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/lit/ - Literature

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11199507 No.11199507 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I have surpassed this board

I easily see that philosophical axioms are arbitrarily chosen. I see that the idea of "objective literary quality" is promoted to have a common set of canon books and criteria to facilitate in group status signalling through praise and "criticism" of these books. Publishers also have financial incentives to promote this.

I easily see that there are infinitely many interpretations of art. I easily see that some of these interpretations are promoted for the above social signalling reasons and fuel for citation circle jerks. I easily see that enjoyment of art was an important criteria in all early forms of art but is now discouraged due to its uselessness as a concept in academia.

I easily see that modern pseudo intellectuals venerate Ancient Greece and Rome in order to signal intelligence while ironically they are too unintelligent and lazy to understand modern advances in science and mathematics (which they dismiss as unimportant while using these as their intellectual launching pads).

I easily see that all successful art forms start as derided hobbyist and experimental activities among males for enjoyment, become more popular with the mainstream of society while new peaks of expertise are reached, before losing popularity as commercial interests, academia, and female attention whoring eliminate organically accepted standards and impose their own.

I see that literature is in the stagnant female and academic dominated phase. Poetry is even further gone. I easily see that any attempt to deny this by appealing to "our dumbed down society" is clearly false because of the incredible progress and interest in hard sciences and mathematics (through actual research, not pop sci). These activities require skills while people, consciously or not, realise literature has descended in to a signalling game.

I easily see that the discussions around Hegelian philosophy or Marxism or any philosophy represent trivial symbolic manipulations and deductions with zero predictive value.

>> No.11199516

Good for you. Only read 2 sentences of your post.

>> No.11199520

good for you man, you still a fag tho

>> No.11199525

>I easily see that all successful art forms start as derided hobbyist and experimental activities among males for enjoyment, become more popular with the mainstream of society while new peaks of expertise are reached, before losing popularity as commercial interests, academia, and female attention whoring eliminate organically accepted standards and impose their own.
Wow. Redpilled!

>> No.11199526

You seem so enlightened. Talk about death and the soul.

>> No.11199527

mkay dude thats like ur opinion or something :p

>> No.11199528


>> No.11199530

>I easily see that philosophical axioms are arbitrarily chosen. I see that the idea of "objective literary quality" is promoted to have a common set of canon books and criteria to facilitate in group status signalling through praise and "criticism" of these books.
only wrong part of the post
good job on the rest op
it feels good being 18 now doesn't it?

>> No.11199533


>> No.11199541
File: 359 KB, 352x390, 1522679489749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have surpassed this board

>> No.11199550
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Poststrucuralist masturbation

>> No.11199601
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>> No.11199624
File: 690 KB, 1008x878, debate3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are indeed immense claims to make, OP.

What work do you hold under you while claiming so?
Surely you do not expect us to take the words of a fruitless fruitmonger?

>> No.11199642

>predictive value
it is supposed to have prescriptive one.

>> No.11199763

>the intellectual ambition of men is just an instrument for power relations

Wow OP, how did you come up with such original idea? Definitely never heard of this :^)

>> No.11199891
File: 249 KB, 500x789, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Münchhausen trilemma is classic /lit/ though m8.