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File: 96 KB, 779x262, Trin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11044613 No.11044613 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the holy trinity of philosophy?

>> No.11044618
File: 49 KB, 310x459, kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.11044621

yes if you are a social outcast virgin

>> No.11044627

Both Schopenhauer and Stirner are obsolete through Nietzsche

>> No.11044635

yes, but switch schoppi with marx and stirner with adorno

>> No.11044636

>dude I feel bad lmao

>> No.11044637

Once you've mastered them, there really isn't anything else.

>> No.11044639

You have to reject women and friendship in order to fully understand life

>> No.11044648

it’s not ‘rejecting’ if you never had them in the first place

>> No.11044654

>dude i leave my love and never get in touch with a woman again

>> No.11044657

the holy trinity of meme philosophy that is easy enough to autodidact yourself through without much difficulty

>> No.11044663

Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Stirner had love and friends

>> No.11044665

>I read Hegel once so I'm smart

>> No.11044701

Are there any good philosophers that weren't sad virgins?

>> No.11044710

nah, maybe the shadow of it.

id say kant, hegel and idk who else.

>> No.11044712


>> No.11044713

If you're drowning in pussy you don't have time to dedicate your life to philosophy. When you're fucking all the time you're not going to start thinking about life, you'll just enjoy it. This is also why smart people are more unhappy.

>> No.11044718

>as a verb
self-taught, arenchtya bud?

>> No.11044720

Replace Stirner with Deleuze

>> No.11044735

What if the people who understand life the most are those who are happy?

>> No.11044741

replace deleuze with a random bum, who doesnt cut his nails and fantasizes about a wish machine

>> No.11044746
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>*blocks your path*

>> No.11044760

You could make a case for that but I'd say it's a different type of knowledge. Like how I can drive a car pretty well without having the slightest clue about how engines work, while brilliant engineers can know every detail but will fuck up driving the first few times just like everyone.

>> No.11044785

>philosophy before the invention of the photograph

>> No.11044807
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>> No.11044813
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>> No.11044825

replace the virgin Aquinas with the Chad Confucius and you have a good list there

>> No.11044839
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Holy Duo

>> No.11044879
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>> No.11044970


>> No.11044979

How do I start with Schopenhauer?

>> No.11045493

I don't see Sean Goonan.

>> No.11045500

Go to bed, Sean.

>> No.11045849


>> No.11045863

>he doesn’t verb his nouns

>> No.11045890

>the I'm depressed and have a shit life because I'm smarter than the proles meme
It's horseshit, stop perpetuating this.

>> No.11045953

t. prole

>> No.11045964

No, I'm pretty miserable too, but if I were smarter I'd be happier, and I don't tout depression as a romantic badge of honor.

>> No.11046645

No, existentialism is babby-tier philosophy.

>> No.11046659

damn beat me to it

>> No.11046693
File: 96 KB, 1515x689, Y97bFoA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God the amount of pseuds on this board is pathetic

>> No.11046700


>> No.11046731


>> No.11046781


>> No.11047413

>you may not like it, but this (plus roman laws) is, LITERALLY, what the foundation of western society looks like

>> No.11047446

>Hasn't read Schopenhauer.

>> No.11047456

The World as Will and Representation. The first 20 pages after the introduction could be a bit tought to get trough if you have no knowledge of Kant's metaphysics, but after that it's an easy-and marvellous- ride.

>> No.11047612

>Reading Schopenhauer
I haven't even read is encyclopedia pages. I'm sure they hold nothing of potential value.
Only psuedo-intellectuals actually read other philosophers.

>> No.11047617
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>> No.11047628

alan watts said a goal of philosophy is to stop thinking about philosophy

>> No.11047648

All you'll ever need

>> No.11047905

the meme trilogy

>> No.11047916

why do peopole even like schopenhaur? hes not that good and didnt say that much.

>> No.11048028


>> No.11048039

then Nietzsche achieved it

>> No.11048089

That's definitely true. Philosophy is the melancholic approach to wisdom. The happy take Chad's way.

>> No.11048122
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Only a psued would critique something he has no knowledge of.

>> No.11048126

No. The actual holy trinity is Max Stirner, The Unique One and Friedrich Engels (Max Stirner)

>> No.11048200

>Hasn't said that much.
You must be baiting.

>> No.11048307

That would be:

>> No.11048335

none of them were virgins

>> No.11049306

>I haven't even read is encyclopedia pages. I'm sure they hold nothing of potential value. Only psuedo-intellectuals actually read other philosophers.

This is arguably the stupidest post I've ever read.

>> No.11049319

Agreed he was shit. Borderline anti-intellectual even, Chomsky tier refusal to engage with anything too complex

>> No.11049328
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>falling for this
>so obvious it probably wasnt even meant to be bait

>> No.11050544


>> No.11050679

Hegel is just a glorified translator of Joachim

>> No.11050685

whomst is kant

>> No.11050699
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>*unpaths your block*

>> No.11050965
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Ayn Rand

>> No.11051009


This. And then on the next tier down you have Kant, Hegel and Kierkegaard.

>> No.11051042
File: 85 KB, 620x410, thomas-pynchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In "On Schopenhauer as Educator" Nietzsche explicitly says 1 of 3 reasons that Schopenhauer was inevitably sad was that he was lonely. Actually lonely. Nietzsche goes on to describe what true loneliness is like--as you'd expect, it's having NOBODY. The other two reasons are because 1) he (schopenhauer) was ever on the cusp of genius and thinking about it, and 2) he played too much of the Platonic game back and forth.

No, but you are very close. Kant or Plato has to replace Stirner.

he's top 10 FOR SURE, top 5 MAAAAAYBE.

fuck it's a weird and great feeling loving and defending Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and even Weininger while being in a relationship with a girl that is sweet but doesn't read and really resembles Rosalind. (only ever of course bringing it up with about once or twice a week by saying, oh, that philosopher by the way thought this, what do you think).

this is pretty good.

and this--man, these lists are starting to seem pointless. Why am i here?

>> No.11051823

Probably correct. I'll never know. Ignorance is bliss

>> No.11051834

Camus was a ladies man, to put it mildly

>> No.11051897

Not a sad virgin but had unfulfilled rape fantasises

>> No.11051906
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>> No.11052113
File: 15 KB, 220x332, 220px-12_Rules_for_Life_An_Antidote_to_Chaos_book_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aren't you forgetting someone?

>> No.11052117
File: 37 KB, 563x750, B22CEB30-38AC-4F55-B31A-B79C2DB72A90.thumb.jpeg.99b8583542cc3fa056acdcddee2acbf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You have to miss out on huge and important parts of life that are inherently ingrained into human beings as necessities for happiness and fulfillment in order to have a full understanding of life

>> No.11052135

All those guys are like the philosophy version of a 12 year old really into linken park and hating his dad

>> No.11052158

Semi-related but what philosophers would you consider essential?

>> No.11052159

other than the greeks, obviously

>> No.11052169

Plato (rest of Greeks and Romans as well)

>> No.11052289

>replace stirner
le dropped

>> No.11052290

>replace stirner
le dropped

>> No.11052296


>> No.11052297
File: 139 KB, 320x480, did someone say 'trinity'?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11052306

Why did I laugh at this.

>> No.11052360

Holy Trinity of fucktarded meme philosophy maybe.

Kant, Hegel and Spinoza are the real Holy Trinity.

>> No.11052364

He said good philosophers not obnoxious French pseuds.

>> No.11052379

who /Nietzsche/Hegel/Heidegger/ here?

>> No.11052455

Neetchie isn't a philosopher, he's a literary figure. He doesn't really construct arguments and support them through reasoning, he paints pictures depending on his moods.

>> No.11052465

Kant Hegel Heidegger

>> No.11052555

He's at the boundary between art and philosophy, just like Novalis, Lao Tsu and other pseudo-mysticists.

>> No.11052591

Kant, Kierkegaard?

>> No.11052601

No. Where's Heidegger or Kierkegaard? Why the piss is Stirner on there? Schopes is also hugely overrated.

>> No.11052614

N dealt with this at length but was also a bit of a sad, lonely loser. Though surely you have to get laid at least once to die of syphilis right?

>> No.11052625

Heidegger said it without sounding like a complete and utter tool tbf.

>> No.11052627

Nah, they are happy because they haven't had to wrestle with existential dread, the nature of human cruelty and similar problems as much, meaning that they feel content because they believe that they have no need of the kinds of answers artists and philosophers search for. As an equivalent, you would be happier not knowing, not having to worry about sickness and death - until you are forced to deal with it. At that point that reality would come crashing down over your head, and you would be a complete emotional wreck, whereas someone who has dealt with these questions all their life would be relatively fine.

>> No.11052638

>Why the piss is Stirner on there?
welcome to /lit/, it doesnt get better...

>> No.11052649


>> No.11052661

*then cries into a blanket while cuddling a bible*

>> No.11052689

Thank you. The amount of people on this board who parrot Neiztsche without having read Hegel is mind blowing.

>> No.11052784

Yes if you don’t care about the enormity of philosophy and want to stay with the most accessible shit there is that isn’t utilitarians

>> No.11053138

this place is so retarded

>> No.11053161

Even if he didn't receive a ruthless spanking by Kierkegaard (he did, just read Concluding Unscientific Postscripts), Hegel was mercilessly fisted by Thomas Carlyle. How anyone can respect Hegel in the current year is beyond me.

>> No.11053169

Very carefully.

>> No.11053184

Kant is essential, but to understand Kant, it really helps to have read:
>Descartes' "Meditations"
>Leibniz's "Monadology"
>Locke's "Essay"
>Berkeley's "Principles"
>Hume's "Enquiry"
and, if you want a breath of fresh air:
>Reid's "Inquiry and Essays"

After you read the above and the first Critique, your power-level will be over 9000 (that is, of course, if you started with the Greeks). You can then choose to read whomever you please, and understand it all.

>> No.11053194

Evola, nigga drowned in pussy so much he said that he had too much so he joined a sex cult (tantric) that only allowed sex for rituals for a bit

>> No.11053265

Required reading for Nietzsche, but not part of the trinity. Switch with Heraclitus.

No. Switch with Antony Zyrmpas, who must be read after Baudrillard.

>> No.11053276
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I'll show the holy trinity of neopolitics nowadays, and yes they have all written books

>> No.11053333
File: 88 KB, 350x350, the son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard his book was pretty good

>> No.11053339
File: 69 KB, 820x550, the unholy spirit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quads never lie, and 12 is a magical number in religious and psychological though

>> No.11054370

This, except Lao Tzu was actually a hardcore philosopher — end-game stuff. Sucks that you can't talk about it (rules #1 and #2 of Tao)

>> No.11054900


>> No.11054902

p. good, anon

>> No.11055329

I don't think he was alone in being in that situation. What Nietzsche was getting at with the Dionysian mode of being, where 'the veil of Maya has been torn into pieces' was at the very least a similar scenario of 'how do you express the inexpressible', and same goes for Novalis trying to talk about the nature of God. Heidegger's 'fuck philosophy, who /poetry/ here?'' was based on this kind of insight as well. It almost seems like endgame philosophy always arrives at the conclusion that the kind of truth we are looking for can not be grasped, described, made believable simply by 'constructing arguments and supporting them through reason' as the other anon put it.

>> No.11055338


The trinity of idiocy.

>> No.11055360

>Geese Internet Defense Force.

>> No.11055366

Yes. Leave the cave and all its lucrative activities. Why do you think spiritual people willingly go against their base nature? What do you think they achieve with it? Going with your desires has you captivated in routines and loops - addiction, in other words. You can't even begin to fathom other possibilities, being stuck.

Asceticism has its merits. I can't be an ascetic because I lack most desires to begin with - there is nothing to take over.

>> No.11055371

Yes. Add in Heidegger and Plato.

As for geniuses, Kant, Tesla and Archimedes.