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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 604 KB, 1500x790, the distant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11241420 No.11241420 [Reply] [Original]

/poltard here.

I'm working on a Sci Fi epic, something that I would only be able to print if i was already an established writer.

It's called "The Distant"

It's about Raoul Denton, captian of the biggest ship in the earthling amarda called "The Distant"

Earth beat an alien invasion and took all the technology from the invading race and built an armada that took over the galaxy. There were a bunch of uninhabited planets that all the different cultures of earth spread too, so there is peace, because all of the earthlings are on their own planets

India planet
Muslim planet
All women planet
Non-binary gay/transgender planet
Nazi planet

(Ironically with all the Muslims going to their own planet the Jews stayed on earth and control basically the whole middle east, like all the way up to china)

now all the other races in the galaxy, who are just one step behind earth in technology all band together to overthrow earths rule on the galaxy. They are called, "The Many"

The first part of the book is Raoul checking in on all of the human planets to make sure everything is still okay, (while dealing with the occasional invasion of the Many, who are secretly being led by the race that tried to take over earth in the first place)

Eventually The Many take over earth, and Raoul rallies the entirety of the human race, the nazis, the muslims, the jews, EVERYONE to all band together and take back Earth, because that's our homeland.

I want this book to be the ultimate redpill on how different the societies of earth are, BUT end it with all the different cultures of earth coming together to fight for humanity as a whole.

I want this to be THE most offensive book ever written (In act 1 at lease)

(And the ending ending i've been tooling with is Raoul goes back in time and publishes the log of his adventures as a book, eventually becomes president, and saves earth from the first invasion that started everything)

I'm looking for a star trek TOS feeling, he goes to all these planets and explores different cultures, but with a wildly offensive bend on it

The book will be 1st person with Raoul telling you about what he does

He has an alien consort he bought at a slave auction

On all woman planet, The distant is there to deliver sperm from earth to them (they abort all male fetuses), Raoul mentions he donated to the bank when he was 17 (he's 35 now) and he meets a girl who is 17 and fucks her, and i wont come out and say it...but it's his daughter and she gets pregnant

On muslim planet, the age of consent is 9 (because mohammed married a 9 year old), theres a law, called Dentons Law, that says that starship captains can do anything, so long as it obeys the law on the planet they're on, so he fucks a 13 year old

On Non Binary gay planet he gets approached by a beautiful "woman" and says "keep walking" telling the reader "I'll fuck anything in the galaxy except a man"

I want your most offensive ideas for what to put in this...

>> No.11241433

fucking based.

>> No.11241485

I came here to cringe but I unironically like this...

>> No.11241535

Here's some of my writing, it's not good, I know, but...


>> No.11241545

sorry dimestoremagazine.blogspot.com

>> No.11241550

I hope you take this constructively: you don't sound like you know enough about all these different cultures to make a meaningful statement about them.
Have you ever lived for a considerable amount of time outside of your home country? have you been immersed in a culture completely alien to your own? As someone who has, I'm absolutely certain that you have to have this experience to appreciate and respect other cultures.
without those insights it's just going to end up as your hamfisted message wrapped in star wars.

>> No.11241586

Yeah, you're one person. Take your schizophrenic ramblings somewhere else.

>> No.11241720
File: 121 KB, 350x490, 50099CB1-4291-406B-8626-433732888D9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If u make the Jews into Jew aliens and the Muslims into Muslim aliens or whatever u basically just have normal science fiction pic related

>> No.11241737

Sounds alright if done right, but take this guy's advice seriously. Take your time with it and make sure it is done right. Maybe set up some interviews with people you know lived in these areas if you cannot go there yourself, and have them ready segments of your book to confirm, or help you write it?

>> No.11242964

>no one could possibly like an idea I don't
Yeah, he's the schizo.

>> No.11242977

>/poltard/ here.
Stopped reading there. /lit/ is a leftist board. Fuck off degenerate backwards Peterson nazi scum. FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF

>> No.11242991

No one want's your incel/alt shite manifesto. Fuck off.

>> No.11243071

Not a single thing here is offensive, nigga. Especially not now with the overton window moved so far to the right, a racist rapist can become president in the first world. Most science finction and high fantasy already went there, only a bit more subtle. It reads as a parody and the idea that it was sincere makes it comical.

With some self-publishing magic, you could even get it published and perhaps printed. You're probably more informed about typical alt-right/alt-right sympathising yt/twitter channels, get known there, establish your idea as some "positive ethnostate utopia" and try to get the 2-3 right wingers who can read something longer than a blogpost interested.

Now if you want to write something offensive, either move away from mainstream crap and do something like a "9/11 retelling where the jihhaddis are the good guys" or get more personal. People are pretty sensitive when personal freedoms are shit on. An incel-world where people would get "sexuality redistributed" might still raise some eyebrows. I guess good ol holocaust denying could always do the job too. Try a "nazis tried to save the jews from themselves" narrative where all the deaths are the fault of the victims.

>> No.11243212

>if you want to write something offensive, either move away from mainstream crap and do something like a "9/11 retelling where the jihhaddis are the good guys"
Muslim apologism is mainstream as fuck, though.

>> No.11243232

In a "Islam is a religion of peace" - sense or "not all muslims are terrorists" - sense. Maybe "moderate rebels" when it comes to people we support which goes further either way.

The mainstream narrative is still that jihhadis are the bad guys, subverting it and making them the heroes of a story has much more shock value than racial purity stuff that's common in popular works like LOTR or fucking Harry Potter.

>> No.11243233

Not anymore faggot

>> No.11243238

8/10 troll. thanks for putting in the effort to make htis.

>> No.11243241
File: 555 KB, 521x678, 1519269181333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are called, "The Many"
>India planet
>Muslim planet
>All women planet
>Non-binary gay/transgender planet
>Nazi planet
This has to be a falseflag, I refuse to believe it is real

>> No.11244586

It's a redpilled, conserv-o-cucks, dream vision though. Protect white privilege types by isolating all those "different people" on distant planets, so that they can't become problems and we don't even have to look at the, or acknowledge their existence.