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11159664 No.11159664 [Reply] [Original]

>Passionately I hoped to find preserved the portrait of the artist as a younger brute.

>> No.11161318

Not the only one, litlet

>> No.11161409

who cares.
Joyce was a brute, like most men.
I doubt he'd deny it.

>> No.11161434

if you think joyce was a brute, my god, i can only imagine what order of humanity you fall into; or, rather, how many degrees under human you are. fuckface.

>> No.11161437

You're retarded.
He was a crude man who womanized and worshipped money and jews.
read faggot.

>> No.11161446

really forced and affected af; i'm baffled by how many people here take up nabokov in their arms like an achilles or a caesar. the guy blew: not only dicks but also in his writing. extraneous use of alliteration is not beautiful; it's tiresomely poetic and cloying, and it brings into the clear forefront of the mind nabokov's inexperience of English language properties and qualities, having glanced over briefly and read some really quite fanciful lyric verses from keats and shelley and thought, hum well, let me prosify this in a novel about fucking a teenager. come on, wake up.

>> No.11161450

ah yes, so you're of the argument and molding that an author's life experiences, should they disagree with your sensibilities, renders negatively and tarnishes the quality of the works they create. you're an awful substitute for a human being, and you don't deserve to share the capability of emotion with me. go back to a lower form

>> No.11161454

I forgot to mention that he was also a linguistic genius, but at his core he was a horny, angry, brute.
Most great men are like that fuckhead.

>> No.11161459

Nice flowery prose faggot.
I'm sure Joyce would love you.

>> No.11161473

of course he would. also, as i recall and from what i've read, the guy had a few sexual encounters with prostitutes and harlots in his youthful years and then underwent a transformation on the day nora gave him a handjob. he married her. so i don't see where you get these fanciful ideas that he was a womanizer or a brute.

and yes, of course he would love me. you, on the other hand...you, he wouldn't be able to discern you from an overturned trash can in a dublin park on a sunny day.

>> No.11161477

He cheated on her constantly.
And he was an asshole to his daughter who felt was ugly.
And of course, as a rich jewish man with industry connections I do think in fact he would love me more than you.

>> No.11161484

Post the others, showoff.

>> No.11161485

oh please, Mr. Shylock, please inform me of these illustrious and reputed connections you have, that i may join with you and partake in them. oh, bullshit. a plague confound you for the lies your breath allows.

i need some sources to substantiate and approve these claims of his cheating.

and no, he wouldn't love you more, you stupid whoreson pig. though he gave you the supreme role in ulysses; yet you get cuckolded by miles boylan and his succulent sweet penis enters into your juicy wife's cavity before you even get home.

>> No.11161487

Nah he has his moments.

>> No.11161491

I won't say shit. Don't need to. My dad is world-renowned.
It's all true and you didn't even understand Ulysses.
He was writing about himself.
We are the jew.

>> No.11161493

>the guy had a few sexual encounters with prostitutes and harlots in his youthful years

So what?

>> No.11161495

of course he does; even common knaves, jackanapes, and fools such as yourself, though rarely and but for a moment, get a shred of beauty in your writing; before and after, all air.

>> No.11161498

No, it is actually a fact that he cheated on Nora.
He got in trouble a lot in his later years.

>> No.11161500

share or stfu

>> No.11161501

Jesus Christ. Get over yourself, man.

>> No.11161503

ulysses was brought into life as a parallel to the odyssey; it was to duplicate the story while dressing it with a modernist aesthetic, you half-witted scholar.

i was just telling the other fool, who may as well be your brother, that it doesn't matter his sexual experiences or his past when measured solus; what matters is how those experiences inform and influence his writing.

>> No.11161504

>and but for

>> No.11161505

you're mad I take it?

>> No.11161508

>Having this shallow interpretation of the book that could have been posted on a cover-blurb

It's a means to an end faggot.

>> No.11161509

Oh, ok, anon. I dont have brothers btw lol

>> No.11161510

why u gettin so uptight about joyce fuckin mad thots? first of all who cares about the life of the artist irrelevant to the art, that said every top tier novelist is a super stud no exceptions so dont act surprised

>> No.11161512

oh i'm sorry. i'm not being drowned in fucking money, in ducats, in coins to write a beautiful passage explaining the many nuances and details of the book on a fucking cover no one will read; shower me with affections and fame, and i'll do it. until then, off yourself into oblivion.

good, good. one of your kind is enough

>> No.11161514

No. You just sound like a pompous asshole. Who the fuck cares if he cheated on his wife? What difference does it make?

>> No.11161516

Most if not all writers are like this. What do you want, a novel made of one-liners after one-liners?

>> No.11161519

You must be autistic. You write so flowery and yet it's like you read a summary and never learned to interpret anything beyond the plot arrangement.

>> No.11161523

What's my kind, faggot? I just asked a bloody question now you think you know me. Maybe the other dude is right after all.

>> No.11161526

I didn't say I cared.
I just said, he clearly was a brute.
I'm a fucking brute too if you haven't noticed.

>> No.11161531

Youre a fucking jew lol

>> No.11161534

He cheated on Sweet Farts Nora? Man, what an asshole.

>> No.11161535


>> No.11161537

tell me, please, oh reverent and exalted writer of our time, that there is not a steady and unwavering stream of nonpareil beauty in the prose of joyce, shakespeare, and melville; that a commoner like yourself can pick up a pen and even match halfway their excellence and achievement: down to the gallows with you.

i'm not autistic. i have neither the time, patience, nor will to exhaust myself writing a summary of the novel's importance and meaning to a fool such as yourself, who can easily google scholarly papers on a novel that has been written about exhaustively for the last 100 years

your kind is of the common one; you strut and bellow upon the stage for a minute, and then you poof off into the oblivion-holding sides of the theater.

>> No.11161546

What's that have to do with anything? Get help. Get laid (if you can, anyway, doubt it).

>> No.11161547

Theres definitely a lot to be said about the book and it's interpretations.
But if you think the treatment of Bloom's character is meant to "spite" the jews you'd be very wrong.
It's about man in general, the jews being the last remnant of a sort of sophistication in his eyes.

>> No.11161549

I should also mention that it's a sort of sophistication that I don't think is really worthy of respect in our current time, but a spergy autist like you probably wouldn't understand that.

>> No.11161554

>tell me, please, oh reverent and exalted writer of our time, that there is not a steady and unwavering stream of nonpareil beauty in the prose of joyce, shakespeare, and melville; that a commoner like yourself can pick up a pen and even match halfway their excellence and achievement: down to the gallows with you.
Nice strawman but they're not made of one-liners. There'a bulk in there, pretty, but still bulk.

>> No.11161557

yes, that's what my ex-gf said to me in the video-call that she dumped me in: "go see a therapist" along with such beautiful coinages of phrase as "you romanticized us" and "go find another girl at college" as she nodded to her sister in the background as triumph. ah, the memories warm my heart even two months later. and yes, she laid me, idiot.

dude, i've read the book: not once, but two times. i read analyses of each chapter as i read them, trippingly on the tongue. i know that it's not to spite the fucking jews. his treatment of bloom is an honest and sincere method, and he literally draws analogues with him to jesus christ and to odysseus throughout. he is a hero in his own world, though it be not greece. it's a capitulation and an examination of the modern hero in a chaotic, displaced, and antisemitic world. we get it, we fucking get it.

>> No.11161563

okay, then let's resolve it on a mutual turn: that the best writers have many, many more one-liners strewn at their disposal than we mere mortals do, and they string them along more prevalently and perspicaciously.

>> No.11161567
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> "you romanticized us"
Relatable, now I can't hate you, here's a napkin, now get help.

>> No.11161569

Alright, you get that aspect.
Now realize that he doesn't provide a solution and that he owed 100% of his career success to jewish connections.
I respect his genius but he was no saint.

>> No.11161572

I agree, anon.

>> No.11161576

Joyce succ'd the juicy cock? Thats new. I thought it was Prouse who blew people for publicity.

>> No.11161577

Everyone does it.
People don't understand how these industries work it seems.

>> No.11161585

So the best modern/contemporary writers are not really the best modern/contemporary writers but the ones who succ'd the juicy cock the best?

>> No.11161586

i can't hate you, sharing thus in this. however, i'll go and receive help once the assistance becomes free; which, as i see it, i might as well look out into the sky and hope for the sun to remove itself from my view and dart toward another system.

yes, now name these jewish connections: if you say ezra pound as one, you deserve to be pounded, and not by a female member.

he didn't, this other anon, who is one of herod of jewry's members, is trying to take away from joyce's flowery prose by saying that he owed his success to outside agents. the man was brilliant and prescient, ahead of time.

>> No.11161592


All literary major literary institutions, sepsecially in the Irish 20s, were/are operated in some form by jews. No names required honestly. The fact speaks for itself.

>> No.11161655
File: 188 KB, 493x550, Screen Shot 2018-05-16 at 2.06.37 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Punnigans Wake

>> No.11161676

ugh, the fact this man hates finnegans wake is a testament to how awful of a writer he really is

>> No.11161710
File: 1.97 MB, 380x285, disgust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and but for

You're not exactly a wordsmith either bucko.

>> No.11161716

no, prithee; for if i were, i would not waste the labour of my art nor my skill upon such unschooled philistines and jackanapes as you share in the breeding. begone, whoreson pox.

>> No.11161720

why do you write like an insufferable faggot

>> No.11161721

oh, prithee, i do not quite know, whoreson: perchance i'm just trying to inch my way in imitation toward your style of prose, and, in the failing, surpass you either way.

>> No.11161723

just shut the fuck up you faggot

>> No.11161724

ah yes, and, as for you, a plague upon thee and all you stand for. let it confound thee, useless nothing.

>> No.11161732

i remember when i read shakespeare for the first time. you'll grow out of it.

>> No.11161737

no, honestly, i won't. for you to grow out of it is like saying i could outgrow the uses of air to my lungs or give up the need for water. he was not for a time, but for all ages. i will spend the rest of my life reading him, and i'll die with a book open to one of his tragedies. tragic, that your giving up on him will never be writ in shakespearean. again, confound thyself with a rogue pestilence of vapours.

>> No.11161758


I've never read faggot, is it a good book?

>> No.11161768

it's a jolly good laugh, really, since it details your existence to the point that you must be the sole composer of it.

>> No.11161779

>and i'll die with a book open to one of his tragedies
and then the owl of athena comes and sheds a tear on your coffin
you have an awfully middlebrow mind for a self proclaimed shakespeare afficionado

>> No.11161791

he calls me middlebrow, when others note, and not quite few, that i am brow-bound with the oak and man-enter'd thus into my life having endured battles and travails worthy of the telling. o, please, sirrah, tell me not, nay, tell me not of your presumptions of me when you see even but a fraction, a hairsbreadth, of my true potential. fret me not, play upon me, drive not home your portraits. i will not be your easel for you to paint on. i am not your subject. let fortune take you wherever she wants; you be her strumpet, her bawd; and i'll elsewhere, to roads unknown, treading a path of destiny to which you will not follow. hang yourself.

>> No.11161895

I love Shakespeare too, but i wouldn't imitate his style in everyday talk if i were you. People wont be impressed by it and will just think you're a posturing pseud, like in this thread. Most people could probably feign a loose Shakespearean style if they wanted to but don't because they're not social retards.

>> No.11162052

wow, great fucking thread guys
good job

>> No.11162165

It's the semicolon spraying autist. He seems to be at loose all over /lit/ today.

>> No.11163166

okay? where do you get this idea that i'm particularly emulating his style? i'm merely speaking and typing: i'm letting the instrument of my keyboard sound out its notes upon the screen whatever compositions lie in the brain; it is like telling, for instance, one mozart or brahms or wagner not to indent this certain way or that, as it may imitate a young bach in his youth dallying and frivolously fumbling around with chords and movements his father taught him; you know absolutely fucking nothing about me, and do not presume to tell me to constrain or restrain my style; it's like telling the nile river where antony and cleopatra made good love to stop flowing, to stop up its movements and be plugged because it takes in all sorts of things and stuffs with it, right? right? is that what you say; and so what, if i use too many semicolons, is there a problem? is not a man entitled to the semicolons or the punctuation of his post? my fingers grow tired of playing with you, for you are a dull game and are hours old. get thee gone to my lady's chamber, and tell her, let her be as virtuoso at words as i, to these fools she must arrive.

>> No.11163188

Very elaborate b8, are you a master ruseman?

>> No.11163203

o no no, no elaborate ruseman at all. just a rambling, loquacious, and garrulous knave with severe depression, having lost all my mirth in the world after my woman left: she took all of my happiness and joy with her in the video call, and now i resign myself to this community, this board, in an attempt to distract myself and hold conversations with some of the lesser people of the world.

>> No.11163212

Okay be autistic to your hearts content, but if you must abuse the semicolon, can you at least properly capitalise your letters?

>> No.11163216

Have you been reading Nashe?

>> No.11163219

This is awful!

>> No.11163236

>This is awful!
the thead or the reference? or both?

>> No.11163249

>ah yes

stopped reading there

>> No.11163252

no, i have not been; i am familiar only with the surface of his work, knowing that his unfortunate traveler piece of work is the most known to us today; i'll read an excerpt of his if you will, but until then, we have nothing else to say

oh look how the pedagogue, the absolute sophist, with his specious and fallacious reasoning, assays me to capitalize more my letters and calls it "abuse" to use semi-colons in my manner; what a presumptuous knave you truly become; it is as if aristotle were to step up to plato and say "well, this here" or "that there" could be revised or improved, he being formerly a mere schoolboy of no import or prominence; like a mozart being told by a commoner plebeian that this note here would be better placed and more becoming here, or this caesura should extend further than the length of a... confound thee; i shall not at all listen to your advice or your construction, for your way would take away the quality of my work and make it your own; would make it unnatural for me to speak; would force it into your own conception of it; and, as we know, whatever you conceive...well...stay out of the sun for now, ophelia--your babies aren't looking to be too bright

>> No.11163257

joyce and nabokov were lovers
of literature

>> No.11163259

and i take it your surcease there is really becoming of your ability to comprehend the english language: an "ah yes" is easy to see, short and brief; then comes the longer sentences which your brain has no time for: tell me, how you even get through a paragraph

>> No.11163263

u two ruined this

>> No.11163266

write me a metafictional short piece that reflects on the possibilities and limits of storytelling

>> No.11163285

and you ruined earth whenever your mother agreed to be stiff-rode by the moor that brought you into it

true, true; and then, your task, sirrah: write me a sentence. why? because i want to proportion the tasks we are set to by their corresponding difficulty: a metafictional short piece to me is as a sentence for you; let's be fair here, intelligence is not a blessing for all: have at it.

>> No.11163288

>Prose is too purple
>Proceeds to do the same.


>> No.11163293

>true, true; and then, your task, sirrah: write me a sentence. why? because i want to proportion the tasks we are set to by their corresponding difficulty: a metafictional short piece to me is as a sentence for you; let's be fair here, intelligence is not a blessing for all: have at it.
kek'd, good job

>> No.11163314

>and you ruined earth whenever your mother agreed to be stiff-rode by the moor that brought you into it
lol no u

>> No.11163317

look how he taunts and gibes at me for my writing; slaps on it labels of ornate and elaborate; and what can you produce? can you just give off acronyms like a baby bringing forth guttural noises; or a brute bringing forth grunts? it's like a robert greene insulting shakespeare; like a ben jonson saying he wanted art; when the works they produced, well, what are they now? you see them, you vaguely know of them, but they sit in a pile below the greats. that's what you are, a pile below, a heaping pile of dung.

>> No.11163320

Holy fuck you’re one dense mouth-breathing ass-scratching fucking primate. The guy asked for a fucking source and all you said is, “It’s a fact”.

>> No.11163338

thank you, thank you. that's all i was asking for, and he stood up to me all imperious-chested and hubristic with his "it's a fact." really, so you can't give evidence of it? are you the senate with its "shall" that dictates events and ideas on your own accord?

>> No.11163345

worse than girardfag

>> No.11163348
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ITT: two faggots fighting each other

>> No.11163365

no, no; do not compare; i am above comparisons. refer to me, yes, hubristically and haughtily, refer and proclaim to me in the superlative degree always; please, for i pupil you; i teach you, and enlighten you; you are a mote, a spot in the heavens, that brings out darkness from your dull uneducated stupidity; so let me lighten you up a bit, give you some workings, some trappings; for the trappings you have are what seem to be smart, when, really, seems is posturing; now get you gone, and open up a book to pretend you know what words enter into your cavernous hole of a head

>> No.11163374

I would say this is cringy but by this point it’s just admirable how you refuse to feel embarrassed. Are you on amphetamines or something?

>> No.11163388

o look now he presumes to tell me presently, how he presumes and invites to tell me henceforth that this display should be chagrin were i not on some artificial drugs; i am not on anything; perchance, you, on the other hand, might take a look at some of those hecate's offerings; it might improve your writing and ability, which, now, as i see, rests comfortably around the level of a groundling; thanks for the admiration, but save it for yourself; for nothing will admire you for quite some time, if you keep up the way you speak

>> No.11163428
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ahahahahahah please never stop posting anon. I haven't kek'd this hard in fucking years. absolutely based.

>> No.11163434

good, good; you laughing and chucking and chortling just confirms my already presiding suspicions; that the groundlings, the plebeians, are capable of nothing at all in their worthless lives than inexplicable dumb shows and noise; and i'm here now, in my element, o'erdoing termagant--it out-herods herod; you don't deserve this, you don't deserve this; get thee gone from hence, and laugh instead at paint drying behind an arras; laugh at a clown--that is, to say, at the one you see in the mirror

>> No.11163473
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>that is, to say, at the one you see in the mirror