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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 113 KB, 790x960, btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10959632 No.10959632 [Reply] [Original]

Was Steinbeck a philospher? His books all seem to be focused around the individuals fighting moral battles

>> No.10959656

delete that image

>> No.10959723

didn't knew I was a gifted kif burnout clichee yes I used to have everything till last year
still got more than half
thanks anon

+ I don't know if it would be a praise calling him a philosopher. I mean, literature is far more subtle than moral philosophy when dealing with moral issues.
Also this is a common characteristic of modernist novel to treat about psychological / ethical issues most of the time, so I don't know whether it'd be specific to Steinbeck or not. Also, imo, the moral battles are ideological / historical one I think. There is something messianical in the struggle of individuals expressing certainty against corrupt society and values, more than any truth-seeking itinerary proper to a literary archetype seemingly to the philosopher's one, as in Bildungsroman.

>> No.10959746


>> No.10959791

>tfw triple bingo bongo

>> No.10959823
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>> No.10959843

change the title to creative kid burnout and then it's more accurate

>> No.10959851
File: 81 KB, 2048x2048, bugs..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sextuple bingo

>> No.10959862

This chart can catch out anyone. R-right guys..?

>> No.10960041

unironically you can found almost all of these traits in dfw bio

>> No.10960056

i dont feel compelled to drink outside social situations.
what is "existensial anxiety"? i think most people who use phrases like this and "crippling depression" are dullards.
weed smoking, no.
very critical of govt? in the most detached sense. not something i invest energy in.
>reads wikipedia articles in free time
f-fuck off.... i'm trying to migrate my attention to books and stanford wiki...

>> No.10960072

>everything except risk taking behavior and drinking

ummm, is there a way to, uh, fix this?
other than necking myself dfw-style, of course.

>> No.10960078

Everything, I tick every box

>> No.10960105

I only checked 7 not counting the free space.

>> No.10960123

>F.fuck off
I mostly read journal articles when I'm not on 4chan. Still I often read Wikipedia.
It's dank af brolombo, don't let no one keep ya dowm

>> No.10960159

I ticked every box but weed

>> No.10960179

>tfw gifted kid burnout but no bingo
what's up with all of the spaces for people who are needy and don't like to be challenged? is this for american self esteem movement "gifted" kids? it seems a bit "indigo child"

>> No.10960440


>> No.10960692

I wouldn't say I'm gifted. I am self aware enough to realise that the school environment probably suited me more than others. But that image is literally me.

Or maybe it is relatable for most males in our society. Why would I put in effort when women and chads get everything handed to them?

>> No.10960786

I told you not to post this. You've posted MY image too many times now. You didn't even rename it. btfo was my filename. I'll find you and rape you you little faggot

>> No.10960913

Literally all of these except the DSM and the weed one. I used to be a heavy smoker but I quit years ago.

>> No.10961315 [DELETED] 

there's literally nothing wrong with any of that

>> No.10961360

No, it catches out gifted kids, who burnt out.

>> No.10961387
File: 37 KB, 600x600, axNbo0pj_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I just scored a bingo across every row and column. I think I need help

>> No.10961396

this meme is great... the "gifted" at the top baits the nerd, then they realize they've met most traits for narcissistic personality disorder.

>> No.10961400
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>> No.10961406

>tfw last time I saw this I had 4 bingos
>tfw now 0

Feels good to have fixed myself, bros.

>> No.10961408

pick any contest and I will defeat you in it

>> No.10961422

chart was made by gaslighting sheepdog half the habits there are signs of vigor

>> No.10961477
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pizdec. Why you gotta do me like this, man

>> No.10961480

lol no they're not
way to cope, crazy

>> No.10961481
File: 208 KB, 790x960, 1523014956351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.10961549

>types like a nigger
>is afraid of not getting a degree
>thinks the government is good (this wasn't made by a liberal, not at all)
>always tired (i wonder if this is genetic and/or environmental and not ATTITUDINAL)
>risk taking behavior (masculine)
>always making excuses (this is what smart people do)
>issues with authortiy (having a sense of self, not being a bootlicking sniveling cow)
>learns in freetime (this is supposed to be bad)
>has a nocturnal schedule (again this is bad because you don't do work during the day, this chart was made by a slavish drone)
>not trying in mcuniversity is bad (because it devalues others' efforts and makes the uni look like more of a joke, every person who doesn't take a totem institute seriously degrades its prestige)
>feeling a sense of destiny (again an old affection which is good in every way)
>existential anxiety (ubiquitous and in line with the spirit of the age)
>DSM (pure pharmakos propaganda)
>need for validation (in a world which renders the individual a mere cog and does not afford opportunities through warfare or public politics to make a name for oneself as the ancients did)
>refuses to ask for help (this is a code for does not get medicated or does not let teachers and authority figures lead you around by the snout, not doing what you are told or expected)
>drinking (correlates with higehr iq)
>interest in psychology (all great men are interested in psychology)
>marijuana (correlates with openness)
>trust issues (stems from tumultuous upbringing which would be the sin of the parents or alternatively an intense entanglement with a member of the opposite sex, suggest higher potency existence, higher energy levels attained, tragedy, greatness, a heroic soul)


>> No.10961558
File: 14 KB, 480x319, 27655456_1589412414488803_9118749407789562093_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice... you've been brainwashed by the CIA shills on /pol/ to debase yourself.

>> No.10961570


>> No.10961612


>> No.10961632

>KGB, left deepstate pharmaco-propaganda, cattle behavior is ok because /pol/ exists and im scared of handsome, rougish white men or anything aggressive and unpredictable
>here let me post my kike mulatto gatekeeper simp from the kike vision latenight soma channel
>you must be a right wing nazi because you don't care for effeminate cathedral simplification of the human experience
it has no power over anyone, all signs are void in this age of the pale sun

>> No.10961645

good lord... black sun fags are the worst...

>> No.10961667

the black sun is an occult power its not what's ruling over this age at all. its weaker than at any point and can only be accessed by a dwindling number of people, as we shred the necessary genetic correlates it will become nigh inaccessible.

>> No.10961669
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>> No.10961675

The Black Sun is just another manifestation of Cronos, dildo-sucker.

We're all under Saturn's Domain, and will remain so for quite some time.

>> No.10961677


>> No.10961697

opinion discarded

>> No.10961701


>> No.10961704
File: 57 KB, 528x329, Pharmakos Virgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is simping nonsense from YT, read a book and don't speak to me again

>> No.10961713
File: 15 KB, 322x322, 1518237467238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

f-fuck off desu

>> No.10961715

This isn't nonsense, anon. It's Platonic ideals. Read Nietzsche, read about the cult of Dionysus, read Kant, Hegel... they all speak of a this religion that worship the Male Primordial Ancient Sun that was Saturn, and the Female Fluid of The Moon.

>> No.10961749

This applies to basically everyone ever. How many young adults do you think actually feel accomplished?

>> No.10961779

An interest in psychology has nothing to do with being self-absorbed. Weed in moderation is healthier than alcohol in moderation

>> No.10961851

Alcohol has a social aspect to it, lowers social inhibition, and if consumed in moderation, has health benefits.
Weed is mostly consumed alone, often for increasing enjoyment of passive media.
Any drug can have benefits, as long as it's in moderation and not just another form of escapism.

>An interest in psychology has nothing to do with being self-absorbed.

Most of the time it's an excuse for researching one's own neurosis and seldom an interest in other people.
Anxiety and depression often get better once you find a genuine interest in something else.

>> No.10961877
File: 773 KB, 1289x938, 1522352945962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no way off this ride

>> No.10961878

judging by this thread, the average age on /lit/ is 16

>> No.10961903

Nah, older than that. These sound like early 20's burnouts.

>> No.10961916

I have read those thinkers anon, save for Hegel I've been worried about looking at his work for fear of contamination. Saturn is not the hidden Sun, that's a gross simplification of ancient metaphysics and you don't know what you're talking about. Read more Qabalah and Theosophical literature, you'll understand why I think you're a rube. Moon isn't the only feminine aspect and has not exclusively been feminine, you're letting YouTube and /pol/ think for you. I'm aware of the Saturn cultists, the relationship with Yahweh, human sacrifice, castration and power. Zeus is identified with Jupiter, Indra is Ares, who is obviously Mars and was worshiped by the Aryans, especially the Scythians and Tocharians. there is much more to the occult cosmology than you've expressed here.
>Alcohol has a social aspect to it
yes so does Marijuana
>lowers social inhibition, and if consumed in moderation, has health benefits
only red wine has health benefits, and beer has not been proven to have significant benefits to health beyond better circulation which is counteracted by causing digestive and neurological disorder
>Weed is mostly consumed alone
this is simply not true at all
> often for increasing enjoyment of passive media.
Alcohol is the drink of choice for sporting and entertainment events. Going to a concert or movie theater is not active engagement with reality, if you think this, you are in no position to be determining what is good for the soul
>Any drug can have benefits, as long as it's in moderation and not just another form of escapism.
huffing computer duster or dosing up on BZ doesn't have health benefits
>Most of the time it's an excuse for researching one's own neurosis and seldom an interest in other people.
most of the time socializing is an excuse to not have a sense of self and to attain pleasure. We can both make gross speculation about why it is people do what they do. The difference is that we both obviously have seen what I allege and what you say cannot be proven by anything but indirect evidence, many are simply intrigued by the structure of the psyche, its not coincidental that you think mindless socializing and boozing is somehow good for a human while being fascinated with the mechanics of consciousness is pathological. I wonder what the connection is?
>Anxiety and depression often get better once you find a genuine interest in something else.
Or when you fall in love, or get a better job, or when your economy booms, or you win the lottery, or your mind-brain stabilizes for whatever reason.
the average age on /lit/ is confirmed to be 19 years old, but due to infantilizing school teachers and the degradation of the language/genetics of the race we are left with basically permanent adolescents who have no self respect

>> No.10961946

based, i started to type similar responses to >>10961851 but decided it's not worth it

>> No.10961958

You have not read those thinkers. All your proof is that you searched up Zeus, the son of Cronos.

Cronos is El, Cronos is the primordial beginnings of our entire sordid landscape. The Waters below and above, if you will.

You're a charlatan.

>> No.10961961

yeah I have noticed this extended adolescence too

>> No.10961962
File: 47 KB, 683x601, cd3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an "OP posts an image more interesting than his thread topic" episode

Always a crowd-pleaser.

>> No.10961964

>Read more Qabalah

What about the Kaballah? What is the Ein Sof in you're reckoning? How did that manifest in your gross understanding of Greek/Roman mythology?

>> No.10961971
File: 156 KB, 790x960, burnout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill me

>> No.10961982

>implying you're not some sad manchild

>> No.10961999
File: 302 KB, 790x960, 20180214_175305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna make it

>> No.10962009

>Going to a concert or movie theater is not active engagement with reality

Then what is? Meditating? Reading? Pretending you can penetrate other people's husks with words that can only capture a small semblance of what they really want to convey?

You really are a charlatan, man... thought processes of a child, coupled with looking up things on wikipedia.

>> No.10962010

Never thought I was gifted. Definitely destined to fail though.

>> No.10962023

Be honest, how many of you are /r9k/ crossboarders?

>> No.10962028

You guys do realize that, besides the people who exclusively shit post and don't read, we would all be friends irl. Kinda sad that I'm sitting here lonely af, and probably some of you are too, when we could not be. Lame

>> No.10962038

/x/ is the only other board I'm faithful too. I visit other boards, but I don't get all their jokes

>> No.10962039

I don't want to be friends with Occult Charlatans whose study is so entry level, that they can't realize that live music is among the most intimate experiences you can have with other people, given that our reality is a basis of vibrations flowing together, creating a pulse that breathes matter into existence... i.e, the Ein Sof of his precious Qabalah he tells people to read, despite not knowing the first fucking thing about it.

>> No.10962044

Nah I'm not that resentful and can realize most problems are my own

>> No.10962045

Unironically me

>Am I gonna make it
I hope

>> No.10962051

>I'm a pleb and not one of the people who provide quality posts
>everyone on /x/ is a charlattan
Woah there, buddy, you don't even know me. >>>/pol/

>> No.10962057

None of your posts were of any quality. You merely regurgitated Greek mythology that is taught in the ninth grade, while pushing forth your tepid qualifications for living a "proper life," and lying about reading The Talmud.

I'm not even from /pol/, buddy. Maybe you should actually try to read Ape Of Thoth's library, instead of lying about it.

>> No.10962060

Probably somewhat true :/

>> No.10962067

>None of my posts
What are you talking about?
I'm not pushing any proper life guide, and I'm not claiming to have read the Talmud
Also, I'm not saying you are from /pol/ you idiot, I'm saying the hasty generalization you made was /pol/esque

>> No.10962072

You told me to read more Kabbalah, which is a part of The Talmud.

You're really exposing yourself as a typical /x/ retard, bud.

>> No.10962074

I did not such thing! Tf

>> No.10962076

>abnormally large eyes
Jokes on you though i'm diagnosed

>> No.10962077

>>>Read more Qabalah and Theosophical literature, you'll understand why I think you're a rube


>> No.10962078

That's not me dude

>> No.10962082

dubs of the divine number 7 seals the fate of the /x/tard who didn't take his anti-psychotics today

>> No.10962086

>his precious Qabalah he tells people to read

Then why did you reply to my post specifically mentioning that about him?

Are you doing Damage Control now?

>> No.10962092

You are delusional!

This was my first post on the thread, then you responded to me with insults! Wtf. Sudoku to salvage your dignity

>> No.10962110

So that he can understand what the black sun is stops parroting YouTube, it has nothing to do with the Romans at all, and is significantly older than any organized religious cult, has been known about since the days of the land bridge
are you same fagging multiple times? No, anything besides going to an edm or hop concert or doing coke and taking shots is engaging with reality. sweeping up a stable or washing dishes is closer to the Real than being lost in consensus trance
never posted there, was absolutely appalled by the pedophilia on that board, /tv/ isn’t as bad
We really wouldn’t
>uses new age terminology
>listening to grinding music on mossad MDMA while you fuck someone else’s gf and pound beers with aluminum shavings in them is a higher state of consciousness
>repeats the same stupid fucking statement about Chronos being the black sun when that’s just something christfaggots and conspiratards came up with
>keeps talking about the Ain-Sof as if it has anything to do the planets that are assigned to the emanated sefira
the Qabalah predates the Talmud, Ares is Mars is Indra, Zeus is Jupiter and the God of patriarchal energy. Chronos is an entirely older order of deity and is not itself the Black sun, you’re just saying shit. No sources, nothing, but attacking like a lunatic
the Kabalah is not part of the Talmud and Greek qabalah predates Jewish Kabbala by almost a thousand years. Pythagoras understood it well before there was any such thing as Platonism to influence the Chaldean mysticism of the early rabbis

>> No.10962125

Lurk more, shitbag

You're blogposts are not welcome here; talk to a priest and hope he rapes you, that's the only way you van be of any use in this world

>> No.10962155

What's with you and Youtube? Seems like you're insane and projecting.

>are you same fagging multiple times? No, anything besides going to an edm or hop concert or doing coke and taking shots is engaging with reality. sweeping up a stable or washing dishes is closer to the Real than being lost in consensus trance
Who says anything about drugs? Again, projecting your own inane ideas of Degeneracy

I never once used New Age terminology; in fact a lot of these terms come from Eliphas Levi and the preceding German Occult exploration of the 20th century.

>>repeats the same stupid fucking statement about Chronos being the black sun when that’s just something christfaggots and conspiratards came up with
You're the best example of a conspiratards.

>>listening to grinding music on mossad MDMA while you fuck someone else’s gf and pound beers with aluminum shavings in them is a higher state of consciousness
I've never done MDMA before. Again, where are all these inane accusations coming from? Seems like you've been stockpiling /pol/ memes.

>>keeps talking about the Ain-Sof as if it has anything to do the planets that are assigned to the emanated sefira
You really are a charlatan if you think the most important Sefirot that represents the infinite waters of creation beneath the clockwork of the cosmos, then you flatout don't read any Kabbalah at all.

>the Kabalah is not part of the Talmud and Greek qabalah predates Jewish Kabbala by almost a thousand years. Pythagoras understood it well before there was any such thing as Platonism to influence the Chaldean mysticism of the early rabbis

Not true at all. |
1. Yes, it is in the Talmud
2. The "Greek Kaballah" is not anywhere near as fortified as the Jewish and Christian versions
3. Real Kaballah is a motley of Bacchean mysteries, hermecticism, and Gematria of your "Greek Qabalah"
4. So, there is not official "Qabalah" that predates the one found in the Talmud

You know nothing! You've probably scanned Manly P Hall's Secret Teachings once...

Just stop, you fucking idiot. You're just name dropping things that have nothing to do with each other at all. You talk of Pythagoras, yet reject the possibilities of sound's characteristics on mass human consciousness, like a crowd.

>> No.10962160

>if you think the most important Sefirot that represents the infinite waters of creation beneath the clockwork of the cosmos is completely benign***

>> No.10962215

the Saturn theory comes from YT university no one thinks that the Black sun is Saturn, not the Thule society and not the Alchemists of Europe

People at music festivals, country and electronic, hip hop and rock, are there to have sex and do drugs, binge drink. I don’t know how socially experienced you are, but this is precisely what occurs there and the thing being attacked was this behavior which is unthinking.

Eliphas Levi isn’t a good source, nor is alluding to the German occult convincing, post source from pre late 19th century or fuck off

You alleged we were in the age of Saturn which is conspiratard shit. Kali Yuga is attested in a 3000 year old spiritual text

MDMA is largely trafficked by Israeli-Russian mobsters and is the most common drug taken at music festivals besides marijuana, and alcohol

the Ain-Sof isn’t a sefira at all. the sefira emanate from the ain-sof-aur

The Zohar Sefira isn’t in the Talmud at all, its referenced loosely, it is not a part of the Talmud and is not important for most rabbinical authority to learn or memorize. Again, post a source that contradicts this common sense assumption of mine or fuck off.

The Greek mysteries and their chaldean-egyptian counterparts are the source of the Sephirot and the entire system of Gematria used by the Jews and Christfags

Real Qabalah comes from Greece and Egypt+Chaldea, the Bacchic mysteries are Roman and proceeded from the Eleusinian and Egyptian mystery schools. Those are significantly older and can be traced back to ancient Crete during the early Bronze Age and late Neolithic period. As I said they’re as old as Sapience and much of this was known about by Aryans and Semites in the oldest days of civilization. Chronos is not the Black Sun, the Black Sun is the preceding power before Kether, before Chronos, before any manifested region in the celestial hierarchy, its the Central Sun and the Divine vortex that all LHP adepts deal with. It isn’t connected with exoteric hierarchies like the pre-Olympian gods, which are elemental abstractions, the Black sun is not an elemental abstraction, its an intelligent principle that underlies Will itself and is Nietzsche’s hidden god which the Fascists divined from studying Nordic and Vedic esotericism

I never rejected the role of music in forming affects or causing alchemical transformations, I said that normalfags binging on Beer and taking ectasy while fucking each other at country, electronic and hip hop festivals is debased, and the original Eleusinian rites were not orgiastic at all, if anything they were austere solemn events, this changed with the birth of the Dionysus cult and then the Bacchic mutation.

Disgusting creature

>> No.10962232

> the Bacchic mysteries are Roman

They are not. Bacchus is Dionysus, and it all goes back to Greece. Saturn goes back the The Saturn Myth, a book from the 70s, and the Fraturnas Saturni, a German Secrety Society connected to Thule.

>> No.10962243

>Rejects Levi, the occultist that informed James Joyce, is alluded to by Pynchon

Dude.. you're a fucking narcissist, holy shit.

You're making connections where there are none.

>> No.10962251

>the Ain-Sof isn’t a sefira at all. the sefira emanate from the ain-sof-aur

It's becoming fairly obvious that I'm just alluding to thing, and you go and read up on them on wikipedia. Good... fall right into it, idiot.

>> No.10962270

>nor is alluding to the German occult convincing
>literally alludes to german occultism
>not the Thule society and not the Alchemists of Europe

You're making too many contradictions for anyone to take you seriously. Seems like the thought process of a man desperately trying to research to appear less like a charlatan.

>> No.10962276

i sort of want you to die right now

>> No.10962284

>reeee people are having fun and having sex
>I'm not tho... I just pretend to be an adept on /x/ every night
>tfw enlightened

literally kill yourself, you resentful twerp. You're a fraud and you know it.

>> No.10962330

You are pathetic

>> No.10962395

Bacchus is the Roman mutation of Dionysus which came from the Orphic and Eleusinian mystery cults which did not begin with being orgiastic public cults, they were private, connected to priestess hieratic orders and were solemn, ascetic traditions.

Again, cite something from before the 20th century which talks about Chronos being the Black Sun, the idea predates the New Age. I don't see any reason to equate these two without primary sources.
>It's becoming fairly obvious that I'm just alluding to thing, and you go and read up on them on wikipedia. Good... fall right into it, idiot.
the Ain-Sof is not a sephira at all the Kabbalist'st tree comes from the Ain-Sof and the Ain-Sof-Aur. They are not sefira
>reeee people are having fun and having sex
>I'm not tho... I just pretend to be an adept on /x/ every night
>tfw enlightened
I'm not even sure why you think I'm opposed to sex for pleasure, I oppose gross hedonistic cattle behavior, bonobo sociality, which is what this age perpetuates and which is what I associate with the end of a culture, which the Greeks exemplified by turning a previous austere religious rite into an excuse for debauchery, which the romans, a decadent culture, also attached to.
I've never posted on /x/, I've posted on /pol/ but only to tell them they're retarded niggers, never to contibute to the babble.
you're clearly angry with me for saying something off-handed about the Kali Yuga and the death of signification which you've turned into a campaign. I don't want to mimic you, but that seems resentful to me. Again, please provide some primary source documentation that shows the following:

the Ain-Sof is a sefira

Any mystical tradition outside the Bacchic-Dionysian orgy cult promotes unhinged hedonism

People who are profane and debased normalfags are not spiritually corrupted

That unhinged hedonism is not a sign of decadence

That Chronos is the Black Sun of the Alchemists and the Osirian power of the Black Sun from the Ancient Eurasians

and for fuck's sake stop samefagging, just consolidate your posts to one reply and then if you need more space put a continuity symbol so its easy to parse the body of thought.

You've a bizarre series of beliefs you hold, not all of them are wrong, but I've yet to meet someone who thought it was acceptable to have modern Newtonian-Lilith culture while also being vaguely acquainted with the mysteries and occult. Its a new species of anomalous human, which is interesting to me.

The aggression is a sign of a imbalance, I only ever said that the Black Sun was not Chronos or Saturn as that is a manifested planetary power and is usually associated with Binah and Daath with Pluto

The German occult could mean the alchemists of the middle ages and renaissance, it could mean the ariosophers or it could mean the 20th century esoteric hitlerists and thule society remnants. The original black sun was not associated with Saturn, it is pre-material and pre-solar

>> No.10962408

There was no Roman Mutation of Dionysus, you idiot... It's been like that far before the flood. The Orphic mysteries have nothing to do with it.

You're confusing it all with Ophite Gnosticism.

Just stop. I can't even untangle your level of confusion and schizophrenia in your posts, m8.

>> No.10962416

>I've yet to meet someone who thought it was acceptable to have modern Newtonian-Lilith culture while also being vaguely acquainted with the mysteries and occult.

So you're acquainted with Dionysus, yet condemn drug use and hedonism?

Back to /pol/ you bullshit occultist.

>> No.10962447

>There was no Roman Mutation of Dionysus, you idiot... It's been like that far before the flood
this is not true at all, the Eleusinian and Orphic mysteries predate the Bacchic cults. How many times do I need to tell you, they were not orgiastic, you drank wine and contemplated the divine, there was no sexual acts involved beyond possibly copulating with the high priestess who stood in for Demeter or Persephone, Dionysus was a new God that was previously only associated with merrymaking and ecstatic drunken states of divine inspiration, it was not till late into the history of the Greek religions, well after the Ionian settlement and Dorian invasion, that there was an orgiastic mystery cult which the Romans, being degenerates, picked up and adopted as an esoteric society for their political elites. Cite sources that dispute this.
>The Orphic mysteries have nothing to do with it.
Simply untrue, they are the source for the Bacchic and Dionysian cults, they are not separate at all.
>The Orphic mysteries have nothing to do with it.
No Ophite Gnosticism is a late development that ignored the Dionysian and Bacchic aspects of the cult. Phanes is literally part of the Dionysian Orphic hybrid faith you nigger, Protogonos is in a Dionysian hymn and that's Orphism. What a fucking faggot
Where am I confusing reality with fantasy? You respond to me like a wild banshee wraith spirit, you samefag over and over, you fly into a rage because I deny the connection between the Black Sun of the underworld which completely predates the Dionysian, Bacchic and Jewish along with the German occultist understandings, which the Mayans, the Egyptians, the Aryans and the native Pelasgians understood, and then the only thing you've cited is a late occult society which the Nazis banned in the 30's. Post an excerpt with its own citations and I will change my opinion, that's not Schizo, if anything i'd be talking like you are and not willing to be consistent or meticulous. You're sitting in the thread refreshing the page waiting for my responses and giving multiple replies when you could just calm down and give me complete thoughts. Its pure projection, which you already accused me of. You've even ignored most of what I said now.

>> No.10962465

The corruption predates a lot of what you're saying. It moved across civilizations via trade routes, buddy. Plato himself was initiated into the Mysteries of Isis. Maybe from what you've read you think that.

>> No.10962473

>So you're acquainted with Dionysus, yet condemn drug use and hedonism?
I take Nietzsche's Dionysus as something sacred that must be tempered with austerity or it will consume the soul. I've no loyalty to any particular tradition and I never post on /pol/ unless its to mess with them or lurk news threads. I have no political views they deem acceptable.
>bullshit occultist
occult is not a derogatory term, and I never even espoused a system. I said that Saturn is not the hidden sun, which would be Daath or something else entirely, I said that Greek Qabalah has its roots in Chaldea and Egypt and that it was already an advanced system taught to initiates, especially hermeticists, well before the Jews came into contact with it, they invented nothing, they merely hybridized the system with other forms of theurgy and divination, applying their scriptures to existing spiritual schools, and finally I said that Orpheus and before that, the Eleusinian Mysteries which are Minoan, which is Pelasgian, which is extremely ancient, dating back possibly 4-6k years, are the roots of the Dionysus mystery school which mutated into an even more debased form of spirituality which was the Bacchic rites and Saturnalia. These things are late developments, the original faith deals with Persephone-Demeter and really Osiris-Isis, hence Godesses administering the passage of souls into Hades or and they are reborn through the light of a hidden spiritual power, the Black Sun, Osiris, Daath

>> No.10962477

The Cup of Monad, the base of all those mysteries rooted in Hermes' first contact tens of thousands of years ago, in the Hermetica laid bare all those horrendous practices that you think didn't happen. What is wine a symbol of?

>> No.10962522

>What is wine a symbol of?
the blood of the hidden God, taking part in the sacred Gnosis and being at-one'd with the Divinity, literally becoming a house of Divine power. Which was practiced among the Eleusinian cultists, you absolutely were not then asked to have deranged orgies. That came later and is congruent with the degeneration of a teaching into cultist exotericism which is oriented towards mind control and debasing humanity, its a sign that something evil slipped into the rituals and is being worshiped. The grape vine and fruits of the earth were associated with Demeter long before Dionysus was created. Again, the cult of the Minoans was austere, you contemplated in a state of rapture, probably some form of hallucinogen was also drunk and this resulted in contact with the godhead and an instantiation of divine power, a rebirth of the soul, or to put it bluntly, a dead husk of a thing became a Star, a living Mind was born in the depths. the myth of Osiris perfectly illustrates this as does the story of Persephone and Demeter. All of these are so much older than Dionysus, why are we talking about the Bacchics, they are a late, corrupted development. Debauched sexuality is always harshly restrained in the early stages of any religious esotericism. Its only later, that you get things like Crowley, Levi, Evola where fucking like animals is considered a holy rite. Even tantra did not show up until the Vedic society was dead and the Aryans subsumed by the Drav bugs. Jewish mysticism was originally breakaway Rabbis befriending and learning from Pythagorean-Hermetists and Egyptian priests of the New Kingdom and then morphed into the witchcraft of the Kabbalah as the Talmud was formulated and eventually became a disgusting parody of an esoteric tradition which is associated with pure evil behavior

The Tavistock-MKULTRA dionysian orgies of the modern musical festivals are not pure, they are not anything to do with the Real. And my original reference was taking the Kali Yuga and Baudrillard's idea of the death of the sign and signified into mind and also Nietzsche's age of exhaustion and the Last Men.

I've no jealousy for people who have sex, I can have sex if I want to, no troubles there, I was not badly made. What disturbs me is the insanity of the people who go to these things and their unthinking, robotic speech patterns and programmed belief systems. That's troubling to me. Revelry was always avoided by esoteric initiates, there were sometimes sexual unions involved. The Gnostics sometimes incorporated this, the Orphics and Eleusinian Demeter worshippers also sometimes had sex with the high priest(ess) but this was an isolated, totally controlled event, not wild debauchery, not a cult that plebs and aristocrats can use as a getaway from their daily lives. It had serious power and was a rarity. The Bacchic rites were orgies and devices for black mail and intelligence networks, brain washing and implicating people in crimes

>> No.10962524

totally underrated

>> No.10962529

and now what is Adrenochrome? Do they really need to instill terror for the most in the blood?

They've been doing this since before the Great Flood, anon.

>> No.10962556

I don't know because I've only heard 20th century theories about this. I would assume that there was an element in some ancient cults of torture and human sacrifice, maybe the Eleusinian mysteries had an element of this, I've seen some evidence this may have been the case, no evidence at all for orgies. I'm aware the elites have been drinking blood and torturing people for a long time, but the priestarchy and the ruling class are not the same sub-species at all and I believe the Arean-Martian military cults like Indra-Agni involve this kind of behavior more blatantly than other ritual societies do. Its all speculation, we only have fragments of the most ancient Vedic and Greco-Egyptian rites.

I get what you are getting at, and I get the idea of a pre-deluvian blood theocracy, I do not want to speculate wildly. Its best to go with what is available. There is vague allusion to a possible human sacrifice in the eleusinian mysteries, I have not heard of this with the Osirian mysteries or from the Vedics. The idea of torturing a pure child or virgin youth of either gender, doing horrible things to them, then eating them or exsanguinating them has some merit, and seems to be something that Jews, German occultists, and Royal Masonic oriented societies have practiced for a long time. Again, this is all speculation. The difference between me and /x/ or /pol/ is that while I believe there is something evil going on in those Black Forest and Lorraine mansions, I am not willing to say what it is, or exactly where it came from. A Saturn cult would likely involve eating children right? A cult of divine blood might involve drinking pure blood yes? It could also involve eating bread or drinking wine with hallucinogens in it. Do we know or are we speculating?

>> No.10962703
File: 12 KB, 420x430, 1502090788877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very critical of gov't
I guess you can put it that way.

>> No.10962736

> and that's a good thing!

>> No.10962764

>tfw interested in psychology for both reasons because I'm anxious and autistic

>> No.10962767
File: 203 KB, 790x960, 1523014956351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not a trust fund baby

>> No.10962816

Are you me? I don't think we're ever gonna make it...

>> No.10962822

>Not a trust fund baby
>No issues with authority
Ohhhhhhhhhh boyy

>> No.10962941

>famous authors read some fag so he's correct/worth paying attention to
nice one retard. how many famous authors are obsessed with bizarro fringe fucks

>> No.10963477
File: 40 KB, 720x736, 1518858447421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr bizaro fringe guy head of the hermetic sphere at the time hurrr

>> No.10963611

former giftedkidburnout here

pro tips:
>quit all substances
>go 2 therapy
>set goals

its as easy as that kids

>> No.10963629

A lot of these apply to me but I didn’t get a single Bingo.

>> No.10963643
File: 121 KB, 790x960, EA1D918A-A5C0-415F-8C84-EF6FAB7CCBBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10963658

How the fuck can one chart know me so well.

Im kms

>> No.10963676

therapy never did anything for me, but i always liked going to the gym

>> No.10963713

this is more like the 'highschool loner's existential crisis' starter pack

>> No.10963950

That image hurts worse everytime i see it

>> No.10963976

Psychobabble is anything but the sign of 'gifts'. It's the sign of a teenage girl or gayboi

>> No.10963995

it was specifically designed to harm as many people's psyches as possible who might post here. you could make one for liberal strivers or conservative frat faggots or dirtbag druggie Chad's or sluts or prudish bookish nerd girls. Its not hard at all. Stereotypes are vaguely accurate and people feel the need to over emphasize any stereotyped behavior they partake in over time. Giving it power is a sign of mental weakness, as I said above, half the things on that chart are not vices or are in fact virtues in this age. Its just some sheepdog trying to police people for not being robopathic.

>> No.10964226

Honest kek

>> No.10964229

Why most of these are fairly age neutral

>> No.10964232

Most of those are a product of the current generation, primarily due to poor parenting

>> No.10964241
File: 235 KB, 430x404, dsfafa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That chart actually describes some of you lol wtf thats pathetic

>> No.10964260

That chart casts a fairly wide net and is bound to catch most people.

>> No.10964321
File: 49 KB, 1360x772, IMG_5990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these unmotivated brainlets who think they had "potential"
you were never there to begin with

>> No.10964445
File: 37 KB, 586x578, 1522699216263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le pseud quotation

>> No.10964464


>> No.10964470
File: 836 KB, 876x887, Steven_Pinker_Göttingen_10102010c_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you defend capitalism even though it produces droves of young people that fit that bingo criteria

Must suck to be a fraud

>> No.10964474


>> No.10964519
File: 440 KB, 639x595, ergaegrge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least theres a lot of other gifted kid burnouts on here. needs a box for adderall though

>> No.10964547

>Reading random useless Wikipedia articles

>> No.10964603

>random, useless
>when talking about any
nice strawman, fag

tell me about someone who uses wikipedia in his non-spare time.

>> No.10964617

this is the intp bingo

>> No.10964644
File: 388 KB, 790x960, 2018-04-07_03.40.30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got through being edgy and rebellious in a hurry when I was a teenager and now I just sit around and shitpost arrogantly while waiting to die.

>> No.10964667


>> No.10964672
File: 657 KB, 1644x1370, 2018-04-07_03.50.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joke's on you I'm diagnosed

>> No.10964687

Most of these are incredibly general and apply to most people, then the oddly specific rest (eyes, can't understand what is wrong with them, says inappropriate nonsensical things) is added for effect. Pass.

>> No.10965998

delete all images itt
or just delete the thread and 4chan desu