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/lit/ - Literature

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10982957 No.10982957 [Reply] [Original]

>I realized that even those relationships with the women whom I considered most educated, cultured, and distinguished never seemed to satisfy the Logos within me, never made me hapy. Yet, somehow, this woman who has never read a book for enjoyment, would be unable to discern Mozart from Tchaikovsky, somehow this woman who is the complete opposite of me and all I stand for, has made happier than ever.

Was he right, lads? Is getting laid by a pretty woman that much better than finding a perfect waifu who shares your interests?

>> No.10982959

I'm at a crossroads, too.

>> No.10982962

it's not pretty, it's primal

>> No.10982967

the funny thing is that I wouldn't know either way.

>> No.10982976

Yeah there's no point in waiting for the perfect one like a Disney princess. Busting a nut makes you feel better who cares if you aren't gonna marry the girl.

>> No.10982979

Yes, because that makes her more feminine in his eyes. Culture and education are masculine pursuits. Women are here for one thing and one thing only.

>> No.10982985

where's this from?

>> No.10982989

Try to look at what composes a women through a red pilled sense. Most don't support their families, they don't cook or clean for their men (it's oppressive). Most are lazy, boring, and have nothing going for them. Women, especially the attractive ones, have the ability to jump into a man's life who has already established life, handing out pussy as necessary to keep him invested, but they don't actually want to contribute anything to the relationship. Women have a "shortcut" in life which removes the need for them to actually develop themselves to the point of being decent human beings. Since there is little demand for self-actualized women, they are in short supply.

Blue pill society has told them that they're entitled to free dinners, late night phone calls, and 24/7 beta bucks services at a moments notice. Most of them just take as much as they can get men are now (and have been) a consumer item in our society.

So it's likely if you run into a women who's interested in you, she's going to try to wring you out for all you've got. Why should you commit to something like that? Women like this should be fucked and tossed away. The only thing she has to offer you is her pussy.

>> No.10982991

Yes, women are not your equal, they're not your friend, not something to share a hobby with. They think differently and have different desires and needs. You're looking for someone who can care for your children and be there to support their families. That's all there is to it.
Beauty is the measure of a woman, not strength or intelligence. This should be obvious.

>> No.10982997

That's sexist!

>> No.10982999

Is there a bigger pseud than this man? Somehow he "read" the Hindu corpus, and I am to believe that he missed all of its finer details? He is right, but for the wrong reasons. Women are there to allow a man to love and express his Ethos, which is otherwise quite difficult to do in earnest. They're not there to fuck to satisfy some primal urges like he puts forth in his book. Such urges should be suppressed and controlled by the Will.

>> No.10983001

retarded unthinking niggers, this not for even the obvious reason

>> No.10983002

>Is there a bigger pseud than this man?
Have you met me?

>> No.10983008

t. triggered chick.

>> No.10983012


>> No.10983022

>The only thing she has to offer you is her pussy.
I've come to this sad realization, too. I wish they were more than this but they just aren't. It's depressing.

>> No.10983029

>never seemed to satisfy the Logos within me
>unironically using "Logos"
what an edgy try hard pseud

>> No.10983034

And working 3 hours a day, cooking meals with friends, and sharing a bottle of wine while the kids play in the backyard is oppression.
I'm such a savage for wanting women to become the best of their nature.

>> No.10983044

i have a cock, i was not upset about th idea of penetrative sex, im upset because you people don’t think for yourselves at all and because this board is the last place on the internet to think besides private chat circles and its filled with drones who cannot reason at all. i want to die but i don’t want to retreat, its difficult

nothing to do with hating the body or anything, sex is fine

>> No.10983045

Absolutely this. I really hope no one on /lit/ takes these terms seriously in their real lives.

>> No.10983051

I never mentioned sex, I mentioned masculine and feminine traits.

>> No.10983064
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>> No.10983065

No, I know. I don’t want to explain what i typed up anymore at all. I have no idea why you would start shadow boxing when i’ve not even critiqued anything you people said. I made a long max character response that got deleted and right after, 3 idiot posts appeared, all of which were unthinking.

So, i have no desire to talk. Just call you shit caked monkey nigger faggot dogmen. that is all

>> No.10983075

It's a loaded term in the Attic Greek, and there's no sufficient translation. If you are too much of a brainlet to comprehend that, you do not belong here.

>> No.10983076

Are you the whiny dude from the Bolaño thread? Get help, man.

>> No.10983085

No i don’t like participating in most threads, i post 3-4 times a day, usually in the morning and late at night. I have never commented on Bolaño on this board and i’ve never spoken about personal problems on this board. You people are repulsive, almost as bad as my classmates and strangers of the same age as me, I hate most of you in a way you could never fathom. You are not bred to hate as intensely as I do, and that’s no fault of yours.

goodbye and remember to spread your asshole wide for Leviathan

>> No.10983099

>no mom, my thoughts are too complex to be expressed in anything but Attic Greek, you wouldn't understand

>> No.10983100

>goodbye and remember to spread your asshole wide for Leviathan
lol take care, Anon.

>> No.10983103

Yes he is 100% right

>> No.10983106

Their simply inferior to us as white men of logic and rationality

>> No.10983115

Cry some more baby boy maybe one day you'll realize you're not a snowflake.

>> No.10983122

these are french words, use english you pretentious faggot

>> No.10983140

hello monolingual brainlet

>> No.10983155
File: 186 KB, 867x1301, Vallejo, César - Complete Poetry (California, 2007).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was one thread like this one without /r9k/ storming in with their resentful theories. Do you guys have a bot that opens a thread on /r9k/ that links to every open thread on other boards that has the word 'woman' in the OP text?

Education doesn't guarantee you emotional stability. It doesn't guarantee you a stable relationship nor that you will have the will to overcome troublesome times with your partner, while you know that you have the option to simply opt out. Maybe someone who is less 'educated' (with this term I mean purely in a scholary sense), might be more emotionally mature than someone who has a fucking degree. A lot weight should be put on the word 'might' here and on the word 'certainly' in the sentence "A lot of women are certainly more emotionally mature than me." With 'me' I mean me, not you, who's reading this post right now.

That quote isn't a final statement, it's more like an observation that doesn't exclude the possibility of the other options being true too.

Furthermore. College is something you go to if you have the financial possibility. ..... okay this has a longer paragraph but I think it's fucking common knowledge.

>> No.10983162

you really are a try-hard pseud. just stop

>> No.10983217

Just imaging someone saying these words out loud is hilarious. Utterly pseud behaviour - cut it out.

>> No.10983225

Good post.

>> No.10983227
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Can't find a quote with Hesse saying that?

>> No.10983238

Its nice when your women acts like a women not a subpar man with pseud tastes

>> No.10983242

this comes from Greek btw. just like 'Logos'

>> No.10983254

....and is used and understood in a completely different way from the word 'Logos.' Stop coping.

>> No.10983272

no shit, they're two different words

>> No.10983273

not posting was an option you should've chosen about twenty minutes ago

>> No.10983282


>> No.10983311

I’m not sure. It’s a work of fiction after all.

>> No.10983333
