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11234034 No.11234034[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anybody happy with their lives? Majority of the boards on this sites are depressing cave holes.

What philosophical ideas helped you with your journey? What activities do you do to keep your mood up?

>> No.11234210

I've been bottling up my emotions for years & I want to die.

>> No.11234234

I am happy with my life. I guess the secret to my happiness is recognizing my own dignity and doing my best to uphold it, but recognizing mistakes for what they are as well. The Grapes of Wrath is closest to my personal philosophy but old blues and folk music is even closer.

>> No.11234245
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Don't worry anon, soon the Ur-Fascist will climb out of Shambhala and reveal himself to command the Hyperboreans to engulf the world in the flames of struggle once more.

>> No.11234251

An here is my current favorite song. Hop freight and love your neighbor everybody!

>> No.11234256

What a fucking crybaby waiting on his white messiah. A jew by any other name, honey.

>> No.11234267



>> No.11234308

>have a loving family, several close friends, get laid fairly regularly, have good degrees from great universities, speak several languages, travel often, have a good job at a household name firm, can afford to live in a nice apartment in a a+++ global city
>still hopelessly depressed
should i just suck it up and submit to the medication meme?

>> No.11234311
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>muh jews
>muh white race
baby want bottle?

>> No.11234314

Thanks for sharing anon

>> No.11234317

Check out science of happiness on google scholar. pretty interest articles down there.

>> No.11234322
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>i don't have to mean anything because i evade every argument with hypocrisy and lies

>> No.11234324

thanks man

>> No.11234337

I try to live life like a hobbit. I'm not trying solve the big questions or achieve any great feats. I am content with the simple life and enjoy reading, cooking/ eating and working with my hands

>> No.11234338

Are you happy?

Yes I am.

What ideas have helped you?

Nothing in much in particular. Likely a mish mash of those I've absorbed through life.

I'm currently in the aesthetic stage of my life, and I'm yet to be spanked into any seriously ethical stage. I can't understand at this stage how I could be depressed or whatever, but what comes will come.

What activities do you do?

Nothing much in particular. But don't view me as some Taoist scum.

>> No.11234340

>expecting anything but nonsense in response to nonsense
googoo gaga coochy coochy coo?

>> No.11234342

What did you enjoy about The Grapes of Wrath that was so profound to you?

>> No.11234386

It is hard to put a finger on it. It is an honest book with lots of common sense and "gut reactions". How can one summarize a few hundred pages in a sentence or two? You have to read it. My grandparents lived through the depression. I hear the music in the way Steinbeck made the people talk, and i mean i hear the Celtic, British, German whatever music. The people in that book are strong and dignified even when they are at their lowest. I can see how that book scared a lot of rich bastards. And now what, we have a fat Slovenian who never worked an honest day in his life speaking for us? No wonder the working class is forgotten these days. Anyway read it. It is the American epic of the 20th century like Moby Dick was for the 19th.

>> No.11234390

>muh ressentiment


>> No.11234428

Fuck you faggot. I love who I am. No resentments to speak of.

>> No.11234438

Yeah till Mr rich man comes and fucks your girl

>> No.11234464

23 year old male currently living with my grandparents after finishing a liberal arts Master's degree. Life could be better, but I'm very happy with it overall. I have the perfect amount of internal/external struggle in my life balanced with an acceptable degree of competency in the things I do in life (socializing, writing copy for employment, writing fiction for funny, long distance cycling, powerlifting).

Marcus Aurelius, Neitzsche, Herman Melville, unironically JBP all come to mind immediately as positive influences on my life's direction and sense of wellbeing/self-perception

>> No.11234467

You talk like a cartoon character.

>> No.11234470

thank you for the substantial and insightful reply

>> No.11234481

>I have the perfect amount of internal/external struggle in my life balanced with an acceptable degree of competency in the things I do in life

Very good way of putting it. Balance is everything.

>> No.11234487

The happy man don't need no help nigga

>> No.11234488

A wise philosopher once said that happiness is like cake. Have too much of it and you will be sick.

>> No.11234496

A very self sabotaging belief. The happy man welcomes the help he needs.

>> No.11234502

I'm just playing. The secret to my happiness is having a balanced schizoid personality

>> No.11234523

Schizos are some of the finer people i have known

>> No.11234537

Me I'm not really schizoid

>> No.11234545

What was it Junior Soprano said?

Me I never had kids

>> No.11236039


Ive been happy with my life for awhile now, mainly because my family leans on me and I lean on them. Its a deep acceptance of each other you realize society will never give you and you don’t need from them.

Hate to sound gay but The Power of Now changed my life sorry.

>> No.11236046
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Yes. But it's taken years of difficulty, depression, anxiety, etc. And there is still anxiety and depression from time to time.

Ultimately I think it took real sincerity with myself to come out of it (which took years of work in therapy).

>> No.11236050

Yeah things have been really good lately. I’m progressing through a career I love, I spend most of my time reading/hiking/at the gym/or out with friends. Kierkegaard was a really big influence, I’m not particularly religious, but his message that you have to ruthlessly strike out at life and create for yourself what it means to be was something that pretty profoundly affected me.

>> No.11236073

This is the best American folk music has to offer? Holy shit, no wonder you're all anti-intellectual philistines who can't wait to jump into the arms of Marvel.

>> No.11236190

> be neurotic
> realised thought exists because confusion
>iq too low to resolve confusion
>few years of philosophy cures confusion
>now no thought just act
>in between act, being

>> No.11236198

I wouldn't say I'm happy, but I am doing okay lately, which is a big step up from before. A form of depression known as 'melancholic' shattered my world view a few years ago, and only with the aid of Buddhism have I been able to survive. I hesitate to put it in words because it is still very new, but I feel something major in it, and for those of you in a similar spot I would recommend you give it a try. The most valuable advice I have learned so far is to stop hoping for life to be good all the time, and rather than pushing away the unhappiness, you should embrace it and accept your feelings and thoughts as they are. When you make peace with yourself, it is an enormous load off your shoulders.

There's a few quotes that have helped me as well, like "Expectations are the quickest way to ruin an experience" (paraphrased), though I can't remember them all.

>> No.11236203
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I realized I'm totally fucked for life when I started hitting the gym, eating healthy, became somewhat decent-looking yet still continued to be a fucking schizoid NEET leeching off of his parents. Getting a part-time job didn't help either. When you're a paranoid fuck who gets into a negative thought loop and can't calm yourself down you spend too much time hiding in a bathroom and before long, poof! you're gone! You're fired! Sad! I don't know how much of it all can be chalked up to severe laziness and how much of it can be chalked up to any actual mental problems I may possess. But fuck man-- I just don't know what to do with myself.

>> No.11236239

>grad 4.0 from top tier US uni with a degree in something I care about
>stable job that is generally fulfilling
>consistent exercise
>good sleep schedule
>self-confident; grounded

>abused often as a kid
>can't get out of my head
>can't stand my poetry but don't find anything else in life remotely fulfilling

No face for this feel, /lit/. Life is a complex game, I guess.

>> No.11236247


>> No.11236249

see a therapist. It helps if you work it.

>> No.11236250

Sorry OP to actually respond to you question, no philosophers really, but the act of reading philosophy often brings me a kind of comfortable intellectual engagement where I don't have to really exist, just think.

Other poets make me feel more human, so probably that

>> No.11236259

I'm happy for you, but truly people such as yourself just make me feel 1000x more pathetic than I already am. I can't get out of my head either, but I also wasn't abused as a kid.

>> No.11236274

I've been NEET and friendless for years and I can't even remember the last time I was unhappy.

>> No.11236291
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>fell into a depressive stupor after high school
>3 years of abject misery, could barely get out of bed let alone accomplish anything
>thought about killing myself everyday
>friends slowly drift and lose contact which made things even more painful
>concede that I need to start taking medication
>discover /lit/ and start reading voraciously
>do a couple of weeks of manual labour
>get a gym membership to maintain the fitness that I'd built up
>haven't missed a single workout since
>have made significant improvements to my diet
>reading every day, and forming my literary tastes
>slowly but surely getting back on my feet

I'm no success story, but I'm certainly doing better than I was a couple of years ago. I still have a long way to go, but I'm making progress.

>> No.11236293

Do you have a job? If so what is it?

>> No.11236294

4 years with a state appointed shrink as a teen. (A couple different individuals and once group, so I've tested the waters.) He convinced me to keep a journal, but besides that, I don't think therapy is gonna do much for me. Also desu it's not an unlivable life most of the time.

Don't feel pathetic, man. Whatever is fucking with you is literally the hardest/ scariest part of your life, so no shit it's hard to deal with. There's not some kind of suffering competition and only the most worthy have the right to feel bad sometimes.

All cliche, I know. But I'm rooting for you

>> No.11236298

>>11236203 here. Maybe I should just try medication again. For the millionth time. I've been on and off them my entire life but they've never helped aaaaaaaaah.

>> No.11236330

I'm approaching 60 credit hours in phil major by the end of summer so I'm pretty happy to be transferring. Gonna miss the philosophy dept. chair along with a few others, though. I'm feeling content so far though I'm going to have to work my ass off in the near future.

Also I'm depressed, I tried medication once (didn't work) and my psychologist wants me to try this "different" medication but idk whether to trust them anymore.

>> No.11236341

They don't seem to work for everyone unfortunately. Within a single week of taking them my depression had subsided considerably, and my anxiety essentially vanished. They can be miracle pills for some people and completely useless for others. I'm not on them anymore because I couldn't cope with the side effects, but they restored the functionality I needed to start getting my shit together. Maybe see your GP and ask about different medications?

>> No.11236388

I think I could easily be happy if just a few factors in my life changed. (And I'm trying to change them.) I think my depression is definitely situational, not chemical. The problem is my situation hasn't really improved at all in about 2 years. And when I tell anyone that, they say "Oooh well it sounds like you should be on Zoloft."

>> No.11236489

I think it lies at the most mechanical behavior patterns. Like I used to smoke cigarettes and that fit into my habitual day until I took up rock climbing. Cigarettes became way easier to quit.

Another example is trying to stop laughing nervously/awkwardly/randomly in any conversation I have with a stranger. I can only really talk in a stream-of-consciousness way, I'm never very precise about it and sometimes it's rather blunt or off-cue. But if I try to make a conscious effort to not laugh I usually become a mixture of intense rigidity and/or I end up not focusing on what to say. I think anytime I try to change something "bad" alone, say going to bed and waking earlier, with every other condition remaining the same, I end up irritable and anxious due to that conscious effort.

>> No.11236538

Yeah, I think there's something to that. For me though the factors that I think are holding me back are things like the town I live in. It's far away from everything, middle of nowhere. It's not hard to be sad here. My friends in cities don't understand. I want to move but I have little money, and my job pays little more than minimum wage. I need at least several thousand dollars to move somewhere with better jobs. But I've had to pay off some debt first, so it's taking forever. I'm stuck in a rut that I never expected to find myself in. I'm 24 and I thought I'd be traveling the world and starting a cool career right now, not living in my hometown with little more to show for myself than the people from my high school class who are now opioid addicts. People expected me to do great things, and just when I was getting ready to do them, my family started falling apart. Now there's no money and little love and I can't just walk away as easily as I'd like.

>> No.11236553

>All of your mentioned qualities are either superficial and contribute little to actual happiness or are described in a way that doesn't reveal how good they are. Such as 'household firm'. Maybe try evaluating factors you failed to mention (physical health) and then focus on the things that you did mention: are you fulfilled by your job, will it lead to a good future, do I want more than just regular sex in my life?
>But don't listen to me: I browse 4chan.

>> No.11236594

Humility is the key to happiness; recognizing that this reality is far too miraculous to justify any neurotic or egocentric notions. Assuming you have any idea what is going on is, I think, foolish, as such beliefs are only relative to your perceptions in a single particular moment. The only thing I expect is change, and I am thankful for everything which came together to produce this experience I call "I", which (for now) is all I've ever known.

Also have a sense of humor, especially be able to joke about yourself sincerely.

>> No.11236603

Being sad/depressed about some big external nebulous or non-concrete, non-actionable concept like 'the world', 'humanity', 'the environment', 'the future of x', 'the planet', 'society', 'capitalism' etc is really just an arrogant insincere misdirect resulting from being unhappy with oneself while believing this can not be changed so therefor something positive and grand must change in the world, it is a really common childish conceit that masquerades as being 'good', 'sympathetic' or virtuous when really it is just being a self-absorbed overly sentimentally inclined immature underdeveloped weak brain who has yet to reconcile nihilism and sentiment.

>> No.11236604

>attained all these exclusively material possessions
>still unhappy
Hmmm... I wonder why.

>> No.11236611

>Ram Dass
>Be Here Now

>> No.11236624


It was less so about achieving "happiness" and far more about becoming content with little by having the freedom to do what I want instead of forcing yourself to do something every day.

>sacrifice in the name of virtue is the key!

>> No.11236632

I see your point, but I definitely want to protect my environment and other living beings. The deforestation of the Amazon is like a genocide, sentient beings killed by the millions for human gluttons who can't help but reproduce until they kill themselves in competition over ever-more finite materials. This makes me sad, but far from depressed, and I have never participated in any sort of public grandstanding. I keep my opinions to myself (with the exception of this anonymous image board) but I still care about such things.

You ought to appreciate the environment which gifted you with this temporary experience.

>> No.11236651

>>sacrifice in the name of virtue is the key!
Not my point. To claim a virtue is to assume that there is a knowable judgmental force greater than yourself (which you can derive knowledge from), which is false. Within this confusion, one can only assume that they are indeed confused.

Yes, sacrifice exists, but the sacrifices made to sustain your material existence far outweigh the sacrifices one can make as an individual human. For this reason, one ought not be anything but grateful for such an opportunity to exist which is presupposed by the sacrifice of countless other living beings.

>> No.11236654

I appreciate it every day and I don't worry one bit about nature, I don't understand why anyone with any superficial knowledge of geographical time and astronomy can truly believe that we are even capable of destroying the environment without destroying ourselves long before we even get close.

We couldn't destroy nature or the environment if we tried our very best, we can not hope to be effective. At best we could turn the entire surface into chernobyl for a few thousand years which is absolutely nothing of consequence to this great concept.
The ruins of chernobyl are all the assurance one should need that nature will be just fine.
We could kill 90% of life of the surface and still not even come close to destroying anything consequential.

>> No.11236661

26 and have been a neet for 5 years. Literally wasted my entire youth. Is there any reason i shouldn't kill myself? I imagine what keeps most other people going are the memories they have to look back on but i have nothing.

>> No.11236664


Apart from the humor you sound religious.

>> No.11236665

What the fuck did you just say?
Don't even type a single character about American folk music ever again you soulless sack of shit. We have so many greats that I'm not even going to type them out for you. Quit whatever the fuck you're doing and google a /mu/ folk chart or whatever it fucking takes to enculturate yourself.

>> No.11236683

Okay? I don't go to any church or pray to any particular god. Not sure what your point is. The "religious" experience is only the human experience surrounding by a framework of particular religious hierarchy and tradition.

>> No.11236689

>What philosophical ideas helped you with your journey?
None. Athenian Tragedy is what makes you realise life is worth living

>> No.11236705

>We could kill 90% of life of the surface and still not even come close to destroying anything consequential.
Except you are killing life, which is the most consequential, as life is the greatest externalization and fulfillment of the Logos. This is why humans are valued so highly, as we are the best known summoners of Reason and knowledge into this world. Beings like trees and other plants have similar abilities, though limited, I value them nearly just as much. To kill a million trees is to kill a million conscious, sentient beings living and experiencing as I do (obviously with different faculties for sense and interpretation). To not value your environment is to not value your own existence, as your assumed Self which is separate from all of nature does not exist.

>> No.11236711

Inject some Seneca into your life.

>> No.11236719

Studying Zen and Taoism made me realize that my life is perfect.

>> No.11236723


Just school yourself for an IT-job. You'll get good pay and can start being responsible for yourself at least.
There are scores of people who complain all their lives that they wasted their youth because of traumatic event X or girlfriend Y, while they should be making the best of what possibilities they have instead of focusing on what is already lost.

Just look at what options you realistically have right now and choose the best one, that's the best you can do in any case. Then keep reexamining your options regularly to keep your actions up to date with your possibilities.

>> No.11236734
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Nature doesn't hold these fanciful concepts highly in the slightest, nature doesn't give a shit, there is no grand overarching wholeness which makes the attributions you do.
For all we know we evolved the capabilities of reason, knowledge and language because we are too weak to survive without them, other species did not simply because they did not need them to survive.

>a million conciousness
>great externalization of ???

>This is why humans are valued so highly

humans are why humans are 'valued highly'.
even the concept of 'value' is a fanciful inconsequential abstraction, just like sentience, consciousness, etc.

>> No.11236780

>Nature doesn't hold these fanciful concepts highly in the slightest, nature doesn't give a shit, there is no grand overarching wholeness which makes the attributions you do.
Wrong, and your existence is evidence. If there was not an order to this reality which pushed everything forward in entropy, then your existence would have never even been possible. Contrary to your romantic materialistic view of a stagnant reality, the truth is everything is ever-changing, and everything is connected in at least this particular way.

>For all we know we evolved the capabilities of reason, knowledge and language because we are too weak to survive without them, other species did not simply because they did not need them to survive.
Reductionism at its finest (worst). Science and its "evolution" is a neat theory, but is yet to explain the phenomenon of consciousness and experience without assuming an (empirically) unobserved causal link between observable material and intangible, (currently) unfalsifiable experience.

>even the concept of 'value' is a fanciful inconsequential abstraction, just like sentience, consciousness, etc.
Another materialist reduction. You are wrong to assume this reality is anything other than consciousness (mind, spirit, etc.) attempting to understand itself through the mechanism of entropy (self-evident), as any other claim can only be made if we reach beyond our capabilities of Reason into the land of baseless assumptions (which you have found yourself in).

You are somewhat correct though about humans valuing humans because they are humans themselves. This perceived distinction from the rest of nature is where the issue lies though, in misguided anthropocentricism.

>> No.11236801
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I used to be a bit deppressed and really tired/lazy and then i watched Neon Genesis Evangelion and i really started to think about stuff and it basically cured my deppression and tiredness. Though i'm still fairly lazy i'm quite happy with life.

>> No.11236803

Realizing that we're just smart monkeys posturing for social points has taken a lot of the stress out of life. I don't take anything too seriously, and find myself much happier for it. You're here on Earth to do the smart monkey dance, might as well enjoy it.

LSD helps

>> No.11236805

I am happy to be me

>> No.11236810


Behold, the neoliberal condition.

>> No.11236844

>I'm currently in the aesthetic stage of my life
You're in despair, you just don't know about it yet

>> No.11236941
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I am happy.
>All bad situations will come to pass
>Making mistakes only teach me more
>I am not alone in suffering
>Others share in my victories
>I don't have to be the best, just try my best

>> No.11236945

yeah well the jokes on you because my aesthetic ironic detachment keeps me safe from that

>> No.11236971

>All bad situations will come to pass
as will all good ones
>Making mistakes only teach me more
unless those mistakes are fatal or cause irreparable damage to your living in this world
>I am not alone in suffering
you are completely alone. Everything is experienced by you. Nobody else can get inside of your head and understand your unique sufferings.
>Others share in my victories
not always the case
>I don't have to be the best, just try my best
you don't have to be anything and your 'trying' will not matter.

>> No.11236985

>as will all good ones

>unless those mistakes are fatal or cause irreparable damage to your living in this world

>you are completely alone. Everything is experienced by you. Nobody else can get inside of your head and understand your unique sufferings.

>not always the case

>you don't have to be anything and your 'trying' will not matter.

Ha. Gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

>> No.11236987

Doing pretty well. I really didn't do a whole lot of living between my high school and early college years, and I feel like I definitely have some catching up in terms of my education and general progression of life, but I'm working on it. I've got a pretty good routine going and I feel like a much more complete individual now that I've started and kept a good balance between school, my "baseline" recreational activities of reading and running, and finally learning how to draw after years of procrastination and false starts. It's a bit of a meme, but keeping busy really did a lot for me.

I still feel like I have a lot of lost time to make up for, but that fact that so many of my friends are "coasting" post-college has done a lot to make me realize that I'll catch up and probably be doing better than them, even if it's probably not a healthy way to look at things.

>> No.11236992

I'm 36 and I have a decent paying job. No philosophical ideas, besides living within my means. I rent a room in a family home, and my disposable income goes towards my passion of music. I've got a large collection of records, great headphones and attend 20-30 concerts/year. That probably sounds consumerist, but I don't put a price on art. I never got to see Prince or Michael before they died, but I got to see Tom Petty last year.

I only have 20k saved up, because I alternated between neet living off credit card debt and wagecuck until 2012. I'm okay with that because I understand the trade-offs - can't have everything. I have other hobbies and desires, I just don't throw money at them.

Most importantly, I jerk off every morning before work. Whatever daily crisis may arise, my chemical endorphins are stronger. Even when the afterglow is weakest, it should at minimum get me through rush hour traffic.

>> No.11236999
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>> No.11237000
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>36 year old boomer

>> No.11237002

>What philosophical ideas helped you with your journey?
ikigai, it's as basic as you can get but it really works

>> No.11237099

I don't think a person is defined by their musical tastes, but it's probably more true for me than most. Maybe a better example for my generation: I never saw kurt or layne, but I caught scott weiland 3x and chris cornell 5x before they kicked, and weezer when they were still good. Kurt and Layne both died when I was a unemployed teen, so I can't really blame myself there. I chose this example because as an adult, I recognize that I could've made an effort to see MJ and Prince, who both died more recently. Hopefully both Billy Corgan and I will live long enough for smashing pumpkins to be good again (or at least not embarrasing).

>> No.11237108

>he makes light of his gloom
This is permitting defeat to enter your human legacy.

>> No.11237111

Why doesn't radiohead come to my shitty flyover state ;_;

>> No.11237562

>attempting to understand itself

You act like human consciousness is at all remarkable or has some sort of intrinsic universe pertaining purpose.
It doesn't, it's an inconsequential fluke unless you are vested in believing other wise.

Define consciousness and why it deserves special consideration? It is not some grand mystical thing we can't understand, we are versatile vulnerable animals with brains and endurance instead of fangs and claws, that's about it.

You are very keen to dismiss me yet you point to some non concrete nonsense that smells like a newage mysticism tinted popsci perversion vested into the belief that our existence is anything special at all with some sort of grand purpose or design we do not yet understand.

We will be the next dinosaurs and everything will keep spinning.

>> No.11237566

Take a year off, cut everything out of your life, sit in the shower in the dark with bottle of whisky for days, start doing things you actually enjoy doing, drop everything else.

>> No.11237595

victory being what?
What conditions do you consider victory or defeat?

is being at peace defeat?

>> No.11237596

youre missing god dude. love the lord your god with all your heart soul and mind, love your neighbor as yourself.

>> No.11237948

I'm religious and do my best to uphold the values that God ordains. Having something to strive towards that isn't necessarily of this earth helps since you will always have a goal, though you may never reach it until you die.

I read a lot of western literature and the Bible. I stay active playing volleyball and handball. That's about it.

>> No.11237955

Use a Sony mirrorless and you'll be instantly happy :^)

>> No.11238268

Why don't you make a road trip? It's been a musical tradition as long as the grateful dead. Daft Punk hasn't toured in 11 years, I'd go anywhere in US/Canada to see them.

>> No.11238422

Pretty shit. Im at crossroads of life since i feel like i have to choose what do i want to do in life, and i have trouble deciding what would i actually like doing out of my options and what i value or what priorites i actually have in life. This and now ongoing lack of power process makes me feel like im progressing into incurable anhedonia.

>> No.11238478

I've taken up a number of artistic pursuits and I'm studying psychology at uni.
I'm really happy, just with that.
I don't even have any friends, only a waifu and my imagination, it's fucked up but I'm at the most fulfilling time in my life.

The only things that matter are the feeling that you are moving forward, the feeling that you are creating things that are valuable and having something to love.
Also family for human contact.

>> No.11238484

I'm your friend anon :)

>> No.11238511

Got a link? Can only find as an edx course.

>> No.11238520

>not own boss
there's your issue.