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/lit/ - Literature

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11186293 No.11186293 [Reply] [Original]

i want to become known as that one smartboy who is well read and knows everything, what do you read to achieve this mode?

one problem i have read basically nothing, i just troll /lit/

here is the complete list of books i have read:
> crime & punishment
> infinite jest
> the stranger
> jp 12 rules
> blood meridian (i just finished it 30 minutes ago)

what do i read next?? i figure i should get some classics out of the way like homer and divine comedy to be able to understand other stuff. strongly considering banging out some of the very short works in pseud-canon for having a high intellectual-mileage-to-effort-invested ratio:
> plato's dialogues
> the prince
> meditations
> notes from underground
> stirner

anons, please ignore below this line
FUCK you garbage janitor scum FUCKS who deletered my thread the first time i posted it FUCK YOU it was a good thread that broke ZERO of the rules and was generating good discussion and the only reason you SHIT CUNT lowlifes deleted it because of snide elitist corrupt power trip virtue signalling FUCK OFF

you knew better

>> No.11186312

I wouldn't bother with all of that shit, especially Stirner who is barely known outside of this board.

Just read all of Shakespeare, the bible, the divine comedy and Don Quixote and you'd have a pretty decent framework.

>> No.11186313
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Gogol desu

>> No.11186322

Voltaire's philosophic dictionary will make you into a know it all if you want.

>> No.11186325

Why would you say that about Stirner? He is not well known but his theory is very insightful and, virtuously, can btfo any other ideology.

>> No.11186332

nice framework lol

>> No.11186349
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>> jp 12 rules

Sorry OP, no one with an IQ over 100 is ever going to think you're smart. Its just not happening

>> No.11186357

>"i want to become known as that one smartboy who is well read and knows everything"

Well you may run into some problems, being a self-proclaimed pseud.

>> No.11186432

We have a lot of books you may read listed on our wiki, which may be found in the sticky.

>> No.11186438

you dont need to read them just carry them around with you for a while and say you have

>> No.11186449

>here is the complete list of books i have read:
>> crime & punishment
>> infinite jest
>> the stranger
>> jp 12 rules
>> blood meridian (i just finished it 30 minutes ago)
>he thinks he's trolling /lit/
>when /lit/ made him read this list
Read the sticky too, rule breaker.

>> No.11186461

care to extrapolate?

>> No.11186906

wow being thought of as smart by a bunch of dumb people. how appealing.

>> No.11188589

Lol. Seeming well read is somewhere on the way to being well read though. Would you rather everyone be well read for their own vanity, or retain authenticity while not reading at all?

I might prefer the latter, but what's worse, people who don't care or people who pretend to? It might seem obvious that it's the latter...but not caring might be on the path to caring.

>> No.11188621

To seem smart all you have to do is argue with everyone.