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/lit/ - Literature

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11089728 No.11089728 [Reply] [Original]

write whats on your mind

>> No.11089737

I wish I enjoyed reading

>> No.11089747

god i wish that were me

>> No.11089755

I stopped myself buying new books and made good progress through my backlog but now I'm downloading free ebooks so my backlog is growing anyway (albeit more cheaply).

>> No.11089779

>Be 21
>I’m gonna be an author one day! Just gotta finish college!
>Be 23
>I’m gonna be an author one day! Just gotta make enough money for rent
>Be 25
>I’m gonna be an author one day! Just need to save enough money for rent and to afford a year off so I can write!
>Be 27
>I’m gonna be a writer one day! Just gotta continue saving, spend less time with my friends or s/o, and prepare for having a family
>Be 29
>I’m gonna be a writer one day! Just gotta work a little harder and make that bonus so I can afford this wedding and that year off to finish a novel
>Be 31
>I’m not going to be a writer one day. My wife thinks it’s stupid and wants to have a child. I work 10 hours a day. I’m always tired and I don’t really have any ideas. I never really did anything, you know? Just went to school and worked this office job. Oh well, at least I am comfortable.

>> No.11089787

normies get off by board

>> No.11089800
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Hurt my leg today.
Couldn't exercise or work properly.
The day was particularly rainy anyways so I wouldn't have jogged anyways.

Took my time to finish a couple books I had on stand by.

>The Sailor who fell from grace with the sea.

Pretty disturbing as I preluded, in particular if you consider that Mishima wrote it around the time his son was born. Made me reconsider fatherhood in an Eraserhead kind of fashio.

>Horace's Satyrae
Very relatable, made me think of my father .
Called him and asked how life is going.
He is healthy and the family business is doing good since Summer is getting real close.

I guess the theme for today was fatherhood.

>> No.11089803
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You have a job and a wife, a lot of people are worse off.

>> No.11089814

That wasn’t autobiographical

>> No.11089821

Also I have neither.

>> No.11089880
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It's the Guy I Never Fucked thing. Maybe if we'd fucked all those years ago things would have evened out. But sweet Jesus it's weird now. Maybe it would be weird anyway. But he'd better watch his fucking mouth or I am going to call his bluff and it's going to be very uncomfortable.

>> No.11089900
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Distant cries of help lost in time and all we feel is nothing. Reading the casualties numbers regarding infamous theatres of war makes me feel so powerless and I feel I'm the only one who's hurt by them. Anyone feeling like this?

>> No.11089905
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i want a footjob

>> No.11089907

Same, i used to, but then again i don't enjoy anything anymore. It's just routine at this point

>> No.11089911

/lit/ is much more active than it used to be.

>> No.11089915

I used to have a foot fetish but now I find feet gross and not sexual at all.

>> No.11089924

you're not going to like hearing this, but you can't be an artist without sacrificing elements of a normal life. (You can if you're very lucky or have connections, but there's a reason people suffer for their art.)

>> No.11089939
File: 487 KB, 500x281, i dont like it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ what a fucking nightmare

>> No.11089946

we have more redditors and /pol/ has donated all of its pseuds

>> No.11089971

and you're one of them faggot

>> No.11089974

Yes that was horrific, especially because of its underlying truth.

>> No.11090011

I am not from reddit or /pol/ I came from twitter almost three years ago before the election

>> No.11090024

I feel angst and it's beautiful.


>> No.11090038

Even worse.
You probably follow Kantbot as well you disgusting piece of shit

>> No.11090045

This thread is turning into nightcall all of a sudaaaaaa

>> No.11090064


>> No.11090082

No i strongly dislike KB aside from his trolling of marxists and acute understanding of the contradictions at the heart of lolbert theory
>even worse
how is that worse?

>> No.11090086

>Some kind of armillary sphere was in use already in Han times, and by the fourth Christian century it had made possible the tremendous discovery of the precession of the equinoxes—a discovery that permanently dislocated the traditional belief in cosmic equilibrium by detaching the calendar from the fixed field of stars.

Daoist astronomy and its philosophical consequences

>> No.11090122
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I just got a new job, but it's really hard and I'm afraid to fuck it up by doing something stupid.

>> No.11090142

Good luck anon! Remember, everyone makes mistakes. Even Hitler, like when he invaded Russia.
You’ll do great!

>> No.11090148

I need more guy friends. I'm basically an honorary chick at this point, and that equates to hearing a lot of blathering about how hard it is having a boyfriend but he's not *really* the guy you want to spend your life with, and why can't *your type* ever notice you?

>> No.11090177

It's becoming more and more apparent that at best I'm a complete fucking bore of a human and at worst I'm a loathsome and despicable one. I have faced absolutely no hardship in my life and yet can't seem to muster up the courage to face even the most banal of typical society's expectations. I graduate college in a few weeks and I just can't see me having any kind of a future. The only thing I have dedicated any amount of effort and heart towards in the past 6 years or so are recording some competent yet unremarkable folk songs and even now I'm starting to question whether those pursuits were even sincere. I just feel so fucking trapped inside my own head and the fact that I have personal agency paradoxically makes me feel even more crippled. Not only can I not overcome anything, I can't overcome nothing. Literally. Nothing is in my way and I can't surmount it.

>> No.11090203

I hear you. It seems like most people engage in peacocking of one form or another. They advertise their brand, their beliefs, their personality, or at least how they want themselves to be perceived. Clothing, accessories and social media profiles have become loud, while the person beneath it all, conversely, has become increasingly immaterial. I find that kind of behavior repulsive, so I withdraw deeper inside myself. Consequently I have no ability to connect with most people, so they either don't notice me or aren't interested, which I suspect is your problem.

>> No.11090211

there is a ubiquitous struggle that all consciousness faces, to root itself in the passage of time. if you look around you, you can see the fleeting, grasping attempts of your fellow man to maintain a grip on sand. most men, living in the most advanced, technologically advanced time in his species, lives a small life.

he buys things he does not want, with money he does not have, to impress people he does not like. and why? when a man gets everything he wants, has he been ruined?

what is our answer, in the face of the ever present turning of the drill? is coping with the stark reality of being ground away by masturbating, consuming, lamenting? is this all i am capable of?

>> No.11090227

Overrated. Last time i got one the girl didnt really know what she was doing and she hurt me. I didnt have the heart to tell her she was shit and it was painful though, i just let her carry on.

>> No.11090228
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I see all the opportunity I've been given, yet i feel it slowly slipping away. I'm not going to make a blogpost about it but basically i'm procrastinating as we speak

>> No.11090243

It's astonishingly difficult to get laid. Wow. No wonder so many people wind up with the wrong person. After so much time dealing with the frustration and desperation, they probably throw themselves at the first passerby to give them the time of day.

>> No.11090252

Most of the chicks i work with are super hot and like 20 years old.
When did i become the dirty old pervert??

>> No.11090273

I don't think many men would argue that chicks get hotter as they age. Twenty-something college students leading active lifestyles, passionate about things that won't matter to them once they enter the workforce, are just gorgeous.

>> No.11090277

not literature related

>> No.11090318

I am in love with the idea that we enter the world and incur a debt. I think it plays into the idea of original sin in Christianity. In arithmetic, we are born and the world's 0 becomes our - 1, which only returns to 0 when we die. We are flawed creatures living on borrowed time.

>> No.11090337

a hat!

>> No.11090394

Incels are caused by capital. As wealth becomes more stratified it's going to get worse. Womens desire for capital and love of shaming contributes more to the problem then they will ever admit.

Incels are also barely an issue for womens safety, misogny has never stopped men getting laid, getting partners, or married before, and the violence incels commit to women is minute compared to the violence average men commit.

>> No.11090403

I haven't really seen a point in living for quite some time, however i've kept doing as i don't want to hurt people around me by ending it all, but it seems that i've had a breakdown recently when drinking and told my friend all about this while sobbing, i don't really remember much from that evening, she seemed really upset and told me she hopes i wasn't really being serious and it was just the alcohol. I told her i wasn't serious of course and now i have to be extra careful not to show any signs, drinking alcohol after all this is out of question

>> No.11090424
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>>Be 23
>>I’m gonna be an author one day! Just gotta make enough money for rent

>> No.11090443

What is the point of this post anon

>> No.11090460

It's suppose to convey my expression reading the aforementioned post, which I relate to in a very much uncanny way, faggot.

>> No.11090484

It's been 3 months since I moved and this hasn't been the change I needed. I still work a job I hate, the people here are pricks (which has kept me from going to the gym), and the philosophy study/ spirituality practice I've been implementing feel like it is more about making me ok with being a slave than trying to actually help me. I'm only 32 and already feel like my life is over.

>> No.11090485

I'm at a crossroads, I've never had a job and after university there's been a couple of years of me trying to rationalize each road so to speak, of course I know I have taken the path of a recluse hobbyist by default but putting together the patterns I see an alarming truth.
Usually people get jobs to; get money to finance a family. A family I know I will likely not have, holidays which I will likely not have. If there was a job where I didn't have to touch strangers, could be creative and independant, I'd take it, but I can't see that job anywhere. I dress well and speak well but there's just a link missing, whenever I go out it's just me, small talk and home again. I can't fathom why there is pressure on me to "pay in" when there's no "out". Everyone is evidently playing Dale Carnegie at those work parties and none of my geniune remarks hit the shelves. Some people in my life claim I'm savvy and wonder why I do this but in reality, all I do is spout some Epitectus or regurgitate some second-hand Robert Greene. I wouldn't even know what to do with a large wage anyway, touring America would be nice perhaps. At this point the only reason I'd get a job is to make my relatives stop asking so much.

>> No.11090542

I'm fucking angry.

I come from a poor broken family with lazy, rude and uneducated siblings. My mother doesn't give too shits whether I or my 2 younger brothers are polite, hardworking, smart or any fucking human basic virtue.

It really pisses me off that for so long I was just as blind as they are but as I grew older I realised (mostly by seeing how far off I was from my pseudo upper middle class friends) how much of a retarded asshole I was. But the worst part is how much I'm now rejected by my family just because I'm trying to raise myself.

I also fucking hate the fact that everyone around my area is as degenerate (guetto tier) as my family so my only chance to socialize with normal people is at work (just finished my first month at a fast food joint. Crappy pay but I get to work hard and I'm doing fairly well) or at school (finishing highschool).

I'm really happy at how much I changed and evolved. Dodge a bullet for sure. But sometimes i still get Elliot Rogers syndrome (on a lesser degree of course) whenever I feel rejected, alone, miserable...

Idk man, propably doesn't make any sense but it feels great to blogpost on /lit/

>> No.11090556
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drinking the juden wasser mit juden zucker

>> No.11090637
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>> No.11090651

"I haven't been into feet since the 80s"
Have you seen War of the Roses?

>> No.11090665

I feel like that when I think about the loss of the rainforests or the trees dying because of the plague, or whales swallowing tons of plastic. It's already happening. It's unstoppable by this point. We suck.

>> No.11090680

J'attends demain, mais je refuse d'aller dormir. Je suis pourtant sûr d'espérer un bon lendemain, pourtant nous sommes aujourd'hui, et je ne suis toujours pas au lit !
En fait je n'attends rien, j'avance et c'est tout. Mais pourquoi je mets des espérances en obstacle ? C'est ce qui me bloque.
Voilà, je suis plutôt coincé !

>> No.11090689

>tfw no qt jeopardy gf
Why even live bros?

>> No.11090702

it is over, everything important happens when your dick still works and people love your presence. Why do people not understand these things? Im 22 and i can already feel the end coming in just a few years time. These are the last days for me
this is correct, good job, intelligent post

>> No.11090727
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Blogposting time

>be me
>college done for the summer
>good because I was about to kill myself over it
>go back to my hometown since the only job I can get is through local nepotism
>less than 10,000 people
>none of my cool friends are here, since they're competent enough to get actual jobs
>the less cool friends that are here are all busy wageslaving
>weather is depressing as fuck, overcast and slightly cold
>losing my fucking mind
>nearing full scale mental breakdown, cloister myself in my room and stop talking to anyone
>last night girl I've been crushing on for years calls and asks if I'm OK
>confirm I haven't killed myself
>drunk as fuck, end up confessing to her
>tell her how much of a crazy non-person I feel like
>tell her I love her
>says that she thinks I need time and space but that she's here to support me
>pretty sure I just blew whatever minuscule chance I may have had with her
>cry and fall asleep
>wake up today, do nothing but watch Seinfeld and drink coffee all day
>mood is some weird mixture of numbness and despair
>miraculously haven't been fired yet
>really do need to go to work tomorrow
>don't know if I will
>don't know what I'll do for the rest of the day
>might call that other qt I know and ask her out
>might go wander into the woods and press on until I die
>might just lay on the floor and cry

I really have no idea why I'm such a fucking pathetic excuse for a person. I guess I just wasn't made for this world. Books for this feel, advice, whatever I don't really care. I don't even know why I wrote this to be honest, other than it took my mind off of things for a few minutes.

>> No.11090750

You're incredibly boring and uninteresting. Cute girls and capitalist ideas of success seem to define your sense of self-worth.

>> No.11090753


>> No.11090774

the fact that girls call you, I don't know what to say, I don't think you know how much further down there is beneath you.

>> No.11090778

I'm a communist. For clarification, I'm not jealous of my more successful friends, if anything I'm sad that they've been taken away from me. The cute girls thing I'll give you, though I wouldn't say they define my self worth as much as they appear one of the few things in the world that is true and good.

I don't know if it's worth it, it may have been better to accept that I'm an outcast at a young age and not crawled into this precarious state of pseudo-normiehood.

>> No.11090790


last three options are all nice, do them backwards though
>walk in the woods
>ask girl out

>> No.11090793

>im a communist

nvm maybe you should go die, ignore >>11090790

>> No.11090812

you seem as vapid as the girls you date.
There's nothing "outcast-y" about you, you've not suffered reality outside your mind on iota. But whatever, be the victim.

>> No.11090819

I want to get into film because nothing else interests me and I'm not good at anything but I'm not creative and any ideas I have don't develop into anything.

>> No.11090827

you too, capitalist scum :^)

date is a strong word anon, I've never had any proper relationships. also,
>implying the guilt about feeling like a victim for no real reason doesn't further drive my cycle of negative thoughts and self hatred and victim complex

>> No.11090830

>im a communist
>still adheres to social hierarchies and judges people for their skills and status economically
lol like pottery
did you really mean to articulate
this thought that poorly anon? c’mon you can do better

>> No.11090832

I don't even know what 'true' and 'good' are supposed to mean in this context. They're just people with the same shitty, ugly thoughts as yours. The longer you go without touching one, the more the image of her you keep in your head will distort into something unobtainable and godly. And those who you'll blast your mucus into, the chemical high will immediately wear off and you'll be intensely aware of a naked human adult bent over absurdly in front of your wilting dick.

The grass is always greener. Sex won't do much for you.

>> No.11090837

>books for this feel
The Sickness Unto Death (Hong & Hong translation)

>> No.11090843
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I asked out this girl from work and we will probably hang out and end up fucking next week. She has a cute face but I'm very tall and she's very short so there was always the unspoken understanding that nothing would likely happen between us because we look ridiculous standing next to each other and because she would always see me and the other tall girls flirting with each other. The more I got to know her though the more I enjoyed talking with her until I just didn't care and asked if she wanted to chill sometime to which she said yes. We had never talked about drugs before but coincidentally soon after she said she wanted to hang out we started talking about drugs and she mentioned that she likes doing acid and that she has some coke. I'm looking forward to some kinky drugged-out sex.

>> No.11090860

Your friend probably knows that you were serious, but most people are not really prepared to help someone who's depressed, so she's hoping that you handle it on your own. If you really want to get better (and you certainly can) you need to tell her that you're serious and you need help. Or if you don't want to put a burden on her then find professional help.

I went through the same thing as you and found that most of my friends were unable or unwilling to help me. But one of them at least helped me find a therapist before kinda ignoring me for a while.
Not drinking is a good move btw.

>> No.11090866

Count Dooku is a Shakespearean vestige trapped in a Malthusian future where the need to expand and grow is beyond the political and theological ability to maintain order. While other characters are fixated on quotidian plots and traditionalist paradigms, Dooku is a transcendent aesthete committed to nothing but the mere grace of a curved lightsaber. If the functionality of the star wars universe pivots around the elegance of the lightsaber, Dooku's curved lightsaber enables new modalities and ultimately revolt.

>> No.11090867

I'm learning how to do things. I'm being more practical in my life. I am sick of the other way of life, of caloric surpluses and lazy afternoons. There is a type of excess that is specific to modern American life. It manifests itself in food and entertainment. You know it. I am turning my back on it, these days. I know that you would like me to go into the specific details of how I'm living the clean life, but I can't, because putting it into words defeats it, although I have a model of it in my head, I have to keep it wordless and fresh or else it will wither away.

>> No.11090868

> highschool ... Elliot Rodgers syndrome
I was with you until there. Fucking grow up.

>> No.11090892

I honestly can't even imagine getting to a point where having sex would be this nonchalant and attainable.

>> No.11090924

The people who seem to have sex frequently tend not to see it as a very big deal. The irony, of course, is that it would mean everything to the person who never gets laid.

>> No.11090933

why u delet thread on sex robots

>> No.11090940
File: 173 KB, 506x704, medieval sex flowchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may find this useful.

>> No.11090943

There are 168 hours in the week, yet the business world has set aside just forty of them—arguably the worst ones, from an enjoyability aspect—for use by the proletariat as space for gainful employment. This creates an artificial, classist economic wall, since those who aren't educated and don't have access to high-level work placements or partnerships in which to grind out the 60-80 hours necessary to advance will be capped at $12-18/hr at 40 hours a week with the minute chance of scoring overtime.

Let me prostitute my body without a college degree.

>> No.11091162

how do I breathe when I suffocate under these feelings I cannot release? Use your empathy to present to me an answer to lingering reciprocity, your absence fills my world and embraced by your words I had whirled. Where do I again find that easy chemistry, desperately burn an effigy to replicate your early zealotry, now like a treasury full of memories of what-could-be

idk this is all I have so far
also saw a medium-sized bug (maybe dime-sized) like a roach and he either survived or dodged Mr. Foot into a corner so I sprayed him with air freshener and he crawled away :-(

>> No.11091199


>> No.11091202

I don't think Ive ever fallen in love with a gif before...

>> No.11091206


>> No.11091207

Just quit my job. Have enough green to live on for several years if need be. I never want to return to an office.

Guess I'll throw a dart on a map and just go.

>> No.11091213

Good luck, friend! This anon >>11090142 is right in that everyone makes mistakes. After all, we're only human.

>> No.11091219

im too young to die

>> No.11091222
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>Guess I'll throw a dart on a map and just go.

You won't faggot

>> No.11091225

i'm gonna quit before the fall and move somewhere warm, gotta save mad loot all summer, i have some cash but i feel like i need more, my job started cool and the work itself is p chill but some of my corworkers are retarded and of course the retarded ones never move on to better jobs, so i must

>> No.11091227


Did it once before. Chicago.

>> No.11091236

not everyone's a pussyass bitchnig like u my dude

>> No.11091241


Any ideas? I was thinking warm too.

>> No.11091265

i wanna squirt her with my babby seeds

>> No.11091334
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I'm an ESL brainlet way out of his depth that can't even finish reading a page of Finnegans Wake, it's just incomprehensible gibberish to me. Fuck I can't even grasp Heraclitus, I guess I've hit the ceiling, what now?

>> No.11091372
File: 14 KB, 184x184, 966176f1936bcbb0e3c8d2b9ade5d96b0d74d32e_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be edgy to have a yearly tradition of playing Russian roulette just once?

>> No.11091388

I've thought often of playing RR in the woods. Spin the chamber once, fire, if still here, repeat once more, if still here, become ubermensch and exert a will (mine?) on the world w/o regard to my insecurities.

This won't happen so instead I'll just cripple myself with neuroticisms.

To answer your question, yes.

>> No.11091398

im graduating soon and its making me depressed
have little to do, i tell myself i can make something of this last term in university by writing some stories and having those to think back on how i spent my time, but its hard to not dwell on regret and ennui

>> No.11091411

In that case i'll just play it once, to see if i am truly meant for this world or not

>> No.11091425

she looks like a boy.

>> No.11091426

The sheer intensity of life overwhelms me. I cannot keep up with its heat, the little frail speck that I am. Events push one way, and I the other, but I'm a mole on the back of a beaten horse, one with its legs shattered and its chest caved in. I'm being pushed back. I can do no more than the horse I'm latched to, and submit to the harshness that is the jaded atmosphere of existence around me. The universe is damning.

>> No.11091437
File: 91 KB, 1080x1350, 30079285_2032502066992685_9065656302260191232_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youll be aight lil nigga. trust me.

>> No.11091439

are you the NY dude from yesterday?

>> No.11091471

>tfw old metro north trains are gone


>> No.11091487

Unironically don't anon. If nothing else...you might make a post on here and help someone out. I'm a newfag and appreciate /lit/...faults and all.

>> No.11091490

Today I was going to classes and in one of the hallways a classmate, that I think is kinda cute, walked by. I was going to say hello and then she looked at me and I froze and didn’t say shit and she just kept walking. I thought I was immune to this garbage, but now I realize I’m beta as fuck. I feel pathetic. I’ll probably never look at her again.

>> No.11091494

I don't think that has anything to do with you putting a gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger buddy.

>> No.11091495
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I'm in the exact same boat anon

>> No.11091529
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>at least I am comfortable

>> No.11091545
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The spring has finally hit Massachusetts and I hate it. I like the cool winds, even the crippling sheer cold. It's preferable to the nothingness or irritability of the heat.

>> No.11091671

Amusingly, almost every other time I see Massachusetts mentioned on 4chan it's people complaining about the horribly cold weather.

>> No.11091681


both need a revolution, change everything your life is, faggots

>> No.11091733

bro i fuckin love it, its like 80 degrees at night in nyc right now, so comfy man

>> No.11091742

yeah i hate that just when u think u can pass as normie u try to make a minor approach to a qt and its back to betabasics so annoying idk man

>> No.11091753

shit when did this happen
last summer they were old

>> No.11091760

phoenix its like august every day it has some tech but it hasnt been overgentrified by hip mother fuckers yet but there are still some big money wasps up in scottsdale and paradise valley so its not all shitty like those herointowns in ohio or whatever, i feel lke it has potential, im tryna get in on the groundfloor of a new city, the place im at now getting gentrified to death next time it happens i want my cut

>> No.11091765

we need to genocide all the jews and it must be done quicly and efficientlya s possible

>> No.11091772
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i like the cold too, anon

>> No.11091775

genocide yourself it will be faster

>> No.11091790

i used to like the cold but im fuckin over it, im not productive in the winter, yeah december is comfy when its all nippy and u feelin patrish with the christmas seasons and the end of the semester, but then by febuary your abs in trouble cuz u cant run outside and your productivity droppin cuz u gettin no sun

>> No.11091792

I'm noticing a lot of replies. I'm actually surprised some people go through and read these random thoughts to respond.

>> No.11091794

You and me both. My favorite time of year is the dead of winter, I like to go for walks at night during snowstorms. It turns what would otherwise be a normal walk into something extremely personal to me. I intend to live here my entire life if only to experience that feeling every year.

>> No.11091798

it's like the boards where people can have casual converstations, but with pseudo-intellectuals and pretentious undergrads instead

>> No.11091799

>it's like the boards
More like the blogs. This shit is literally aimless.

>> No.11091806

no, man
january is where its at
the lights go out after the holiday
it’s dark at 4
you stew inside, ruminating in your flesh
its quiet outside
put on some music
and write your heart out

honestly, i like spring writing, i like early morning (4am) summer writing, but nothing beats dead-of-winter despair-writing

>> No.11091807

writing is for pseuds i dont fuck with it

>> No.11091822

I'm becoming infinitely exhausted with fixing this stupid book

Not only do I have to re-write the entire thing to make the antagonist use indoctrination tactics on the MC, I also have to justify why he keeps an employee who hates him around

>> No.11091871

this weather is putting me in such a straight mood i just wanna pound vag and knock chicks up, but then i remember with my social skills getting laid takes way too much effort

>> No.11091903
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>He finds it an effort to think about `himself', and not infrequently he thinks about himself mistakenly; he can easily confuse himself with another, he fails to understand his own needs and is in this respect alone unsubtle and negligent. Perhaps he is troubled by his health or by the pettiness and stuffiness of his wife and friends, or by a lack of companions and company yes, he forces himself to reflect on his troubles: but in vain! Already his thoughts are roaming, off to a more general case, and tomorrow he will know as little how to help himself as he did yesterday.

>He no longer knows how to take himself seriously, nor does he have the time for it: he is cheerful, not because he has no troubles but because he has no fingers and facility for dealing with his troubles. His habitual going out to welcome everything and every experience, the sunny and ingenuous hospitality with which he accepts all he encounters, his inconsiderate benevolence, his perilous unconcernedness over Yes and No: alas, how often he has to suffer for these his virtues!

>In times of peace, the warlike man attacks himself.

>> No.11091904

interviewed for what I thought would be a decent job today as a contractor at Apple Maps (GIS job). Pays $20/hour. But no benefits. Contract is for 12 months. Really shitty for someone getting a master's, even in international studies. Will keep looking. Damn it Seattle, I need a job!!

>> No.11091907

Post a fragment, fraggot

>> No.11091915

This sounded sweet until the drug part. Enjoy your rotting septums.

>> No.11091926

oh, word? i heard apple go on ham on street view rn tryna beat google, what min qualifications did they have? i hate contract shit and $20 aint to generous if the shit involves coding, but still working for apple is a good story to tell your relatives at the holidays

>> No.11091946

i wish i had read 12 rules for life 10 years ago

>> No.11091955
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The only criminal penalty you should get for killing the CEO of an oil fracking company is a littering fine.

>> No.11091957

I dunno, even when I had an iPhone I never used that shit, Google maps is superior. If I get picked I'd be on the CIS/former soviet union team, they made me translate some localization shit from russian to english. it's not really coding it's mostly editing GIS files. hopefully I get it because I have no other job leads at the moment

>> No.11091961

My friend refuses to admit that there is even the slightest possibility of life on other planets yet he believes fully in ghosts. He says ghosts are scientifically more likely than aliens.

>> No.11091963 [DELETED] 

yeah only got into self-help shit like in my actual last semester of college, if i had listened to that shit sooner instead of all the marxist and "open source" assholes i would have had way better work ethic and grades, i hate commie professors who brainwash vulnerable youths with not enough life experience, like when i was a teen i was like "yo its not fair the contractor on a construction job gets a bunch of money and he doesnt even have to work!" yeah ok teen-self, where did the trucks come from? where did the tools come from? where the did the fucking construction contract itself come from? oh right, the contractor took care of all that, i guess he di do some work, durrr, god i was so stupid but thought i was so smart, professors should have fixed my erroneous thinking not encouraged me more left

>> No.11091974

I've completely fucked my first semester because of my inability to properly manage my time.

You're friend is wrong but that's fine.

>> No.11092026

I've also been in an argument with him over whether insects are animals. He claims they aren't animals. As if they're something else entirely.

>> No.11092031

Usually when my friend is blatantly wrong about something like this I send him a source or buy him a book on the subject. It's a lot more constructive than a fruitless argument.

>> No.11092039

I just think it's funny.

>> No.11092045

irl friends arent supposed to be retarded

>> No.11092118

If you only do coke once a month or so or a few times a year there are basically no noticeable bad effects.

>> No.11092136

You're still an idiot. Get off this site.

>> No.11092141


>> No.11092176


>> No.11092191

i hate listening to all the pretentious bullshit i say at work

>> No.11092213

Not him, but how warm you talking?
>If you want to be in a growing city with some of the best beaches in the world...
...then Sarasota, Florida. It has a good arts scene too. It can be expensive though and the only places worth living are in at least moderately expensive areas. And it gets very hot too.
>If you want big city things with slightly worse beaches...
...then St. Petersburg
>If you don't like the beach...
...then go out west to Alberquerue or Austin if you wanna be hip.

>> No.11092229

dude it snows in albuquerque the shit is too high elevation the weather is ass, and austin might as well be seattle or san jose, im still considering reno or salt lake city even tho they do get cold sometimes they are still warmer than north east on average

>> No.11092235
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>is that the bitch from D-News but she lost some weight?

>> No.11092264

mmm girl i wanna lick your toes. i want your foot deep in my mouth sucking hard over and over again. then suck every toe individually

i wanna suck your toes girl

>> No.11092268
File: 10 KB, 144x232, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife wants kids. I don't. I thought my love for my now-wife would override my complete and utter hatred of kids, but I realize how misguided that was now.

The thing is that at the time I was in a sad, lonely place when we met and her love for me was truly inspiring and also I thought I'd never be able to find someone else who felt that way about me. But (bitterly and ironically) her love for me has helped me realize who I am and what I want in this life, which includes no kids. But she is truly dead-set on having kids. I'm stuck. Truly I am. The optimal outcome is we stay together with no kids, but that will never happen. For her to be happy we must have kids, but I will literally drink myself to death in that case. If we have no kids she will be miserable, which will cause me to be sad because she is sad. It's a true Catch-22. Yes, you can meme me to death about needing to hash this out before marriage, but my loneliness and idealism led me to this dead-end. That's no solution.

I'm going to pop. I don't know what to do. I don't want a divorce, but I 100% hate children and WILL kill myself no question if I have them. I know I will be a terrible father. I want to spare both myself and my children from that fate, but I also want to have my wife by my side. Fuck this GAY EARTH.

I will literally give you anything and everything I have if you come fucking kill me RIGHT NOW and spare me from this insoluble future.

>> No.11092281

does she love you? Get sterilised without her knowing.

>> No.11092290

You are one selfish shit. You knew what she wanted before you married her and you did it anyway. Knock her up, kill yourself, and make it look like an accident.

>> No.11092309

pls no bully

>> No.11092408

You're a shit. Read some daddy peterson and understand that having kids takes courage. If you won't do it, your wife deserves better.

>> No.11092414

You will not find sympathy here, and if you do, you don't deserve it. You are a coward afraid to face his loneliness and shittiness alone. Meanwhile there are single fathers widowing their dead wives, and you're here on a children's Harry Potter forum crying about how truly stuck you are. I'm seething holy shit.

Buck up. Don't drink. Don't die. Have a kid. Be a good father. Be a good husband. Be whatever else second to all those things. Have some will and strength, you actual manchild.

Find God.

>> No.11092418

If I don't lose my virginity in the next year I'm going to rope myself

>> No.11092428

You shouldn't have married her.

>> No.11092446
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OP and the woman in the pic are harvesting your loosh,--which wouldn't be a bad thing in-itself if you all did it knowingly. God loves faggots, AIDS is a sacrament.

>> No.11092447

we have this, and yet s-o-y boys still wonder why white women are getting with negroes

>> No.11092451

He is a onions boy to the whole S O and Y

>> No.11092485

I am a coward. Kill me please.

>> No.11092495

just take up alcoholism anon. your life will work itself out if just stay pickled all the time. she will leave you, you'll have no money left, you won't have a job anymore, it'll be like you have a whole new life to live. and best of all, there's a fair chance you might just die in the process of being an alcoholic. it's win/win.

>> No.11092500

Don't listen to these of overzealous zombies chastising you for not being like them and telling you to jus b a men dude lol that will solve all your problems lmao. That being said, the best course of action for you seems trying to make at least an effort to appreciate kids. Why do you hate them so much? I don't like infants either but when they grow up they're pretty cool

>> No.11092505

>when they grow up they're pretty cool
adults are shit, you retarded faggot

>> No.11092513

I meant when they are 5-13 years old.

>> No.11092612

the diary of an incel

>> No.11092723

Who is gril

>> No.11092752

I'm not a psychpath but whenever I see my co-worker I can't help but fantasize about killing her, it's been hauting me before I go to sleep similar to a teenage boy's first crush, and I have no reason to dislike her
What's wrong with me?

>> No.11092923

I'm literally in love with this woman.

>> No.11092930

Music link?

>> No.11092933

this is the worst thing i've read all day, and i read lefttopia earlier

get your act together and be a dad, i've give you a dry slap through the screen if i could, get the fuck off 4chan

miserable twat

>> No.11092938

I wanna bust fat yogurt ropes in her womb.

>> No.11092987

Life is pretty dang tedious. Oh well!

>> No.11093089

I think I am developing Schizophrenia or some kind of mental illness. I am growing increasingly paranoid and a week ago I heard a voice in my ear when I was alone in my house, yesterday I heard somebody yell my name and I turned around but nobody was there. This isn't cool at all.

>> No.11093101


Those are common auditory hallucinations; until you start hearing distinct phrases that you feel compelled to adhere to, or seeing vivid visual hallucinations, you're fine.

At worst you may have anxiety disorder (which I have). It's a simple thing to fix.

>> No.11093119


If you have kids and bite the bullet, new life will exist because of your suffering.

If you give in to your selfishness, no new life will emerge and you will die with an empty soul


>> No.11093135

The first time I heard a voice it was a few unimportant English words mixed in with some other language that I didn't recognize. You're right, an anxiety disorder does sound a lot more realistic than schizophrenia. If I am in a public place I'll always look up from what I'm doing to look at who is coming or going and make note of who is beside me. I generally can't trust people either, sometimes even my closest friends. Do these kind of things seem like symptoms of an anxiety disorder to you?

>> No.11093140


You need to confront your anxiety about being a father; that's more important than your desire to not have kids IMO.

If you're simultaneously disillusioned and articulate enough to post here without fear of ridicule strong enough to silence you, then you must have a sufficiently confident persona to face the unknown of creating life.

Don't falter here; if you choose to preface your own mental and physical comfort over the production of new life, then you nullify that new life. Sure, you may not be a perfect father, but your efforts will only go unappreciated by the mind of a being not meant to flourish in the first place. At the worst, you'll expend energy for a being that turns out mediocre, but that's still a positive contribution when weighed against contributing nothing and dying of old age, sucking down the support of younger generations while having added nothing to the roster of life.

Value your potential more than you do.

>> No.11093181
File: 460 KB, 1228x1206, Screen Shot 2018-05-03 at 6.58.37 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The distribution of sex in a post-tinder dating environment is one of the more important issues of our time, and ripe for literary exploration, but no one wants to talk about it because of the misogynistic toxicity of the people who often do.

>> No.11093192

Sex. Its always on my mind.

>> No.11093195

those noodles were surprisingly spicy, i wonder how many people will cry when i die.

>> No.11093215

I have an asian friend and a cuban friend, they are both seriously fuckable.
Anyway, the cuban text me and asked me out. I mentioned it in passing to the asian friend and she looked displeased. Told me she was kinda hoping I would have asked her out already.
What do??
Is there a scenario where i get to bang both?

>> No.11093216

do they know each other?

>> No.11093233


I can't quantify the hallucinations since I'm not the one experiencing them. Similarly, suspicion about your friends' motives and actions, as well as the motives and actions of strangers, is difficult to relate to, since I can't see things 'from your perspective'.

Generally, everyone experiences a certain level of anxiety and/or paranoia about the motives of strangers. This is considered normal, as far as I know, but you have to understand what those around you have agreed to call 'normal' before you can understand if you are outside of it.

Do you value your relationships with friends and family enough to confront these feelings? If you do, then the road ahead should be a rewarding one, since your perceptions will be validated one way or another.

If you don't value those relationships enough to confront the bases of your perceptions, then your choice is this: either develop a method of livable denial and/or coping that you don't involve your friends/family in (this could include medical diagnosis and prescribed meds that you conceal from them), or leave the life you currently occupy and sacrifice all of the friends/family that you have in favour of a blank slate that you will be responsible for writing on.

My uncle is a schitsophrenic and his life is essentially a wate; he was a particle physkicist but his parents refused to acknowledge and treat his condition until it was too late, and his life became a waste. Your post affects me because I feel so sorry for my uncle and for my family. Please don't underestimate your symptoms, but also don't deprive yourself of choices. You are still your own person, and you are capable of making your place in your life.

>> No.11093236


apologies for typos, its late where i am and im tired

>> No.11093250

Be insanely suspicious of the motives of both of them and especially of whatever they say to you

They don't even know themselves what they want emotionally from you or from the situation, but it will change quickly and they always have the upper hand of being able to back out, or back off and string you along until they get bored and back out altogether

Your one strength in this situation, the one upper hand you have, is that women fucking despise one another and will feel incredibly jealous of each other. If you value the friendship or dignity of either of these women, you should be very careful with what you do here, because the fact that they are "competing" over you has now made them sworn enemies until time itself comes to an end. This is ESPECIALLY the case if they know each other. Whoever "wins" by stringing you along the most effectively - not necessarily fucking you - will feel humiliating superiority over the other one, and vice versa for the other.

Again this gives you power because you have a limited amount of leverage to control the situation. Unless the asian is some freak of nature fluke of a woman, she doesn't want YOU, in general. At least not enough to ever actually do anything - see how the ball was always in your court, in her eyes. She wants you now because the other girl has you. If you give up this leverage by pathetically showing the asian that you will cast aside this other woman at the mere mention of something between you and the asian, asian has a 90% chance of getting off on the power she has over the cuban, stringing you along, and then dropping you because it's no longer exciting and you're just a beta she could have manipulated all along. She will use you for this pleasurable sensation but she will not fuck.

Cuban may just fuck you, since it seems like she wasn't trying to one-up the asian or anything and simply just asked you out in the first place. Not sure what's going on there. If that's the case, don't let her know about the asian shit, again especially if you value the asian's dignity since she'll feel smugly superior and the asian will know it.

>> No.11093251

>passionate about things that won't matter to them once they enter the workforce, are just gorgeous.

This really is the case. There's something so genuinely adorable about it.

>> No.11093253

If you want to fuck both, you have to leverage the ephemeral desire the asian has for "you" (again, "you" in the sense that another woman wants you and you are momentarily interesting because you are unavailable - women want what is unavailable to them, and they ESPECIALLY want to prove their superiority to other women by stealing men from them). If you spurn the asian completely, she will probably be annoyed, but this also is possibly a good option if you don't want to ruin that friendship because you can politely decline. Asian will have feelings for you if you do this, because you turned her down, which is a big deal - again, the dynamic she's EXPECTING/wanting from you here is that you will fall at her feet and cast aside the cuban, proving to her that she is superior. But at least you won't be humiliating either girl - you will simply be saying "sorry asian, I had no idea but I'm dating cuban girl now." Note though: If cuban shit doesn't work out, don't go pathetically crawling to asian. She will be VERY annoyed by this and will quickly reveal the situation for what it is, you crawling back, and into her rejecting you, in order to recover her dignity.

Another possibility is that you fuck cuban while keeping the asian slightly in the dark about what you're doing with cuban, leveraging asian's momentary attraction to you to TRICK her into thinking she's "stolen you away" from the cuban by strategically fucking you, when in reality that's what you wanted all along and you simply fucked both. But this is pretty dastardly and may result in ruining both friendships, or possibly a real humiliation of cuban if she finds out about it. If you're going to go this route, go full dastard and keep fucking both of them for as long as possible so that YOU are the scumbag and neither one of them feels like the other one cucked her.

So it all depends on whether these girls are real friends you are keen on keeping after all is said and done, whether you care about humiliating one or the other, etc. But above all: Do not be a little bitch. Either make the girl try to "steal" you from the other, by putting out and thinking she's winning in the process, or outright reject the girl. If you try to be plain and honest and tell the asian "aw shucks aw gee you're real pretty too, how about i cancel things with the cuban girl and you and me go get a smoothie?" the asian girl will just be angle-grinding her inner womanly narcissism clit at the speed of light at how much better she is than the cuban girl. It will have NOTHING to you and you will get NOTHING from it. Either do the right thing and fuck one girl, or manipulate both and try to fuck both, but don't take anything these bitches say at face value if they have a rivalry going on over you.

>> No.11093369

Right now the hallucinations and the paranoia surrounding strangers doesn't bother me, they don't affect me negatively. The thing that does bother me however is the trust issues I have with my close friends, I think this stems from having basically no family or anybody to ever share anything personal with outside of the internet. I'm going to try fix it all myself in the next few weeks/months. Thanks for the replies bud

>> No.11093381

>Again this gives you power because you have a limited amount of leverage to control the situation. Unless the asian is some freak of nature fluke of a woman, she doesn't want YOU, in general. At least not enough to ever actually do anything - see how the ball was always in your court, in her eyes. She wants you now because the other girl has you. If you give up this leverage by pathetically showing the asian that you will cast aside this other woman at the mere mention of something between you and the asian, asian has a 90% chance of getting off on the power she has over the cuban, stringing you along, and then dropping you because it's no longer exciting and you're just a beta she could have manipulated all along. She will use you for this pleasurable sensation but she will not fuck.
real shit listen to this man

>> No.11093647

no. I don't want this place to bully me.

>> No.11093675

>Be any age
>Im gonna be an author one day! I'll start writing my book eventually

>> No.11093722

It’s happened again, I’ve drifted into a loveless relationship with a co-worker that used to be my friend. Can’t wait to slowly grow to hate each other and use passionless, drunk sex as a crutch for our laundry list of hang ups.

>> No.11093942

Leftopia was thoroughly enjoyable

>> No.11093951

the only time youll ride on the old ones is late at night. Im not sure what line you take but the new haven line is strictly all brand new trains. which is nice since they all have plugs to charge phones/laptops

>> No.11093960
File: 202 KB, 418x498, kirstin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirstin Cutts

>> No.11093964
File: 2.92 MB, 362x250, kirstin cutts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11093974
File: 153 KB, 800x1200, 533F7DE1-E6D2-488D-82D0-C43282213968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man a lot of people smoke, it’s crazy. Don’t they know that shit will kil them?

>> No.11094010

>I'm having sex, woe is me

>> No.11094110

yeah new haven line to GC
that’s good, i might be commuting this summer
but my train is almost always full when it gets to my stop :(

>> No.11094135

>Who is Houllebecq

>> No.11094139

or just break up, find a new broad who actually enjoys your company, and enjoy life?

>> No.11094213
File: 92 KB, 500x430, smonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's hoping.

>> No.11094247

Is that accurate? Are there really no celibate woman post 2014? Damn. I would have hoped that the Christian influence was stronger. Saving sex for marriage is not a bad way to avoid a host of psychological and emotional problems that are otherwise part and parcel of modernity.

>> No.11094274

Yes unfortunately. But loosely.

>> No.11094297

I hope all these fucking hoes(useless thots in my class) die by choking on nigger cock

>> No.11094299

Fuck. Its way more complex than I'd hoped. Im kinda at a standstill now.
Im still on for going out with the Cuban.
Maybe i should just focus on that and let the asian down politely.
I dont know man. Thanks for the advice but now its got me fucked up

>> No.11094310

Well it sucks.
Some of them are genuinely gorgeous.
Like the type of person you'd dream about waking up to but even though im only 30, thats basically grandad dick to them.

>> No.11094312

Yeah same thing happened with me. Don't enjoy books, movies, sports, vidya or basically anything that I once enjoyed doing, anymore

>> No.11094324

Shit man.
Actually getting minor anxiety over this whole thing now.
And dont get me wrong, having a chance to get laid is great.
But my inner scumbag is screaming "fuck them both"

>> No.11094418

I feel like Im making no progress in my life.

My novel is still unfinished and is going to stay that way for a few months at the least (more likely years), my job is going nowhere, im not making new friends or having new experiences.

It all sucks

>> No.11094443

Don't be a scumbag. That will ultimately be more damaging to yourself than anyone else.

>> No.11094455

>close 4chan
>open word
>start typing

wow tough

>> No.11094472

what kind of a fucking retard would marry a woman he never had sex with? if you aint fuckin u in the friendzone, you might as well marry your bro

>> No.11094476

it's a way to signal to people that you have a trustfund, nobody else can afford to blow ten bucks a pack on that shit

>> No.11094495

I feel sad for you anon.

>> No.11094508

wait so you live in connecticut as well lol

where you at faam? Im in Milford.

>> No.11094516

and i feel sad for you when you marry some uptight chick who is awful in bed, and i'm sure someone as spooked by religion as you won't be able to get a divorce, so enjoy your sexless life, like i said u might as well marry your bro

>> No.11094553

Man you guys are a sad lot. My life's pretty good. I've been feeling a bit of ennui so I skipped work yesterday and just worked on my own shit until 5 am. I've been feeling kinda down recently and I drunk texted my oneitis and she told me to delete her number so that was fun. I'm not feeling too bad about it though, I've got a few other women giving me attention right now and even though I doubt I'm going to get anywhere it at least takes my mind off that amazing sex I had with the oneitis

>> No.11094556

I'm not even particularly religious. But you have to have spiritual blinders on if you can't see the discontent and dissatisfaction being bred by increasing promiscuity in the Western world.

>> No.11094561

>thinks sex is spiritual
>never had sex

yeah maybe you should try getting laid before you dole out relationship advice faggot

>> No.11094562

This is just plain difficult for me to read without growing deeply depressed

>> No.11094570

I'd rather be sad and sexed than have an undivorcable fucking bitch of a wife who is awful in the sack.

>> No.11094571

being a writer is the lowest hanging of fantasy fruits so it always attracts the weakest specimens, there is literally no barrier to entry other than a pencil and piece of paper

>> No.11094578
File: 155 KB, 480x640, 1513726923468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hate myself with a passion. I wish I could like myself. Also:
>Get paper back for class
>get note regarding spacing even though I took time to write in LaTeX to conform to the paper requirements
[Screams internally]

>> No.11094583

Promiscuity and having meaningful relationships aren't mutually exclusive dude

>> No.11094605

In my 30s and married, and my sex life is fine.

I hope that at some point in your life you realize how society's profound schizophrenia regarding sex can be harmful to mental and emotional health. At least the Christian view of sex and its meaning is coherent.

Good luck to you regardless, anon.

>> No.11094615

oh, right, thats why last time u fucked your ugly ass wife you had to fantasize about fucking your coworkers shoes, are you catholic did you get your mail order wife from the filipines? or your muslim and shes from pakistan?

>> No.11094627

Do you think people can't get better at sex?

Not necessarily, but promiscuity does increase the incel population, and it also fucks with the mental health of girls who are told that sex is both incredibly important and meaningful, and that promiscuity is a good thing. The two ideas contradict each other.

>> No.11094632

Why are you getting so worked up, anon?

>> No.11094636

what makes you think im getting worked up?

>> No.11094640

The tone of your voice and the personal insults.

>> No.11094645

everyone knows people who want to marry virgins have small dicks and are hoping if they can marry a chick who never had sex she won't know, its like sorry faggot every chick has seen those pornos with huge dicks so if she never had sex with a dude with a normal sized dick then your ploy will backfire and shell actually perceive your dick to be even tinier than it already is

>> No.11094654

what insults? i'm legitimately curious where you ordered your "virgin bride" from

>> No.11094677

He must be incel

>> No.11094698

You sound 16. You’ll learn to live with all of this.

>> No.11094768

i have plenty of money and no pussy

>> No.11094781

I read this yesterday and it’s so fucking weird I had convinced myself it was a dream. Does anyone have any clue what this means?

>> No.11094791

paul allen, one of the three cofounders of microsoft, is a billionaire many times over but also incel, normies cant understand theyre like "but he's such a qualified bachelor!" or "he must be gay why doesnt he just come out of the closet!" and its like man normies really just dont get the whole incel thing, is it that hard to understand? apparently it is

>> No.11094800

if incels are caused by capital why do black guys with no money no job and no education have five kids with five different baby mommas

>> No.11095016

What's on my mind?

I want to make stories but I don't know which medium I would prefer. Maybe I should just start with standard writing before trying things like script writing and such. I want to start writing and doing other things in my life that I'm curious about, yet at the end of my work day I just get home and do nothing. Watch TV, play games, eat, drink, and go to bed. I'm a hamster on a wheel except I know I'm on the wheel but I can't get myself off of it. I dont think of myself as a victim or that life has dealt me a raw hand. I'm very fortunate comparitvely. But I cant seem to get out of my own damn way and start figuring out what I really want to do with my life, whether it be creating stories or not. I cant know for sure until I try these things, yet I never try. I guess its fear. Fear of the uncomfortable, fear of breaking the routine. Fear of failure and/or success. What if I do write a good story, what if i got published? The fuck would I do then, write some more? What if I end up hating writing, what do i explore next?

>> No.11095562
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As soon as you decide sex is a normal thing, a natural thing, it will become a normal thing for you. I could literally go to any bar tonight and pick up a girl at my level and either get laid or at worst become her friend and she introduces me to a different girl and I get laid.

As long as you keep thinking sex and relationships is some unobtainable mystique thing that needs specialized training you will continue being a virgin.

The simplest advice I can give is this. Be like a dog. Girls love dogs. Girls let dogs lick the inside of their ear, lick their face, jump all over them. And dogs usually smell bad and are pretty dirty, but they're fun, they're cute, they don't talk too much, and they're loyal.
You be like a dog, and you will get doggy style, trust me.

>> No.11095584
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>lick the inside of their ear

>> No.11095601
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>read this post
>autistically repurpose specilazed virgin training to specialized dog training.

>> No.11095657

Damn an actual brainlet. Here I thought it was just a meme.

>> No.11095665
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>> No.11096012

Was going to reread Watchmen but within the first three lines I determined it was three edgy five me.

>> No.11096033

Has something to do with that anon never fucking a guy and then now there is either regret or uncomfortableness in their relationship because they both know what could've been never happened. Not sure what they mean by calling his bluff though, maybe something to do about the guy mentioning their feelings or something? Who the fuck knows honestly.

>> No.11096069

I understand anon. I am 21 and I don't even drive. My parents were pretty over protective and I feel as if i missed out on a lot of key moments that would've helped me more socially. The hardest thing is finding something to actually talk about with people, i can't small talk for shit and topics of philosophy or literature or STEM ect. most people find uninteresting. Why does it feel like people only want to talk about school, work, fucking, partying, or talk shit on other people?

>> No.11096076

You should consider counseling.

>> No.11096090

I feel like my deadlift form is off and I'll hurt my back.

>> No.11096095
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I'm in love with a girl that doesn't like me.

>> No.11096106

I felt intense emotion watching Hope and Glory yesterday, just seeing pointless death makes me sad. The people and cultures I love being destroyed makes me want to cry.

>> No.11096119

not too far west from you famalam :DDD

>> No.11096268

Oh you think that's bad?
>spend numerous hours researching and going over two eight page papers due at the end of class
>take one to writing center, center girls ays its perfect and I don't need to change anything
>turn them both in
>get a 78 on one and a 76 on the other
I'm a failure trying to draw out the slow, painful death of my educational prospects.

>> No.11096311
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nigga just kiss me already

no but really just tell me the name of your town? you in Fairfield hoe?

>> No.11096315
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Do you love your wife at least?

>> No.11096320
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Licked a girl at the bar, now am being sentenced to court for molestation
Thanks /lit/

>> No.11096332
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>> No.11096363

I think people who end up in this situation end up in it because being a writer lets you delude yourself into thinking you're more substantive than you actually are.

Which is dumb! Because that's a very narrow definition of substantive. You have a wife and kids. You're supporting them. You're their world.

That's plenty substantive. You don't need some white guy with dreadlocks hemingway jerk off sesh to feel like you have depth and value.

You ended up in this lifestyle because you don't value the things you think you value. That does not make you a bad or flawed person.

The truth is that if you're born to do this then you're born to do it. It doesn't matter where you are in life. It doesn't matter where you're going, or what you're doing. You find time to make this or that happen.

Which isn't the same thing as saying you're talented or not. It's not about talent, it's about drive. Lots of driveless talented peeps out there.

Anyways you're not a bad person or a failure because you're not a writer. We elevate artists too much, IMO. We're craftsmen. It's not special, and it isn't necessarily deep or meaningful. Even if it was, being engaged in deep or meaningful work doesn't mean *you're* deep and meaningful.

We conflate what you do with who you are in all the wrong ways. You're a good person. Your wife and child love you. You're helping to feed your family. Be proud.

>> No.11096402

the thinking man's board

>> No.11096424

No one loves their wife. A few fags here and there will tell themselves they do.

>> No.11096441

yeah brutha
that's where my family lives
im at uni atm

>> No.11096475

u know what fucked me up, this will sound stupid but i think if i really do some introspection about my inability to get laid on the reg its due to that fucking show "married with children" reruns of that show were played every day on fox and they were still making new episodes sometimes back then and theres that teenage guy that if u are a preteen or young teen you look at like a role model right well he looks pretty good (i mean he's a tv actor) and he lifts so he was fit, but he could never ever get laid, that was the running joke subplot on every show, "bud" trying to get in some thots pants and always getting totally dissed, so growing up watching that as my guide to young adulthood it liked normalized the idea that chicks will always reject you and getting laid will never happened even if you try literally every weeknight at 7:00PM EST on Fox

its like how some kids watch cartoons and end up with a furry fetish well i watched married with children and ended up with a totally warped idea about the attainability of sex

when i do actually put in some effort to getting laid i do actually get laid, but the problem is i figure my chances are so low i almost never try, but then looking back on my actual success rate when i do try i get laid fairly easily, idk im fucked

>> No.11096489

>getting laid will never happened even if you try literally every weeknight at 7:00PM EST on Fox

great line

>> No.11096491

This so hard. Except I did eventually get laid.

>> No.11096497

this is like that story in brief interviews with hideous men where that guy that watches sabrina the teenage witch or whatever

>> No.11096528

Yeah but you can't think about sex as a normal thing if it's out of the realm of normalcy for you.
I mean, naturally there's a change that you must go through, but it's a process and not an on/off switch like you posit.

>> No.11096532

you gotta rebel against the system man, its got you by the balls.

here's what you do: leave your wife, get a skull tattoo, hit the road, be a road dog, bust into redneck bars and say stuff like "HEY! Which one of you ladies wants to sell me her PUSSY ASS TRUCK? Cause I see a lot of PUSSY ASS TRUCKS in the parking lot of this bar"

Then write about how sad your life is and how tough you are - you'll be the next Bukowski.

>> No.11096550
File: 180 KB, 1203x1447, borntofeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this

>> No.11096590

Not him, I like Peterson but he hasn't convinced me to want to have kids either.

>> No.11096655

jesus Liz it’s time to stop posting

>> No.11096699

>she will never be your gf

>> No.11096719

Same here, anon. And then I question if I really love it and should pursue it or if the image of being a filmmaker has twisted my perceptions of everything.

Where are you from? Let's be friends.

>> No.11096862

Why are you so afraid of kids? Afraid you'll fuck them or something?

>> No.11096878

u sound like a hardcore pedo

>> No.11096947


>> No.11096961

The problem is that tinder validation changed women's expectations. I had no trouble getting GFs in high school pre-tinder, but now I can't find a single girl willing to fuck me despite being fit and social. The pool of what constitutes sexual fitness is shrinking for men. See>>11093181

>> No.11096968

>got laid in high school
>cant anymore
>blames tinder

no its probably just that in your little high school world you were one of "the popular kids" or "the cool kids" but now as an adult no one gives a shit which lunch table you sat at

>> No.11096970

Source on this graph?

>> No.11096988

I’m fucked because I can only think well on days that I nut and other days I become a thoughtless zombie and I’m sick of it but I don’t know how to fix it.

>> No.11096995

just masturbate every day, thats what i would do if i lived alone, nofap faggots must have no goals in life other than not masturbating, cuz walking around with full balls makes getting anything productive done quite difficult

>> No.11096999

Even lefties like Nagle are starting to talk about how the dating landscape is becoming more unequal in favor of a small group of men, often financially successful and attractive men. It's literally the case that male celibacy is on the rise. The issue is that if you take romanic encounters from the real world, where choice is limited to what's in the bar, to the online world, where your choices are nearly endless, then you're going to change the frequency in which average men get laid. It doesn't take much to figure this out.

>> No.11097005

When I did nofap I was able to read a 400 page book in a day. Sexual frustration is a good concentrator for some people, hence celibacy being common in medieval scholasticism.

>> No.11097009

as if 100% of all women are on tinder, please, this shit is like viral marketing from tinder investors, its just not that influential sorry, most women who have tinder accounts at all just do it for validation having sadsack nerds and gymrat lowlives message them every day

>> No.11097019

>celibacy being common in medieval scholasticism

people had to be "celibate" in the church so there were no offspring to fight over land inheretances, come on man try not to be too
stupid, and i put celibate in quotes cuz obviously there was a lot of pedo action going down

>> No.11097020


He deleted that specific graph because he thought that there might have been a methodological issue with it, but other studies show similar results. He thinks the issue is the decline of marriage.

>> No.11097024
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>mfw i'm 30 and this is all too real

>> No.11097034

100% don't have to be on tinder for it to affect women's dating standards on a societal level. If you get valediction from men on tinder all day, you're going to up your standards in the real world. I'm not judging women for this; i'm trying to be dispassionate about it.

>> No.11097039

That's debatable. Whatever the reason, I concentrate better when I don't cum. When I cum I get that slightly opioidic haze that makes me not want to do anything but mindlessly surf the internet.

>> No.11097042

i'm not saying its not happening i just think tinder is overrated, have you considered how the concentration of people into urban areas has influenced it? when you live in a cow town population 10,000 there are just only so many dudes and they probably all work at the same same factory or farm, but when you live in the big city there are a lot of successful dudes

oh also more women are going to college than men and they dont wanna fuck neetlords with no prospects in life even if its just for a fling

>> No.11097054

idk, weird, must be a low t beta thing

>> No.11097064

I'm sure that like most social phenomena there are multiple contributing factors. The fact that less men are getting laid is an incontrovertible fact, though. And in a culture inundated with images of sex and where adult male virginity is seen as taboo, that's naturally going to lead to extreme alienation in a subset of unfuckable men.

>> No.11097070

Doesn't everyone get that shit to some degree? People don't become more energetic after they cum.

>> No.11097077

Not enough to be fulfilled, but far too much to leave her.

>> No.11097081

the men may not really be "unfuckable" they just have learned helplessness, i was talking to some chick the other day who was doing some sociology paper on masculinity and she was like "i consider white males to set the standard for the masculine" and of course she had white bf, but if you look at popular culture or just ax urself whats masculine you wont think of a white man graduating college and then caring for his family, you will picture a illiterate mexican guy with greasy hair and five kids, or maybe a black entertainer with multiple felonies as "the masculine ideal" so just because some guys arent getting laid doesnt mean women wouldnt rather be fucking a white guy with a job rather than tyrone

also have u considered how many men have "dropped out" of the daring pool due to excessive anime, porn and video games? a lot of guys dont try to get laid

>> No.11097089

yeah obviously for like 20 minutes after you want to lay back and listen to an audiobook, but then your energy comes back but now your mind is clear and focused

>> No.11097097

Have you tried not cumming for extended periods of time yourself?

>> No.11097112

yeah i just get hornier, nofap is a spook

>> No.11097115

I have been keeping a catalog for years of all the many many figures who were completely unknown until they were 50, 60, even 70 because they had been working on their ideas and actually cultivating the spiritual/intellectual breakthrough until that point, until it was actually ready to come out

Producing something great isn't about YOU, it's about the product. You are the fuel that burns in the furnace until the product is complete. Some products emerge fully formed surprisingly quickly, and this is often a tragedy. Some take years and years to come out and people forget about the creator until he's an old Japanese man still living in that hut in the forest tending that flame, doing the unrewarded daily work of keeping it going, and then emerges as something that will be known forever.

People who don't want to create anything great are just souls for the button moulder, just un-individuated raw material to be poured back into the mould when they are dead. Their life is punctuated by nothing except their own ephemeral, moment to moment experience, and that gets boring around 30 for them. People who have no great product waiting to emerge from their souls some day get a pretty shitty consolation prize in exchange: they get to enjoy being children until they're 25ish, with every day being an extended high school. And our entire mass culture is predicated on the experience of these people, so the whole world and society you see around you seems to bear out the idea that the only time that matters in life is adolescence and your early 20s. Everything after that is just invisible, pointless work, to raise a new generation of people who get to live it up until they're 25 and then vanish too.

That's a diseased conception, created by people who have nothing eternal to give of themselves, because they have never dreamed of anything else, and created FOR those people to make their pointless endlessly recurrent lives bearable. Still embedded in this sick culture are traces and remnants of the old days, when everything wasn't created by and for the masses but for eternity, and old age was the most productive time of life, and being a 70 year old man who is working on his one last project before he dies had its own unique meaning and dignity, just like being a young moron full of piss and vinegar had its unique meaning and dignity in a lower and unrefined way. Those traces of how man is supposed to live are still there, but if we see them through the lens of mass society with its cult of stupid youth, we distort them and see a caricature. Instead of seeing an old man organically creating something eternal as a result of his whole life and soul up to that point, we see a 70 year old man who "won't even be able to enjoy his renown or his wealth" or something grotesque like that. We miss the point.

>> No.11097119

Life isn't just a cycle of identical years, where the only difference is how your muscles get weaker or your arthritis gets worse and you can no longer go hipster snowboarding and commercials are no longer targeting your demographic. Life isn't a dwindling calendar of "days remaining," where every day is the same. It gets boring and tiresome after your mid thirties at best. Young people don't understand what being "ready to die" means, or tired of life, but that feeling is a real one and everyone gets it eventually. Some people get it at as early as their twenties. Contrary to the delusions of youth, life isn't about sticking around forever and enjoying popularity, or even physical pleasures.

You can spend the next 20-30 years creating something worth creating, or you could spend it wishing you had written some pissant novella at age 25 and become a stupid little Hemingway knockoff and enjoyed, what, a few years of being a celebrity? Who fucking cares? You'd still be bored of life and wishing you were dead by 35 anyway. Do you want to create something great, or do you want your life to be a pale simulacrum of "being a stupid little Hemingway/DFW celebrity in my 20s?"

There lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail:
There gloom the dark, broad seas. My mariners,
Souls that have toil'd, and wrought, and thought with me—
That ever with a frolic welcome took
The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed
Free hearts, free foreheads—you and I are old;
Old age hath yet his honour and his toil;
Death closes all: but something ere the end,
Some work of noble note, may yet be done,
Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods.
The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks:
The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: the deep
Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends,
'T is not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.
Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho'
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

>> No.11097125

>writing up all this shit to justify being a failed writer

shigdig as they say

>> No.11097142

Porn and video games are the effect, not the cause I think. The thing is, even if these men were to raise their statuses to a level deemed acceptable, all that would do is raise the standard of sexual fitness itself. Men are chosen based on comparative fitness, not just absolute fitness. That's why some beta males go to Asian in order to find wives. The problem is that online dating gave women a multiplicity of choice, which then revived primordial coupling habits of looking for the best genes, rather than the best or most loyal provider. And again, not all women have to be doing this in order for it to affect dating standards for most men.

>> No.11097146

Horniness doesn't change your mood and make you more aggressive?

>> No.11097164

what status is acceptable? most guys get dissed on dating sites cuz they write stupid bios and have shitty pictures, do you really think the guy with a fedora in his mom's bathroom mirror writing about how hes "a bit of feminist cuz most times ill be the one in the kitchen" would be getting laid in the 80s?

>> No.11097183

not at all, thats a myth, and it doesnt even really makes sense, you dont need to be aggressive to get laid in a species where the woman is so much weaker, being hungry is what makes people aggressive, theres a reason stinky hippy steve jobs was able to bully silicon valley shitlords into funding his shit, and part of it was cuz he was always on these wacky starvation diets so his willpower was sky high

>> No.11097189

also how does "being aggressive" aid you in writing be it prose or code? doesnt sound too focused to me

>> No.11097207

If all those guys were to shave, lose weight, dress well and become cool, there would still be standards in dating that would be unattainable for some men. Comparative fitness is how women choose their partners. Put yourself in their shoes, if every time you went on tinder you had a nearly unlimited choice of acceptable men to choose from, you'd still choose the best one, wouldn't you? You'd choose the best one you can get, not the average.

>> No.11097215

I'm not talking about women or dating, i'm talking about the sort of motivation that makes you want to do stuff other than post on 4chan. The anxiety of wanting to fuck motivates some people.

>> No.11097228
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Oof buddy. That's harsh.

>> No.11097250

>anxiety of fucking makes people more productive

doubt it, it seems possible at first, but if you really think about it makes no sense

>> No.11097261

and so now you think one utra model tier guy is servicing two thirds of the women in nyc or something? come on man stop this buzzfeed tier thinking, your own thoughts shouldnt be clickbait

>> No.11097325

No dude, no one's saying that. It's that a minority of men have a lion's share of the sex. Compare the gender ratio of left and right swipes on tinder. It's a big issue for women to, who can't find men who are willing to commit. By giving male 9s and 10s the ability to fuck widely, tinder puts women who otherwise wouldn't be able date men that attractive into sexual contact with them, which then causes alienation for the women who can't get men like that to commit because those men have hundreds of other easy options. A lot of the anger women have towards men on social media is partially the result of this. Gender relations are pretty much fucked, all so that a minority of privileged men can live like Ghengis Khan.

>> No.11097340

Like I said, only time I was able to read 400 page books in a day was during nofap. Discomfort can focus some people.

>> No.11097869


>> No.11097902


It's not even funny anymore, whatever is going on. I just want to be restored to the normal sequence of events. And I want to know what I did to make this diversion happen in the first place. And I want to know so that I stop flailing around and trying to do things I know I can't do because I can't understand why this would be happening to me unless I'm important in some way, and I can't conceive of a way in which I might be important that makes any sense to me.

>> No.11098003
File: 57 KB, 640x360, 20yrsacandle47yrslit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work and Leisure.

>> No.11098316

>tfw no lanky pale three meters tall androgynous omnipotent god gf to impale me then revive me and kill me again in perpetuity
Any books for this feel?