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/lit/ - Literature

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11285876 No.11285876 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11285889 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11286092

That thread was a goldmine.
>whats reddit writing?
>telepathic teenagers
>the next game of thrones

normies were a mistake

>> No.11286108
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>that 20 year old boomer who only reads literary fiction

>> No.11286120


>> No.11286124

crossposters out please

>> No.11286133

>that 20 year old redditor that only reads YA fiction

>> No.11286142

I just go there to laugh.

>> No.11286153

Chapter 1 of "It Bites" for those curious.
>A werewolf attempts to solve a murder in small-town Texas. The wolf part of his brain (which he calls “Rex”) follows him around like an imaginary friend and gives him bad advice.


>> No.11286159
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Fantine died for this filth

>> No.11286170
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Never forget.

>> No.11286174
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>> No.11286180


Please post that chapter I need to read it for scientific purposes.

>> No.11286184

Drumpf is done for
Can you hear the "people" sing?

>> No.11286188

he's kinda right in that the sentence actually flows nicely

>> No.11286192

Immigrant 24601! Your time is up and your deportation's begun! You know what that means?

>> No.11286225
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Even the first sentence is shit. jesus

>> No.11286239

it's good.

>> No.11286246

Reddit isn't normies. Reddit is losers who think they're normies only because they are able to spout popculture bullshit to eachother and feel relevant.


>> No.11286329

holy shit thank you for posting this vid. very cool.

>> No.11286346

That makes a lot of sense. Just a bunch of dorks who didn't grow out of the fandom phase in high school. Scrapbooking tired tropes into a new take on their favorite anime.

>> No.11286353

>truly a masterpiece

“You’re doing it,” said Rex in disbelief. “You’re really doing it, aren’t you? You’re caving. Chickening out. You’re really, really giving it up in the name of social propriety!”

“You, uh, want a receipt?” She proffered a strip of white paper. It looked like far too much
receipt for a gallon of milk.

“I’m good,” I said. “It’ll end up balled-up on the floorboard of my car.”

“Fair enough,” she said, and tossed it. She looked me up and down. The sneer had become a frown, the detached demeanor become something approaching concern. “So, do you want this bagged? Yay or nay?”

“Sure, sure,” I said.

“Hmm.” She bagged it. “Just making sure. Your first answer was a bit vague.”

>> No.11286388

It isn't publishable, but let's not pretend that the writer isn't well on their way to being able to write a successful YA story in the near future.

Their prose is passable, they just need to work on their dialogue.

>> No.11286390

This dialogue makes me want to claw my eyes out holy shit

>> No.11286398

Nah Reddit is definitely full of normies

>> No.11286442

Normies aren't chads m8. Reddit is just generally for mediocre white people or mediocre minorities who've been absorbed into white culture.

>> No.11286456

>yay or nay
>your first answer was a bit vague
nobody fucking talks like that outside of these people's autistic imagination.

>> No.11286464

rex's dialogue is literally rick from rick and morty except he doesn't swear or burp

seriously, read it all agan in his voice

>> No.11286470

This is accurate. All of my real life friends are normalfags and they all have apathy to dislike of reddit

>> No.11286473

the prose is dog shit.

>> No.11286479
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“Shenanigans!” Rex shouted from behind me. “Shenanigans, Morty! This little sociopath is
robbing us blind! *brap* Blind, I say! Thirty-three cents? What’ll she even do with it? Save up for a pack of gum? A tootsie-roll? One of those little floss things you stick at the end of the, you know, the other floss thing? Floss stick? Yeah *brap*. That. My point is, this isn’t about economic anxiety, Morty. No. This is about power. She’s doing it because she can! Because she wants to! She’s taking your nuts,
Morty. That extra thirty-three cents is a symbolic representation of your testicular fortitude! Do not, I repeat, do not hand this cashier the symbolic representation of –”

>> No.11286481

Fuck...I wish Hitler won.

>> No.11286485

It's really not. It's obviously not great, but it's the type of prose you'd see in a King or Rowling book.

And before you start reeeing, I said the prose was passable, not good. King and Rowling write passable prose and you fucking know it.

>> No.11286495

Ironic redditors are still redditors

>> No.11286512

I used to go there to see how pissed off I could make people by posting thinnly veiled racism and anti-democracy stuff but I can't even do that now b/c one of those crazy fucks would probably end up doxxing me.

>> No.11286517

holy......I want more

>> No.11286562

>yay or nay

>> No.11286575

It really is bugperson central

>> No.11286593

>That's freakin' awesome, oh wow!

>> No.11286618

udder perfection

>> No.11286627

Stupid people trying g to sound smart irritates me. This post emotionally maimed my soul

>> No.11286686

They just fucking love stroking each other off

>> No.11286740

Don’t flip your fedora. King is functional only in the sense that the words he write mean something. Only in that sense is he passable.
That being said, the redditor is desperately grasping at even that level of coherence.

>> No.11286754


The exact opposite of /lit/.

>> No.11286773

the tiger

- CRASH! -

has been freed.


>> No.11286819

My name is Juan El Juan

>> No.11286845
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>> No.11286846

>going on reddit

>> No.11286856
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>> No.11286858

> Great prose also has great flow-great rhythm. Again, yours is a perfect example.

From one fucking sentence.

>> No.11286874

Post your stacks bro...

>> No.11287036

Sounds like a top tier lad

>> No.11287274

rampant consumerism is disgusting

>> No.11287322

Truly. Now excuse me while I spend $600 on books.

>> No.11287335

The mere act of utilizing capital is the not the same as blind consumerism if the intent of the purchase is edification of cognitive processes rather than cheap, infantile dopamine hits, you incapacitated brainlet.

>> No.11287338

>you incapacitated brainlet
You must learn to read deeper, young one. You WOULD be correct... if I read any of them.

>> No.11287367

Factually wrong.

>> No.11287493


>> No.11287642


What the fuck Reddit.

>> No.11287647

And I'm Javier

>> No.11287650

>poignant literary analysis on the length of receipts from convenience stores in post-modernist America

Deep as fuck

>> No.11287664

If he actually pulls it of, it'd be great. Les Mis would benefit from a modern version without sewers of DC chapters.

It kinda works in a "so bad, it's actually good" way.

>> No.11287672

the stupid marxist is right

>> No.11287694

what do you think trying to sound smart is?

>> No.11287698

Hell yeah I'd read that!

>> No.11287717


>> No.11287728

>a YA retelling of Les Miserables
Kill me

>> No.11287736

She didn't deserve this

>> No.11287879

Link to thread?

>> No.11288009
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>in this case, my immediate reactino was "why is god the enemy?"

>> No.11288077

I am ICE

>> No.11288085



>> No.11288087

>/lit/ - Reddit
Not literature, go back faggots.

>> No.11288088
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no marxists are left, conservatives are right. and you call THAT anon stupid....

>> No.11288116

>a petty carton of hijacked lactate
>tfw your dionysian ideal is even faggier than you are

>> No.11288146

Still underrated

>> No.11288196

>Stupid people trying g to sound smart irritates me

so stop doing it yourself

>> No.11288340


its not so bad, if you stop thinking that rex is just his inner man-child

>> No.11288355

who is the man part of the werewolf then? his outer man-child?

>> No.11288393

his grow-up self.

>> No.11288408

>very cruel

>> No.11288485
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haha classic anon and your zany antics

>> No.11288558
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>> No.11288568

No, it fucking doesn't.

>> No.11288593

Holy... I want more (unironically)

>> No.11288596
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>> No.11288609

Well, yeah, it's a stock line. He just inserted God.

>> No.11288610
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Imagine being this historically illiterate
>Dude what if the Great War went on... FOREVER? lmao

>> No.11288617

You’re a normie. most great authors were too

>> No.11288620
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>> No.11288627

I unsubscribed from /r/writing recently because it’s no good. Luckily I found you guys! :) <3

>> No.11288647

Reddit is the dorks who were too retarded to be normies but always wanted to be.

>> No.11288657

That's not even that stupid. Plus the username suggests he's a real Serb so its extra A U T H E N T I C

>> No.11288674

That kinda shit is pretty standard for slavic authors though.