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11170564 No.11170564 [Reply] [Original]

How do we stop the rise of the intellectual dark web?

>> No.11170573

Why would you want to?

>> No.11170584

Well, for one, they're not intellectual

>> No.11170595
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>Another leftypol bait thread

>> No.11170598

Its a topic first being discussed in the New York Times and responses across journalism.
Its an interesting phenomenon that may one day be understood as a pseudo-movement in the canon

>> No.11170608

There was a whole clearing house for this sort of grift in the 90's too (Paul Weyrich, Pat Buchanan, Grover Norquist, et al.), though this latest version of it has taken on a decidedly postmodern flavor, which is ironic to say the least

Anyway, you can't stop it and the left would do well to learn how to respond to in kind. Podcasts from socdem Manhattanites and video essays from a transexual aren't going to cut it.

>> No.11170611
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This all seems incredibly stupid, since none of these guys, none of this "Intellectual Dark Web", seems to have any connection with what I associate as reactionary thought on the contemporary internet.

I mean, when I think of the right-wing internet I think of sites like Thermidor and Social Matter, sites that actively call themselves reactionaries. Do any of these "intellectual dark web" types use the R-word? Do they dare to call themselves anything more than conservative? Because if they don't, I feel like they're not really with it, you know?

>> No.11170615

Where does my favourite podcast, Chapotraphouse, fit in here?

>> No.11170616

They absolutely all are reactionaries.

>> No.11170619

No, and they use youtube and facebook as their bases. Calling it the intellectual dark web is incorrect in many ways.

>> No.11170623

But are they self-conscious about it? Like I said, all the sites I think about, and the guys like Kantbot, KNOW they're reactionaries. But would Jordan Peterson call himself a reactionary? It seems like he wants to avoid that label, and just call himself, like, a "common sense conservative."

>> No.11170635

Guys like Rubin and Peterson like to situate themselves as "centrists" because they don't like identity politics of any persuasion. Rubes in New York media take this at face value, hence the glowing coverage they get from morons like Baris Weiss.

Regardless, everything else they espouse is milquetoast conservatism.

>> No.11170638

it shouldn't matter that Peterson is white; this detail, along with his successful use of social media networks, is the primary thing he has in common with the alt-right

the fact that anyone considers him a renegade (renegade against what?) for attempting to rigorously oppose a poorly-written Canadian law says more about his backdrop and "opposition" than it does about frogposters who have found someone respectable (read: not a skinhead) that can articulate an example "progress" gone awry.

the fact that people think peterson is alt-right is hilarious when you read his posts' comment sections regularly attacked by Pepe and Waifu avatars for not directly implicating Jews in whatever it is he happens to be denouncing

anyone reading the New York Times about Peterson either 1) already has that context due to mild internet addiction OR
2) will probably never have that context and this article (that the OP didn't link to) will just tell them what they need to know: Peterson. Alt Right.

>> No.11170642


>> No.11170648

Rubin is absolutely not a conservative. He only seems like it because the Democrat party has shifted so far left.

>> No.11170657

You sound like a fag

>> No.11170664

Peterson is a transcendentalist

>> No.11170675

-jews create youtube and realize their fantasy of sharing of information
-numales spend their day watching videos of betas spouting clichés
-jews freak out

>> No.11170679
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Wonder (((who))) it could be

>> No.11170689

>dark web
None of the people associated with this were browsing the internet in the 90's or early 2000's. It's pretty funny that this is what they consider dark.

Also, not /lit/

>> No.11170692

You sound like a pleb.

>> No.11170707

Lol I take it back, it's actually a really sincere article

>> No.11170716
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>> No.11170725

>Jews Are Being Murdered in Paris. Again.
God imagine writing about people getting murdered in this shitty little indignant clickbait tone. What a fucking rat. Is this really what the NYT sells these days?

>> No.11170735

When whites murder Jews its a travesty, when Muslims murder Jews its collateral damage

>> No.11170737

>Well, for one, they're not intellectual
Then it sounds like you solved your own problem.

>> No.11170738

Peterson considers himself a classical Liberal

>> No.11170745

>everything else they espouse is milquetoast conservatism
You're empirically wrong.
Just because they speak out against far-left policies doesn't mean they are conservative.
Peterson is extremely consistent about his beliefs; just check any of the thousands of hours of video he has on YouTube.

Rubin has moved away from the left but that's really because 'the left moved away from him.'

>> No.11170759


Jesus Christ you’re insufferable

>> No.11170764

based fag poster

>> No.11170773

>""intellectual dark web""

Yeah tell me more about the alcoholics carrying on about lobsters or the short conservatives angry about perceived power loss (Rubin + Shapiro in case this wasn't obvious)

>> No.11170800

I guess lit is a board unironically populated with postmodernists and cucks. Not so surprising.

>> No.11170801

What's the difference between the intellectual regular web? Also who's in the regular web?

>> No.11170809

>Rubin has moved away from the left but that's really because 'the left moved away from him.'
There is nothing leftist about him. Name one position he ever had that was considered that

>> No.11170826

He is pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage.

>> No.11170830

None of that is leftist, only liberal at best

>> No.11170835

Rubin and Peterson are Status Quo Warriors aka dimestore conservatives

>b-b-but Rubin is gay!

Shut the fuck up, liberal

>> No.11170853

Jordan Peterson has basically nothing in common with the alt right. He's philo-semitic, anti-racist, an individualist
This guy is right. "normie" journalists have no idea what they're talking about. And I don't just mean when it comes to these topics. Journalists have no significant knowledge on any topic.
Left is used to describe political/philosophical currents that subscribe to egalitarianism. Progressive liberalism, socialism, communism, anarchism and so on are all on the left. Especially now that old-school socialism is dead and buried.

>> No.11170857

>Left is whatever I feel like instead of what actually is
Why must Americans consistently ruin everything

>> No.11170866

I'm not american, you mongoloid.
First of all, in basically all political textbooks about the subject, which would be metapolitical philosophy, "the left" as a group is separated from "the right" as a group by one main characteristic and that is the belief that equality is a moral good.
As a second point, it's hilarious how leftists turn to linguistic prescriptivism every single time they feel like descriptivism is used against them: it's either one or the other.

>> No.11170881

The Democratic Party has moved to the right... It's been doing so since at least the 70s. And the Republican Party has gone to the extreme right.

>> No.11170885
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>The Democratic Party has moved to the right

>> No.11170887

I'm sure you can find more buzzwords than just this to throw into your shitpost, anon. Try harder.

>> No.11170888
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>the Republican Party has gone to the extreme right.

>> No.11170891

>that subscribe to egalitarianism
Sure, but progressive liberalism is more of an offshoot of neoliberalism than actual leftism.

>> No.11170892

>muh social politics
>muh populism
None of these matter wrt Left/Right dichotomy

>> No.11170893

>intellectual dark web
The fact that someone would fabricate such an erroneous and baseless term in an attempt to demonize, discredit, and ultimately silence someone simply because they differ in their opinion, is not only the height of intellectual destitution and dishonesty, but a great crime which in my very authoritative opinion befits the punisment of public execution by guillotine.
I'm tired of these meaningless shenanigans.

>> No.11170897

>Sure, but progressive liberalism is more of an offshoot of neoliberalism than actual leftism.
Progressive liberalism is centuries older than neoliberalism, what the hell are you talking about. And considering how much influence "actual leftists" have had on it, I fail to see how it could be considered an offshoot of neoliberalism more than leftism, even if the anachronism was removed.
Literally all of that matters and you know it. You just pretend that half of the political discussion doesn't matter so that you can still push progressive views on those topics AND try to more power on topics that have to do with the economics.
Let's face it, you aren't saying "none of that matters, I'm completely fine with gays being forced back into closets,", you're saing "muh gay rights, muh tranny rights, muh whatever AND muh leftist economic policies".

>> No.11170900

If you weren't so deeply influenced by the media and insignificant social trends the shift to the right would appear obvious. Why do you think the Democrats receive so much support from the corporate enemies of the left? Follow the money, folks. Look at the weakened unions, paltry wages, foreign policy, military budget, tax system, and health care policies. In the past Bernie would have been thought quite a standard New Deal type Democrat. Now he's considered a commie.

>> No.11170904

>If you weren't so deeply influenced by the media and insignificant social trends the shift to the right would appear obvious
>If you ignored all the shifts to the left on topics that have mattered to conservatives and reactionaries since the dawn of time, you would see how we might have shifted to the right!
Are you even self-aware?

>> No.11170909

They are the only things that matters to define left/right nowadays. In the post Blair era economy counts very little if at all to define it. True socialists should give up the "left" term which only manages to blur their discourse.

>> No.11170914

The Euros actually started it.

>> No.11170916

So 60s racist old South Democratic party was more left wing than now?

>> No.11170919

/lit/ is averse to the JQ but really this is a jewish agenda piece on setting up these mild "skeptic" liberals as gatekeepers of right-wing opposition. Most of the named figures are jews. The author is a jew. They feel threatened by the shifts in public awareness and so they're providing a soft alternative "dissidence" sphere in the form of this bullshit "intellectual dark web" term. They congregate on youtube and twitter for fucks sake, there's nothing dark web about it.
(((Sam Harris))) – Secular Jew
(((Eric Weinstein))) – Israel-educated California-borne Jew, brother of (((Bret Weinstein)))
Jordan Peterson – Individualist Canadian Shabbos
(((Dave Rubin))) – Gay Jew
(((Ben Shapiro))) – Stereotypical Badger Jew
(((Douglas Murray))) – British Jew
Maajid Nawaz – British Pakistani ‘Secular Religion of Cuck™ist’, married to a degenerate “race is a social construct” modern-artist White woman from Tennessee
Ayaan Hirsi Ali – Literal Africa-nigger married to Brit Niall Ferguson, who wrote a glowing history of the Rothschilds (possibly a British Jew)
(((Christina Hoff Sommers))) – Liberal Jewish Feminist
Joe Rogan – Stoned Meathead Shabbos
Charlie Kirk – Homosexuality-Promoting Zionist Shabbos
(((Claire Lehmann))) – Australian Anti-Tribalism Jew
Debrah Soh – Homosexuality-Promoting Asian Feminist, writes for Playboy
(((Michael Shermer))) – Christian-Convert ‘Skeptic’ ‘I Am Not Jewish’ Jew
(((Steven Pinker))) – Romanian/Polish Male-Feminist Atheist Jew

Textbook "kosher alternative" tactics.

>> No.11170923

>the intellectual dark web
kek peterson doesn't know what postmodernism consists of so i can't really fault him he doesn't know what the dark web is. i can see him getting explanations from tweens who are all "yeah grandpa dark web's when you change your website skin color to black even tho you're white, so everyone knows you're goth or maybe black but def cooler"

>> No.11170925

Yikes. Yeah, keep focusing primarily on social issues as if they weren't influenced by economic policies. Those precious conservative values can't last if the corporations are running the show. Don't you realize that?

>> No.11170932

Nobody's even added an annotation yet, let alone a dubious footnote. I cannot see one anon posting as his social physical body in opposition to his soul posting a critique of himself. I see no genre mash ups. About the most postmodern thing about this thread is the fact you're posting about postmodernism while making up the definition and hoping everyone will psychically adopt your new and idiosyncratic one, mistaking yourself for the narrator. Let me just tell you, from my extensive study of the postmodern, that mistake is going to fuck your shit up in Chapter 17.

>> No.11170936

>as if they weren't influenced by economic policies.
Nobody said that, you're fighting a strawman.
And again you're not actually saying "focus on the economic policies, I'm fine with right wing social values", you're saying "forget about those social values and let the culture shift left AND focus on leftist economic policies". Completely dishonest.
>Don't you realize that?
Yes, everyone who is more right wing that mainstream basic bitch conservatives realizes that. The only people who think this is such a deep insight are people on the left.

>> No.11170943

What you're seeing here is the same sort of co-option, diluiton and manipulation of opposition that the kikes have pulled half a dozen times over the decades already. They push too far, and when the ressentiment begins to boil over they quickly create alternatives that seem to oppose the bleeding edge of their ideological advance, while in truth embracing all its previous achieviements. They serve as an outlet, as an alternative, as an illusion of a hope for reversal - but in reality they're just there to create the mirage of dissent while the next generation of two grow up with all of the previous achievements already deeply ingrained in their psyche. Rinse and repeat.

They're exceedingly good at this. There is no real counter to this strategy, either, at least not within the confines of "civil discourse" since they control the window of socially acceptable debate. Anons think the bongs imprisoning some alt lite faggot or a literal commie comedian is some grave overreach, when in reality it is just a deliberate operation to create plausible martyrs. Nothing gives a dissident street cred like government persecution - and the wannabe dissidents, wannabe free thinkers eat this shit up, unaware that they're being played like a fucking fiddle.

>> No.11170957

Define postmodernity, please.

>> No.11170966

Conservatism is a meditation on and theoretical rendition of the felt experience of having power, seeing it threatened, and trying to win it back. That is Peterson's, Rubin's, et al. project in a nutshell.

The so called "alt-right" is the virtually same thing except with a dash of autism and shitty memes.

>> No.11170968

What power would that be, specifically?

>> No.11170970

white male privelege

>> No.11170976

The economic right-wing, the truly pro-free market wing of the country, pretty much died in the 60s with Goldwater's defeat. Levying taxes to fund a national health service is basically no more leftist than levying taxes to fund a "private" HMO. The end result is that the government continues to control an increasing percentage of the economy. Aside from the occasional Ron/Rand Paul type, who aren't taken seriously at all, everyone in our federal government is an economic leftist at heart.

>> No.11170987

Pat Buchanan is the most accurate journalist of foreign policy. The fact that you don’t like him or giving him credit indicates that the left is religion to you, as it is to most.

>> No.11170990

this board is fucking garbage holy shit

>> No.11170991

>Podcasts from socdem Manhattanites and video essays from a transexual aren't going to cut it.
I'm stealing this.

>> No.11170999

This is s good assessment of Peterson.

I think the dislike the left has of him is due to dislike/hatred of any ideas outside of mainstream Progressive ideology/religion. ALL Semetic religions HATE outside/conflicting/alternative knowledge/ideas.

>> No.11171001

I think it's time to start killing journalists

>> No.11171002

Lmao you're funny

>> No.11171007

The hatred towards Peterson by the left is far better explained by the fact that Peterson is a) extremely moderate politically, he's center right at best b) extremely unintentersting intellectually and c) extremely successful.
The left's hatred of Peterson is nothing but self-hatred "we're correct in each and every of our analysis, history is with us, so why can't we produce something/someone that is even remotely as big as he is?".

>> No.11171014

Your brainwashing is completed. You don’t have to virtue signal, shitpost or raise any more African babies. As a reward for exercising a critical mind you get fear. Enjoy your fear. Fear is the new happy.

>> No.11171018

Let me be clear. I'm saying that the recent emphasis on social issues to the exclusion of economic issues has facilitated America's general shift to the right. That we have a few liberal social policies doesn't negate that fact. Workers have no power here.

>> No.11171024

>The left's hatred of Peterson is nothing but self-hatred "we're correct in each and every of our analysis, history is with us, so why can't we produce something/someone that is even remotely as big as he is?".
You have it backwards. The left has a near-monopoly on "intellectuals", from Krugman to Chomsky to whoever, there's no shortage of prestigious lefties to refer to when you want to look smart. The right-wing worships Peterson because he has many of the credentials while not being a leftist. Breaking the monopoly makes Peterson a huge threat to the left, just like Milo breaking the monopoly on homosexual capital, or Kanye breaking the monopoly on black capital, were also threats that had to be shut down.

>> No.11171025

Why is it okay to use white as an argument against a person.

>> No.11171026

>That we have a few liberal social policies doesn't negate that fact
"a few" = plenty of stuff that center left parties from the 90s would be against.
>I'm saying that the recent emphasis on social issues to the exclusion of economic issues has facilitated America's general shift to the right
There hasn't been a "general shift to the right" unless you exclude social issues and economic issues where government intervention has increased.

>> No.11171031

Workers have no power anywhere. Gibs =/= power.

>> No.11171033

>The left has a near-monopoly on "intellectuals", from Krugman to Chomsky to whoever, there's no shortage of prestigious lefties to refer to when you want to look smart
The average age of the men you cited reveals the problem with your assertion.
The left hasn't produced anyone who is as successful as Peterson in decades.

>> No.11171044

Neoliberalism, which you've described, is a Mont Pelerin Society creation. If you truly believe MPS is "leftist at heart" you should probably get off /lit/ until you, you know, actually read a fucking book.

>> No.11171050
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>The left hasn't produced anyone who is as successful as Peterson in decades.

>> No.11171055

I agree, I think all politics, at this time in history, comes down Globalism. Either you are for local sovereignty or you are for the new world order run by oligarchs, billionaires, Jews, mega corporations and other psychopathic entities.

25 years ago it was leftist protesting WTO meetings. Then the right got in on it which made the leftist switch sides lol.

>> No.11171057

Zizek at his peak wasn't even remotely as successful as Peterson when it comes to the average man.

>> No.11171059

You don't have to know you're a reactionary to be one.

>> No.11171066

>gays can get married and Marvel features a lot of women and blacks in their movies therefore there has actually been been a "shift to the left"

The absolute fucking state of reactionaries, holy shit

>> No.11171067

The left uses "reactionary" to describe everyone to the left of socdems. Possibly even socdems.

>> No.11171076

>Peterson gets rubes aka "the average man" to pay him money on Patreon and Zizek doesn't therefore he's more successful

Lmao, get at me when Peterson's work reaches the philosophical importance of The Parallax View or Less Than Nothing, you chud.

>> No.11171077

None of those ideologies are egalitarian.

>> No.11171078

>there has been an almost complete cultural shift to the left on every single social issue, old leftists who only cared about economic issues have disappeared, and government intervention in the economy has increased in even in countries that were infamous for their laissez-faire attitudes but trust me guys, we've gone right wing

>> No.11171080

Wow, a pro-FDR socdem. Literally Mao.

>> No.11171081

>Either you are for local sovereignty or you are for the new world order run by oligarchs, billionaires, Jews, mega corporations and other psychopathic entities.

I prefer not to

>> No.11171086

>belief that equality is a moral good.
What textbooks do you read, left wing has always been about for the lower classes or the elimination of hierarchy

The second point is even more retarded, you are defining others on your own terms not on theirs so of course they are gonna get upset

>> No.11171088
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>and government intervention in the economy has increased in even in countries

This is literally a right wing ideology

>> No.11171089

Neoliberalism sells conservatism in an unsustainable leftist label. It may be right-wing, but it will inevitably lead to leftist outcomes when there isn't enough new value being created.

>> No.11171090

>Lmao, get at me when Peterson's work reaches the philosophical importance of The Parallax View or Less Than Nothing, you chud.
Setting aside that nobody aside from continentals care about Zizek (and even among them, he's not that important), which means nobody who actually cares about philosophy cares about Zizek, if you were actually capable of reading, you'd realized that I was talking about Peterson's success with the average person, and that Peterson is completely uninteresting from an intellectual perspective.
How many trannies are there in your discord server?

>> No.11171092

Social spending in the USA now dwarfs military spending and our budget continues to grow no matter whether "conservatives" or "liberals" are in power.

>> No.11171094

>What textbooks do you read, left wing has always been about for the lower classes or the elimination of hierarchy
>Left wing has always been about *things that have to do with being in favor of equality*, why are you saing that the left is about the belief that equality is good?

>> No.11171098

>FDR, a man that tried to nationalize every industry he could get has hands on
>not a leftist

>> No.11171101

>Keynes is more right wing than Milton
>Progressive liberalism, socialism, communism, anarchism aren't egalitarian
Are you still sleeping, anon?

>> No.11171103

Cool, you just described liberalism. An actual "shift to the left" would entail more worker controlled cooperatives than corporations, strong labor unions, free higher education, an end to the police state and so on. Get at me with your "shift to the left" horseshit when those things actually happen, my dude.

>> No.11171104

Peterson's no spring-chicken. The overall lack of young intellectuals, along with the lack in young leadership overall (outside of Obama) is more just a sign of how disinterested the average American is in intellectual and social pursuits at all.

>> No.11171105
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>post Blair
Why do you pretend Blair was anything but an outlier?

>> No.11171106

The left never deals with the right wing directly it only inoculates people against it with strawmen because they have the media monopoly.

>> No.11171107

Cuba, Equitorial Guinea and the DPRK

>> No.11171112

>worker controlled cooperatives
a meme, nothing is stopping them from existing
>strong labor unions
our labor unions are ridiculously strong, why do you think old whites chimped out and voted for trump?
> free higher education
already exists if you're poor and/or smart
>end to the police state
the police state is a cornerstone of leftist power

>> No.11171113

Zizek's old too like Chomsky.

>> No.11171115

Fuck that kermit voiced retard. The one good fucking thing about conservative politics (outside the US) was that it used keep the plebs out. Now Canada's favourite "right wing" talking head spouts shit about Jung and Derrida and postmodernism that should get a freshman slapped, sent down, and barred from cabinet. Fucking plebs.

>> No.11171116


>> No.11171118

>Peterson's no spring-chicken
But his success is recent. Chomsky's isn't.
No, anon. If yesterday was 20 degrees outside and today it's 25 degrees outside, it's getting hotter. Saying that it's not getting hotter because it's still not 40 degrees is moronic.

>> No.11171119

None are done in the name of moral good but of self interest Striner has seen to it

>> No.11171120

You should though. Nobody wants to live in a world where the
>oligarchs, billionaires, Jews, mega corporations and other psychopathic entities
win, not even these Globalist entities themselves. This would be the root of every dystopian fiction ever written.

I believe we are at the brink of the most important “war”, culture in this case, that humanity may ever face. The psychopaths are reaching escape velocity in terms of wealth while the intelligent and empathetic are getting lost in self-indulgent masturbation of one form or another.

>> No.11171122

Nobody cares about that meme outside of the internet. Even on the internet, stirnerfags are a minority of a minority of a minority.

>> No.11171125

>Even on the internet, stirnerfags are a minority of a minority of a minority.
>spooked by numbers
nice doubles my property :^)

>> No.11171126

Communism and Socialism are supposed to get rid of economic exploitation but they aren't egalitarian. One just needs to look at Mao and Stalin.

>> No.11171127

Marx cared.

>> No.11171129

He enabled the Smith Act and imprisoned Socialists and left wingers.

>> No.11171134

I'm talking about political philosophy, not whatever they bring into reality.

>> No.11171135

>a meme, nothing is stopping them from existing
status quo bias and they don't have access to capital like they do in countries like Ireland

>our labor unions are ridiculously strong

>already exists if you're poor and/or smart
going into debt for the rest of your life is not "free"; only 3% of students receive "full ride" scholarships

>the police state is a cornerstone of leftist power
the police state exists to protect private property and to ensure the school-to-prison pipeline you absolute chud

>> No.11171136

>our labor unions are ridiculously strong
>Saying that post Reagan
Opinion discarded

>> No.11171138

And still, he was more left wing than his predecessors.

>> No.11171140

Maoism isn't a philosophy?

>> No.11171142

culture warz are a dead end my dude, get offline

you mean actual left things, not cultural things that capitalists decide are profitable under neoliberalism

>> No.11171147

Institute The Thought Police.

As a side, who do you rather live under, Leftwing Thought Police or Rightwing Death Squads?

>> No.11171152

>you mean
More left wing than previously, that's what I mean. More social spending is a more left wing thing than less social spending.
Since we're talking about the US, is social spending higher now than it was 20 years ago? Yes, so it has moved to the left.

>> No.11171158
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/pol/ unironically thinks Peterson is a CIA psyop now

>> No.11171159

Righwing death squads barely bother anyone aside from communists. Leftwing thought police bother everyone who isn't a communist.
The first one sounds significantly better.

>> No.11171168

>going into debt for the rest of your life
this only happens to stupid people

>> No.11171178

the welfare state literally strengthens capitalism you dunce. it's not a leftist position. marx himself argued that welfare is a way to humanize capitalism and to prevent workers from achieving class consciousness.

>hurr durr left means anything i disagree with

the absolute state of you

>> No.11171184
File: 223 KB, 900x900, 72FB675C-D28E-4DC0-9AE6-7F35C46308B4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is another anon thinks welfare is left wing instead of the very policy created to keep leftists out of power episode

>> No.11171186

I agree. At least the with RWDS you know what will get you killed. The LWTP scares the shit out of me already. What a terrible hell on earth that would be.

>> No.11171188

>forced redistribution of wealth is right-wing

>> No.11171197

Jesus fucking christ, I get it that since you found Marxism you're like born-again christians but get it in your fucking head that nobody aside from Marxists accept the idea that the only thing that is left wing is marxism or anarchism.
Literally everyone accepts without any issue that social democrats and therefore socialdemocratic policies are left wing. They may be moderate left, center-left, call if whatever you want, sure, but still on the left and still definitely MORE left wing than the alternative.

>> No.11171202

Welfare literally originates from far right nations like Prussia.

>> No.11171204

Not even socdems rely solely on welfare in their attempt to reform capital nor is America even remotely socdem

>> No.11171205

>forced redistribution of wealth is right-wing
capitalism literally is forced redistribution of wealth, and yeah it's right wing


>> No.11171206

He imprisoned neo-Nazis, fundamentalist Christians, and anti-government libertarians as well. Next you'll call Stalin a rightist because he killed commies too.

>> No.11171207

Then you're an irrelevant moron. Enjoy larping.

>> No.11171208

Altgough there is a war of 'ideas' it is not what you think it is.
In reality our patriarchal society is structured in a way that accounts for mass neurosis. Mass neurosis explains the human tendency to fashism and war.
As humans we are deeply scarred from the abuse we've suffered. But it is slowly getting better. The next step is for the average joe to realize his potential and his possibility of healing himself and the whole organism earth.
Regarding to ideas you shouldn't think about a war. While some ideas compete there is no sense in fighting over them i think. The only sensible thing we can do is decide which ideas have the biggest pragmatic value in a given situation and then choose to act on them.
For example: materialism is different from some kind of spiritualism that proposes that consciousness is the primal causality BUT materialism still has some value i.e. as a scientific tool we use this paradigm to impose our will on the environment. That paradigm hits a limit when we think about out of body experience or any kind of extrasensory perception which makes some kind of everlasting soul metaphysics.
I suppose metaphysics always move and have different domains of prevalence.

>> No.11171210

>He imprisoned neo-Nazis, fundamentalist Christians

Further evidence of his greatness.

>> No.11171211

>status quo bias and they don't have access to capital like they do in countries like Ireland
How does Ireland do it, and how many worker collectives exist?
They are, unionists make a lot more money than non-unionists. They're so strong that it's resulted in people choosing to buy Chinese steel rather than ours.
>going into debt for the rest of your life is not "free"; only 3% of students receive "full ride" scholarships
>if you only get a 90% free ride you're in slavery for life
>the police state exists to protect private property and to ensure the school-to-prison pipeline you absolute chud

>> No.11171213

>nor is America even remotely socdem

Is increased social spending something championed by social democrats and opposed by free-market fans? Yes.
Are social democrats to the left of free-market fans? Yes.
Has social spending increased in the last few decades in america? Yes.
So, has it moved to the left?

>> No.11171215

informative of retards
not retard
not retard
>capitalism literally is forced redistribution of wealth
maximum retard

>> No.11171217

itt: people that need to read paul cockshott

>> No.11171219

>the USA was on the brink of a glorious revolution until that raging capitalist FDR came along
Nice fantasy comrade

>> No.11171220

Retarded leftypol user.

>> No.11171230

why when i can just watch my cockshott right now

>> No.11171231

>capitalism literally is forced redistribution of wealth

>> No.11171236

I'm /fitlit/, retard

>> No.11171237

>maximum retard
extraction of surplus value, my good bitch

>> No.11171239

No? Only if socdems get what they want and free market fans didn’t then it goes to the left

>what is Bismarck and SPD?
Not everything revolves around you. Plus Teddy’s era was the closer one.

>> No.11171240

They mean it in the sense of the police defending the property rights of capitalists.
Shitty sophistry, I know.

>> No.11171241

>workers create wealth
>capitalists extract said wealth with the help of the state

sounds like redistribution to me my good bitch

>> No.11171244

Prussia wasn't far right?

>> No.11171247

>No? Only if socdems get what they want and free market fans didn’t then it goes to the left
So, it moves to the left on social issues, to the left on social spending (healthcare, education) but somehow, it hasn't moved to the left.

>> No.11171248

>to me
yes, it would

>> No.11171249

>workers create wealth
>non-workers extract said wealth with the help of the state
fucking capitalists

>> No.11171252

>Only if socdems get what they want and free market fans didn’t then it goes to the left
My bad I misread your post. Welfare capitalists like FDR did want increased social spending hence he implemented it

>> No.11171254

>25 years ago it was leftist protesting WTO meetings. Then the right got in on it which made the leftist switch sides lol.
and who do you think is protesting wto meetings today you fucking brainlet

>> No.11171257

Refer to>>11171252

>> No.11171259

>Welfare capitalists like FDR
aka someone who is more left wing than non-welfare capitalists.

>> No.11171270

No? Again welfare was created precisely to starve out the Left from taking over. Capitalists disregarding their self preservation is not a left or right wing issue

>> No.11171276

Yes, people who think we should use a capitalist system AND have a welfare state are to the left or people who think we should use a capitalist system and NOT have a welfare state or have a smaller one.
This is a fact that literally everyone but the most obtuse marxists agrees with.

>> No.11171278

OF people, not OR people.

>> No.11171281

Repeating yourself and insults unfortunately doesn’t overturn historical prescidence. Sad!

>> No.11171285

I'm loving their rise. The more triggered twenty something communists the better.

Also, living in the UK, I want to see their reach drive the Corbynist Labour movement into the ground by stealing some thunder from the young demographic that supports it.
Truly truly loving their rise and influence.

>> No.11171287

That's not a word.
And you're still using retarded marxists standards which is evident to everyone who is reading this discussion.
Leftists always complain more about politicians who want to lower social spending than politicians who want to increase it.
I wonder why.

>> No.11171289


regain some sanity

>> No.11171290

Welfare is just a stop-measure gap like prisons or mandatory schooling or whatever else. Most jobs are in fact subsidized welfare unless you honestly believe all those consumer "experiences" create actual values. The economy itself is a model of social control. Most people are like batteries, they are meant to stay within a fixed position and generate activity which binds one and all to the predominant social order; this is necessary insofar as it is difficult to alienate people from their ability to procreate, each newborn is a potential seed of chaos, so each child is funneled through institutions until they consent to the order which allows about 2000 people (the billionaires) to live opulent lives and act with impunity. Fuck and fight and revel in your time.

>> No.11171291

>>Not everything revolves around you. Plus Teddy’s era was the closer one.
>it's a universal truth because it happens sometimes and where it doesn't happen it doesn't count

>> No.11171292

>Again welfare was created precisely to starve out the Left from taking over.
Name the leftist party that was about to win 1932 if not for FDR.

>> No.11171294

>Welfare is just a stop-measure gap like prisons or mandatory schooling or whatever else.
That doesn't stop people on the left from approving of mandatory schooling or welfare.

>> No.11171295

>retarded marxists standards
How is referring to what happened in history ‘marxists standards’?

Wow it is almost as if those ‘leftists’ want capitalism with a human face or socdems who want to gradually reform it

>> No.11171296

Is this board mainly composed of communists and generally left-wing people who consider anyone on the right of Trotsky to be 'not really left wing' and possibly fascists?

Is this /lit/ now?

>> No.11171298

Do you people have problems reading? Bismarck created welfare to prevent SPD from taking power. A similar trend is observed in Teddy and the Socialist Party.

>> No.11171299

oh deary me. this is terrible mate.

>> No.11171301

>rightwing death squads barely bother anyone aside from communists
*laughs in contra*

>> No.11171305

The socialist party was nothing in 1932. Even at its peak in 1912 under Debs it managed something like 5% of the vote.

>> No.11171307

Fiction and leftism go well together

>> No.11171309

Yes wow thanks to Teddy’s ‘progressivism’and his reforms. Thanks for proving my point

>> No.11171313

It's a retarded standard because under it literally 99% of all political ideologies are right wing.
Social democrats are to the left of conservatives or are they not? If they are, then social democratic policies increasing in a country means the country is moving to the left.
No, they just come out of the woods when this type of thread gets created.
>laughs in literally all types of leftist thought police

>> No.11171314

>I want capitalism and commodity production but with some welfare so the poor don't realize how much they're being screwed over

>> No.11171315

>newfag pearl clutching this hard
Go back to your &humanities

>> No.11171317

So it wasn't FDR that stopped them and they actually never amounted to anything?

>> No.11171318

So.. I take it that's a yes. Yes? Also, calm down mate. I know pathos and chimping out passionately it's part of the leftist temperament, but relax, you'll live longer.

>> No.11171320

nah you know the trotskiites don't claim anyone's not a splitter. they can't be trotskiites even if they try LARPing real hard.
sorry if you thought just issuing transitional demands would get you in, but this thread is much more class against class, and that's marxist leninism 3rd internationale shit. i also feel pity for you that you think anyone above knows what that previous sentence means.

>> No.11171323

So the welfare state was wholly unnecessary because all Teddy needed to do was break up a few trusts, is what you're saying

>> No.11171324

Yes that’s what i said dumbass, learn to read

>> No.11171326

>t. I can't read the thread
Literally the opposite is what has happened throughout the thread.
It's been non-marxists saying "nothing except marxism is left, sincere social democrats and progressive liberals who want a welfare state within capitalism because they believe only capitalism actually works are as right wing as the Cato institute".

>> No.11171330
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Can you elaborate brainlet?

>> No.11171332

Yes, that is correct. Left wing isn't just "when the government does stuff."

>> No.11171334

nah, don't feel like it. That was a terrible read though.

>> No.11171335

Yes because the left and right are no different they both have been taken in by the spectacle the right wingers agree with all kinds of other control methods. It really does make me tired.

>> No.11171337

Yes he gave capitalism a human face, just like FDR with his New Deal and just like Bismarck with his welfare state

>> No.11171342

I didn't say that but if you unironically believe that social democrats are as right wing as the Cato institute you're a moron who lives in a bubble.

>> No.11171347
File: 190 KB, 550x409, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting an example of american policies clearly moving towards the right according to our marxist friends.

>> No.11171352

The Social Democrats murdered Rosa Luxemburg and other socialists and communists in cold blood so they could build a right wing society.

>> No.11171353

>"""intellectual""" dark web
pure ideology

>> No.11171356

nice bait

>> No.11171358
File: 238 KB, 462x680, 1525411810088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congratulations, you realized the intellectual dark web is just controlled opposition and a bunch of Plan Bs for the establishment in case the progressive coalition collapses at some point soon

>> No.11171359

teachers really got fucked in 76-82

>> No.11171360

It's true.

>> No.11171361

lel. a true /leftypol/ Alex Jones over here

>> No.11171362

>so they could build a right wing society.
Yes, that was clearly their sincerely stated and believed goal.

>> No.11171364

Dave Rubin has no opinions beyond whatever is trendy that week

>> No.11171366

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.11171371

>gov spending is socdem or left wing
Socdems never even got into power in America

>> No.11171379

What else do you call a society that wants to keep hierarchy, capitalism and wants to imprison and murder socialists?

>> No.11171380
File: 31 KB, 500x287, E57539D4-6075-4470-AC88-BA1E76628C91-e1510906265306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the left that can be named is not the left

>> No.11171381

>increased education spending isn't a socdem policy

>> No.11171382

FDR was unquestionably a social democrat

>> No.11171390

>What else do you call a society that wants to keep hierarchy, capitalism and wants to imprison and murder socialists?
Talking to you is literally like talking to fundamentalist christians, you seem to be completely incapable of charitably interpreting other people's positions.
I call a society that doesn't want the far left to gain power...a society that is anything but far left. That's how I call it: anything from center left to far right. Socdems are center left.

>> No.11171393

imagine unironically thinking the media doesn't know perfectly what they are doing when they prop up people like Peterson or Richard Spencer

it's all a game, if they didn't want them on headlines, they wouldn't speak about them

>> No.11171394

No he wasn’t, he is an ordoliberal

As your graph clearly shows, non-socdems do it too

>> No.11171396

>why should you pay the government for school pay a corporation instead? Oh price for private schooling goes up because increased demand? Well good thing there are literally infinite schools to choose from and all of them bare a minimum standard of quality. Don't like the curriculum? Well write a review on Yelp that will definitely replace democratic oversight. There is no way that if we did away with public schools, the private school industry would struggle with similar issues of infrastructure as the public schools do...

>> No.11171397

>Richard Spencer
Does propping up mean taking down your sites and editing interviews in unfavorable ways?

>> No.11171400

>As your graph clearly shows, non-socdems do it too
because the whole political spectrum has been moving left

>> No.11171401

>As your graph clearly shows
a socialdemocratic policy being applied to the united states, making it more left wing than the policy of giving less money to the education sector.

>> No.11171402

>No he wasn’t, he is an ordoliberal

>> No.11171403

The media are composed of a random assortment of different competing organizations ran mostly by actual retards who just care about quick money. You are the retard to think they all get together to organize 4d chess strategies to fool 4chan users.
Peterson got big on his own youtube videos, Canadian national TV and a BBC interview none of which are remotely connected to "Duh Media"

>> No.11171404

it means giving attention to make you somebody, doesn't matter if good or bad attention

>> No.11171405

>a presidential candidate mentions a group
>Let's not report on the group!
let me guess, you don't work in journalism.

>> No.11171406

Yes Alex, it's all a ploy to keep marxists out of the spotlight.

I will grant you that progressivism has been used by opportunistic dems to buy young and/or minority votes though. And yes, some other opportunistic entities might be able to harness 'the intellectual dark web' to their advantage, but that doesn't mean it's controlled opposition mate.

>> No.11171409

just because there's no smoky room deciding what to put on the news the next day it doesn't mean the whole media is not coordinated, there are ways to marginalize and destroy anybody who gets out of narrative without having to have any particular person governing over them, spontaneous order is a thing

>> No.11171411

>Don't like the curriculum? Well write a review on Yelp that will definitely replace democratic oversight.

Not him but I unironically think this is true. Democratic oversight is a meme

>> No.11171417
File: 41 KB, 633x633, ae384632b1d536ab9ed9a029dd682668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's controlled opposition in the same sense that the republican party is controlled opposition: the "intellectual dark web" whatever it is doesn't have a view of the future that doesn't involve the same goals as the progressives, the only difference is that they want to do things "slower" or "a bit different" but the direction is the same

in the same sense that politics in the US have been moving for the last 100 years in whatever direction the Democrat party was moving, the Republicans are just there to pretend now and then that there's an alternative, but at the end of the day conservatives are just 10 years delayed progressives, and the vision of the future is uniquely progressive, there's no alternative vision in the mainstream

>> No.11171420

No genius it means gov spending isn’t solely a socdem policy or platform

You might be retarded if you think socdem wants X means X is soley a socdem policy. How does increased gov spending tie to and only to the gradual reform of capitalism?

If socdems want civil rights would that make civil rights a socdem policy?

>> No.11171422

>how does increased gov spending tie to and only to the gradual reform of capitalism?
Gradual reform of capitalism is democratic socialism, not social democrats, jesus christ.
Why am I still talking to someone who thinks the Cato institute and social democrats are equally right wing?

>> No.11171423

controlled opposition implies a conspiracy Alex. Or useful idiots being taken advantage of.

I'm not going to argue about what you personally find dissatisfying about political actors not being 'marxist', left, right or whatever enough. Next time be more precise with your language.

>> No.11171426

>No genius it means gov spending isn’t solely a socdem policy or platform
it's not any kind of gov spending though, it's literally social spending, just because everybody is socdem to some degree it doesn't mean that that's not a socdem policy

>> No.11171427

I agree on that but there's a titanic difference between a person between being simply an excluded person and the type of sophisticated manipulation that was being discussed
For that there needs to be some sort of common consciousness running through the organizations

>> No.11171430

It may not be effective all the time but i cant see how it is a meme.

>> No.11171431

>controlled opposition implies a conspiracy Alex
it may to you, not to me

>Or useful idiots being taken advantage of.

>> No.11171432

That describes all capitalist societies really.
Capitalism is capitalism. Was Feudal Japan farther right than Feudal Europe? No, they just had the same system.

>> No.11171433

>For that there needs to be some sort of common consciousness running through the organizations
it doesn't though, that's the whole point of neoreaction

>> No.11171436

just because you can't think outside of your pet theory doesn't mean everybody else should do the same to make things easy for your brain

>> No.11171440

Are you new here? /lit/ is full of cultural Catholics and conservatives now. Before 4chan moved to the right to distance itself from SJW normies /lit/ was much more uniformly left-wing. Unsurprisingly you could find many more intelligent discussions back then.

>> No.11171443

But then, I being on the other side of the political spectrum as you could argue the same about Corbyn figures. He's a dumb socialist dreamer whose Hezbollah flag waving persona and distaste for western interventionism are controlled by Russian state actoes. See what''s wrong with that line of thinking? Just because there are elements in your political position thar can be taken advantage of by other actors doesn't mean you are controlled opposition.

>> No.11171444

SocDems are far more like the Cato institute than they are like North Korea or the USSR for example. It's about systems not government spending.

>> No.11171445

It literally relies on meme issues to invoke change.
If I order a sweater on Amazon and it has a tear in it the supplier always quickly responds with a refund or a fix because they're terrified of getting one bad review and seeing their reputation go from 4.8/5 to 4.77/5. That's beautiful.
In Democratic oversight you have to wait until an issue becomes a national meme, it starts getting national attention. It gets discussed for ages on television, a fucking election is run using it as a talking point and then maybe once new people are in charge they vote on it. And it turns out to be the most retarded shit imaginable like trannys being able to use toilets

Nah fuck that, I'll take the Yelp review

>> No.11171449

It wasn't well written that's due to me writing on a phone but i'd love to here a real critique since i'm 100% sure I myself do think something seriously retarded

>> No.11171451

4chan was always full of Facsists and Libertarians. It was never remotely left wing

>> No.11171453

>In Democratic oversight you have to wait until an issue becomes a national meme, it starts getting national attention. It gets discussed for ages on television, a fucking election is run using it as a talking point and then maybe once new people are in charge they vote on it. And it turns out to be the most retarded shit imaginable like trannys being able to use toilets
and even then if there's a fuckup nobody will take responsibility for it, because democracy means shared responsibility, which effectively means nobody's responsibility, take whatever you can for yourself and run

>> No.11171454

>committing themselves either to an alternative path to socialism or to a compromise between capitalism and socialism.[7]
Wew lads, what timeline are you in?

>just because everybody is socdem to some degree
But I implied the exact opposite. Not everyone is socdem and certainly not the power in power

>> No.11171456

i don't get how the libertarian meme ever took root

>> No.11171457

/lit/ used to be considered "the left wing board" before Peterson.

>> No.11171458

/lit/ sure was. People from other boards would come here frequently complaining about it. Excluding /pol/ the rest of 4chan was vaguely liberal or outright apolitical.

>> No.11171466

That is true, there used to be daily Marx threads on here. I used to be a Marxist myself. But I'm afraid you're mistaking a population change with people here just simply arguing about the ideas for a long time and realizing Marxism while revealing compared to more naive ideologies is in the end a fundamentally limited and philosophically naive perspective and its prescriptions are prone to spectacular failure

>> No.11171469

>I don't like niggers but I like weed

It's pretty simple

>> No.11171472


>> No.11171473

i guess that makes sense

>> No.11171475

>before Peterson
/lit/ was already right wing way before he was even internet-born, /lit/ was left-ish a long time ago, the left wing board was always /mu/ though

>> No.11171476

>pretending moot’s /lit/ is the same as hiro’s /lit/
Now this is history revisionism

>> No.11171479

/mu/ is the underage board. So yes, that inherently comes with a bag of other epithets. But it's primarily underage.

>> No.11171481

Yeah they're not even properly Left Wing more just that nascent "Hey racism isn't cooool maaaan!"

>> No.11171482

There are simple issues like a shipping error on one order and complexities like shipping infrastructure itself which necessitates large delegations of power which some of us believe should invoke a popular involvement. I am so sick of defeatist shit. Technology, the state and society are all marvelous things if used properly and we should not abandon what our ancestors worked over centuries to achieve because of malaise.

>> No.11171485

They're mostly idpol libs. I think /lit/ was the only board that ever really liked Marx and Marxism.

>> No.11171487

Thank God those days are over. Thank God I grew up as well.

>> No.11171492

>golly gee, why do people dislike governments which historically are responsible for 99% of all non-disease-related death

>> No.11171495

>Yeah they're not even properly Left Wing
that doesn't really mean anything, nobody in the history of leftism has been properly Left Wing by leftist standards

>> No.11171498

that's because /lit/ is the only board that reads

>> No.11171499

replace "government" with "groups of people" and you'll have said something right but pointless

>> No.11171503

>conservatives are just 10 years delayed progressives
That's one way of looking at it and it explains Republicans vs Democrats pretty well.
But it might not explain some other political systems in other parts of the world or in other time frames.

Another way to look at it is that they are two forces pulling in the opposite directions and since the progressive force is stronger they decide the direction.
If conservatives gained enough power then the progressives would be 10 years delayed.

Anyway, I hate talking about mainstream US politics because it (Dems vs Reps) covers such a limited spectrum of ideas that it's just boring.

>> No.11171506

Not just groups of people, conscious collectives organized under a single banner

>> No.11171507

When all the little things add up the big things sort themselves out. As far as schooling goes I see literally no benefit to state organization compared to free organization (not just private, charities like the Church were one of the main organizers of schools and universities for millennium)
The only reason are still attached to public schools is because they force white peoples daughters to go to school with niggers. They have failed in every other venture for their claimed benefits from artistic funding even to uplifting from poverty. It all just goes down the shitter because its a terribly inefficient organization structure

>> No.11171516

Yeah the poor should really not be literate unless oprah builds them a feminist school..all private/parochial schools do is piggy back on state infrastructure. They are historically unable to cope with universal literacy.

>> No.11171518
File: 26 KB, 605x430, arrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it might not explain some other political systems in other parts of the world or in other time frames.
doesn't matter in the current year, all countries except North Corea, Russia (maybe) and China are basically US colonies and are not allowed to sway ideologically too much from whatever the US dictates without being economically or literally destroyed

>If conservatives gained enough power then the progressives would be 10 years delayed.
there's no conservative vision of history though, it's always been progressivism-lite. And if reactionary thought took real root i am not sure what would be the actual counter-power to that, but i doubt it would be progressivism in its current form

>> No.11171519

that's so broad that it doesn't mean anything at that point that is not captured by just saying "humans are social animals"

yes, they are

>> No.11171522

Libertarianism appeals to 15 year olds and CS autists. Luckily, it's seen as a joke everywhere outside of burgerstan.

>> No.11171524

your parents or your neighbors can teach you to read though, a teacher is not some magical creature descended from the magical land of Words that will implant a spell in your mind that will make you able to understand books

>> No.11171526

No, it says a lot. Decentralization and self-ownership were critical steps towards bringing Europe into the Enlightenment. It's only sensible that some would take things further until hitting a logical endpoint of libertarianism/minarchism/anarcho-capitalism.

>> No.11171528

That's funny because I laugh at the rest of the world on a daily basis

>> No.11171529

Brainlet detected.
Welfare is definitely left wing. If it were up to the right, state welfare wouldn't exist and disadvantaged people would be knocking on church doors rather than waiting in line for a government paycheck.

>> No.11171532

You might be right, but in societies without mandatory state schooling literacy rates tend to remain low. If your parents and neighbors are illiterate they cannot teach you to read and eventually you just believe what the Imam tells you and learn how to build IEDs instead.

>> No.11171534

>Decentralization and self-ownership were critical steps towards bringing Europe into the Enlightenment
those are propaganda memes that never really happened though, the enlightenment was a small group of intellectuals pushing their vision of the world into a big majority that didn't have any interest in it until they were brainwashed

>> No.11171541

You're talking about literal Zimbabwe tier shitholes. I'm concerned about what's good for postindustrial Western societies not fueling your LARPing as a Victorian revolutionary. The situation has changed and what was good for Feudal Russia in 1910 is not good for America right now. If your kids can't read in this day and age its your own damn fault

>> No.11171542

yeah, state schooling is a good way to brainwash populations, but it doesn't seem to be very effective so far in the middle east beyond increasing literacy

>> No.11171545

The irony is Saudi Arabia has by far the most sophisticated and well funded public education system in the Middle East

>> No.11171547

So bascially piggy back off of state infrastructure, hand over the gains of popular governance over to Soros and Bezos et al like an indian trading manhattan for glass beads, that is what is good for society these days?>>11171542
You have to force people to do the right thing for the most part

>> No.11171548

Yeah and that is why they are rich and influential and Afghanistan is a goat fucking shit hole.

>> No.11171550

>The irony is Saudi Arabia has by far the most sophisticated and well funded public education system in the Middle East
does it? i thought Saudi Arabia had like a 20% employment rate and most people were lazy NEETs living from government handouts from oil, basically a timebomb waiting to happen if oil stops flowing or selling at some point

>> No.11171551

>So bascially piggy back off of state infrastructure

Nigger there were brilliant schools and universities before most European States opened a single kindergarten. You are deluded and have a preordained dialectical reading that is designed to simply re-affirm your own starting premise
Look at the facts

>> No.11171552

Societies throughout history tend to revert to traditional ways of living. We've gone through Babylon and Weimar Germany and the hippies...
The last few decades are a drop in the ocean and it won't last forever. Economically and culturally the West is losing power, there will be some significant reshuffling in the next decades.

>> No.11171556

>i thought Saudi Arabia had like a 20% employment rate and most people were lazy NEETs living from government handouts

Exactly, the schools are part of those handouts. Saudi Arabia literally has the highest paid teachers on Earth in many subjects

>> No.11171557

>You have to force people to do the right thing for the most part
that's a nice way to call intervening into another society and forcibly transforming it into your own, i guess the euphemisms have to evolve to continue colonialism while pretending we aren't, nice job!

>> No.11171562

>You have to force people to do the right thing for the most part

You have to force them to do the wrong thing far more often

>> No.11171563

Those schools were closed to most everyone. Without intellectual socialization, welfare or violence will become more necessary and at a higher cost.

>> No.11171568

Not really. If you leave an uneducated nigger sitting around he'll just live a die an uneducated nigger. He's not going turn around and ask why no one is trying to teach him to read Goethe
If poor people want their kids educated then get off your fucking ass, save some money and get them educated.

>> No.11171569

>dumb peasant believing in the freedom meme, haha, go kiss my foot, you're happier this way

>> No.11171572
File: 56 KB, 480x480, fb8e5a2843fd40ef8900bfff3ce1d186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jordan Peteron may be a total money scamming asshole but I don't see how he has anything to do with some extreme movement. His ideas are not reactionary or dangerous or quirky in the least. They are conformist. He has almost nothing to say and yet this is how the media treats him. I'm 100% sure this is paid advertisement.

>> No.11171580

People tend to degenerate very easily. See the widespread embrace of hedonism.

>> No.11171588

>but I don't see how he has anything to do with some extreme movement
he is just re-packaging boomer ideology for people who will never get to live like boomers, Peterson won't last long once his audience realizes this

>> No.11171591

>See the widespread embrace of hedonism.
took literally hundreds of years of social engineering to get here though

>> No.11171594

Sure, but I was referring to the lifespan of a single individual.
And at the same time it took a lot of social technology to ensure that people acted correctly.

>> No.11171596

If it's obviously a joke, can you even really call it bait?

>> No.11171619

There's no such thing as social technology. Absolute meaningless phrase. Thing carefully before posting here

>> No.11171633

>There's no such thing as social technology

>> No.11171645

There isn't. There's simply technology and those who apply it socially. Framing it otherwise is just a means to delude yourself that we are leaving something to waste by not utilizing technology in a specific manner

>> No.11171688

Except the right thinks caring about gays is postmodern cultural neo-marxist communism

>> No.11171693

It is, gays are disgusting

>> No.11171706

nope, no they don't. The right isn't a monolith.

>> No.11171717

no serious right winger believes there's anything special about postmodernism, leftism has been basically social entropy from day 1

>> No.11171721

Well said.

>> No.11171747

Then stop caring about them. They're like 2% of the population.

>> No.11171751

By social technology I'm referring to social engineering practices,

>> No.11171753

You mean 40%? Most people just aren't out yet.

>> No.11171762

[Citation needed]

>> No.11171799

Good. Speak like a human being next time

>> No.11171813
File: 57 KB, 576x436, bloom struggling to read my diary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump is advocating for the silencing of any critical media
>GOP follows suit
>Trump gouges the environment for his billionarie Saudi buddies
>GOP follows suit
>Trump holds up a LGBT flag, upside down but only because his name is on it
>see GOP is much more progressive!!!

>> No.11171826

Surely there is a better word than Dark Web to describe the Peterson type. They aren't exactly underground or silent to the majority.

>> No.11171834

>intellectual dark web
>it's not even a nootropics thread
>clearly no one has read a book but thinks they're kissinger
>they not even on coke
/lit/ was smarter when it was on heroin, what is wrong with you sad fucks?

>> No.11171841

they wouldn't need to care about them if no one bothered faggots in the first place

>> No.11171880

Who's bothering faggots in any western country?

>> No.11171892

or a more plausible alternative is that jews are superior to goyim and are able to rise to public positions.

>> No.11171893

Bothering people who are walking moral and health hazards is a good thing.

>> No.11171898

>holds the flag
>refuses to recognize Pride Month
>judicial nominees with anti-LGBT track records
>Justice Department claims federal Civil Rights Act doesn’t protect gay and bisexual workers
>Masterpiece Cakeshop Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Division
>rescinds Obama-era guidance that schools should respect trannies
>tries to ban trannies from the military

What did he mean by this?

>> No.11171930

How to fix /lit/ and 4chan in general:
Remove pol and r9k to get rid of racists and sexists
Ban all incels
Implement upvotes(so that the most popular threads are in the top instead of the controversial)

>> No.11171939
File: 396 KB, 1011x1484, Elon_Musk_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

allow posts only related to SpaceX

>> No.11171942


>> No.11171965

>video essays from a transexual aren't going to cut it
Fuck you contra is great that video is gold

>> No.11171970

Don't use words if you don't know what they mean

>> No.11171974

>Fuck you contra is great
The only great thing related to that guy is going to be his eventual suicide. He was already borderline suicidal before this tranny shit, so I can't wait for what's going to happen in his autogynephilic future.

>> No.11171980

I keep seeing this guy and his ugly face everywhere
Why the fuck his eues and mouth and features so small so cramped in the big empty canvas of his huge square head
Who is he

>> No.11171984

OK this is epic

>> No.11171986

hahahah retard

>> No.11171991
File: 21 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was JUST when he was young, probably did something weird with his face that rich people do to look like a person instead of like a meme

>> No.11171993

a successful capitalist who convinced the government to pay him to build rockets and also did Tesla cars which i don't know if are government subsidized as well, i'd be surprised if Obama didn't throw a bunch of free money to le-electric-car-man

>> No.11172000
File: 21 KB, 396x379, C9L9wkEUAAAsCHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't mind the guy, don't watch it either because i find him creepy as it goes further into his transformation, but yeah, this seems to be a train-wreck happening in slow motion, i don't get any pleasure from watching people literally destroy themselves

all the leftist livestreams seem to be about how depressed they are and the drugs they have taken recently, which kind of makes sense i guess

>> No.11172251


Are you insane? Trump is a 90s democrat. He's basically Bill Clinton!

>> No.11172614

weepy peepee

>> No.11172632

>and also did Tesla cars which i don't know if are government subsidized as well
do you have to guess? of course they are.
elon musk is an abuser of employees and a retard who thinks safety features are boring oldschool bullshit so people get burned aliv ein his "cars". I hope his retarded companies fail (he never will, people with that kind of money can dow hatever they want and still come out with enough to live a decent life).

>> No.11172648

>there's no alternative vision in the mainstream
Can't wait for that alternative vision of bringing back the fucking 1600s. Or is it maybe the 1200s?

>> No.11172787

there's no going back

>> No.11172795
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 1520411708725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Radical Traditionalist who's open to public healthcare and wants to use leftist acceleration to destroy the West and build a new Faustian society by combining the radical right and radical left into a NEW NAZBOL EMPIRE unironically

Get on my fucking level. I read Adorno with one eye and Evola with the other.