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11025518 No.11025518 [Reply] [Original]

What's the deal with stoicism? Seems like the philosophy should be in the self-help genre and something for redditors to participate in. Why should I be a virtuous and kind person?!?

>> No.11025532

Because your body gives you pleasure when you do certain things

and pain when you do other things.

Philosophers are mostly talking about "How to get pleasure out of your body and avoid pain"

We cant choose how our bodies work

>> No.11025573

>So the despairing self is constantly building nothing but castles in the air, it fights only in the air. All these experimented virtues make a brilliant showing; for an instant they are enchanting like an oriental poem: such self-control, such firmness, such ataraxia, etc., border almost on the fabulous. Yes, they do to be sure; and also at the bottom of it all there is nothing. The self wants to enjoy the entire satisfaction of making itself into itself, of developing itself, of being itself; it wants to have the honor of this poetical, this masterly plan according to which it has understood itself. And yet in the last resort it is a riddle how it understands itself; just at the instant when it seems to be nearest to having the fabric finished it can arbitrarily resolve the whole thing into nothing.

>> No.11025631
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It's self help if you don't read any of the fragments of their physics, of course, as well as any other ethical system which does not have a metaphysical foundation.

Thank god, there are books you could read, if only you bothered researching what stoicism actually is instead of posting bullshit on this board killing threads because you can't use google.
Here, read these two and learn how Stoic ethics is rooted in stoic physics, metaphysics and logic:
Long/Sedley - The Hellenistic Philosphers (beginner-tier)
Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta (actual philosopher tier)


Everything you say is a gross generalization and is blatantly wrong. Please leave this board and never return.

>> No.11025638

Stop being such an individualist you American fuck

>> No.11025640
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Thanks pal

>> No.11026226
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Because life is suffering and stoicism is about avoiding the unnecessary suffering through common sense heuristics.

>> No.11026369

Stoicism is a pretty low-tier philosophy. It's just above moral naturalism on the scale of ethics

>> No.11026450

get a load of this retard. I bet you listen to Sam Harris

>> No.11026539

It is considered as part of the self-help genre. Several books written by author Ryan Holiday are found in self-help sections and are all based on Stoic principles.
Stoicism actually formed the backbone for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - the widely considered best style of psychotherapy for people suffering with anxiety and depression.
>Why should I be a virtuous and kind person?
According to the Stoics, because the 4 cardinal virtues of courage, wisdom, temperance and justice, lead to happiness. If you focus on practising these virtues, along with their various ideas found in Stoic texts, you will arguably be a happier person.

If it interests you, give it a go. If you're not happy after reading the main texts and practising the Stoic lifestyle, then come back and bitch about it.

>> No.11026562

>be me
>be child
>life is hard
>how can I ignore it
>lol, nothing affects me
>I'm so strong
>my emotions are blunted
>I'm autistic
>No, Stoics are autistic
>nothing can hurt you if you don't let it hurt you
>wow, so deep
>lol, let me share this on reddit
>"hey, guys, aurelius, lol"