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11072082 No.11072082 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw visceral realist

>> No.11072209

>tfw real visceralist

>> No.11072216

So how did this guy actually die? He was a heroin addict, right? Not that I shed tears for deracinated Argentinian communists, but didn't see a clear answer when I looked.

>> No.11072217

>tfw 17 year old poet and I can't keep the girls off my dick

>> No.11072218

>tfw casey neistat

>> No.11073099

>tfw 17 year old poet and I can't keep my girl's dick off me

>> No.11073104

Liver failure. And Chilean, not Argentinian

>> No.11073190
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woah is this a bolano thread?!

kind of unknown as to if he was in fact a heroin addict. no one remembers him as such but he wrote a throw away line in an essay in which he claimed to have given up heroin. the thing is, if you're familiar with bolano's writing, is that he very much blurred the lines between fact and fiction, like any good author -- what was real and what was fictitious was besides the point. i personally don't think he was a heroin addict because he never mentions it outside that one essay and bolano was never one to be ashamed of his faults

>> No.11073204


>> No.11073238

>tfw The Return comes in at the bookstore

Looking to pick up Last Evenings on Earth and Amulet sometime too.

>> No.11073534

>loses virginity
>sleeps with 4 girls that month

>> No.11073543

He was Chilean. He wasn't an addict. He died of liver failure.

Fuck, at least read some bio in wikipedia before spewing shit.

>> No.11073552

That's what THEY tell you

>> No.11073574

I've seen some interviews in video where he mentions he's sick, his liver was failing him since like the early 90s. He couldn't even drink coffee, so he drank tea. Also, he used to smoke like a lunatic, which made it difficult for him to receive an organ donation.At the moment of this death he was placed third on the waiting list.

>> No.11073581

the book name is visceral realist, the real name is infra realist

>> No.11073585

Also he had finished 2666 already, he was just going to polish it "after the operation", but of course that never happened.

>> No.11073798

That's the way it goes, anon. The day after I lost my virginity to a hot brazilian girl, I picked up a Dominican girl - I kept on rotation for a year. I slept with five or six girls soon after. Probably not in a month, but definitely that summer. Once you get over the stigma of being a virgin, everything falls into place.

Also, since this is a Bolaño thread, thoughts on his collected shorts The Return and Last Evenings on Earth? Some great shorts in those. Distant Star was uneven. The whole serial killer angle was too much of a stretch as presented. Sure, I get the metaphor but it was still weak. I can't get into The Savage Detectives. Little Lumpen Novelita was a treat. Nothing special, though. Going to read By Night in Chile soon. My two cents.

>> No.11073802

El rey de los putos still lives

>> No.11073810

whats wrong with the savage detectives4u

>> No.11073846

and it's (You)

>> No.11073853

He wasn't a communist either

>> No.11073868

Nothing wrong with it. It was my first Bolaño and I found the translation rather drab, the characters insipid (it may be a personal peeve, but I find writers writing about writers, especially young developing writers, one of the most boring things to read about, being a writer myself), and the structure daunting given the drab translation. The first part read like a very poor man's Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

>> No.11073871

While, as usual with every dead author, it looks like he became a kind of liberal in his last years (doubtful), Bolaño was always very clearly a leftist of some sort.

>> No.11073931

He was a young poet in 1970s Mexico, so yeah, he was leftist, but not the way Muricans think of Leftist (Hillary Clinton is not an actual leftist).

>> No.11073962

American views about politics is so skewed due to our two party system. The binary confuses plenty of undereducated citizens. They project left and right on the parties even when the parties do not fall in line with traditionally defined left/right roles. All this is just to say overall Americans are fucking stupid. Full stop.

>> No.11073975

What the fuck are you talking about, I never implied he was a liberal in the american sense, only that, as with every auhor who dies, people love to paint him as a deluded leftist-turned-liberal - something very common in latin america - despite every evidence pointing to the opposite.

>> No.11073989

>with every auhor who dies, people love to paint him as a deluded leftist-turned-liberal...despite every evidence pointing to the opposite.
Not the anon you're replying to, but can you name some examples of this?

>> No.11074267

I just got The Return, so I'll make a thread when I read it and can put some thoughts together. I should get to it next. Being sick has slowed down my reading habit.

I'm planning to read his short stories, or at least the ones featuring or narrated by his fictional alter ego Arturo Belano before reading The Savage Detectives, Amulet, 2666, and Woes of the True Policeman in that order. I've sort of made a "map," if you will, of his fictional universe and the way I want to tackle it. So I'll be buying Last Evenings on Earth eventually, too. So far I've only read The Insufferable Gaucho (years ago now), A Little Lumpen Novelita, By Night in Chile, and Distant Star. I'd say By Night was the best, and I agree with your assessment about Distant Star. It was a brief read, tho.

I made a Goodreads eventually and was going to put a BNiC review up, but didn't get around to it.

>> No.11074268

the power of poetry.

>> No.11074270

>loses virginity
> then eats a masive breakfast at the girls house.

that part made me so hungry.
what he meant by this btw?

>> No.11074354

visceral realism vs hysterical realism, who wins?

>> No.11074572

I'd rather read Bolaño than DFW, tbhon

>> No.11074607


2666 meme tetralogy confirmed

>> No.11074621

enjoy your ban

>> No.11074646

Beats Culture of Critique

>> No.11074664


>> No.11075013

Leftist yes, but he really disliked communists

>"(no me gusta) la unanimidad sacerdotal, clerical, de los comunistas. Siempre he sido de izquierda y no me iba a hacer de derechas porque no me gustaban los clérigos comunistas, entonces me hice trotskista. Lo que pasa que luego, cuando estuve entre los trotskistas, tampoco me gustaba la unanimidad clerical de los trotskistas, y terminé siendo anarquista [...]. Ya en España encontré muchos anarquistas y empecé a dejar de ser anarquista. La unanimidad me jode muchísimo."

>> No.11075044
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>le jode la unanimidad
>quiere participar en movimientos políticos masivos

>> No.11075065

>no sé leer

>> No.11075069


I love By Night in Chile

>> No.11075075

unless there's some underlying subtext to his dislike of unamidad, or unamidad in general, this seems to be quite a juvenile reason to reproach political movements/parties. then again, I can see why American conservatives would reproach their own party after the last election and its aftermath.

>> No.11075082

I look forward to reading it. My local library has quite a few of his books. I'll try Skating Rink, Policeman, Third Reich, and Secret Evil soon. Maybe Detectives again further down the line.

>> No.11075100

Was really hoping to get an answer to this. Can anyone confirm that this is the case?

>> No.11075211

From what I gather a lot of those are more curiosities, and the real meat of Bolaño is in the triumvirate of Savage Detectives, 2666, and By Night in Chile.

>> No.11075384

enjoy being a faggot

>> No.11075453

Indeed, I've read that as well. They're short reads so I'll breeze through them. Little Lumpen Novelita is also considered a trifle, but I enjoyed it just the same. Funny, I recently discovered it was made into a film with Rutger Hauer.

>> No.11075473

Literally every anarchist ever, this hardly means the man is against communism, he's probably an anti-leninist like every sober south-american ever
If you're a brazillian, pretty much every post-dictatorship author has been like this, for other countries I don't really know

>> No.11075510

>If you're a brazillian, pretty much every post-dictatorship author has been like this, for other countries I don't really know
Yeah? That's just weird. I guess political factions will always attempt to claim some relation to an author who made some passing remark toward his political leanings. I somehow doubt, say, the Democrats in the US will claim someone like Dos Passos or Wolfe, both somewhat fervent righties.