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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.91 MB, 480x270, 6DCF6102-13C9-4EF3-B092-193AA1F52480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11091509 No.11091509[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone studying philosophy at uni? How do you like it? General uni thread too I guess.

Also, does anyone have the other version of this gif?

>> No.11091512
File: 1.17 MB, 480x270, 1523125102180.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already finished, made it on the deans list. Had a lot of fun.

>> No.11091532

Any department bias?

>> No.11091543

Are you minoring in how not to look attractive to employers?

>> No.11091549
File: 223 KB, 1017x1016, 278C083F-674B-4F92-AD66-5AD16962C8C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s my second major actually anon

>> No.11091555
File: 351 KB, 1200x1166, harvard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am

>> No.11091562

Im minoring in it to hopefully look attractive to law school and also i have no fucking clue what i want to do and nothing else is really intersting besides writing despite the fact im just now starting to read or writing music despite the fact i can barely play anything and i have a massive superiority complex and no social skills outside of work/blog

>> No.11091570
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same, basically

>> No.11091576

Brainlets, I swear

>> No.11091577

Graduated a year ago. Next year I'll be teaching Latin and Ancient Greek to thankless high school kids.

>> No.11091609
File: 332 KB, 804x804, B812D5E8-B991-4851-AB84-49468E45AC30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t think they understand guys like us man

>> No.11091618

Im not taking some extra courses right now im preparation for grad school

Hoping for Tufts but I doubt it

>> No.11091633

Yea I am. I wish that I majored in math instead because it turns out that the parts of philosophy that I really care about are in the philosophy of math and mathematical studies of language. I really couldn't care less about the rest of philosophy. I think I might go back after graduating to get that math degree because Im not even that far away. Its not like Ill find a job anyway.

>> No.11091635
File: 2.17 MB, 2481x3289, Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Head_of_a_skeleton_with_a_burning_cigarette_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brainlets not majoring in both a prestigious STEM field and philosophy
>not mastering the world of pragmatic empiricism to contribute to material liberation and the world of rationalism to liberate yourself

Engineers and computer science majors need not apply, I'm talking about majors that can actually produce good in the world sweeties.

>> No.11091655
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>> No.11091673
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>mfw the former head of my department literally calls himself "The Last Living Logical Positivist" and we didn't even have an ontology class until several years ago

>> No.11091693

This but unironically.
Math + Philosophy master race

>> No.11091696


fiction and philosophy (redundant) are the same as movies and television series

when someone tells me they 'love' reading I put them in the same category of person I place people who 'binge watch' series on Netflicks

>> No.11091703

It sucked ass. I learned more about real philosophy by making a friend during my MA, which wasn't even in Philosophy but in Anthropology, than I learned by doing an undergraduate degree in "philosophy" at a top 15ish school in North America for philosophy departments. North American and British departments are fucked. Analytics don't teach real philosophy, and even if you think they do, they don't teach anything but their own version of it. You are robbed of a real education in continental thought and turned into a fucking STEM wannabe retard.

>> No.11091842
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>> No.11091853


that picture looks like someone who reads zizeck, pynchon, and steiner

>> No.11091857

that picture looks like you, hot off /r/engineeringstudents, using reddit spacing

>> No.11091868
File: 521 KB, 1080x1920, ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever, loser

>> No.11091872

i thought selfies belong /soc/

>> No.11091873

looks like a man who has not worked a single day in his life.

>> No.11091874
File: 449 KB, 3033x1852, R7267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


furgot to link these two together

>> No.11091884

Took Phi101 first semester, got convinced by the professor to take Asian Phi in the second. There’s only one more class and I’ve enjoyed the ride a lot. Probably won’t major in it but I wouldn’t mind going for a minor.

>> No.11091893

I feel my estrogen levels increasing just looking at this pic

>> No.11091913
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>tfw computer engineer

>> No.11092129

don't go to law school
t. T14

>> No.11092137


>> No.11092199

i kno it can be really dumb but i dont really want to be a biologist and it's one of the only noncreative fields that interests me somewhat. also assuming this board doesnt entirely drain my gpa i think i could do well at it

>> No.11092247

law fags sweaty palms and neervous laughs

>> No.11092317

>i dont really want to be a biologist

>> No.11092333

It moves at a glacial place and creative thought is relegated to problem solving. At least with law, the problem solving is exciting like a board game and you get to win things sometimes, as childish as that sounds. I also think law would let me affect the world in a positive way. But I would really like to do something like music or writing that is creative.
my soul demands to express itself

>> No.11092404
File: 34 KB, 372x400, LIT_MusicalStructureofPlatonicDialogues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attractive to law school
>fug biology
>something like music or writing that is creative.
Historical linguistics/Linguistic Anthropology, then translation.
>my soul demands to express itself
pic related

Lawfaggotry is like playing hockey on an ice drift, while orcas attemp to splash you off into the ocean: at best, you're Ahab before he loses a leg.

>> No.11092419

maybe for grad school
if i knew what i knew now coming in i wouldnt have picked biology but im half way done and dont want to waste my parents money. im hoping that keeping my grades up will keep my options open later down the road.
also thx for the rec

>> No.11092441

Phil pre-law
Honestly, I just wanna drop out. I'm only interested in philosophy and literature really.

Wish I could drop out and just do drugs constantly.

>> No.11092457

any of you wonderful brilliant attractive minds have any Diogenes works I can has?

Some wonderful anon gave me a bunch of PDF books but unfortunately, I'm a retard.

>> No.11092510

>It moves at a glacial place and creative thought is relegated to problem solving
Maybe for wildlife or field biology, but there's tons of fast paced creative work in biology. Bioinformatics requires really intensive creative and abstract thinking, as does stuff like virology and biophysics. Not to mention all the areas bio is beginning to crossover into like optics, neuro, computer-user interaction, and other places where novel products are the game.
> I also think law would let me affect the world in a positive way
Fighting the tide of endless corruption in law is a fool's game. You're outnumbered 100-1 for affecting any kind of positive change, unfortunately. The only limit to positive change through biological research is funding, and the privitization of industry is making that more and more irrelevant.

It's your life, but I wouldn't write off biology if you have a genuine interest in it. Just pick a specialization rather than general bio.

t. biochem + philosophy major

>> No.11092702
File: 552 KB, 500x282, e7024b1f8021fe2d0e3a4f27fe8ad58e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im actually microbio major + phil minor
You raise good points, and the part of me that wants a stable economic future is still considering it. But i also want to do something noteworthy, and i dont think im skilled or dedicated enough at biology to do something like that. Not like I'm a genius writer but it's easier to daydream there.
As for positive good, I think privatization will increase the amount of research at the expense of research that helps those without fat stacks.
And the image is here to bump the count to a not unlucky number

>> No.11092753

Me. It's probably not something you should do if you dislike it. But any major that doesn't have a certification is worth the same, anyway.
Minors aren't worth doing.
If all you care about is a job, then college is a bad place to go. Trades are much better.
There's nothing prestigious about any bachelor's.

>> No.11092772

Im minoring because im interested
possible employment benefits are secondary

>> No.11092789

That's fine. But know that employers and grad school won't care.

>> No.11092790


>> No.11092843

Hating it. I can't stop feeling bad about studying something so pointless, and I also feel bad about seeing philosophy as something pointless, because there are moments when I remember why it is important, but it doesnt last, so I feel bad and that I'm just not made for it sometimes.
Those Sadler gifs are top comfy btw.

>> No.11092859

I wish I still enjoyed drugs. There is nothing for me in this world now.

>> No.11093102
File: 23 KB, 235x308, b47e3cc8-5934-445d-8a83-2690db741bcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do first world biologyfags know or care about these guys?

>> No.11093619

I suppose not formally, but I am a university student who has consumed the works of Sam Harris, so I will answer OPs question with a resounding YES.

As for how I like it, it's true what they say - ignorance is bliss lol. I miss not being enlightened to the innerworkings of the world and the human mind, life was simpler then

>> No.11094159

I'm doing computer engineering. And I love computer engineering. But my class load makes it hard to take some literature classes. Looks like my love of reading is going to stay personal for the time being.