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11140472 No.11140472 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that take you down the rabbit hole?

>> No.11140691

haha wow

>> No.11140703
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Just check out the /leftypol/ reading guide

>> No.11140750

Is /leftypol/ actually Leninist or are you trying to meme people into a dead ideology?

>> No.11140774
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They have a bunch of stuff, all the way from social liberal to Stalinism
Uploading is just very slow for me and you can just ask them for reading charts
If you want the blue hair dye experience I guess read the meme-core chart

>> No.11140776

Don't lump contra in there she's pretty based

>> No.11140846

Why posting Leninist reading chart when lenin and stalin are despised by most of faggots like contra? Fuck lenin was a social conservative
/leftypol/ was born anarchist, now is borderline tankie. That said lennism is not that. It's the purest for of marxist and the only one that resist thw assault of faggots like contra and sjw because these people are scared of stalin

>> No.11141588


>> No.11142120

Lenin wasn't a social conservative. If anything, he didn't give a fuck about societal matters - because they would be transformed by the change in the most fundamental structures of society, not the other way around.
The Communist Party effectively abolished all laws regarding sexual matters in 1922 - if anything, if you despise tankies, you should recognize that one (minor) *symptom* of the Stalinist counter revolution was the re-creation of such structures.
Lenin would have despised liberals, alright. Including most of today's feminists, LGBT activists and anti-racist militants - or, in a quite similar way, reformist worker's right activists. But shouting about faggots and rambling about "SJWs" is pure right-wing brainrot.

Btw OP, read Bordiga.