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11136226 No.11136226 [Reply] [Original]

Will celebrity atheists ever recover?

To the realists. -You sober people who feel armed against passion and phantastical conceptions and would like to make your emptiness a matter of pride and an ornament -you call yourself realists and insinuate that the world really is the way it appears to you: before you alone reality stands unveiled, and you yourselves are perhaps the hest part of it -oh, you beloved images of Sais! But aren't you too in your unveiled condition still most passionate and dark creatures, compared to fish, and still all too similar to an artist in love? And what is 'reality' to an artist in love! You still carry around the valuations of things that originate in the passions and loves of former centuries! Your sobriety still contains a secret and inextirpable drunkenness! Your love of 'reality', for example -oh, that is an old, ancient 'love'! In every experience, in every sense impression there is a piece of this old love; and some fantasy, some prejudice, some irrationality, some ignorance, some fear, and whatever else, has worked on and contributed to it. That mountain over there! That cloud over there! What is 'real' about that? Subtract just once the phantasm and the whole human contribution from it, you sober ones! Yes, if you could do that! If you could forget your background, your past, your nursery school -all of your humanity and animality! There is no 'reality' for us -and not for you either, you sober ones -we are not nearly as strange to one another as you think, and perhaps our good will to transcend drunkenness is just as respectable as your belief that you are altogether incapable of drunkenness. ~ Jordan Peterson, Maps of Meaning

>> No.11136598

That is an aphorism of Nicie (gay science if i'm not wrong)
How dare you associating him with the subhuman in your pic related (who has never created anything that could be considered meaningfull)?

>> No.11136610

I want that poster

>> No.11136613
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>> No.11136629

I was going to say this is the biggest rip-off of Nietzsche i've read, but then:
>-oh, you beloved images of Sais!
funny post tho

>> No.11136637

Lol sounds like he was drunk when he wrote that.

>> No.11136674
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Ironically Peterson is the biggest example of performativity the 21st century has produced - he dresses and speaks like pleb's idea of "an intellectual", so he gets away with being empty of content himself. Tradition means you don't have to have any original ideas.

>> No.11136695

Is peterson more of a delillo or pynchon character?

>> No.11136706

>Tradition means you don't have to have any original ideas.

really nigga?

>> No.11136728

Ironically the content of your comment is as original as making a joke about Crocs. Oh... You actually thought that was funny and original too.

>> No.11136733

oh, I was like "this niggga trina act like neetchan or sum sheet"

>> No.11136738

yes i strongly agree

>> No.11136772
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>original ideas
As if that's the point you fucking idiot.
Any and all attacks on Peterson have hit the plateau whereby the dissemination of scrutny has now flowed into the weak minded only capable of emoting and being a channel for what was once a timely scrutiny of his view of post modernism. What is left is worthless other than self-definition. Choose to grapple with the conflict that does not have to do just with Peterson but with millions of people who see post modernism as a subject and not a complete withdrawal from systems of thought. Peterson is an advocate of some thought that places the well being of others higher than his need to tell the truth. He works for the good and all his truth is noble and therefore not subject to the same scrutiny as should be his followers.




>> No.11136846

>You sober people who ... would like to make your emptiness a matter of pride and an ornament
sorry, this doesn't seem to be addressed to me. or any real person, actually. straw people maybe.

>> No.11136902

>Peterson is an advocate of some thought that places the well being of others higher than his need to tell the truth
His own well being you mean

>muh 2'000$ magic capet
>muh 10$ psychological test, that is copied from the free verions you could find online
>muh please support me i'm persecuted by the sjw/trannies, because i don't want to call them "zers"
>muh free speech conference, but i will not allow faith goldy, to be there because she is too much of a hot potato

>> No.11137238

what page is this on? I agree wholeheartedly but it is cute to see his lift the aphoristic style and bombastic prose from N while throwing in a little Dostoyevjjskie in his prose. adorable.

>> No.11137246

It's in the Gay Science

>> No.11137258

you know what page?

>> No.11137271
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Passage 57; first passage of of book 2.

>> No.11137302

> Subtract just once the phantasm and the whole human contribution from it, you sober ones.
And if you do that, reality still remains. You mad, Neetche? :^)

>> No.11137325
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thank you!!!!

>> No.11137349
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*that is just your interpretation pleb*

>> No.11137567

French intellectuals and the art world have tried that with abysmal results. Of course, the creative force of maintenance and protection is a closed door for them.

>> No.11137884

Damn, just when I think Peterson can't get any fucking stupider. I picked up his 12-step program in the bookstore today and was laughing out loud at the pathetic "drunk uncle" homily-pseudo-common-sense wisdom. He's like Canada's sad sack version of a drunk Chesterton.

>> No.11137894
File: 561 KB, 1563x2130, Chesterton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson wishes he were as smart or as funny as Chesterton. Old Gilbert would probably have demolished him in a debate.

>> No.11137912

This is from The Gay Science. Peterson doesn't write nearly as well as Nitch.

>> No.11138046

Agreed. I wasn't implying the quote was Peterson.

>> No.11138190

Hahaha. Admit it.