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File: 286 KB, 1526x1003, 1517038093927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11271914 No.11271914 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11271925

What's the source oof laughter OP

>> No.11271927

what a brainlet. burning all my Freud right away.

>> No.11271939

epic thread

>> No.11271952

Civilization and its Discontents was basically Freud RREEEEEing non-stop after he got dabbed on by the Nazis

>> No.11271971

take your JBP merch off and be objective for a second. can you prove him wrong?

>> No.11271996

He's not incorrect but the great doctor has an extremely naive idea of what religion is and what the implications are to accept existing in a Godless world. Its no wonder his class were sent to the gas chambers

>> No.11271997

"by Peter GAY"

>> No.11272001

*removes JBP watch*
*removes JBP shirt*
*removes JBP trucker hat*
*removes JBP short shorts*
*removes and throws away JBP handkerchief*

Can I PROVE Freud wrong? No. I doubt I could prove the motivations of powerful Catholics of one hundred years ago. But I can tell you that Freud's assessment is ungenerous at best and plain ignorant at worst. He is completely denying the strong philosophical tradition in the Church. This dick smoking nerd needs to put down the cocaine and stop being famous for no reason.

>> No.11272011
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>This dick smoking nerd needs to put down the cocaine and stop being famous for no reason.

>> No.11272015

>the strong philosophical tradition in the Church
source? inb4 augustine or aquinas

>> No.11272020
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Seriously. Freud deserves to be forgotten. And I'm not a Peterson fan. I used to listen to some of his lectures like two years ago. He's smart, but he's not nearly as smart as the Jesuit priest Robert Spitzer, or Bishop Robert Barron.

>> No.11272027

Uh... priests? Did you think seminary is just learning to pray and how to not spill wine on the altar?

>> No.11272028

>the religious holdout become increasingly nervous, derisively laughing as a contrivance to mollify his existential angst

>> No.11272040

haha what a FEDORA am i right hhahahaha fcking LOSER

>> No.11272045

>And I'm not a Peterson fan. I used to listen to some of his lectures like two years ago and i'd still be a fan if he wasn't turned into a meme because I'm extremely petty and need the internet to tell me what is and what isn't cool.

>> No.11272046

>strength muscles

>turn the other cheek
>meek shall inherit the earth
>slaves, obey your masters as you would god

a truly embarrassing religion

>> No.11272065

I enjoy the works of Aquinas and all you guys rambling on about muh intellectual tradition are missing the point. Freud is talking about base desire, primal fears and lusts; not shitting on the intelligence of clergy scholars. The strength of intellect is beside the point... in fact the better systemisers are the ones better at concealing the human frailty beneath philosophical structures...

>> No.11272067

Nah senpai. I know you're just baiting now, but Peterson's biblical series was worth listening to. He got on television and a Patreon and started making hundreds of thousands per month. He is absolute shit at managing his new wealth and fame as a conservative icon, and it shows.

what are you even trying to say my guy?

>> No.11272070
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confirmed for homoerotic feelings towards big daddy in the sky

>> No.11272090

threadly reminder that Rene Girard completely btfo'd Freud and Lacan and there's literally no oedipus complex

>> No.11272093

Freud is very correctly talking about the dumbing down of the faith, the voodoo Catholicism as the common man understands it. This is accurate. Brainlets will always be, and they will always have a brainlet understanding of complex things. Freud saying this is so is necessarily an indictment against the clergy.

>> No.11272706


>> No.11272760

I thought seminary was just code for 'pedo meetup'

>> No.11272841

Violence and the Sacred, Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World, To Double Business Bound

>> No.11272842

No that's a Thursday in Hollywood

>> No.11272850

Holy fuck freud was a total retard.

>> No.11272982

>itz da joos, dude!
Germans ought to consider themselves lucky that the world didn’t do to them what they did to the Jews. Truman nuked the wrong country.

>> No.11272991

As Andreotti once said, I love Germany so much that I would rather have two of them

>> No.11273020

I really enjoy this post for some reason.

>> No.11273034

The Germans are the only reason Europe exists in the first place. Without Germany we'd all be still in the middle ages under the dumb fist of Allah

>> No.11273207

Are you referring to the Battle of Vienna? Lmao if you seriously think Austrians consider themselves as Germans. Go to Vienna and tell that to a native’s face, I’ll make sure to put some flowers on your grave. And even if, the Battle was won by the Polish Hussars. Germany is responsible for
>bringing the end of the Roman Empire
>eroding the influence of the Church
>plunging the whole continent of Europe into decades of bloody religious wars
>ruining Europe at the begging of the 20th century
>ruining Europe TWICE merely 20 years after the first time
>committing the most atrocious genocide in all of human history
I actually think Germany’s hate for the Jews was nothing but projection. From where I stand, they’re the biggest roaches and leaches to have ever plagued this earth.
Also, I’m pretty sure the reason Europe exists is because of plate tectonics and not ‘cause a bunch of primitive forest shitters decided to rape and pillage more sophisticated peoples.

>> No.11273217

You should submit this thoughtful response to a journal anon.

>> No.11273223

>Are you referring to the Battle of Vienna?

No the Battle of Potiers obviously

>> No.11273236

>Without Germany we'd all be still in the middle ages
That’s an incredibly retarded statement; neither the industrial revolution, nor the colonization of the New World, nor the Renaissance were started by Germans. So, exactly did Germany propel Europe from the Middle Ages into modernity?
Bet you’re a butthurt German autist yourself

>> No.11273245

*how exactly

>> No.11273248

They invented the fucking printing press nigger

>> No.11273261

you can use the arg against jewish scientific achievement against Germans, the French, Anglos, Italians, Spaniards, Greeks and Slavs would have created everything the Germans did without them.

>> No.11273269

>implying the English are German
I wanted to refer to the Germanic people, I would have done so. I was specifically referring to Germany, which is the reason why I used the word “Germany” instead of “Germanics” in the first place.

>> No.11273271

The specific reference I made had nothing to do with technology. It was the fact that the same thing would have happened to France as Spain and consequently all of Europe if it wasn't for Germany

>> No.11273278

Not that Battle of Poitier you mongoloid

>> No.11273281

>printing press of superior importance than the Industrial Revolution, colonization and and 18th century enlightenment
wew lad

>> No.11273293

It unironically was. An advance in the capacity to exchange information is the engine of all technological revolution. Everything else is merely consequential of that advance

>> No.11273296

Why is psychology such a fucking joke?
>"I bet you want to fuck your parents and eat your own shit, right?"
>"Hahaha oh wow, that's exactly what someone who wants to fuck their parents and eat their own shit would say, just look at these nebulous and fabricated reports that I wrote about it proving myself right!"
>"Btw don't forget to take these experimental mind-altering drugs that I'm being commissioned to peddle"

>> No.11273297

Franks are Germans the same way the Portuguese are Spanish, you brain-dead fuck
Sure, they had the same ancestors at some point, but so does literally all of humanity

>> No.11273306

>Franks are Germans the same way the Portuguese are Spanish

lel ok? Same shit to me in both cases Manuel

>> No.11273309

"I think people who actually have a coherent set of morals and constructive values are somehow below me, and I'm also going to pretend that religion is just about getting to have faith in God and not actually abiding by his rules."

>> No.11273310

If that’s how you wanna argue than the guy who invented writing in the first place is infinitely more important than all those supposed German achievements combined
Hint: It wasn’t a German

>> No.11273314

Dont you mean isn't an indictment of the clergy?

>> No.11273315

Yeah notice I said we'd be in the middle ages without Germany (fact) not the stoneage

>> No.11273318

>this level of pedestrian reductionism
what is it about religion, any religion, that makes the fedora-tippers out themselves as being the most basic-minded, puerile people who are completely incapable of entertaining coherent thoughts about the Transcendent?

>> No.11273327

Why do people hate Freud? Is it because he's the "he, i bet you want to fuck spiders" type of guy?

>> No.11273335
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>the sheer amount of butthurt christards itt

>> No.11273339

>”he disagrees with me, so it must mean he’s a Med”
Nope, American. And unlike you, our arrogance is warranted. World’s sole superpower, Hans. We kicked your asses twice before and we sure as fuck can do it again. We could literally reduce your whole country to ashes and the rest of Europe would be perpetually sucking our dick as gratitude. You don’t even have nukes lmao. Learn your place, you inferior krautnigger.

>> No.11273343

No that’s wrong
again, the other european subraces would have invented it, there were other inventors working on the exact same idea ll inventions percolate in the subconscious of racial group over a period
those aren’t the same thing, you just mixed psychoanalysis with psychiatry and many psychoanalysts don’t say what freud said and what freud said wasn’t meant to implicate all people all the time
then you’re stupid
we wouldn’t at all
he is basically right every cath fag ive met has a missing or effeminate father they substitute with God, the ones who have strong relationship with manly father don’t care at all about their faith, its just an adornment

also people do this with Jews constantly, watching the right squirm when their own tactics are turned on them is entertaining

>> No.11273349

I'm not German my man. I assumed you were a med because who else gives a shit about the difference between different brands of Hispanics

>> No.11273356
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>> No.11273362

>tfw there would be no Middle Ages to begin with if people didn’t advance from
Does it hurt being this retarded? Your logic’s as flawed as that sandnigger loving government of yours. Go to bed, Hans and let it go. I say this for your sake.

>> No.11273370

*if people didn’t advance from the Stone Age

And no, just because I made a typo doesn’t mean your right

>> No.11273378

>is proud he invented the printing press
>still uses Roman alphabet
Geh dich erhängen, du Opfer.

>> No.11273384

Not German, just been poiting out facts against the defence brigade of resentful brown manlets.
Germans take flak because they were the only nation on Earth which took on the burden of authentically facing modernity. However monstrous of a task that was.
I agree it is very regretable what we've reduced Germany to consequently since then

>> No.11273395


>introduction by Peter Gay


>> No.11273403

>they were the only nation on Earth which took on the burden of authentically facing modernity
>the only
Wrong. And even if, they failed in that endevour. I don’t get why I should be praising them. Where I come from, winners get to be praised, not pathetic losers.

>> No.11273409

We're all the losers my man

>> No.11273432

Some more than others

>> No.11273435
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>> No.11273442

the Christian God isn’t real, Germans have a massive superiority complex dwarfed by the Anglos and French contributions to science despite being much smaller nations/populations, the poster in this thread is a pseud, that meme is plebbit/nu/pol/ faggotry fuck off >>11273435
this meme is also extremely nu/pol/ and plebbit

>> No.11273459
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>the Christian God isn’t real
>the Christian God

>> No.11273487

Germans are the niggers of the white race. Paint them black and literally can’t tell the difference. Even their languages are identically disgusting.

>> No.11273932

op here i was laughing at his ability to destroy christfags without even trying. lmao at all the buttblasted christcucks ITT citing augustine and aquinas HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH
*inhales deeper*


>> No.11275027

Strangely based for a retard

>> No.11275084
File: 59 KB, 906x818, 10d1c6f256e09240276ea8c9930f5ec3d3bb1d49c7a8ae700f196138cf2b8120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anglos > Everyone else

>> No.11275090
File: 68 KB, 600x723, 782d370752a088f4a34cc5271c362505db0c9f5dff81b6aee0c960add274f6af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the faggot frothing at the mouth in every thread about how much he hates Jerrys and /pol/ by the way, I just wanted to rile people up.

>> No.11275164

His declaration that God is a father figure for men that act like children is completely non sequitur and nothing but connotation hijacking.

>> No.11275182

I dunno. Everyone seems pretty civil right now. You're pretty much the only one making passive aggressive posts to yourself.

>> No.11275190

What's funny is how this meme actually came from fucking ifunny

>> No.11275196

Starting threads like this really should be a bannable offense.

>> No.11275231

>Religion uses the term 'Father' to designate the supreme Act that is Deity and how All is a result of its Active Creation
>Penis-obsessed jew thinks the anagogic designation of 'father' ought to be taken as a literal insinuation of a father-figure and ties to his huckstering theories about how everyone wants to slice the dick off their dads so they can fuck their mothers
So tiresome. Also, that excerpt is indistinguishable from what 16 year old fedora-lords post on /r/atheism every day. This says a lot about our society.

>> No.11275249

The rabbi can't unsuck your cigarette. Christians have (and are) better fathers, learn to deal with it.

>> No.11275343

u mad brah

>> No.11275363

Not especially so

>> No.11275376


jews are completely hypnotized by language and mechanism

>> No.11275392

reminder that whining "so tiresome :*(((" is not at all a refutation. you're both butthurt it's evident in your posts. just take this L like drake. its bout ot be a surgical summa theological volume 1 summer for u faggots snip snip snip

>> No.11275400

he's jewish

>> No.11275412

doubly embarrassing for u

>> No.11275421


nah my faith isnt threatened by a jew

>> No.11275458

only people obsessed with phallic shaped keys have ocd that causes them to redditspace

>> No.11275670

sez u rabbi

>> No.11275702

Quite obviously a spiteful mark aimed at Jung. Interesting nonetheless

>> No.11275709

The enter key isn't phallic,



>> No.11275712

The virgin athiest, cocaine psychosis Freud
The chad religious, self induced schizophrenic state Jung

>> No.11275734

more like

the virgins Jung & Freud

the chad Lacan

>> No.11275759

nope. In that case it's the jailhouse twink Lacan the virgin Freud the chad Jung the sexual apex predator Bergson

>> No.11275778

the jailhouse twink Freud the virgin Jung the chad Lacan the sexual apex predator Zizek the primordial father Schelling

>> No.11276229

Zisek was good humor but you overstepped the line of good taste with the others.

>> No.11276236

>later, it is found that the belief in God is the natural state of the human mind, at least up to the age of 10

>> No.11277046
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>Peter GAY

>> No.11278418
File: 381 KB, 1380x511, Cheek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>turn the other cheek

>> No.11278435

where are these kinds of quality posts anymore?

>> No.11278438

One doesn’t need proof of his juvenility if one has had mystical experiences.

>> No.11278450

>where are these kinds of quality posts anymore?
Not on most easily accessible imageboards I guess.
Too much plebbit here and on cripple.

>> No.11278473

>Bishop Robert Barron

The dude can regurgitate ideas he's read well, and that's it. His most unique contribution to the world was somehow turning Catholic dogma into a Youtube moneymaking scheme.

>> No.11278498


so different from early freud, he became such an utter faggot. i wonder if it's his worst book

>> No.11279584

I have great respect for Freud but here he speaks like an enlightened fedora that has the most surface level understanding of religion.

>> No.11280469

you should make a thread about how mad you are on /r/jordanbpeterson

>> No.11281947
File: 94 KB, 800x533, resurrection-jesus-christ-istanbul-turkey-may-fresco-pulling-adam-eve-their-coffins-hell-parekklesion-chora-church-47610060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to know a lot about this guy. Are you a petersonite? Is he a believer? I ask you because it's obvious you have a real interest in slurping his dick but the dissonance makes you project.
t. amateur analyst

>> No.11282032

Psychologists can't prescribe drugs, only psychiatrists can, and these two are miles apart.

>> No.11282150

no, becuse his a hack whose theories are as scientific as astrology.

>> No.11282301

t. CBT hack resorting to scientism

>> No.11282810

because deep down they know he's right so they try to demean his work by condensing it into stale jokes about sex

>> No.11282832

>makes a thread against religion
>makes a thread against communism
go back to Plebbit OP

>> No.11283762

jung > (((freud)))

>> No.11283772

wrong, it’s actually because of their repressed sexual desire to fuck him

>> No.11283791


nope. shit-tier freud is all that's posted. when he becames a 'business' and a 'social commentator', he shat out dreck. op quote is trash, so yes, it's worse than jung's better output.