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/lit/ - Literature

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11148182 No.11148182[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is reading for virgins?

>> No.11148190

im a virgin and i read so yes

>> No.11148198

Yes, but virgins are in the right

>> No.11148202

It's for everyone

>> No.11148244

It's mostly for people with low self-esteem who believe reading is for intellectuals and want to feel smart.

>> No.11148264
File: 47 KB, 682x1023, depositphotos_29445013-stock-photo-happy-woman-eating-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I had sex with one woman 4 separate times 6 years ago and still read books

>> No.11148280

And what do the people with high self esteem do? Oh, right. Spend money. Nothing.

>> No.11148689

This, but unironically.

>> No.11148711

tfw i lost my virginity once i've started with the greeks.

>> No.11148755
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I was a virgin for 22 years, then I fucked one of the most prolific 4chan whores, now I never want to have sex again.

Just focus on your path in life. You aren't going to find a decent virgin wife, all women are shit. So if you have the chance to fuck get it out of the way.

>> No.11148786

Im going to be a wizard in 2 years, and I like reading.

>> No.11148787

>You aren't going to find a decent virgin wife, all women are shit.

Ew I hope you're not actually like this

>> No.11148829
File: 492 KB, 976x1200, TEAMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had sex with dozens of women, I'm married with kids now, and I still read daily. Most of the teachers and profs I know have kids and families, so... probably not.

>> No.11148839

who'd you fuck?

>> No.11148840

t. Incel.

>> No.11148845

im a virgin and i pretend to read so yes

>> No.11148850

Butterfly. She actually lurks only for penis but tsundere-esque, never admits it. She can feel my penis forcing its way into her mind and there is nothing she can do about it.

I have turned Butterfly straight from the unconscious depths of her soul using God's strength.

>> No.11148858

Is there nudes out there of her, and do you have a link to them?
>also you can never tame a slut anon

>> No.11148873
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girl from r9k/b
lol no, butterfly should be euthanized. Girls that fake capacity are worse than literal whores.

>> No.11149014

Sex is overrated - so no worries

>> No.11149136

this, quite honestly. If you don't love the woman, sex is not worth the hassle. As soon as you cum and have to spend some time with a random ass girl, it is instant regret, not to mention a lot of girls fucking suck at sex and can't blow for shit. Better fuck your own hand

>> No.11149143
File: 70 KB, 850x400, quote-love-is-what-makes-sex-more-than-masturbation-if-there-is-no-love-even-if-you-are-really-slavoj-zizek-111-4-0477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is zizek right? should i not try to bang sloots and just get a loving gf?

>> No.11149173


>> No.11149220


>> No.11149238


Recently married guy here. Sex with the woman whom you have joined in union with is the best feeling. I had sex twice before meeting her and even though it was kinky, it was about 1/100th of what we have together.

We both converted to Christianity and are more conservative now, but vanilla missionary is enough to have me writhing and she can orgasm 3-4 times. Praise to God for giving us this gift of union to better enlighten us to the mystery of Gods union with us and his Church.

>> No.11149243

>recently married
see you in 10 years buddy.

>> No.11149251

I had much longer reply typed out, but it just degenerated into mostly blog posting.

Im happy for you, but also genuinely jealous.

>> No.11149257
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I read Capital but I still haven't got laid
/lit/ lied to me

>> No.11149263

>let me rearrange my shelf and post another image, maybe then they'll think I read

>> No.11149386

It's time to cheer him on, not project the failure of your parents relationship on him.

>> No.11149390
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Can confirm, am 27 year old virgin and I read a lot.

>> No.11149414

I can't tell if I should be jealous or if I would get bored of it all after awhile...either way props to you anon.

>> No.11149418

Pretty good bait, been conceived well enough

>> No.11149447

reading turns you into a virg (or celibate) because it makes you realize how banal and meaningless normal human relationships are. why would you want to spend time, effort and resources on some pleb real world relationship when you could be living countless interesting and impossibly meaningful lives in books?

>knowingly eats rotten fruit
>declares all fruit to be rotten
ok bud

>> No.11149904

Head off back to r/books you fedora-tipping faggot

>> No.11149909

That’s a woman’s collection you dyke

>> No.11149972

I doubt your claim. She was incredibly cute but didn't seem to like men in all honesty. She might have just faked that to reduce the level of interest in her, who knows.
Good job if you sacked her though.

>> No.11149979
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You have to name the 4chan whore.

>> No.11149982
File: 99 KB, 640x960, EFEAB0E1-2F1A-4409-BBF6-911E12173E25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28yo virgin here too.

>> No.11150007

Who’s the girl from r9k/b? Calla/kallshn? Society has ruined girls. It’s none of our faults but our faggot ancestors who killed their own race in WW2.

I had sex with a whore once and it was one of the worst times of my life. I wasn’t turned on at all and didn’t want to be there. It’s because men actually like innocent girls. An untouched virgin is the noble fantasy of men. A used girl is very low worth and makes you hate yourself after even getting to know her. Really sad but those types of girls are done for. Embrace loli nationalism t b h

>> No.11150028


>> No.11150098

>And what do the people with high self esteem do? Oh, right. Spend money. Nothing.
They go out, have fun socializing and fucking around. Meanwhile your life is boring to the point that the only thing that keeps you alive is the delussion that you are in some way superior to common people, because you have read some books (the thoughts of other boring virgins transcribed on paper).

>> No.11150124

If anything I think its the opposite, reading helped me change the way I look at myself and in turn prevented me from acting like an utter ass. Was a virgin until after I started reading. Dudes who act like reading is for virgins are almost always dopey low-class morons who only fuck the scabbiest chicks. Worthwhile girls like relatively intelligent dudes.

>> No.11150141

just fuck a prostitute, you don't want to end up becoming a wizzard of caos, do you anon?

>> No.11150147

Hitler and Germans in general are responsible for the decline of the white race

>> No.11150175

>Chad goes out
>forgotten even by his family after about 3 generations

>A virgin reads other virgin books
>writes a book
>his books are printed hundred of years after his death

>> No.11150186


>> No.11150188
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>> No.11150197

>printed hundred of years after his death
most virgins are not literary/philosophycal geniouses
sorry to break it to you anon, but you are not the next Leopardi/Nietzsche.

>> No.11150214


no i fuck my gf of 4 years regularly. you probably just have a shit personality.

>> No.11150217

>t. incel

>> No.11150227

Since "virgins" are subhumans, and reading is an activity for those with superior intellect, I'd say no.

>> No.11150618

Sure, m8. That’s why the communist Jews who ran France imported a million niggers to replace the male population before Hitler even got into politics. If only the Weimar Republic lasted we’d all be in paradise! Damn you, heroic man who is now being seen as a King Arthur by more and more people everyday!

>> No.11150685

No. I read and have sex regularly with a /lit/ gf

>> No.11151197

Having patience and an honest interest in the very best writing left [us] by those who've passed through this life already, and under very different circumstances, is wildly exciting if one has the brain for it.... Plus, my gf's a shit ton more sexy, more sensible, and more together than anything (you) could present by way of contrast, 'chad.' Don't even fucking presume--
>b8. but so what?