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11218412 No.11218412 [Reply] [Original]

What do you drink (alcoholic or not) while reading?

>> No.11218723
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>he drinks while reading
jesus christ that's embarrassing

>> No.11218805

Water, tea, gatorade

>> No.11218812

Water, coffee, juice...whatever I have available

>> No.11218816

this. OP is a faggot.

>> No.11218834

>they shut down the alcoholic threads on /ck/ so now they have to shit post on other boards.

red wine

>> No.11218840

Red fruit tea, vanilla tea, water the list goes on.

>> No.11218841

we're not talking about alcohol, pleb. any liquids while reading is embarrassing! how fucking gay do u have to be!

>> No.11218850

shut the fuck up you disgusting weeb

>> No.11218960

Ice Coffee

>> No.11218964


>> No.11218990

Onions milk.

>> No.11218997

Iced coffee is pretty solid but cold brewed coffee is nothing short of incredible. Try it asap anon it'll change your fucking life

>> No.11219057

I drink heavily when not reading
I don't drink when reading

>> No.11219069

Will do tomorrow

>> No.11219074

>get stoned at
>put on trippy instrumental music
>read awesome poetry

Get on my level

>> No.11219078


>> No.11219084

Water always. 20 oz london fog too when I’m at my favorite café.

>> No.11219208

i like wine

lately i've been on some dry shit like pinot grigios and malbecs

>> No.11219220

this is the most try hard picture I have seen in a while...cringe.

>> No.11219255

Nice taste in beer OP
I just got a case of "born again yesterday" by them its some new brew
It was delicious

>> No.11219260

Poor fellow
Cant even drink and read at the same time

>> No.11219265

liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit bruh. wavey as fuck innit. catchin dem vibes. boom, mandem knoz wussup.

>> No.11219288


>> No.11219297

Not that anon but seriously though drink it black
It’s great.

>> No.11219298

tea or coffee

>> No.11219352
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>Showing off your beer as you finish up the 8th grade required reading list.

>> No.11219356

Its a trap

>> No.11219362


>> No.11219412

I like to get fucked up on water

>> No.11219442
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Fuck you Americans for making that cuckold, white guilt book required reading for high school kids even in Australia. America is a Jewish nation.

... It all makes sense now. The high estrogen content, the interracial cuckold novel... well played OP.

>> No.11219450
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>> No.11219461

>drinking the liquid jew makes me a viking

The absolute state of LARPaganz

>> No.11219483

Water or coffee.

I do love different alcoholic but I rarely if ever drink during the times I reading.

>> No.11219484
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>> No.11219501

>required reading for high school kids even in Australia.
That's hilarious if true. As an American I had to read it in school, obviously. Awful book.

>> No.11219506

i read tao lin on cannabis

>> No.11219526

What is that? looks interesting

>> No.11219620


>> No.11219884

>I only fuck underaged girls when they're blacked out on xanax

t. Tao Lin

>> No.11220085

water if I get thirsty

>> No.11220092

Fuck no. I become a massive manwhore with alchol. I was so whorey yesterday that I sucked a guy off as soon as I didn't get pussy

>> No.11220132

you nailed it. how do I get on this snarky yet accurate level of observational commentary?

>> No.11220155

organic herbal tea with 15mg of amphetamine in it

>> No.11220345

Great beer, are you dutch?

>> No.11220371

crazy wolf energy drink :D

>> No.11220427

i also drink while not reading

>> No.11220435

The beer is from Belgium. I am from Denmark. Neither are Dutch.

>> No.11220768


Lagunitas is a shit IPA. Buy Hoptimista.

>> No.11220775
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Swerve peasant

>> No.11220777


What is actually wrong with this?

1 beer = 1 soda essentially, it's just a treat.

> Gatorade
The fuck

>> No.11220784


That's really fucking tryhard my dude.

Just pour the whiskey in a glass for your fucking picture, nobody needs to know about your eccentric overpriced Japanese whiskey.

>> No.11220786
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step up

>> No.11220789

It is like $5 more than meme bourbons and less than bad scotch.

>> No.11220799


>less bad than scotch

Are you new to drinking? What kind of terminology is that? Scotch whiskey is excellent.

>> No.11220802

Less expensive than bad scotch. Good scotch is great but out of my price range usually.

>> No.11220839

I’m a trap

>> No.11220980


>> No.11220997

Ugh gross how do you guys drink and read I drink and and cry whilst puking ugh

>> No.11221031

Fuck you, it's a good book.

>> No.11221039

Wanna hang out some time and touch penises?

>> No.11221042

I drink while I'm eating (breakfast, lunch, dinner) like a normal person

>> No.11221044

>To Kill a Mockingbird
The s o yest of boys.

>> No.11221046

Im not a whiskey person but I've heard there are some quite good japanese whiskeys

>> No.11221058

Japan unironically makes some world class whisky. Yoishi 15 and Yamazaki 18 in particular are amazing.

But that doesn't mean that there isn't cheap blended crap taking advantage of a good reputation.

>> No.11221198

I go to my local Nero, get nice simple Americano, watch all the metropolitan folk and students pass by, realise I am one, embrace it.

>> No.11221564

Oh there are, I just felt the dude was being try hard for /lit/

>> No.11221603

Is this the beta male version of the thots posting pictures of their avocado toast on instagram?

>> No.11221670
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>> No.11221685
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>this whole thread

>> No.11221699

Do you really drink beer and read? It kills my imagination and my concentration.

>> No.11221703

Bell's Two Hearted
Bell's Hopslam
Dogfish's 90 Minute
Elysian Space Dust

>> No.11221714

never say more words than you need to

>> No.11221774

I really do. Sometime wine or scotch even.

>> No.11221836

Just a reminder that if you drink anything else but water and tea, you're a decadence faggot with no impulse control and need counseling.

>> No.11222686

lwe read it in Canada too, followed immediately by the fucking Handmaids Tale lol

>> No.11222784

I can't drink while reading or playing vidya, only watch movies

>> No.11222791

>having impulse control

lmao pussy

>> No.11222806

>readin Nietzche while drinking alcohol


>> No.11222855

Look at this appolonian faggot.

>> No.11223363


Recommend some books (5), mature skinny winnie

>> No.11223393

Drinking is more of a popcorn movie thing

>> No.11223508

Holy shit B A S E D as fuck my dude, exceptionally good post

>> No.11223839

I'm a coke guy myself

>> No.11224226
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>drinking IPAs

>> No.11224235

>It kills my imagination and my concentration.
Have you tried not getting wasted?

>> No.11224522


>> No.11224527

Required reading in Ireland also

>> No.11224710

Earl Grey

All other answers are heretical

>> No.11224890

white rum > IPA

>> No.11224976

Rooibos tea because I didn't fall for the Jewish caffeine meme

>> No.11224992
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my own piss

>> No.11224996

English breakfast tea, Irish breakfast tea, cortado

>> No.11225105

What's wrong with gatorade?

>> No.11225143

I drink coke, mountain dew, coffee, or green tea while reading, but I typically finish my drink in a couple of pages.

>> No.11225203


>> No.11225279



>> No.11225299
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depends on if im a fucking loser or not lol

>> No.11225904

the absolute state

>> No.11226057

Coffee (taken with cream and sugar) alongside iced water.

>> No.11226553

Why would you drink single malt from anything but a Glencairn?

>> No.11226594

It's just weird, like how could that fake sugar shit be refreshing for reading? I only drink it if I've exerted myself in a sport

how slow do you read?

>> No.11226615

I have Glencairn glasses but every once in a while I like to use my Cibi glass. It's a tactile thing.

I always use my Glencairn when I taste a whisky for the first time but after that, it's what I am feeling in the mood for.

>> No.11227413

>how slow do you read?
pretty slow desu

>> No.11227506
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>DUDE this IPA is so hoppy
>DUDE racism is like, bad

>> No.11227538

Yerba mate tea or just water

>> No.11227565

>unironically being mad about a beverage

>> No.11227751

Green tea, Rooi bos, orange juice and Apple juice occasionally
Mostly just green tea though.

I try not to drink alcohol and read. I feel like I don't really appreciate or properly absorb what I'm reading.

>> No.11227770
File: 96 KB, 1024x1022, depositphotos_2431249-stock-photo-water-drops-on-banana-leaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raw water

>> No.11227786

water, intoxicants are haram

>> No.11228053

This image is Reddit summarized in a photo.

>Lagunitas IPA
>high-school level reading about how racism is bad
>the faggy Barnes and noble copy
>a title that anyone will be able to recognize
>taking a photo of these things together to show off
Jesus Christ this is peak Reddit.

>> No.11228063

Is that really your rocks glasses? Jesus that's disgusting. Get some taste.

>> No.11228075

No rocks, the glass geometry makes the reflections look like it.

>> No.11228191

This comment perfectly illustrates my point.

That type of glass is called a "rocks glass". The short ones that you pour whiskey into.

The fact that you don't know that, compounded with the disgusting style of glassware, is why I pointed that out.

>> No.11228213

No, that's called a tumbler.

>> No.11228341

Yes, cold brewed is the future of coffee for sure.
All you fags need to get on that train so you can look down your noses at the normies when they finally catch on to it.

>> No.11228397

blade runner cibi glass is the king of tumblers you pleb shit


>> No.11230010


>> No.11230363

The Lucifer Principle, Global Brain, The Demon Haunted Word, the Complete Works of Shakespeare, and your pick of pretty much anything by K.J. Parker, Glen Cook, Brent Weeks or any other decant author to round out the fiction side.
To Kill a Mockingbird is just utter dogshit. It isn't compelling or interesting, so it fails as a book. It's message is weak and falls flat despite being hamfisted as fuck, so it fails as a "work of cultural significance" or whatever the excuse is for it being on every mandatory reading list in the English speaking world.

>> No.11230372

He reads children's books. He doesn't need to concentrate that hard.

>> No.11230373

I drink my tears mixed with virgin blood

>> No.11230378
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>> No.11230441

>a decadence faggot
reminder that if you can't form basic adjectives like 'decadent' you seriously need to go back to school

>> No.11230458

based fucking my man

>> No.11230653

Suntory whisky is next-level stuff, award-winning. Only those with the highest IQ know to drink Suntory

>> No.11230675
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Anyone else enjoy a little isolated nicotine to overclock those brain neurons while reading?

>> No.11231583

you plug that shit up your ass?

>> No.11231591

You here read so many Russian, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy. Try Russian kvass while reading, will help enter the atmosphere