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File: 6 KB, 249x216, spurdo takbir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11259177 No.11259177 [Reply] [Original]

Once Nasreddin was invited to deliver a sermon. When he got on the pulpit, he asked, Do you know what I am going to say? The audience replied "no", so he announced, I have no desire to speak to people who don't even know what I will be talking about! and left.
The people felt embarrassed and called him back again the next day. This time, when he asked the same question, the people replied yes. So Nasreddin said, Well, since you already know what I am going to say, I won't waste any more of your time! and left.
Now the people were really perplexed. They decided to try one more time and once again invited the Mulla to speak the following week. Once again he asked the same question – Do you know what I am going to say? Now the people were prepared and so half of them answered "yes" while the other half replied "no". So Nasreddin said Let the half who know what I am going to say, tell it to the half who don't, and left.

>> No.11259246

Absolutely based

>> No.11259249

i don't geddit :DDD egsplain? :D

>> No.11259256

>Mulla had lost his ring in the living room. He searched for it for a while, but since he could not find it, he went out into the yard and began to look there. His wife, who saw what he was doing, asked: “Mulla, you lost your ring in the room, why are you looking for it in the yard?” Mulla stroked his beard and said: “The room is too dark and I can’t see very well. I came out to the courtyard to look for my ring because there is much more light out here.
Uh, I think I've heard a variant of this joke before, but didn't know it's origin.

>> No.11259260

Why the fuck are Muslim jokes so strange? Are these even jokes? I've seen this shit before, some guy does some thing that's just actually retarded and it gets written down and passed through hundreds of years as wisdom?

>> No.11259262

My favourite is the one where a guy complains about his house being too cramped for him and his family so Nasreddin tells him to put all his goats and chickens inside.

>> No.11259292
File: 156 KB, 523x768, 523px-Yusef_Zuleykha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until you see persian miniatures. This is actually a room with all its four walls and inner decorations represented, the upper section being the farthest end of the room.

>> No.11259384

We tell a similar joke in Germany, except the guy is looking for a clock and his reason is because his clock is "running" (sort of works in English as well, I guess).

>> No.11259405

They’re Turkish Parables.

>> No.11259412

"Nasrudin, your donkey has been lost."
"Thank goodness I was not on the donkey at the time, or I would be lost too."

>> No.11259426

The Hodja was boasting about the power of his faith.

"If your faith is so strong, then pray for that mountain to come to you," said a skeptic, pointing to a mountain in the distance.

The Hodja prayed fervently, but the mountain did not move. He prayed more, but the mountain remained unmoved.

Finally the Hodja got up from his knees and began walking toward the mountain. "I am a humble man," he said, "and the faith of Islam is a practical one. If the mountain will not come to the Hodja, then the Hodja will go to the mountain."

>> No.11259434


>> No.11259584

More like Nasreddit

>> No.11260149

Then another priest coming forward said,
‘If you can answer my question the whole of us will
adopt your religion. ' ‘Speak, ' said the Cogia, ‘let us hear
it. ' ‘Tell me, O Cogia, ' said the priest, ‘how many hairs
there are in this beard of mine. ' ‘Just as many, ' said the
Cogia, ‘as there are hairs in my ass’s tail. ' ‘How do you
know? ' said the priest. ‘Soul of mine, ' said the Cogia, ‘if
you don’t believe, come and count. ' The priest would not
consent. ‘If you will not consent, ' said the Cogia, ‘come,
let us pluck hair for hair from your beard and from the
ass’s tail and see if they don’t tally. ' The priest, seeing
that he had the worst of the argument, turned to the way
of truth, and forthwith said to his companions, ‘I embrace
the faith of Islam, ' and acknowledged the unity of God.
The two others also with heart and soul embraced the
true faith, and the whole three became servants and
disciples of the Cogia.

not worse than greeks desu

>> No.11260405
File: 77 KB, 180x235, 1506627318510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you pride yourself in being a man of ironclad reason and logic but you're also retarded

>> No.11260828

A wife of the possessed came to a qadi to complain about her husband.
“He hits me and makes me starve!”
When qadi started to reprimand the possessed for that, he replied,
“Concerning the hitting, she is right. But concerning that I make her starve, she is lying.”
Then he threw himself at qadi's feet, and started to beg him to come to his house, see everything with his own eyes, and make a fair decision.
Hearing that, qadi thought that it was likely that the man had a lot of bread and meat at home, and wanted to show it. Qadi stood up and left with him.
When they arrived at the entrance to his place, the possessed pointed at the giant heap of excretions, and said,
“O qadi, watch and make a fair judgement in Allah's name! Could the demonstrated came out from the hungry stomach?”
After that, qadi became mad, and started to scold himself for yielding to persuasion and going along with the possessed.

>> No.11260871


>> No.11260956

The claim is Sufis put esoteric meaning in them. They're studied by Sufi students in various orders.

>> No.11261086

have you ever read the Enuma Elish? considered to be the oldest recorded story, it's full of weird shit like gods making rivers out of semen and the hero going on a quest with his friend who was brought up by animals. it comes from a time when people were only just beginning to think in terms of narratives.

a lot of islamic fables that eventually got warped into the Quran are like that. passed down through oral history from a time when it was possible to look over a hill and see people who didn't know how to speak. weird pre-literate shit.

17.49: And they say: What! when we shall have become bones and decayed particles, shall we then certainly be raised up, being a new creation?

17.50: Say: Become stones or iron,

17.51: Or some other creature of those which are too hard (to receive life) in your minds! But they will say: Who will return us? Say: Who created you at first. Still they will shake their heads at you and say: When will it be? Say: Maybe it has drawn nigh.

>> No.11261094
File: 384 KB, 1191x842, ECB_NY_89t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on, dude, perspective is really hard.

>> No.11261104

fucking Sufis. i hate people who think they represent the trickster archetype, and i love it when people prank them.

>> No.11261149

i would've just had the scepitc flogged in the square desu what a cunt

>> No.11261172

> people who didn't know how to speak

>> No.11261182

We usually tell it:
>Is your refrigerator running?
>Better go catch it!

>> No.11261196

I love Mullah Nasreddin stories.

>Nasreddin's neighbour knocked at his door to ask to borrow his donkey for carrying produce
>Nasreddin said "I am sorry my friend, I have already lent my donkey to someone for their own use"
>Just then a donkey cried "hee-haw" from Nasreddin's field
>The neighbour said "Nasreddin, you just said that you lent your donkey to someone else, yet I hear him crying in your field!"
>Nasreddin replied "Who's word are you going to trust, mine or the donkey's?"

>> No.11261241
File: 67 KB, 540x534, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Topkek, who woulda thunk terrorists could be so funny.

>> No.11261694

Are these like a Muslim version of a koan?

>> No.11261940

That's a strangely good picture. I never quite thought I could have aesthetic appreciation for pixel art.

>> No.11261976

more like autism

>> No.11262006

this is my favorite nasrudin
my dad loves telling the one where he brings all the sheep in the house and then takes them iut and wow! what a big house

>> No.11262011

One day Nastradin was riding his donkey and on the road he met a rich man riding a horse.
The rich man laughed at him and asked him what's like riding a donkey, so Nastradin told him "It's better for a man to ride a donkey than a donkey to ride a horse".

>> No.11262105

Are you kidding? That picture makes my eyes bleed

>> No.11262369


>> No.11262694

Why is he always with a donkey?

>> No.11263041

Dat sufi wizdom, yo!

>> No.11263047

The reader manifests that way.

>> No.11263108

This is a pretty quality thread. Thanks brudduhs.