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11218230 No.11218230 [Reply] [Original]

All ontological thoughts welcome

>> No.11218254
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god is real

>> No.11218291
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Which one(s)?

>> No.11218301

The divine, as characterised by being all knowing, and all powerful. These qualities were often attributed solely to Zeus/Odin/Amen-Ra, as distinct from the pantheon of ‘gods’ which humans interacted with.

As for which religion, only one of them claims to have been directly founded by Him.

>> No.11218305
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>As for which religion, only one of them claims to have been directly founded by Him.

Which one?

>> No.11218306

Jesus, aka the form of the form

>> No.11218324
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>the form of form

This is an interesting way to describe Christ; is this some form of esotericism, you would say?

>> No.11218369
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It appears Google’s fucked with their rankings so some Pentecostals appear at the top. Otherwise I’d post a Google search.
Jesus is considered to be God made man(fully human, and fully divine), and he founded one church. Very few churches even claim succession from him, only two have demonstrable continuity, and only one still experiences miracles.

>> No.11218393

>meme engine
You know google and apple know EVERYTHING about you already, right?

>> No.11218409

I suppose you can say that. It's a pretty common way to describe Jesus in the neo-Platonic/pseudo-Dionysian tradition, that runs just below the surface of mainstream Christianity

>> No.11218419

>he didn’t read the first line
I just use it since it’s better for Stack Overflow, and it’s bangs are very cool("!w faggot" will take me to a Wikipedia page on OP).

>> No.11218793

Ever read the beginning of St. John's gospel?

>> No.11219540

What should I read to solve the afterlife related problem of requiring an undamaged but damageable mortal brain to retain a unique ego and point of view in reality? Am I too hopelessly stuck in materialism?

>> No.11221216

I have but forgot about that turn of phrase.

Also it appears some translations don't have it.

>> No.11221231
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Only if you buy into the premises that

A) materialism is bad

B) that there are in fact non-material entities with discernable attributes which are pivotal to

C) An immortal soul that you have which is independent of your brain's material functioning yet also contains you.