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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 68 KB, 900x900, angry_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11087488 No.11087488[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This board has become infested with leftypol types, or the types of people on /r/badphilosophy. Those super snarky humanities majors who all try to become continental philosophers or "critiquing" journalists but failing badly because they go to 2nd tier universities. The types of people who use the phrase "Neoliberal Economics" and say that Marx is right because of half a sentence on page 500.

>> No.11087490

it is quite boring, desu

>> No.11087502

uh, you don't own this board

pls get a grip, sweetie

>> No.11087508

This board, as it always was, is full of contrarians who are interested in arguing for fun and proving themselves worthy of something over anything else. I've argued for all sides of political spectrum, and there's nothing bad if you find yourself in a challenging environment here. Deal with it, master your arguments.

>> No.11087509

Ahhh yes, frogposting shitposters are an improvement

>> No.11087517
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>This board has become infested with leftypol types, or the types of people on /r/badphilosophy. Those super snarky humanities majors who all try to become continental philosophers or "critiquing" journalists but failing badly because they go to 2nd tier universities.
Not that I've noticed. Those people piss me off, so I'd probably find myself getting agitated if I noticed that sort of personality lingering round /lit/. I let myself get buttblasted by smug partisans too easily.
>The types of people who use the phrase "Neoliberal Economics" and say that Marx is right because of half a sentence on page 500.

>> No.11087548
File: 119 KB, 900x675, 1521803588053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't /leftypol/ a /lit/ colony?

>> No.11087553

>/pol/tard can't argument his position outside his echo chamber
>start reeeing and wants his safespace back
>more news at 11

>> No.11087576

i blame the rising cost of living with no respective growth in income and more working hours
>i'm terrified that one day i can't even afford both marriage and basically living just a simple life ;-;

>> No.11087595

I agree but I think there are good sides to it

I just wish there was something about the board that would bring all the aspiring tryhards together and temper them into something better, like a philosophy reading group with genuine collaboration that does surprisingly well, or some shit like that

>> No.11087604
File: 224 KB, 1200x3075, 1BD2D548-50C1-4691-BC7E-37BA4C61A4F9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11087613

>Using this picture post 2016
Get with the times grandpa

>projecting this hard

>> No.11087615

>uses ironic or satirical humor and sarcasm as substitute for actual critique
that's literally pol

>> No.11087618

If you are in any extreme, left or right, to a point where you cannot discuss literature wirh another bean because of their political view you need to go.

>> No.11087645

No, /pol/ is 13 year old redditors screaming shill at me

>> No.11087674

This is the most autistic image I have ever seen. Imagine the seething hatred of this person describing a subculture he dislikes on an inactive subpage of a website not even in the top most popular sites, and the superiority complex he derives from this.

>> No.11087708
File: 17 KB, 212x238, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evola, Moldbug and Land are literally reigning in /lit/ currently, a few days ago we had an amazing 300+ thread on Land, and the Traditionalist threads keep growing every day.

How can you call that /leftypol/?

>> No.11087733
File: 375 KB, 248x2208, C4C6BFDA-CF7C-4910-B50E-94F65149F0B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11087738

imagine the asspain of this poster

>> No.11087760

Moldbug is often recommended but never discussed, hardly reigning. Guenon seems more popular than Evola at the moment, but you're right that traditionalism is going strong. Land is on the way out; he's much less popular than he used to be, and is even being eclipsed by Deleuze & Guattari weed-posters. Accelerationism is old-hat.
I'm seeing the next wave of meme-academics including René Girard and Jacques Ellul.

>> No.11087764

Always accuse the enemy of doing what you are already doing :^)

>> No.11087765

Reminder that the great majority of noteworthy posters since 2010 are now in the discords

>> No.11087850

/co/shits are too dumb for /lit/

>> No.11087857

nice tumblr post

>> No.11087862

noteworthy for the wrong reasons
i'm really glad tripfagging died out on this board. discord is a really good containment zone for the worst kinds of people on 4chan. i've noticed the site improve recently and i attribute it to discord keeping those kinds of people occupied.

>> No.11087876


>> No.11087902

Yes. Before the lefty exodus there was still bickering between right wingers and centrists and commies but the commies were not some outside bogeyman. Only newfags think discussion of Marxism on /lit/ is reddit. If anything the right wingers all over this site are at the least rapebabies of the 2016 election reddit invasion. Just look at how site traffic increased but only /pol/'s post count doubled during that time, it was shit like pepe being in the news that drew them here.

>> No.11087907
File: 25 KB, 480x480, 1524892933464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is so fucking vague and half of it undoubtedly applied to just any many posters prior to 2014

Youre chasing shadows

>> No.11087920


Yes. I remember Marxist threads and political philosophy threads were getting deleted during the defeat of /pol/ and /r9k/. I think it was mostly to keep the board from getting derailed by political bickering which was now infested with /pol/ throughout the site. The people who wanted to talk about leftist political philosophy didn't know where else to go, and m00t refuse to make a philosophy board so /leftypol/ was born.

>> No.11087936

i don't think Girard will last, he sounds great when you first hear of him but there's a good reason he never seriously addressed or debated anybody, there's not much there below the surface. Don't know Ellul

>> No.11087938

hey reddit

go the fuck back

>> No.11087941

Moldbug is not a memeable as Land, but his prediction that there's only 1 party in the US and that the republicans just function effectively as controlled opposition became very clear after the Trump debacle, he deserves a good read

>> No.11087944

reminder that discord is for edgy kids and edgy internet meme-"""warfare""""

>> No.11087950

did /leftypol/ ever work as a real *chan? i remember going there and seeing massive moderation and removal of any post that went against the party line

i guess leftists just can't help themselves, but still, why not just go to reddit at that point

>> No.11087956

Discord has been the first popular web technology that's made me feel old. Everything else I could at least see the appeal of, even if I didn't use it, but discord I just don't understand at all.

>> No.11087958

Probably muh liberals or some dumb shit

>> No.11087963

So it became like it was before the election.

>> No.11087965

>t. wasnt here before the election

>> No.11087968

4chan was dead before gamergate
There is no cancer killing it

>> No.11087976

i mean it's just the same old IRC chat we had since the 80s, but with fancy stuff and easier to monitor by the FBI

>> No.11088004

That's the problem, there's no real difference between it and IRC or it and slack or it an any of the hundreds of other messaging platforms.

>> No.11088016

tbf a couple years ago there was a large influx of reddit commies (le meme podcast kind) who thought we would like them for some reason, it's easy to tell the difference between a reddit commie and a /lit/ marxist if you pay attention

>> No.11088032

In the last year the board owner has become a cunt banning things they considered imperialism which apparently extends to support Kurdistan national sovereignty. Thats fairly recent though and besides that (which is admittedly fucking dumb) theres no censorship. There absolutely is not a "party line" and the userbase resents the mods for what little banning there is.

>> No.11088034


>> No.11088047

Yeah this is true. Reddit commies post snarky bullshit and get unironically upset about average chan culture, /lit/ leftists are as autistic as the rest of the site and occasionally effortpost about Das Kapital

>> No.11088054

>can't handle opposing opinions and ideas on a board for free expression

>> No.11088072
File: 227 KB, 585x707, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is okay but I miss old /lit/

>> No.11088080


>> No.11088081


>> No.11088091

that sounds like reddit desu

>> No.11088117

Not at all senpai. Feel free to check it out if youre so curious

>inb4 shill

Its a literal spinoff board of a /lit/ subculture, describing our sibling board isnt shilling

>> No.11088120

That shitfest was the final nail in the coffin, some boards became nigh unusable during gaymergayte.

>> No.11088130

Dumb frogposter

>> No.11088134
File: 48 KB, 702x557, 3AB4BF2E-AA6F-4A37-ACF9-CD8EB72DE324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not leftist, I just REALLY fucking hate the rich and have a lesser hate for the government

>> No.11088148

/lit/ once again proves itself to be the most reddit board on 4chan

>> No.11088159

rump-rumbled redditor: the retort

>> No.11088160

>le enemy website meme

>> No.11088165

The sign you've given up any semblance of argument and have to resort to pointless name-calling and accusations.

>> No.11088168

you hate the rich because you are not rich, or capable of being rich for that matter.

>> No.11088173

>I can't say hurr durr on fucking 4chan anymore
hurr durr

>> No.11088176
File: 81 KB, 426x428, 2headedboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accuses people that disagree with them of learning about 4chan through gaymergayte
>throws themselves in with /v/ and /pol/

>> No.11088181

t. faggot

>> No.11088188


>> No.11088193

>humanities majors who all try to become continental philosophers or "critiquing" journalists but failing badly because they go to 2nd tier universities
that description is what /lit/ was founded on faggot

>> No.11088196

tha fux an nlak

>> No.11088198

>tfw you can't gulag people yet

>> No.11088235
File: 521 KB, 800x699, 1469103245021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he wasn't asking for more examples

>> No.11088249

This. The last 2 years ive been accused of being from a website ive visited maybe 5 times in my life and im supposed to believe its a total coincidence that this spike in accusations of being from reddit, from /pol/fags no less, coincides with /pol/ being in the news for gamergate and r/the_Donald spilling over en masse to /pol/ later because pepe was in the news?

/pol/ is the schizophrenic rapebaby of reddit and shits up the board by accusing everyone else of the same

>> No.11088261
File: 51 KB, 882x624, 1524726510530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11088323

>Let’s ask radio Yerevan: “Is Marx still actual today?” We can guess the answer: in principle yes, he describes wonderfully the mad dance of capitalist dynamics which reached its peak only today, more than a century and a half later, but… Gerald A. Cohen enumerated the four features of the classic Marxist notion of the working class: (1) it constitutes the majority of society; (2) it produces the wealth of society; (3) it consists of the exploited members of society; (4) its members are the needy people in society. When these four features are combined, they generate two further features: (5) the working class has nothing to lose from a revolution; (6) it can and will engage in a revolutionary transformation of society.[1] None of the first four applies to today’s working class, which is why features (5) and (6) cannot be generated. (Even if some of the features continue to apply to parts of today’s society, they are no longer united in singe agent: the needy people in society are no longer the workers, etc.)
zizek is 1 feet away from becoming a follower of Land. what do?

>> No.11088329






>> No.11088331

Badphil and badling are the only two good subreddits.

>> No.11088332

what about r/sissyhypno?

>> No.11088369

>There absolutely is not a "party line" and the userbase resents the mods for what little banning there is.
by that line of reasoning the DDR never had a party line either

>> No.11088498

>i've noticed the site improve recently

>> No.11088534

>This board has become infested with leftypol types

you're so new its adorable


>> No.11088546

>Beaner who browses /lit and idolizes the western cannon gets butthurt because he’ll never be white.

>> No.11088590

>56%er throwing stones in a glass house