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11286656 No.11286656 [Reply] [Original]

What books are the cure to nihilism and existential crises?

>> No.11286659

the bible

>> No.11286661

Gay Science

>> No.11286675

dog is dead

>> No.11286690
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>> No.11286691

Read SIEGE by James Mason

>> No.11286824

Fedoraich Neetshit

>> No.11286862

first read thus spoke zarathustra, then if necessary to understand the ideas read beyond good and evil. After reading and absorbing these, read Plato and then Jung to have God die and then be reborn in your soul, giving your life meaning and solving the problem of nihilism

>> No.11286886

Go to bed, Jordan.

>> No.11286887

Walt Whitman and Deleuze did it for me

>> No.11286991
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Steve Bannon is a big fan of Rene Guenon's book 'Man and his Becoming According to the Vedanta'. It's quite good. Advaita Vedanta really is the end-game of philosophy and mysticism. When you truly understand it you reach a stage where you would laugh at the notion that someone could ever experience nihilism and existential crises.

>In addition to these six books which helped shape his worldview, Bannon also references Guénon’s Man and His Becoming According to the Vedanta as a powerful read in that it highlights the importance of being able to come off the so-called “wheel of life” and reflect on ways that the individual can improve and become better through self-awareness.


>Instead, the common themes of the collapse of Western civilization and the loss of the transcendent in books such as Guénon’s The Crisis of the Modern World (1927) and Evola’s Revolt Against the Modern World (1934) are what drew Bannon’s interest to Traditionalism (although he was also very much taken with its spiritual aspects, citing Guénon’s 1925 book, Man and His Becoming According to the Vedanta, as “a life-changing discovery”).


>> No.11286997

Also, as an addendum I would add - read Guenon's 'Intro to the study of Hindu Doctrines' first or you might be kinda lost.

>> No.11287020

>The tomb is empty
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11287054

Any book written by Dazai

>> No.11287066

America was a mistake

>> No.11287071


>> No.11287118

I agree wholeheartedly, and I find it incredibly ironic that one of the main guys behind Breitbart is citing it but Guenon's writings and the Vedanta are nonetheless both worth studying. I brought Bannon into it only because I thought it was a funny connection to OP's pic.

>> No.11288836


Ecclesiastes tickles my fancy tbqh

>> No.11288968

Going out and living rather than being a detached ironic 4chan-hermit

>> No.11288976

So is depressed moustacho man.

>> No.11289000
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>> No.11289005

Get a girlfriend

>> No.11289067


>> No.11289087

What are good books for Jung beginner ?

>> No.11289109
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>> No.11289115

seconded, someone please answer

>> No.11289118

Honestly Sigmund Freud is pretty good for curing nihilism.

>> No.11289144

hahahaha he said gay

>> No.11289154

Last time I saw a Jungian post here the answer was "Man and his symbols". Now, I can't find this in French, but if you're a based Frenchmen it looks like you can find the first part at least "Essai d'exploration de l'inconscient".