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File: 56 KB, 493x753, bloodmeridian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11003869 No.11003869 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for? Was recommenced by qt barista at my local

>> No.11003881

Tortilla's and injuns

>> No.11003890

>Was recommenced by qt barista
Its a trap

>> No.11003929

What the FUCK is this hideous cover?

>> No.11003967

nihilistic chaotic just like the book

>> No.11003986

ah, blood meridian, monsieur? that novel is the sark and chaparral of literature, the filament whereon rode the remuda of highbrow, corraled out of some destitute hacienda upon the arroya, quirting and splurting with main and with pyrolatrous coagulate of lobated grandiloquence. our eyes rode over the pages, monsieur, of that slatribed azotea like argonauts of suttee, juzgados of swole, bights and systoles of walleyed and tyrolean and carbolic and tectite and scurvid and querent and creosote and scapular malpais and shellalagh. we scalped, monsieur, the gantlet of its esker and led our naked bodies into the rebozos of its mennonite and siliceous fauna, wallowing in the jasper and the carnelian like archimandrites, teamsters, combers of cassinette scoria, centroids of holothurian chancre, with pizzles of enfiladed indigo panic grass in the saltbush of our vigas, true commodores of the written page, rebuses, monsieur, we were the mygale spiders too and the devonian and debouched pulque that settled on the frizzen studebakers, listening the wolves howling in the desert while we saw the judge rise out of a thicket of corbelled arches, whinstone, cairn, cholla, lemurs, femurs, leantos, moonblanched nacre, uncottered fistulas of groaning osnaburg and kelp, isomers of fluepipe and halms awap of griddle, guisado, pelancillo.

>> No.11003995

Thanks, Mr Joyce, now please get back to your coffin

>> No.11004006

Its great stuff

>> No.11004037


Covers featuring hysterical plugs for the book are without exception bad. They feel like a salesman using your first name.

Imagine the Bible with


emblazoned across the front. Pathetic.

>> No.11004042

My grannie bought me one of those fancy leather bibles with my name embossed in gold on the cover. I brought it to class as a prop for a Thanksgiving play and told everyone that it was my book and I had written it. The next day I fell extremely ill.

>> No.11004047


Hahaha. There was once a tradition of a family bible, handed down with everyone adding their name in the front - those are not bad. Name on cover though.. hmmm...

>> No.11004077

Once a recommended this to a cutie. I wonder if she over read it.

>> No.11004169
File: 255 KB, 388x600, Krvavi-meridijan-00002464159135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this one.

>> No.11004189

I have a similar one with Child of God because it's cheaper that the Vintage version by $5. The moment I got the book from mail I knew I will never not be regretful about this damn cover on my shelf.

>> No.11004260

>Mr Joyce
Imagine being such a pseud you mistake McCarthy for Joyce

>> No.11004275

Caterwauled at this

>> No.11004283

spits on the ground and gives an ayup

>> No.11004284

I’m jelly 2bh

That’s sick

>> No.11004298

Injuns, blood and a snake-bit horse

>> No.11004383

lol impressive

>> No.11004400

>Kormak Makarti
What kind of barbaric idiom feels the need to "translate" the author's name? I've never seen such idiocy in my life. Imagine this in English:
>Mrs. Bowvaree by Gewstahv Flawbear

>> No.11004401

Why the ' ?

>> No.11004405


>> No.11004408

>Kormak Makarti

>> No.11004467

Sorry, i'm used to writing in dutch.

>> No.11004479

Reminds me I haven't finished this. It's hard to read, takes me a long time to finish each page.

>> No.11004516

What language is that?

>> No.11004526

Looks like Croatian

>> No.11004534

a sort of day of the dead version of mexico's patron saint

>> No.11004682

The book has a strange rhythm that you have to be patient with, but once you understand and can parcel it your reading will go much smoother. Also keep a dictionary on hand; a lot of archaic and obscure words are used.

>> No.11004844

This. BM is the classical
>book women will never understand

>> No.11004978

It's a Serbian edition from 2017. Yes, language is very specific, one of the rare examples of practical synchronic digraphia, also it's, in a way, phonetic, which means you write names as you pronounce them, so:

Pynchon - Pinčon
Houellebecq - Uelbek
McCarthy - Makarti

>> No.11005002

It's Serbian.

>> No.11005376

Sounds like something niggers would do; except they don't, because even those in Africa speak English or French.
Also, since when did you switch to Latin script? What happened to that panslavic pride? Pushed it aside for the promise of some sweet EU cock, huh?

>> No.11006218

I'm not sure are you able to comprehend it, but your question has already been answered in my previous reply.
As for your casual racism, bitterness and stupidity, without flags or ip, there is no point answering to it; I can't diagnose activation of your inner moron without it.

>> No.11007429

I heard this book, and McCarthy in general, have Gnostic themes in them. Could anyone elaborate?

>> No.11007928


>> No.11007964

>What kind of barbaric idiom feels the need to "translate" the author's name?
Pretty much everyone did this before the 20th century you fucking retard

>> No.11008006

I don't know how it would pertain to The road but in Blood Meridian there is a character that is near omnipotent

>> No.11009236

the laziest way of criticizing McCarthy

>> No.11009263

run on sentences as far as the eye can see.

Does anyone have a link to that youtube video of that shirtless obese dude with the big knife explaining the book?

>> No.11009279


Well in The Road the boy is often called angelic, and he calls him the word of god in one section. Then they meet an old blind man and discuss god for a couple sentences, but it feels more sparse than BM.

>> No.11009362
File: 725 KB, 1613x1063, blood meridian extract.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beauty and the horror of the real Wild West

>> No.11009374


>> No.11009377

I've read Blood Meridian and it isn't nearly as flowery and ornate as you make it seem.

>> No.11009497

From what I researched after reading the narrative of the Wild West McCarthy portrayed was fairly accurate.

That really does show the horrors of the Wild West to someone who didn't grow up watching westerns.

>> No.11009521

yeah, but at some points it gets a little ridiculous or absurd with how violent the book is

>> No.11009554

No, not "practically everybody" did it. And when they did do it, it didn't sound as retarded as "Kormak Makarti", and I hope you realise why. Latin and Greek are prestigious languages and they've earned the right to transliterate barbarian names to something that can be uttered in public without scaring the kids with some Fidjian war cry-like screeching. Serbian is far from being a prestigious language, hence the grotesquery of its attempts to pull it off. There is no justification for that, other than being a nigger or a gipsy (serbs being the former in spirit and the latter by blood).

>> No.11009570

No, your big boy words do not answer my question, which is why I asked it, you practical synchronic diplocuckold.
>without flags or ip
What do you need that for, gipsy boy? To insult me on the basis of my ethnicity? You see, I can do that to you because I'm not a gipsy. You should play it cool like you're above such pettiness--and you almost pulled it off, too, before your nigger instinct got the best of you. For shame. To think even Turks can tackle spelling of foreign names in the Latin alphabet. I thought you were better than them.

>> No.11009746

I don't know exactly what triggers you, are you average pol or diaspora reject? Or, maybe, just an usual angry bigot.
Your bitterness is so uncalled for considering content of my post, and it's strictly racist and beside the point, so without knowing where did you spawn or from where do you lurk, there is no point reacting to it any way. Without it, I can't be sure what propels your inner moron; you clearly are frustrated and Cormac/Kormak or language rules and regulations, are not the cause of it; it's clearly something else.
And that 'else' is probably a typical case of some cheap nationalism, racist bigotry, pol level of 'nigger' & 'gypsy' spam. Angle of you hatred can't be diagnosed, but even without I can presume that you are petulant, angry child.

>> No.11009836

Stupidity of this creature, is, really astounding.
Level or resentment and pathetic racism, that is totally cringe worthy everywhere besides this place, doesn't surprise me, because I'm, now, pretty sure with whom I'm talking to.
Really, there is a worse thing than knowing absolutely nothing, it's to know little and be proud about it.

>> No.11009845

look at this dumb piece shit, mutt education?
fucking nigger

>> No.11009973

Just OK for me. I read it as a western fan having never read any Cormac McCarthy before or since. Kind of difficult to follow and though the writing itself was good, it was maybe a bit ostentatious, and kind of took me out of the story somewhat. I would recommend True Grit, Warlock and Butcher's Crossing if you like western novels.

>> No.11010740

That reads nothing like McCarthy you nitwit.

>> No.11010770

In my country, only kings and queens got their names translated or localized, and we stopped doing that for new names in 2002, so there will never be a kuningas Kaarle, just king Charles. King George remains kuningas Yrjö forever.
t. Finland

>> No.11010805

What’s up with violence turning to 100 so quick in BM? Like that scene where they enter the desolate Mexican cantina and end up shooting and scalping everyone in the place. It’s so fucking outlandish.

>> No.11010919

I think that's the point. The men that The Kid travels with through the story are pure savages; no different really from the Injuns they hunt.

>> No.11011190

The entire point if the violence in that scene was that the Mexicans "gave permission" for said violence to be visited upon them.

>> No.11011203
File: 928 KB, 957x499, 1456987943651461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final chapter of the unsung Western meme trilogy

>> No.11011210

Dude you haven't seen the worst of it yet
just like >>11010919 said it's to compare the hunter to prey are not so different but also because these scene were actually common in the real west

>> No.11011297

Same thing

>> No.11011312

>doesn’t realize the whole book is a work of historical absurdism

>> No.11011318

They weren't that common at all.

>> No.11011325

You'll need some extras for this book

>> No.11011328

Lonesome Dove might be too 'normie' but it's a great book too.

>> No.11011348

well i mean both parties scalp people so there obviously that

>> No.11011356

unlike anything you've ever read in recent years, an extraordinary, breathtaking achievement

>> No.11011368

Yeah but there has to be a line drawn somewhere betwenn "this is brutal" and "this is fucking retarded"
like the Apache ambush was brutal but the part where one of the Delawares dual wields babies and whirlwinds them into rocks over and over is just dumb, and a little funny

>> No.11011402
File: 42 KB, 596x628, 207203d34eca6ae4eeafd06b39eae8740ddb487c2e4a01aad92d9e2ac7984750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kormak Makarti

>> No.11011443

violence is a central subject of the book

>> No.11011537

Fuck off Mr. Banville

>> No.11011586

Are you that much of a pleb that you didn't realize it was an allusion to Psalms 137:9?

>> No.11012802

Glanton and most of the men already REALLY hate mexicans, and one of the mexicans comes up and stabs one of them. There was obviolusly going to be a fight, and they aren't the type of people to show mercy.
Plus it's free scalps.

>> No.11012820
File: 299 KB, 980x552, Cambodia-tree-beating-children-horizontal-large-gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've never heard of the baby killing tree I take it?

>> No.11012839

My favorite author desu

>> No.11013105

Can confirm. It's what I'd recommend.

>> No.11013281

>imagine thinking that reads anything like the dry McCarthy and not the verbose Joyce

>> No.11014127


>> No.11014247

I to was recommended McCarthy by Hawt Barrista

>> No.11014267

Judging by the title, it's probably about a murder

So you're in for some lack of clues

>> No.11014304

So much this.

>Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.

>> No.11014552

Blood Meridian is my favorite book but I don't know anyone who has read it and all of my friends refuse to read it
so if you're in this thread you should read it

>> No.11014584

Blood Meridian is my favorite book. It's the only book I've bought in years

>> No.11014612

Read this in text about ten years ago, just started a reread today. Damn, this is entertaining stuff.
Is the Border trilogy as vivid as BM?

>> No.11014765

It's not as great as BM, but i'd still recommend it if you like McCarthy though, or at least The Crossing, if you don't feel like reading the whole trilogy.

>> No.11014869

brutal violence
incredibly slow pacing to emulate the vastness of nothing across the desert
beautiful prose that will age as well as moby dick
ambiguity on ambiguity on ambiguity (i.e. what the fuck is with the judge my dude so what is with that ending wtf)
nice descriptions of flowers and landscapes
his best book BUT not the best starting place if you want to get into reading his work, try The Road or Outer Dark first

>> No.11014877

underrated post

>> No.11014890

A shitton of Spanish words and of punctuation.

>> No.11014897

and lack of punctuation*

>> No.11014957

>A shitton of Spanish words
It's like 4 or 5 lines of Spanish dialogue per chapter max

>> No.11015088

Is it? I remember whole (short) passages but I admit my memory might be a bit hazy. I didn't mind it because I understand spic but I imagine someone could get annoyed by it.

>> No.11015127


A pretty dull game of "spot the literary reference", using a pastiche of archaic prose styles.

But who knows, maybe you'll like it anyway.

>> No.11015170

im 100 pages in. when does shit hit the fan?

>> No.11015193

you'll know it when it happens

>> No.11015215

But that doesnt happen in blood meridian!

>> No.11015249

It's a slow moving book, anon. You're reading it for the wrong reasons if you want shock value because, although it's grisly, the book is a lot more than that. Learn to embrace the surreal solitude this book delivers.

>> No.11015320
File: 257 KB, 935x700, BloodMeridian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm genuinely surprised that so many people here are so gobsmacked by slightly different usage of phonemes. How can it be that this is the first time you've have seen it? This board is really going down.

>> No.11015730

That was boring.