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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 211 KB, 900x750, vladimir-nabokov-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10943059 No.10943059 [Reply] [Original]

Is he, dare I say it, the GOAT?

>> No.10943101

Boring. Mediocre. Means nothing to me

>> No.10944836

He's one of the greats, but not the GOAT

>> No.10944879

Rich language. Clever use of wordplay. Inconsequential narratives. A stylist.

>> No.10944885

Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. Some of his scenes are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes his reactionary journalism seriously.

>> No.10944921

this is his opinion on dosto

>> No.10944924


>> No.10944928

more like astooge

>> No.10944933

kek I legitimately can't tell sometimes when people are giving sincere criticisms or impersonating Nabokov

>> No.10944942

You're joking, right? This is the exact criticism Nabokov had on Dostoevsky.

>> No.10944947

I know, but it still slips under my radar on first reading

>> No.10945009

clever ideas, pretty decent prose but all in all
>Second-rate, ephemeral, puffed-up. A nonentity, means absolutely nothing to me
unironically this

>> No.10945019

>pretty decent prose
>pretty decent
This board is fucking ridiculous

>> No.10945023


>> No.10945094

>pretty decent prose
let's see who's prose you consider to be good, anon, do tell us..

>> No.10945132

>Means nothing to me
yet, you are imitating him

>> No.10945158

I prefer reading Nabokov to just about anyone else and I've read most of his books, but I wouldn't consider him my favourite writer. Even when you dig deep you find he's a little shallow.

>> No.10945177

A favourite between the ages of 12 and 15, but not after.

>> No.10945188

>he's a little shallow.
Yes, exactly, that's the word. He's like a crystal palace.

>> No.10945191

>reading Lolita at 12

>> No.10945192

>but I wouldn't consider him my favourite writer

Who would that be out of interest?

>> No.10945203
File: 56 KB, 621x702, vO7lRZ7.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duurr he is shallow becuz he doesn't tell me how to live my lyfe

>> No.10945213


He is shallow because aesthetic sense is all he has, and that is no substitute for depth.

>> No.10945214

Joyce, but I've been reading more Goethe and he's moving up.

>> No.10945221

Nabokov has plenty of depth, you're just a classic surface reader who is lured in by the pretty prose and can't dig deeper

>> No.10945252

Is Lolita an allegory of how old Europe is lusting after young America?

>> No.10945274

Nah its about how 12 year olds are really hot

>> No.10945367


>> No.10945472
File: 39 KB, 216x291, Nabokov1-ydua3u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goethe even approaching the heights of Joyce
I urge you to reconsider

>> No.10945479

poor form
this >>10945213 and you really can't argue beyond this unless you're a shallow narcissist bourgeois bug, which he was, look at the physiognomy, academic parasite orangutan

>> No.10945497

Ok, I will because you gave me this rare Nab. If that even is him.

>> No.10945498

>unless you're a shallow narcissist bourgeois bug

Literally me

>> No.10945512
File: 8 KB, 205x300, lit-nabokov-9908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the man himself

>> No.10945684

looks like my grandfather but more perverted-looking lol

>> No.10945696

>It's another episode of imbecile thinks Nabokov is "style over substance"
I want every single one of you retards exterminated

>> No.10945719

>I read for academic generalisations instead of aesthetics

Hope none of you do this

>> No.10945785

most of /lit/ are just philistines who read to look smart rather than aesthetic pleasure

>> No.10945821

you’re just a refined tavern dweller, you’re a spiritual alcoholic. nothing justified has anything to do with aesthetics, aesthetics result from knowledge of the Good, the reverse is satanic.

>> No.10945871

you're a third rate hog of a reader, wallowing in his own filth while the true artists create life

>> No.10945939


>> No.10945943

imagine unironically thinking this

>> No.10945973

there's nothing living in the dead letter anon, that you think inanimate objects have the same vitality as living minds is revealing. the amoral aesthete is just a parodic shadow of an enlightened human, you can't ever approximate the force of a will unbounded by convention or standards of beauty. Beauty is an unimportant consequence of health, of an invigorated soul, which Nabokov could not, did not, and was averse to having

>> No.10946099
File: 803 KB, 1218x1015, incredible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10946418

horrid post desu

>> No.10946445

Unbearably pretentious. Talentless hack. Needs to be killed

>> No.10946456

>Beauty is an unimportant consequence of health,
kek i will be using this to antagonize people

>> No.10946471

that you put incorrect inferences in to people's mouths is revealing

>> No.10946472

“People don’t talk like that!” His face was red with anger. “People don’t act like that!”
He closed the book and slammed it on the table.
“Children! Come here! Your father wants a word.”
Two young faces peered through the crack in the door. Nabakov spat out an expletive and waved them in. “Ivan! Petryana! Daddy has a gift for you.”
He flung the book across the room at his children, with little caution. Young Ivan picked it up and read the cover.
The Idiot

By Fyodor Dostoyevsky

The two had gone through this rigmarole before. “Father, we already read this! It was really quite good, and so what if Dostoevsky is a better writer than you? You are the greatest living Russian writer, isn’t that enough?”
“Shut up!”
“Shut up! Liars! I can’t believe I’ve raised two liars, I’ve harbored two liars in my house! God is laughing at me, spiteful God! He read my vanity and sent me two horrible children! A death sentence! He’s given me a death sentence, for I shall die from shame.
How can you like Dostoevsky? His characters, they’re completely unrealistic! Great writer? Better writer? You make me laugh! Ha ha!”
Petryana slowly started backing from the room. The children had seen their father rage before, yes, but never this much. Nabakov was waving his arms back and forth in angry discourse, knocking over lamps and piles of paper. He saw them cower in fear and turned pale.
“No, no! Don’t be scared. Daddy is okay. Daddy is healthy. Come here, come here young ones!”
They reluctantly walked towards him. Ivan closed the door. He thought nobody should see his father in such a disgraceful state.
“Petryana, come closer. Hold this. Isn’t it big? Ivan! Ivan, Ivan, Iv… Fyodor, take off your pants. Let’s compare sizes!”
“Don’t you see Nastasya, don’t you see how much larger I am compared to this boy? Don’t you see, I’m much better than Dostoevsky. Come here, won’t you enjoy my manhood?”
“Father, please! This is impure!
“Shut up you capricious whore! Shut up! Oh, what’ll I do to you, you disgraceful liars. Fyodor, you’re dismissed. I trust you enjoyed meeting a superior man, an uberman. Nastasya, come closer, let me see what you’re hiding under your dress…”
The screen fades to black.

>> No.10946475

Is it true he jerked off to cockroaches?

>> No.10946476

Nabokov only had one son, fool

>> No.10946490

no but he was a huge beta and his wife wore the trousers in the relationship, she used to make decisions most for him and tell him what to write

also she had to drive him everywhere because he couldn't learn how to drive

>> No.10948170

Sounds pretty alpha to me. Wish I had an attentive wife to take care of mundane considerations for me

>> No.10948186

only plebs drive themselves

>> No.10948193

my fellow patricians

>> No.10948513
