards for competence that's making him seem excellent to some. He's more competent than his audience, and I think that makes for a depressing way to spend your career- surpassing the low expectations of people who don't know why you're competent.

>> No.11294013

>It INSISTS upon itself!

>> No.11294014


>> No.11294016

This but unironically

>> No.11294018

Which one is his fucking post in the thread? One of you autistic fucks paste it. Jesus christ.

>> No.11294021

wrong board

>> No.11294025

Isn't this whole thread and debate just a glaring indictment of the absolutely poor state of this board? Isn't it just resounding evidence that everyone here needs shut their damn mouth until they've read and comprehended Aeschylus and Shakespeare? Of course your critique of poetry will be useless and full of obscure praise arising out of your own incompetence if your backlog is full of beat poets and mediocre, uncritical attempts at expression. Of course you're going to come across as a pseud if you spend more time on 4chan inhaling the aroma of your own shit than you do actually enjoying the greats.

>> No.11294028

I’m writing a tragedy were a young Afghan woman called Malalai, after obtaining a degree to teach literature, returns to the mountain village of her ancestors, decided to open a school there. She enters in conflict with some of the village elders, while other elders support her. They made a council and eventually decide that the school will be opened. After that a series of consequences conduct the story to its final tragic climax.

What I am sharing with you is one of the criticisms to the western education made by Malalai’s grandfather, Kala Khan. He is also the chief of the village (although he doesn’t have power to rule the village alone, but must accept the decisions of the majority of the elders of the council).

The original is in Portuguese, metrified but without rhyme (that is, blank verse).

If you people enjoy it I can share some more excerpts.

KALA KHAN: Our knowledge may be limited,
But at least it is pure, clear and healthy.
We live well alone, leave us with our
Small candle, our modest lamp
And remain alone with the blinding splendor
Of your bombs and rockets, your suns of darkness,
Your light which, illuminating the world, makes it even bleaker.
The eloquence of your civilization
It is the refined tie-knot that enlace
The neck of a barbarian, the gloves that surround
The hands of a murderer, the talc that incenses a bear,
A princess with cold eyes, with steel-colored eyes,
Perfumed with gunpowder, with uranium breath.
Just like the prostitute who muddles her face
With so much makeup that a digger
Could mire in the ink, which suffocates
Her natural grace, so also your idols,
With their inventions, pollute nature.
In their metropolises artificial lights
Have hypnotize the night with fictitious candor
And the stars, banished, dissolved themselves in mourning:
What was left for night sky is an opaque melanoma.
The vampirism of their bureaucratic minds
Have sucked all the poetry from the marrow of life.
In the sun they only see an obese spotlight,
On the moon a dry tablet of aspirin,
The eggs they eat have for their yolk the poisonous
Broth of batteries, their breads are modeled
With microchip grains, with electronic flour.
Their milk is gasoline, their olive-oil diesel;
Their souls are so toxic and empty
As the spray of an insecticide can.
Their weapons, their rockets, their bombs, their tanks,
Their warships and warplanes, all of them
They are signs that make up the bitter confession
In which humanity admits its failure:
Your civilization is like a very thin and rosy
Foam that floats in a glass of wine,
A sugary veil of smiling order
Sitting upon a deep ocean of blood.
You and your race of wise men think that you will come
As heroes to our village of Orzala, but you come
Infected by the smallpox of science
That, outside these walls, outside this oasis,
Covers the entire world with sores. You and your plague
Are not welcomed here.

>> No.11294034

I think people are saying his poetry goes beyond just being grounded in tradition holding to a poetic structure well.

Lots of people read Shakespeare and Aeschylus here but IMO he is at least in the top handful of writers who have posted here before

>> No.11294038

I also posted this some weeks ago.

The context of this speech is this: an elderly leader from a provincial mountain village of Afghanistan is urging some of the young men of the place to take up kalashnikovs and save a Taliban lord that is being held hostage by 3 US soldiers in a barn.

A great snowstorm was formed and is coming down upon the mountain. The elderly muslim sees the wrath of Allah in the storm and makes a speech to fuel the wills of his young students.

The original is in Portuguese. I will post my free translation first, and then the original text.

KALA KHAN: Look at the horizon: it is the heart of Allah
That was cut opened: hatred bubbles out from his chest.
Grayish and angry, the skies foam snow;
The winds show their canines, their claws,
Ripping and chewing the world into distortion.
The air, roaring and growling, screaming and howling,
Unbones the trunks of the pines, steal the leaves
From the trees, the gale dresses himself in green,
An emerald ghost slapping the streets.
Lightning invades the eclipse of the atmosphere:
His pale beak, his sparkling nails
Excavate the dark and gnaw night like a liver.
The clouds of lead that have docked on the heavens
Are like colossal mountains that breathe,
In which the bears of the windwhirls sleep.
This is the language of Allah when infuriated:
The appalling architecture of the tempests.

KALA KHAN: Observem o horizonte: é o coração de Alá
Que foi aberto: o ódio borbulha de seu tórax.
Cinzentos e raivosos, os céus espumam neve;
Os ventos mostram seus caninos, suas garras,
Rasgando e mastigando o mundo em distorção.
O ar, rugindo e roncando, gritando e uivando,
Desossa os troncos dos pinheiros, rouba as folhas
Das árvores; o vendaval se veste em verde,
Um fantasma esmeralda a esbofetear as ruas.
O relâmpago invade o eclipse da atmosfera:
Seu bico pálido, suas unhas cintilantes
Escavam o breu, roem a noite feito fígado.
As nuvens de chumbo que nos céus atracaram
São como colossais montanhas que respiram,
Nas quais dormem os ursos dos redemoinhos.
Essa é a linguagem de Alá enfurecido:
A pavorosa arquitetura das tormentas.

>> No.11294041

Another of the old-man's rants:

KALA KHAN: You come to us with arrogance, as if
You were bringing a torch to a dark cave
Where a race of men as blind as bats
Have been feeding on darkness for several generations.
For you living in the big city
The white invaders of America are angels,
But for us the voices of these angels sound
Like wheezes, every single one of their words
Has for tail the rattle of a rattlesnake;
Under the charity that they wear scales
Shine. Yes, you, who know much more than we do,
You believe that you work with angels, with seraphim,
But you can be sure, oh you blind ones who see far,
That the divine Muslim culture, the limpid
And sacred water that kills the thirst of our souls,
When these angels bathe in it,
Will become greasy as the thick cream and filthy broth
Of a harlots bathtub wash:
We will bless ourselves with the pasty foam
Of a dirty body. The learning that you bring us,
The new source that you open up to nourish us,
It is the swinish-sweat and hormone-soup of a satyr,
Yes, it is the sweat of the obese body of sin.
If we choose your creed and forget Islam
We will be the dog that denies the pot of clean water
In favor of a slimy and stagnant puddle,
And, by drinking filth, we will populate
The soul with worms: our immortal diamond
Will be more rotten than the intestinal night
Of the curs from the gutters.

KALA KHAN: Você vem até nós com arrogância, como
Que trazendo uma tocha a uma caverna escura
Onde uma raça de homens cegos quais morcegos
Se alimentam do escuro há várias gerações.
Para você que moram na cidade grande
Os invasores brancos da américa são anjos,
Mas para nós as vozes desses anjos soam
Como sibilos, cada uma de suas palavras
Tem por cauda o chocalho de uma cascavel;
Por sob a caridade que eles vestem brilham
Escamas. Sim, vocês, que vem bem mais que nós,
Creem que trabalham junto de anjos, serafins,
Mas podem ter certeza, ó cegos que veem longe,
Que a divina cultura muçulmana, a límpida
Água sagrada que nos mata a sede da alma,
Quando esses anjos se banharem nela, irá
Ensebar-se na nata espessa e caldo imundo
Do banho de banheira de uma meretriz:
Nós vamos nos benzer com a espuma pastosa
De um corpo sujo. O estudo que você nos traz,
A nova fonte que abre para nos nutrir,
É o suor suíno e sopa de hormônios de um sátiro,
Sim, é o suor do corpo obeso do pecado.
Se escolhermos seu credo e esquecermos do islã
Seremos o cão que nega o pote de água limpa
Em favor de uma poça limosa e estagnada,
E, bebendo imundície, vamos povoar
A alma com vermes: nosso diamante imortal
Será mais podre do que a noite intestinal
Dos vira-latas das sarjetas.

>> No.11294042

>The original is in Portuguese, metrified but without rhyme (that is, blank verse).
Sorry anon, I saw the meter and translation and assumed you were writing rhyme in the original. I take back what I said about you not trying to write blank verse, but my other criticisms stand. I'd advise against posting the entirety or majority here: as I said, this shit can sell. You're competent enough in translation you could easily get sales, and if you're aiming to make money off things and don't mind being known by people who like topical shit, you should get an agent and not more 4chan upvotes. It's not my type of thing, but you could publish.

>> No.11294045

I just copypasted he's not in this thread

>> No.11294046

meh he might come back

>> No.11294052

What post are you all fucking talking about?

>> No.11294054

anon just linked it itt and quoted it >>11294038

>> No.11294055
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>> No.11294059

>get back to nature
He's not saying anything profound here. Some of his imagery is nice, but acquires an artificiality on account of the less impressive theme.

>> No.11294106

judging from his summary of the story and the probable ending where the protagonist gets murdered by Taliban because of the school she opened, I don't think he's just "muh return to traditional values and leave the muslims alone"

>> No.11294118

>He's not saying anything profound here.

This point still holds up. By the way, I'm not the same anon.

>> No.11294122

black overcoat
white shirt
black tie
black pants
black shoes
black belt
black socks
morose expression
eyes toward the ground 4 or 5 feet in front
hands in pockets
look up every now and then to scoff at passerby
some obscure german text in arm
pale skin which rarely sees the light of day
etc etc

>> No.11294124

how new are you?

>> No.11294127

fuck wrong thread

>> No.11294498

Your writing is more interesting than the Portuguese guy's.

>> No.11294712

well-written, but i just hate
>we live in a society

albeit i get that these are meant to be the antagonists', not the authors' position

>> No.11296292

Too many metaphors and one too many queer words (/lit/'s most common mistake) No one sounds like this, it breaks emergence. This isn't to say he's bad, just cut the wondrous shit down 75% and add in more straight forward dialogue. I am also gonna assume his voice in general is like this outside dialogue to that I say good luck.

>> No.11296348

Lol no. I’m not complete shit but I think he’s better.

>> No.11296387

>no one sounds like this, breaks emergence

Are you serious? You think he thinks people actually sound like this? He’s not writing a novel. It’s a long poem like an epic or a play.

>> No.11296420
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>It’s a long poem like an epic or a play.