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11274060 No.11274060 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11274111

they suck. sage

>> No.11274123
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must read but very hard.
fuck Roger Scruton btw.

>> No.11274133

this book is beyond my ability to understand but I like reading it anyway. I sort of just absorb in a metaphorical way and use some of the specific concepts. As a whole I just dont get it, there doesnt seem to be any way to sum up what the fuck they were trying to say

I thought difference and repitition was easier to grasp

maybe some smarter anon can try to summarize it

>> No.11274387
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>there doesnt seem to be any way to sum up what the fuck they were trying to say
A rhizome does not have a hierarchy, there is no beginning and end; any point you pick within a rhizome will be a middle. A Thousand Plateaus is itself a rhizome.

>> No.11274405

What a bunch of hackery

>> No.11274428

That's not a valid criticism anon, you're just a brainlet with the abstracr reasoning abilities of a woman

>> No.11274436


I haven't read it but I've paged through it and engaged with it just a bit: it has a bunch of fun pictures. By just paging through the book, I did a simple "look-see" on the pictures, just to get a basic sense of what the book is like in a general way, and made a bunch of posts in a thread where anons generally agreed with my interpretation of things. I think I got a little something out of this.

Something else is that both AOE and ATP name-check Lautreamont once, each, and now that I've read Lautreamont, I "get the reference" for those spots at least. I'm catching on a bit.

I'd have to read some more Marx and Freud before really having a go, though. I reiterate my request for a good, basic Freud reader for this purpose.

>> No.11274447

ok but there must be a relation between all the concepts in the book, leading to their being chosen for inclusion in the first place. I cant make out what that idea is what i was trying to say

>> No.11274466

look at Paul Klee’s paintings, then read some Kafka and then listen to some Schoenberg you will get it anon.

>> No.11274536

Of course there is relation, but that relation is nonlinear and rhizomatic. There isn't just some single overarching idea here connecting everything where you'll get "it". You can start at the beginning and read it all the way through, you can read it backwards, hell you could pick chapters out of a hat and read them at random. There is no set course and whatever path you forge is your own and no more or less correct than any other path you could find searching through the rhizome. Now of course there are a lot of really fucking obscure references in it, so I would recommend getting some kind of reader or guide that can point out some things that you otherwise would probably not pick up on.

>> No.11274571

I mean that is a very weird way to structure your book, it basically makes it impossible to understand.

The way you describe to read it is how I actually read books normally, which im aware is weird, so that isn't the problem. The problem is that trying to hold all the concepts together doesn't work in my mind. Instead, each concept can maybe relate to one or two of the others, but there is no central theme.

I dont want to be rude, but 'incoherent' would be one word to describe this. Compare this to how Kant or Schopenhauer structured their books.

>> No.11274708

It's not supposed to be easily understood in totality and if you try to look for some kind of overarching central theme in it then you're missing the point.

>> No.11274729
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Is the concept of the rhizome in regards to society? Is that hierarchy no longer a valid means of societal representation? Or that individual interests are all on the same levels more or less and nothing is greater/worse.

>> No.11274782

not really. it's more about constructing an anti-logic to oppose a logic of the subject/object, which is fascistic

>> No.11274791

I read the first 10 pages in a library one time and I can see why initially it overwhelms some readers, but ultimately I found a comprehensible.
yeah I'm pretty sure the idea is that there are no foundational ideas in reality, it's all an embroglio of signifiers.

>> No.11274804

>to oppose a logic of the subject/object, which is fascistic
If that's fascistic then fascism is a good thing

>> No.11274818

Or is it that fascism is inevitable? that it has that power of anti-logic disguised as logic and thus easily susceptible to impressionable minds

>> No.11274820

No, a rhizome is a way to organize information as opposed to the normal hierarchical "arborescent" way. It's purpose is to destroy dialectical Hegelianism. Assemblage would be a better Deleuzian term for the organization of society.

>> No.11274881

These baby boomers think transgression is emancipatory, butcher Marx, butcher Freud, disgustingly appropriate a serious mental illness (what they refer to schizophrenia for them actually means 'yuppie artist' and actual schizophrenia is autism which is the enemy of their ontology), and end up doing the bidding of capitalism creeping even further into people's lives.

If you got duped into thinking their books had any merit because it was 2deep4u, listen to their lectures to see how vapid their thinking is when put on the stop. Really empty stuff.

>> No.11274895

Are you Gregory B. Sadler?

>> No.11274899


This post implies that you've got a very clear "gotcha" or two for what they're all about. I invite you to cite an example or two if you can be fucked.

>> No.11274913

>that 17 years old boomer who still cares about argumentation on 4chan

>> No.11274938

Deleuze pretty much acknowledged in the 90s that he gave neoliberal capitalism more of a blueprint than anything else.

>> No.11274991

Sounds dope anyways

>> No.11275030


You may have the idea that I am "sticking up for" the lads, which isn't really what I had in mind, though the prompt could be read that way (a confrontation). What I actually want is simply to know what the other poster has in mind specifically by way of bullet point, as a way of getting more information about the lads and their critics in a general way.

I realize now that what the other guy really meant to write was "put on the SPOT", that phrase confused me initially.

Also, just putting it out there, for the left in general, yes, transgression is emancipatory. A classic example of this is a closeted gay man who has gay sex (the example par excellence being sodomy) for the first few times, and finds a certain peace once coming to terms with same. It's part of why anal sex has been normalized in contemporary culture when even 20 years ago it was still a slightly exotic pornographic subgenre: the joy is in breaking free of limitations, or pretending to, or feeling like one can. It's why degenerate art is made, and why many women insist on being able to kill their unborn babies with the sanction of the state. Staying with this theme, (if one wants to include him, this too is debateable): Sade. The 120 days of Sodom is one of the more transgressive items ever written., and goes with the sexual themes I've developed thus far.

A conservative criticism of this notion (transgression is emancipatory) might run thus: god hates it, it's depraved, it's against society, etc. These ideas have their adherents today, but probably the most compelling frame given our modern worldview is the utilitarian one: "transgression ultimately leads to a less happy society", where this is qualified and refined appropriately given the transgression.

Other phrases that the other guy used are also genuinely interesting: how the lads get their two basic source materials wrong exactly (as opposed to reinterpreting them, understand I haven't read them I'm just looking to gather data), and I think that as a practicing guy even if a pinko weirdo, Guattari would have some idea of the ethical considerations involved in reframing disorders in his discourse. The little I've heard of his clinic, it's made out to be a nice place where they "get it right", but I don't know what criticisms or horror stories there might be (must be some).

>> No.11275034

These boomer ideologues mistake the superstructural effect for the economic cause.

>> No.11275043

the thing is the only truly transgressive act in our society is being openly racist, so when the left larp as being transgressive it just doesnt ring true

>> No.11275057

he did but we can still exploit BwO to our advantage
i do not buy that its autism they’re talking about and i don’t buy that schizophrenia isn’t wat deleuze tho having had psychotic episodes eerily similar to his descriptions in the first chapter
or talking about techne which will get you kicked out of any workplace permanently

>> No.11275079

Really any kind of intolerance not directed at white men. Being anti-gay, anti-feminist, anti-tranny, etc is all pretty much against the current prevailing values of our society.

>he did but we can still exploit BwO to our advantage
Oh definitely I think there are Deleuzian concepts like the BwO that can be used to fight back where he originally failed even though there's a lot in Capitalism and Schizophrenia that I don't agree with.

>> No.11275081


>> No.11275101

> he did but we can still exploit BwO to our advantage

dude...like...what if we act weird with our bodies...we'll be resisting fascism

>> No.11275103


Well first that isn't true, being a pedo is also still transgressive (you can make the point that "they're working on that" but you know I'm right). But I do understand your point that in contemporary culture, "being a racist is the absolute worst thing that you can possibly be", or thereabouts. Literally being a violent criminal is also generally transgressive, with possible caveats about when the state chooses to ignore or minimize such due to the Cardinal Sin which you've just identified (I refer to brown muslim rape of women and children around Europe). You have a point in the sense that even the paki pedos are suffered to exist to some extent due to the Cardinal Sin of racism trumping everything else.

Upon some reflection, I've ceded that your thing tends to trump other, very extreme circumstances. But let me make the point that I'd been meaning to make, initially: I seem to remember reading somewhere, the idea that certain cultural taboos change over time. The suggestion is that racism will not always be the conversation stopper that it is today, and that it wasn't a mere century ago.

>> No.11275110
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>> No.11275111

Daniel Cohn-Bendit, known Deleuzian, liked to LARP on live television as a pedo. Your thoughts?

>> No.11275356


Context and circumstances are rather important. As I don't know who you're talking about, I invite you to fill me in. Even Conan O'Brien's drummer Max Weinberg once said as part of a comedy bit: "Child pornography is wrong! If you have any... send it to ME!"

In such cases, context is most, and there's clearly "playing with transgression" versus an actual line-crossing, the latter again being a function of culture.

Elsewhere in NBC comedy, Will Ferrell got away with saying NIGGER with a hard-R on live television and suffered not the least career trouble for it. My respect for him went up tenfold.

>> No.11275374
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All i know about these guys is what Nick Land told me about them, which is quite a fucking lot. but from all that i judged them to be psychopathic tryhards who don't really have anything to say, but have a whole lot of different ways of saying nothing.

>> No.11275396


>> No.11275557

Well those psychopathic tryhards really influenced Lands psychotropic ramblings. Is then facism and destruction the last transgressive force man has left?

>> No.11275568

here you go friend, pertinent work is in the first section but feel free to read or skim the rest, Heidegger is always good fun to delve into

>> No.11275572

damn, fucked up. here you go:


>> No.11275579

i got that 'techne' had to do with technology but i dont see why that would be taboo or get you thrown out of your workplace

will attempt to read this though

>> No.11275637

>In what follows we shall be questioning concerning technology.
Questioning builds a way. We would be advised, therefore, above
all to pay heed to the way, and not to fix our attention on isolated
sentences and topics. The way is a way of thinking. All
ways of thinking, more or less perceptibly, lead through language
in a manner that is extraordinary. We shall be questioning concerning
technology, and in so doing we should like to prepare
a free relationship to it. The relationship will be free if it opens
our human existence to the essence of technology

i mean jesus christ dude

>> No.11275659

ikr p phenomenal ain't it

>> No.11277272
File: 417 KB, 500x700, 1527858775740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Deleuze and Guattari describe the human being as a 'machine désirante', the body voided of its organs

Holy shit Rogered Scrotum isn't even trying. Either that, or he's a brainlet or a liar. Not that it surprises me after the strawmanning he pulled with Zizek who spoonfeeds like crazy.

>> No.11277288

Sauce please?

>> No.11277293

Are you the same anon who was in a mental institution after doing drugs? Because you seem to be saying the same inane lies every time and at this point I'm starting to think it's your paranoia and monomania (fixed idea) talking rather than a trolling attempt through spamming D&G threads.

>> No.11277313


>> No.11277337

>the body voided of its organs